--- # By installing e2fsprogs on FreeBSD, we get a usable blkid command, but this # package conflicts with util-linux, that provides blkid too, but also wipefs # (required for filesystem state=absent). - name: "Install filesystem tools" ansible.builtin.package: name: '{{ item }}' state: present # xfsprogs on OpenSUSE requires Python 3, skip this for our newer Py2 OpenSUSE builds when: not (item == 'xfsprogs' and ansible_os_family == 'Suse' and ansible_python.version.major == 2 and ansible_distribution_major_version|int != 42) with_items: - e2fsprogs - xfsprogs - name: "Install btrfs progs" ansible.builtin.package: name: btrfs-progs state: present when: - ansible_os_family != 'Suse' - not (ansible_distribution == 'Ubuntu' and ansible_distribution_version is version('16.04', '<=')) - ansible_system != "FreeBSD" - not (ansible_facts.os_family == "RedHat" and ansible_facts.distribution_major_version is version('8', '>=')) - name: "Install btrfs tools (Ubuntu <= 16.04)" ansible.builtin.package: name: btrfs-tools state: present when: - ansible_distribution == 'Ubuntu' - ansible_distribution_version is version('16.04', '<=') - name: "Install btrfs progs (OpenSuse)" ansible.builtin.package: name: '{{ item }}' state: present when: ansible_os_family == 'Suse' with_items: - python{{ ansible_python.version.major }}-xml - btrfsprogs - name: "Install reiserfs utils (Fedora)" ansible.builtin.package: name: reiserfs-utils state: present when: - ansible_distribution == 'Fedora' - name: "Install reiserfs (OpenSuse)" ansible.builtin.package: name: reiserfs state: present when: - ansible_os_family == 'Suse' - name: "Install reiserfs progs (Debian and more)" ansible.builtin.package: name: reiserfsprogs state: present when: - ansible_system == 'Linux' - ansible_os_family not in ['Suse', 'RedHat'] - name: "Install reiserfs progs (FreeBSD)" ansible.builtin.package: name: progsreiserfs state: present when: - ansible_system == 'FreeBSD' - name: "Install ocfs2 (Debian)" ansible.builtin.package: name: ocfs2-tools state: present when: ansible_os_family == 'Debian' - name: "Install f2fs tools and get version" when: - ansible_os_family != 'RedHat' or ansible_distribution == 'Fedora' - ansible_distribution != 'Ubuntu' or ansible_distribution_version is version('16.04', '>=') - ansible_system != "FreeBSD" block: - name: "Install f2fs tools" ansible.builtin.package: name: f2fs-tools state: present - name: "Fetch f2fs version" ansible.builtin.command: cmd: mkfs.f2fs /dev/null changed_when: false ignore_errors: true register: mkfs_f2fs - name: "Record f2fs_version" ansible.builtin.set_fact: f2fs_version: '{{ mkfs_f2fs.stdout | regex_search("F2FS-tools: mkfs.f2fs Ver:.*") | regex_replace("F2FS-tools: mkfs.f2fs Ver: ([0-9.]+) .*", "\1") }}' - name: "Install dosfstools and lvm2 (Linux)" ansible.builtin.package: name: '{{ item }}' with_items: - dosfstools - lvm2 when: ansible_system == 'Linux' - name: "Install fatresize and get version" when: - ansible_system == 'Linux' - ansible_os_family != 'Suse' - ansible_os_family != 'RedHat' or (ansible_distribution == 'CentOS' and ansible_distribution_version is version('7.0', '==')) block: - name: "Install fatresize" ansible.builtin.package: name: fatresize state: present - name: "Fetch fatresize version" ansible.builtin.command: cmd: fatresize --help changed_when: false register: fatresize - name: "Record fatresize_version" ansible.builtin.set_fact: fatresize_version: '{{ fatresize.stdout_lines[0] | regex_search("[0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+") }}' - name: "Fetch e2fsprogs version" ansible.builtin.command: cmd: mke2fs -V changed_when: false register: mke2fs - name: "Record e2fsprogs_version" ansible.builtin.set_fact: # mke2fs 1.43.6 (29-Aug-2017) e2fsprogs_version: '{{ mke2fs.stderr_lines[0] | regex_search("[0-9]{1,2}\.[0-9]{1,2}(\.[0-9]{1,2})?") }}' - name: "Set version-related facts to skip further tasks" ansible.builtin.set_fact: # http://e2fsprogs.sourceforge.net/e2fsprogs-release.html#1.43 # Mke2fs no longer complains if the user tries to create a file system # using the entire block device. force_creation: "{{ e2fsprogs_version is version('1.43', '<') }}" # Earlier versions have a segfault bug resize_vfat: "{{ fatresize_version|default('0.0') is version('1.0.4', '>=') }}"