--- - name: 'Recreate "disk" file' community.general.filesize: path: '{{ image_file }}' size: '{{ fssize }}M' force: true - name: 'Create a minix filesystem' ansible.builtin.command: cmd: 'mkfs.minix {{ dev }}' - name: 'Get UUID of the new filesystem' ansible.builtin.shell: cmd: "{{ get_uuid_cmd }}" changed_when: false register: uuid - name: "Check that an existing filesystem (not handled by this module) isn't overwritten when force isn't used" community.general.filesystem: dev: '{{ dev }}' fstype: '{{ fstype }}' register: fs_result ignore_errors: True - name: 'Get UUID of the filesystem' ansible.builtin.shell: cmd: "{{ get_uuid_cmd }}" changed_when: false register: uuid2 - name: 'Assert that module failed and filesystem UUID is not changed' ansible.builtin.assert: that: - 'fs_result is failed' - 'uuid.stdout == uuid2.stdout' - name: "Check that an existing filesystem (not handled by this module) is overwritten when force is used" community.general.filesystem: dev: '{{ dev }}' fstype: '{{ fstype }}' force: yes register: fs_result2 - name: 'Get UUID of the new filesystem' ansible.builtin.shell: cmd: "{{ get_uuid_cmd }}" changed_when: false register: uuid3 - name: 'Assert that module succeeded and filesystem UUID is changed' ansible.builtin.assert: that: - 'fs_result2 is success' - 'fs_result2 is changed' - 'uuid2.stdout != uuid3.stdout'