#!/usr/bin/python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # # Copyright (c) 2016, Roman Belyakovsky <ihryamzik () gmail.com> # GNU General Public License v3.0+ (see LICENSES/GPL-3.0-or-later.txt or https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.txt) # SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function __metaclass__ = type DOCUMENTATION = ''' --- module: interfaces_file short_description: Tweak settings in /etc/network/interfaces files extends_documentation_fragment: files description: - Manage (add, remove, change) individual interface options in an interfaces-style file without having to manage the file as a whole with, say, M(ansible.builtin.template) or M(ansible.builtin.assemble). Interface has to be presented in a file. - Read information about interfaces from interfaces-styled files options: dest: type: path description: - Path to the interfaces file default: /etc/network/interfaces iface: type: str description: - Name of the interface, required for value changes or option remove address_family: type: str description: - Address family of the interface, useful if same interface name is used for both inet and inet6 option: type: str description: - Name of the option, required for value changes or option remove value: type: str description: - If I(option) is not presented for the I(interface) and I(state) is C(present) option will be added. If I(option) already exists and is not C(pre-up), C(up), C(post-up) or C(down), it's value will be updated. C(pre-up), C(up), C(post-up) and C(down) options can't be updated, only adding new options, removing existing ones or cleaning the whole option set are supported backup: description: - Create a backup file including the timestamp information so you can get the original file back if you somehow clobbered it incorrectly. type: bool default: false state: type: str description: - If set to C(absent) the option or section will be removed if present instead of created. default: "present" choices: [ "present", "absent" ] notes: - If option is defined multiple times last one will be updated but all will be deleted in case of an absent state requirements: [] author: "Roman Belyakovsky (@hryamzik)" ''' RETURN = ''' dest: description: destination file/path returned: success type: str sample: "/etc/network/interfaces" ifaces: description: interfaces dictionary returned: success type: complex contains: ifaces: description: interface dictionary returned: success type: dict contains: eth0: description: Name of the interface returned: success type: dict contains: address_family: description: interface address family returned: success type: str sample: "inet" method: description: interface method returned: success type: str sample: "manual" mtu: description: other options, all values returned as strings returned: success type: str sample: "1500" pre-up: description: list of C(pre-up) scripts returned: success type: list sample: - "route add -net gw dev eth1" - "route add -net gw dev eth2" up: description: list of C(up) scripts returned: success type: list sample: - "route add -net gw dev eth1" - "route add -net gw dev eth2" post-up: description: list of C(post-up) scripts returned: success type: list sample: - "route add -net gw dev eth1" - "route add -net gw dev eth2" down: description: list of C(down) scripts returned: success type: list sample: - "route del -net gw dev eth1" - "route del -net gw dev eth2" ... ''' EXAMPLES = ''' - name: Set eth1 mtu configuration value to 8000 community.general.interfaces_file: dest: /etc/network/interfaces.d/eth1.cfg iface: eth1 option: mtu value: 8000 backup: true state: present register: eth1_cfg ''' import os import re import tempfile from ansible.module_utils.basic import AnsibleModule from ansible.module_utils.common.text.converters import to_bytes def line_dict(line): return {'line': line, 'line_type': 'unknown'} def make_option_dict(line, iface, option, value, address_family): return {'line': line, 'iface': iface, 'option': option, 'value': value, 'line_type': 'option', 'address_family': address_family} def get_option_value(line): patt = re.compile(r'^\s+(?P<option>\S+)\s+(?P<value>\S?.*\S)\s*$') match = patt.match(line) if not match: return None, None return match.group("option"), match.group("value") def read_interfaces_file(module, filename): with open(filename, 'r') as f: return read_interfaces_lines(module, f) def _is_line_processing_none(first_word): return first_word in ("source", "source-dir", "source-directory", "auto", "no-auto-down", "no-scripts") or first_word.startswith("auto-") def read_interfaces_lines(module, line_strings): lines = [] ifaces = {} iface_name = None address_family = None currif = {} currently_processing = None for i, line in enumerate(line_strings): words = line.split() if not words or words[0].startswith("#"): lines.append(line_dict(line)) continue if words[0] == "mapping": lines.append(line_dict(line)) currently_processing = "MAPPING" elif _is_line_processing_none(words[0]): lines.append(line_dict(line)) currently_processing = "NONE" elif words[0] == "iface": currif = { "pre-up": [], "up": [], "down": [], "post-up": [] } iface_name = words[1] try: currif['address_family'] = words[2] except IndexError: currif['address_family'] = None address_family = currif['address_family'] try: currif['method'] = words[3] except IndexError: currif['method'] = None ifaces[iface_name] = currif lines.append({'line': line, 'iface': iface_name, 'line_type': 'iface', 'params': currif, 'address_family': address_family}) currently_processing = "IFACE" else: if currently_processing == "IFACE": option_name, value = get_option_value(line) # TODO: if option_name in currif.options lines.append(make_option_dict(line, iface_name, option_name, value, address_family)) if option_name in ["pre-up", "up", "down", "post-up"]: currif[option_name].append(value) else: currif[option_name] = value elif currently_processing == "MAPPING": lines.append(line_dict(line)) elif currently_processing == "NONE": lines.append(line_dict(line)) else: module.fail_json(msg="misplaced option %s in line %d" % (line, i + 1)) return lines, ifaces def set_interface_option(module, lines, iface, option, raw_value, state, address_family=None): value = str(raw_value) changed = False iface_lines = [item for item in lines if "iface" in item and item["iface"] == iface] if address_family is not None: iface_lines = [item for item in iface_lines if "address_family" in item and item["address_family"] == address_family] if not iface_lines: # interface not found module.fail_json(msg="Error: interface %s not found" % iface) iface_options = [il for il in iface_lines if il['line_type'] == 'option'] target_options = [io for io in iface_options if io['option'] == option] if state == "present": if not target_options: # add new option last_line_dict = iface_lines[-1] return add_option_after_line(option, value, iface, lines, last_line_dict, iface_options, address_family) if option in ["pre-up", "up", "down", "post-up"] and all(ito['value'] != value for ito in target_options): return add_option_after_line(option, value, iface, lines, target_options[-1], iface_options, address_family) # if more than one option found edit the last one if target_options[-1]['value'] != value: changed = True target_option = target_options[-1] old_line = target_option['line'] old_value = target_option['value'] address_family = target_option['address_family'] prefix_start = old_line.find(option) option_len = len(option) old_value_position = re.search(r"\s+".join(map(re.escape, old_value.split())), old_line[prefix_start + option_len:]) start = old_value_position.start() + prefix_start + option_len end = old_value_position.end() + prefix_start + option_len line = old_line[:start] + value + old_line[end:] index = len(lines) - lines[::-1].index(target_option) - 1 lines[index] = make_option_dict(line, iface, option, value, address_family) return changed, lines if state == "absent": if target_options: if option in ["pre-up", "up", "down", "post-up"] and value is not None and value != "None": for target_option in [ito for ito in target_options if ito['value'] == value]: changed = True lines = [ln for ln in lines if ln != target_option] else: changed = True for target_option in target_options: lines = [ln for ln in lines if ln != target_option] return changed, lines def add_option_after_line(option, value, iface, lines, last_line_dict, iface_options, address_family): # Changing method of interface is not an addition if option == 'method': changed = False for ln in lines: if ln.get('line_type', '') == 'iface' and ln.get('iface', '') == iface and value != ln.get('params', {}).get('method', ''): changed = True ln['line'] = re.sub(ln.get('params', {}).get('method', '') + '$', value, ln.get('line')) ln['params']['method'] = value return changed, lines last_line = last_line_dict['line'] prefix_start = last_line.find(last_line.split()[0]) suffix_start = last_line.rfind(last_line.split()[-1]) + len(last_line.split()[-1]) prefix = last_line[:prefix_start] if not iface_options: # interface has no options, ident prefix += " " line = prefix + "%s %s" % (option, value) + last_line[suffix_start:] option_dict = make_option_dict(line, iface, option, value, address_family) index = len(lines) - lines[::-1].index(last_line_dict) lines.insert(index, option_dict) return True, lines def write_changes(module, lines, dest): tmpfd, tmpfile = tempfile.mkstemp() with os.fdopen(tmpfd, 'wb') as f: f.write(to_bytes(''.join(lines), errors='surrogate_or_strict')) module.atomic_move(tmpfile, os.path.realpath(dest)) def main(): module = AnsibleModule( argument_spec=dict( dest=dict(type='path', default='/etc/network/interfaces'), iface=dict(type='str'), address_family=dict(type='str'), option=dict(type='str'), value=dict(type='str'), backup=dict(type='bool', default=False), state=dict(type='str', default='present', choices=['absent', 'present']), ), add_file_common_args=True, supports_check_mode=True, required_by=dict( option=('iface',), ), ) dest = module.params['dest'] iface = module.params['iface'] address_family = module.params['address_family'] option = module.params['option'] value = module.params['value'] backup = module.params['backup'] state = module.params['state'] if option is not None and state == "present" and value is None: module.fail_json(msg="Value must be set if option is defined and state is 'present'") lines, ifaces = read_interfaces_file(module, dest) changed = False if option is not None: changed, lines = set_interface_option(module, lines, iface, option, value, state, address_family) if changed: dummy, ifaces = read_interfaces_lines(module, [d['line'] for d in lines if 'line' in d]) if changed and not module.check_mode: if backup: module.backup_local(dest) write_changes(module, [d['line'] for d in lines if 'line' in d], dest) module.exit_json(dest=dest, changed=changed, ifaces=ifaces) if __name__ == '__main__': main()