#!/usr/bin/python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # # Copyright (c) 2018, Bojan Vitnik # GNU General Public License v3.0+ (see LICENSES/GPL-3.0-or-later.txt or https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.txt) # SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function __metaclass__ = type DOCUMENTATION = r''' --- module: xenserver_guest_powerstate short_description: Manages power states of virtual machines running on Citrix Hypervisor/XenServer host or pool description: > This module can be used to power on, power off, restart or suspend virtual machine and gracefully reboot or shutdown guest OS of virtual machine. author: - Bojan Vitnik (@bvitnik) notes: - Minimal supported version of XenServer is 5.6. - Module was tested with XenServer 6.5, 7.1, 7.2, 7.6, Citrix Hypervisor 8.0, XCP-ng 7.6 and 8.0. - 'To acquire XenAPI Python library, just run C(pip install XenAPI) on your Ansible Control Node. The library can also be found inside Citrix Hypervisor/XenServer SDK (downloadable from Citrix website). Copy the XenAPI.py file from the SDK to your Python site-packages on your Ansible Control Node to use it. Latest version of the library can also be acquired from GitHub: U(https://raw.githubusercontent.com/xapi-project/xen-api/master/scripts/examples/python/XenAPI/XenAPI.py)' - 'If no scheme is specified in C(hostname), module defaults to C(http://) because C(https://) is problematic in most setups. Make sure you are accessing XenServer host in trusted environment or use C(https://) scheme explicitly.' - 'To use C(https://) scheme for C(hostname) you have to either import host certificate to your OS certificate store or use C(validate_certs: no) which requires XenAPI library from XenServer 7.2 SDK or newer and Python 2.7.9 or newer.' requirements: - XenAPI attributes: check_mode: support: full diff_mode: support: none options: state: description: - Specify the state VM should be in. - If O(state) is set to value other than V(present), then VM is transitioned into required state and facts are returned. - If O(state) is set to V(present), then VM is just checked for existence and facts are returned. type: str default: present choices: [ powered-on, powered-off, restarted, shutdown-guest, reboot-guest, suspended, present ] name: description: - Name of the VM to manage. - VMs running on XenServer do not necessarily have unique names. The module will fail if multiple VMs with same name are found. - In case of multiple VMs with same name, use O(uuid) to uniquely specify VM to manage. - This parameter is case sensitive. type: str aliases: [ name_label ] uuid: description: - UUID of the VM to manage if known. This is XenServer's unique identifier. - It is required if name is not unique. type: str wait_for_ip_address: description: - Wait until XenServer detects an IP address for the VM. - This requires XenServer Tools to be preinstalled on the VM to work properly. type: bool default: false state_change_timeout: description: - 'By default, module will wait indefinitely for VM to change state or acquire an IP address if O(wait_for_ip_address=true).' - If this parameter is set to positive value, the module will instead wait specified number of seconds for the state change. - In case of timeout, module will generate an error message. type: int default: 0 extends_documentation_fragment: - community.general.xenserver.documentation - community.general.attributes ''' EXAMPLES = r''' - name: Power on VM community.general.xenserver_guest_powerstate: hostname: "{{ xenserver_hostname }}" username: "{{ xenserver_username }}" password: "{{ xenserver_password }}" name: testvm_11 state: powered-on delegate_to: localhost register: facts ''' RETURN = r''' instance: description: Metadata about the VM returned: always type: dict sample: { "cdrom": { "type": "none" }, "customization_agent": "native", "disks": [ { "name": "windows-template-testing-0", "name_desc": "", "os_device": "xvda", "size": 42949672960, "sr": "Local storage", "sr_uuid": "0af1245e-bdb0-ba33-1446-57a962ec4075", "vbd_userdevice": "0" }, { "name": "windows-template-testing-1", "name_desc": "", "os_device": "xvdb", "size": 42949672960, "sr": "Local storage", "sr_uuid": "0af1245e-bdb0-ba33-1446-57a962ec4075", "vbd_userdevice": "1" } ], "domid": "56", "folder": "", "hardware": { "memory_mb": 8192, "num_cpu_cores_per_socket": 2, "num_cpus": 4 }, "home_server": "", "is_template": false, "name": "windows-template-testing", "name_desc": "", "networks": [ { "gateway": "", "gateway6": "fc00::fffe", "ip": "", "ip6": [ "fe80:0000:0000:0000:e9cb:625a:32c5:c291", "fc00:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0001" ], "mac": "ba:91:3a:48:20:76", "mtu": "1500", "name": "Pool-wide network associated with eth1", "netmask": "", "prefix": "25", "prefix6": "64", "vif_device": "0" } ], "other_config": { "base_template_name": "Windows Server 2016 (64-bit)", "import_task": "OpaqueRef:e43eb71c-45d6-5351-09ff-96e4fb7d0fa5", "install-methods": "cdrom", "instant": "true", "mac_seed": "f83e8d8a-cfdc-b105-b054-ef5cb416b77e" }, "platform": { "acpi": "1", "apic": "true", "cores-per-socket": "2", "device_id": "0002", "hpet": "true", "nx": "true", "pae": "true", "timeoffset": "-25200", "vga": "std", "videoram": "8", "viridian": "true", "viridian_reference_tsc": "true", "viridian_time_ref_count": "true" }, "state": "poweredon", "uuid": "e3c0b2d5-5f05-424e-479c-d3df8b3e7cda", "xenstore_data": { "vm-data": "" } } ''' from ansible.module_utils.basic import AnsibleModule from ansible_collections.community.general.plugins.module_utils.xenserver import (xenserver_common_argument_spec, XenServerObject, get_object_ref, gather_vm_params, gather_vm_facts, set_vm_power_state, wait_for_vm_ip_address) class XenServerVM(XenServerObject): """Class for managing XenServer VM. Attributes: vm_ref (str): XAPI reference to VM. vm_params (dict): A dictionary with VM parameters as returned by gather_vm_params() function. """ def __init__(self, module): """Inits XenServerVM using module parameters. Args: module: Reference to Ansible module object. """ super(XenServerVM, self).__init__(module) self.vm_ref = get_object_ref(self.module, self.module.params['name'], self.module.params['uuid'], obj_type="VM", fail=True, msg_prefix="VM search: ") self.gather_params() def gather_params(self): """Gathers all VM parameters available in XAPI database.""" self.vm_params = gather_vm_params(self.module, self.vm_ref) def gather_facts(self): """Gathers and returns VM facts.""" return gather_vm_facts(self.module, self.vm_params) def set_power_state(self, power_state): """Controls VM power state.""" state_changed, current_state = set_vm_power_state(self.module, self.vm_ref, power_state, self.module.params['state_change_timeout']) # If state has changed, update vm_params. if state_changed: self.vm_params['power_state'] = current_state.capitalize() return state_changed def wait_for_ip_address(self): """Waits for VM to acquire an IP address.""" self.vm_params['guest_metrics'] = wait_for_vm_ip_address(self.module, self.vm_ref, self.module.params['state_change_timeout']) def main(): argument_spec = xenserver_common_argument_spec() argument_spec.update( state=dict(type='str', default='present', choices=['powered-on', 'powered-off', 'restarted', 'shutdown-guest', 'reboot-guest', 'suspended', 'present']), name=dict(type='str', aliases=['name_label']), uuid=dict(type='str'), wait_for_ip_address=dict(type='bool', default=False), state_change_timeout=dict(type='int', default=0), ) module = AnsibleModule(argument_spec=argument_spec, supports_check_mode=True, required_one_of=[ ['name', 'uuid'], ], ) result = {'failed': False, 'changed': False} # Module will exit with an error message if no VM is found. vm = XenServerVM(module) # Set VM power state. if module.params['state'] != "present": result['changed'] = vm.set_power_state(module.params['state']) if module.params['wait_for_ip_address']: vm.wait_for_ip_address() result['instance'] = vm.gather_facts() if result['failed']: module.fail_json(**result) else: module.exit_json(**result) if __name__ == '__main__': main()