- name: "Create volume group on first disk" lvg: vg: testvg pvs: "{{ loop_device1.stdout }}" - name: Gets current vg size shell: vgs -v testvg -o pv_size --noheading --units b | xargs register: cmd_result - name: Assert the testvg size is 8388608B assert: that: - "'8388608B' == cmd_result.stdout" - name: Increases size in file command: "dd if=/dev/zero bs=8MiB count=1 of={{ remote_tmp_dir }}/img1 conv=notrunc oflag=append" - name: "Reread size of file associated with loop_device1" command: "losetup -c {{ loop_device1.stdout }}" - name: "Reruns lvg with pvresize:no" lvg: vg: testvg pvs: "{{ loop_device1.stdout }}" pvresize: no register: cmd_result - assert: that: - cmd_result is not changed - name: Gets current vg size shell: vgs -v testvg -o pv_size --noheading --units b | xargs register: cmd_result - name: Assert the testvg size is still 8388608B assert: that: - "'8388608B' == cmd_result.stdout" - name: "Reruns lvg with pvresize:yes and check_mode:yes" lvg: vg: testvg pvs: "{{ loop_device1.stdout }}" pvresize: yes check_mode: yes register: cmd_result - name: Assert that the module returned the state was changed assert: that: - cmd_result is changed - name: Gets current vg size shell: vgs -v testvg -o pv_size --noheading --units b | xargs register: cmd_result - name: Assert the testvg size is still 8388608B assert: that: - "'8388608B' == cmd_result.stdout" - name: "Reruns lvg with pvresize:yes" lvg: vg: testvg pvs: "{{ loop_device1.stdout }}" pvresize: yes - name: Gets current vg size shell: vgs -v testvg -o pv_size --noheading --units b | xargs register: cmd_result - name: Assert the testvg size is now 16777216B assert: that: - "'16777216B' == cmd_result.stdout"