#!/usr/bin/python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Copyright: (c) 2020, Andrew Klychkov (@Andersson007) # GNU General Public License v3.0+ (see COPYING or https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.txt) from __future__ import (absolute_import, division, print_function) __metaclass__ = type DOCUMENTATION = r''' --- module: mysql_query short_description: Run MySQL queries description: - Runs arbitrary MySQL queries. - Pay attention, the module does not support check mode! All queries will be executed in autocommit mode. version_added: '0.2.0' options: query: description: - SQL query to run. Multiple queries can be passed using YAML list syntax. type: list elements: str required: yes positional_args: description: - List of values to be passed as positional arguments to the query. - Mutually exclusive with I(named_args). type: list named_args: description: - Dictionary of key-value arguments to pass to the query. - Mutually exclusive with I(positional_args). type: dict login_db: description: - Name of database to connect to and run queries against. type: str single_transaction: description: - Where passed queries run in a single transaction (C(yes)) or commit them one-by-one (C(no)). type: bool default: no notes: - To pass a query containing commas, use YAML list notation with hyphen (see EXAMPLES block). author: - Andrew Klychkov (@Andersson007) extends_documentation_fragment: - community.general.mysql ''' EXAMPLES = r''' - name: Simple select query to acme db mysql_query: login_db: acme query: SELECT * FROM orders - name: Select query to db acme with positional arguments mysql_query: login_db: acme query: SELECT * FROM acme WHERE id = %s AND story = %s positional_args: - 1 - test - name: Select query to test_db with named_args mysql_query: login_db: test_db query: SELECT * FROM test WHERE id = %(id_val)s AND story = %(story_val)s named_args: id_val: 1 story_val: test - name: Run several insert queries against db test_db in single transaction mysql_query: login_db: test_db query: - INSERT INTO articles (id, story) VALUES (2, 'my_long_story') - INSERT INTO prices (id, price) VALUES (123, '100.00') single_transaction: yes ''' RETURN = r''' executed_queries: description: List of executed queries. returned: always type: list sample: ['SELECT * FROM bar', 'UPDATE bar SET id = 1 WHERE id = 2'] query_result: description: - List of lists (sublist for each query) containing dictionaries in column:value form representing returned rows. returned: changed type: list sample: [[{"Column": "Value1"},{"Column": "Value2"}], [{"ID": 1}, {"ID": 2}]] rowcount: description: Number of affected rows for each subquery. returned: changed type: list sample: [5, 1] ''' from ansible.module_utils.basic import AnsibleModule from ansible_collections.community.general.plugins.module_utils.mysql import ( mysql_connect, mysql_common_argument_spec, mysql_driver, mysql_driver_fail_msg, ) from ansible.module_utils._text import to_native DML_QUERY_KEYWORDS = ('INSERT', 'UPDATE', 'DELETE') # TRUNCATE is not DDL query but it also returns 0 rows affected: DDL_QUERY_KEYWORDS = ('CREATE', 'DROP', 'ALTER', 'RENAME', 'TRUNCATE') # =========================================== # Module execution. # def main(): argument_spec = mysql_common_argument_spec() argument_spec.update( query=dict(type='list', elements='str', required=True), login_db=dict(type='str'), positional_args=dict(type='list'), named_args=dict(type='dict'), single_transaction=dict(type='bool', default=False), ) module = AnsibleModule( argument_spec=argument_spec, mutually_exclusive=( ('positional_args', 'named_args'), ), ) db = module.params['login_db'] connect_timeout = module.params['connect_timeout'] login_user = module.params['login_user'] login_password = module.params['login_password'] ssl_cert = module.params['client_cert'] ssl_key = module.params['client_key'] ssl_ca = module.params['ca_cert'] config_file = module.params['config_file'] query = module.params["query"] if module.params["single_transaction"]: autocommit = False else: autocommit = True # Prepare args: if module.params.get("positional_args"): arguments = module.params["positional_args"] elif module.params.get("named_args"): arguments = module.params["named_args"] else: arguments = None if mysql_driver is None: module.fail_json(msg=mysql_driver_fail_msg) # Connect to DB: try: cursor, db_connection = mysql_connect(module, login_user, login_password, config_file, ssl_cert, ssl_key, ssl_ca, db, connect_timeout=connect_timeout, cursor_class='DictCursor', autocommit=autocommit) except Exception as e: module.fail_json(msg="unable to connect to database, check login_user and " "login_password are correct or %s has the credentials. " "Exception message: %s" % (config_file, to_native(e))) # Set defaults: changed = False max_keyword_len = len(max(DML_QUERY_KEYWORDS + DDL_QUERY_KEYWORDS, key=len)) # Execute query: query_result = [] executed_queries = [] rowcount = [] for q in query: try: cursor.execute(q, arguments) except Exception as e: if not autocommit: db_connection.rollback() cursor.close() module.fail_json(msg="Cannot execute SQL '%s' args [%s]: %s" % (q, arguments, to_native(e))) try: query_result.append([dict(row) for row in cursor.fetchall()]) except Exception as e: if not autocommit: db_connection.rollback() module.fail_json(msg="Cannot fetch rows from cursor: %s" % to_native(e)) # Check DML or DDL keywords in query and set changed accordingly: q = q.lstrip()[0:max_keyword_len].upper() for keyword in DML_QUERY_KEYWORDS: if keyword in q and cursor.rowcount > 0: changed = True for keyword in DDL_QUERY_KEYWORDS: if keyword in q: changed = True executed_queries.append(cursor._last_executed) rowcount.append(cursor.rowcount) # When the module run with the single_transaction == True: if not autocommit: db_connection.commit() # Create dict with returned values: kw = { 'changed': changed, 'executed_queries': executed_queries, 'query_result': query_result, 'rowcount': rowcount, } # Exit: module.exit_json(**kw) if __name__ == '__main__': main()