- name: Launch Instance
    group_id: 'sg-07bb906d' # jenkins-slave_new
    count: 1
    instance_type: 'm3.large'
    image: '{{ item.image }}'
    wait: true
    region: 'us-east-1'
    keypair: '{{ keypair }}'
    aws_access_key: "{{ aws_access_key|default(lookup('env', 'AWS_ACCESS_KEY')) }}"
    aws_secret_key: "{{ aws_secret_key|default(lookup('env', 'AWS_SECRET_KEY')) }}"
      jenkins: jenkins_ansible_pr_test
  register: ec2
  with_items: slaves
# We could do an async here, that would speed things up

- name: Wait for SSH
    host: "{{ item['instances'][0]['public_ip'] }}"
    port: 22
    delay: 10
    timeout: 320
    state: started
  with_items: ec2.results

- name: Wait a little longer for centos
  pause: seconds=20

- name: Add hosts group temporary inventory group with pem path
    name: "{{ item.1.platform }}-{{ ec2.results[item.0]['instances'][0]['public_ip'] }}"
    groups: dynamic_hosts
    ansible_ssh_host: "{{ ec2.results[item.0]['instances'][0]['public_ip'] }}"
    ansible_ssh_private_key_file: '{{ pem_path }}'
    ansible_ssh_user: "{{ item.1.ssh_user }}"
    ec2_vars: "{{ ec2.results[item.0]['instances'][0] }}"
    ec2_instance_ids: "{{ ec2.results[item.0]['instance_ids'] }}"
  with_indexed_items: slaves