#!/usr/bin/python # Copyright 2017 Google Inc. # GNU General Public License v3.0+ (see COPYING or https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.txt) from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function __metaclass__ = type DOCUMENTATION = ''' --- module: gcp_target_proxy short_description: Create, Update or Destroy a Target_Proxy. description: - Create, Update or Destroy a Target_Proxy. See U(https://cloud.google.com/compute/docs/load-balancing/http/target-proxies) for an overview. More details on the Target_Proxy API can be found at U(https://cloud.google.com/compute/docs/reference/latest/targetHttpProxies#resource-representations). requirements: - "python >= 2.6" - "google-api-python-client >= 1.6.2" - "google-auth >= 0.9.0" - "google-auth-httplib2 >= 0.0.2" deprecated: removed_in: "2.12" why: Updated modules released with increased functionality alternative: Use M(gcp_compute_target_http_proxy) instead. notes: - Currently only supports global HTTP proxy. author: - "Tom Melendez (@supertom) " options: target_proxy_name: description: - Name of the Target_Proxy. required: true target_proxy_type: description: - Type of Target_Proxy. HTTP, HTTPS or SSL. Only HTTP is currently supported. required: true url_map_name: description: - Name of the Url Map. Required if type is HTTP or HTTPS proxy. required: false ''' EXAMPLES = ''' - name: Create Minimum HTTP Target_Proxy gcp_target_proxy: service_account_email: "{{ service_account_email }}" credentials_file: "{{ credentials_file }}" project_id: "{{ project_id }}" target_proxy_name: my-target_proxy target_proxy_type: HTTP url_map_name: my-url-map state: present ''' RETURN = ''' state: description: state of the Target_Proxy returned: Always. type: str sample: present updated_target_proxy: description: True if the target_proxy has been updated. Will not appear on initial target_proxy creation. returned: if the target_proxy has been updated. type: bool sample: true target_proxy_name: description: Name of the Target_Proxy returned: Always type: str sample: my-target-proxy target_proxy_type: description: Type of Target_Proxy. One of HTTP, HTTPS or SSL. returned: Always type: str sample: HTTP target_proxy: description: GCP Target_Proxy dictionary returned: Always. Refer to GCP documentation for detailed field descriptions. type: dict sample: { "name": "my-target-proxy", "urlMap": "..." } ''' from ansible.module_utils.basic import AnsibleModule from ansible_collections.community.general.plugins.module_utils.gcp import get_google_api_client, GCPUtils USER_AGENT_PRODUCT = 'ansible-target_proxy' USER_AGENT_VERSION = '0.0.1' def _build_target_proxy_dict(params, project_id=None): """ Reformat services in Ansible Params. :param params: Params from AnsibleModule object :type params: ``dict`` :param project_id: The GCP project ID. :type project_id: ``str`` :return: dictionary suitable for submission to GCP UrlMap API. :rtype ``dict`` """ url = '' if project_id: url = GCPUtils.build_googleapi_url(project_id) gcp_dict = GCPUtils.params_to_gcp_dict(params, 'target_proxy_name') if 'urlMap' in gcp_dict: gcp_dict['urlMap'] = '%s/global/urlMaps/%s' % (url, gcp_dict['urlMap']) return gcp_dict def get_target_http_proxy(client, name, project_id=None): """ Get a Target HTTP Proxy from GCP. :param client: An initialized GCE Compute Discovery resource. :type client: :class: `googleapiclient.discovery.Resource` :param name: Name of the Target Proxy. :type name: ``str`` :param project_id: The GCP project ID. :type project_id: ``str`` :return: A dict resp from the respective GCP 'get' request. :rtype: ``dict`` """ req = client.targetHttpProxies().get(project=project_id, targetHttpProxy=name) return GCPUtils.execute_api_client_req(req, raise_404=False) def create_target_http_proxy(client, params, project_id): """ Create a new Target_Proxy. :param client: An initialized GCE Compute Discovery resource. :type client: :class: `googleapiclient.discovery.Resource` :param params: Dictionary of arguments from AnsibleModule. :type params: ``dict`` :return: Tuple with changed status and response dict :rtype: ``tuple`` in the format of (bool, dict) """ gcp_dict = _build_target_proxy_dict(params, project_id) try: req = client.targetHttpProxies().insert(project=project_id, body=gcp_dict) return_data = GCPUtils.execute_api_client_req(req, client, raw=False) if not return_data: return_data = get_target_http_proxy(client, name=params['target_proxy_name'], project_id=project_id) return (True, return_data) except Exception: raise def delete_target_http_proxy(client, name, project_id): """ Delete a Target_Proxy. :param client: An initialized GCE Compute Discovery resource. :type client: :class: `googleapiclient.discovery.Resource` :param name: Name of the Target Proxy. :type name: ``str`` :param project_id: The GCP project ID. :type project_id: ``str`` :return: Tuple with changed status and response dict :rtype: ``tuple`` in the format of (bool, dict) """ try: req = client.targetHttpProxies().delete( project=project_id, targetHttpProxy=name) return_data = GCPUtils.execute_api_client_req(req, client) return (True, return_data) except Exception: raise def update_target_http_proxy(client, target_proxy, params, name, project_id): """ Update a HTTP Target_Proxy. Currently only the Url Map can be updated. If the target_proxy has not changed, the update will not occur. :param client: An initialized GCE Compute Discovery resource. :type client: :class: `googleapiclient.discovery.Resource` :param target_proxy: Name of the Target Proxy. :type target_proxy: ``dict`` :param params: Dictionary of arguments from AnsibleModule. :type params: ``dict`` :param name: Name of the Target Proxy. :type name: ``str`` :param project_id: The GCP project ID. :type project_id: ``str`` :return: Tuple with changed status and response dict :rtype: ``tuple`` in the format of (bool, dict) """ gcp_dict = _build_target_proxy_dict(params, project_id) GCPUtils.are_params_equal(target_proxy, gcp_dict) if target_proxy['urlMap'] == gcp_dict['urlMap']: return (False, 'no update necessary') try: req = client.targetHttpProxies().setUrlMap(project=project_id, targetHttpProxy=name, body={"urlMap": gcp_dict['urlMap']}) return_data = GCPUtils.execute_api_client_req( req, client=client, raw=False) return (True, return_data) except Exception: raise def main(): module = AnsibleModule(argument_spec=dict( target_proxy_name=dict(required=True), target_proxy_type=dict(required=True, choices=['HTTP']), url_map_name=dict(required=False), state=dict(required=True, choices=['absent', 'present']), service_account_email=dict(), service_account_permissions=dict(type='list'), pem_file=dict(), credentials_file=dict(), project_id=dict(), ), ) client, conn_params = get_google_api_client(module, 'compute', user_agent_product=USER_AGENT_PRODUCT, user_agent_version=USER_AGENT_VERSION) params = {} params['state'] = module.params.get('state') params['target_proxy_name'] = module.params.get('target_proxy_name') params['target_proxy_type'] = module.params.get('target_proxy_type') params['url_map'] = module.params.get('url_map_name', None) changed = False json_output = {'state': params['state']} target_proxy = get_target_http_proxy(client, name=params['target_proxy_name'], project_id=conn_params['project_id']) if not target_proxy: if params['state'] == 'absent': # Doesn't exist in GCE, and state==absent. changed = False module.fail_json( msg="Cannot delete unknown target_proxy: %s" % (params['target_proxy_name'])) else: # Create changed, json_output['target_proxy'] = create_target_http_proxy(client, params=params, project_id=conn_params['project_id']) elif params['state'] == 'absent': # Delete changed, json_output['target_proxy'] = delete_target_http_proxy(client, name=params['target_proxy_name'], project_id=conn_params['project_id']) else: changed, json_output['target_proxy'] = update_target_http_proxy(client, target_proxy=target_proxy, params=params, name=params['target_proxy_name'], project_id=conn_params['project_id']) json_output['updated_target_proxy'] = changed json_output['changed'] = changed json_output.update(params) module.exit_json(**json_output) if __name__ == '__main__': main()