#!/usr/bin/python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Copyright (c) 2017, Ansible Project # GNU General Public License v3.0+ (see LICENSES/GPL-3.0-or-later.txt or https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.txt) # SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function __metaclass__ = type DOCUMENTATION = r''' --- module: ipa_hbacrule author: Thomas Krahn (@Nosmoht) short_description: Manage FreeIPA HBAC rule description: - Add, modify or delete an IPA HBAC rule using IPA API. attributes: check_mode: support: full diff_mode: support: none options: cn: description: - Canonical name. - Can not be changed as it is the unique identifier. required: true aliases: ["name"] type: str description: description: Description type: str host: description: - List of host names to assign. - If an empty list is passed all hosts will be removed from the rule. - If option is omitted hosts will not be checked or changed. required: false type: list elements: str hostcategory: description: Host category choices: ['all'] type: str hostgroup: description: - List of hostgroup names to assign. - If an empty list is passed all hostgroups will be removed. from the rule - If option is omitted hostgroups will not be checked or changed. type: list elements: str service: description: - List of service names to assign. - If an empty list is passed all services will be removed from the rule. - If option is omitted services will not be checked or changed. type: list elements: str servicecategory: description: Service category choices: ['all'] type: str servicegroup: description: - List of service group names to assign. - If an empty list is passed all assigned service groups will be removed from the rule. - If option is omitted service groups will not be checked or changed. type: list elements: str sourcehost: description: - List of source host names to assign. - If an empty list if passed all assigned source hosts will be removed from the rule. - If option is omitted source hosts will not be checked or changed. type: list elements: str sourcehostcategory: description: Source host category choices: ['all'] type: str sourcehostgroup: description: - List of source host group names to assign. - If an empty list if passed all assigned source host groups will be removed from the rule. - If option is omitted source host groups will not be checked or changed. type: list elements: str state: description: State to ensure default: "present" choices: ["absent", "disabled", "enabled","present"] type: str user: description: - List of user names to assign. - If an empty list if passed all assigned users will be removed from the rule. - If option is omitted users will not be checked or changed. type: list elements: str usercategory: description: User category choices: ['all'] type: str usergroup: description: - List of user group names to assign. - If an empty list if passed all assigned user groups will be removed from the rule. - If option is omitted user groups will not be checked or changed. type: list elements: str extends_documentation_fragment: - community.general.ipa.documentation - community.general.attributes ''' EXAMPLES = r''' - name: Ensure rule to allow all users to access any host from any host community.general.ipa_hbacrule: name: allow_all description: Allow all users to access any host from any host hostcategory: all servicecategory: all usercategory: all state: present ipa_host: ipa.example.com ipa_user: admin ipa_pass: topsecret - name: Ensure rule with certain limitations community.general.ipa_hbacrule: name: allow_all_developers_access_to_db description: Allow all developers to access any database from any host hostgroup: - db-server usergroup: - developers state: present ipa_host: ipa.example.com ipa_user: admin ipa_pass: topsecret - name: Ensure rule is absent community.general.ipa_hbacrule: name: rule_to_be_deleted state: absent ipa_host: ipa.example.com ipa_user: admin ipa_pass: topsecret ''' RETURN = r''' hbacrule: description: HBAC rule as returned by IPA API. returned: always type: dict ''' import traceback from ansible.module_utils.basic import AnsibleModule from ansible_collections.community.general.plugins.module_utils.ipa import IPAClient, ipa_argument_spec from ansible.module_utils.common.text.converters import to_native from ansible_collections.community.general.plugins.module_utils.version import LooseVersion class HBACRuleIPAClient(IPAClient): def __init__(self, module, host, port, protocol): super(HBACRuleIPAClient, self).__init__(module, host, port, protocol) def hbacrule_find(self, name): return self._post_json(method='hbacrule_find', name=None, item={'all': True, 'cn': name}) def hbacrule_add(self, name, item): return self._post_json(method='hbacrule_add', name=name, item=item) def hbacrule_mod(self, name, item): return self._post_json(method='hbacrule_mod', name=name, item=item) def hbacrule_del(self, name): return self._post_json(method='hbacrule_del', name=name) def hbacrule_add_host(self, name, item): return self._post_json(method='hbacrule_add_host', name=name, item=item) def hbacrule_remove_host(self, name, item): return self._post_json(method='hbacrule_remove_host', name=name, item=item) def hbacrule_add_service(self, name, item): return self._post_json(method='hbacrule_add_service', name=name, item=item) def hbacrule_remove_service(self, name, item): return self._post_json(method='hbacrule_remove_service', name=name, item=item) def hbacrule_add_user(self, name, item): return self._post_json(method='hbacrule_add_user', name=name, item=item) def hbacrule_remove_user(self, name, item): return self._post_json(method='hbacrule_remove_user', name=name, item=item) def hbacrule_add_sourcehost(self, name, item): return self._post_json(method='hbacrule_add_sourcehost', name=name, item=item) def hbacrule_remove_sourcehost(self, name, item): return self._post_json(method='hbacrule_remove_sourcehost', name=name, item=item) def get_hbacrule_dict(description=None, hostcategory=None, ipaenabledflag=None, servicecategory=None, sourcehostcategory=None, usercategory=None): data = {} if description is not None: data['description'] = description if hostcategory is not None: data['hostcategory'] = hostcategory if ipaenabledflag is not None: data['ipaenabledflag'] = ipaenabledflag if servicecategory is not None: data['servicecategory'] = servicecategory if sourcehostcategory is not None: data['sourcehostcategory'] = sourcehostcategory if usercategory is not None: data['usercategory'] = usercategory return data def get_hbcarule_diff(client, ipa_hbcarule, module_hbcarule): return client.get_diff(ipa_data=ipa_hbcarule, module_data=module_hbcarule) def ensure(module, client): name = module.params['cn'] state = module.params['state'] ipa_version = client.get_ipa_version() if state in ['present', 'enabled']: if LooseVersion(ipa_version) < LooseVersion('4.9.10'): ipaenabledflag = 'TRUE' else: ipaenabledflag = True else: if LooseVersion(ipa_version) < LooseVersion('4.9.10'): ipaenabledflag = 'FALSE' else: ipaenabledflag = False host = module.params['host'] hostcategory = module.params['hostcategory'] hostgroup = module.params['hostgroup'] service = module.params['service'] servicecategory = module.params['servicecategory'] servicegroup = module.params['servicegroup'] sourcehost = module.params['sourcehost'] sourcehostcategory = module.params['sourcehostcategory'] sourcehostgroup = module.params['sourcehostgroup'] user = module.params['user'] usercategory = module.params['usercategory'] usergroup = module.params['usergroup'] module_hbacrule = get_hbacrule_dict(description=module.params['description'], hostcategory=hostcategory, ipaenabledflag=ipaenabledflag, servicecategory=servicecategory, sourcehostcategory=sourcehostcategory, usercategory=usercategory) ipa_hbacrule = client.hbacrule_find(name=name) changed = False if state in ['present', 'enabled', 'disabled']: if not ipa_hbacrule: changed = True if not module.check_mode: ipa_hbacrule = client.hbacrule_add(name=name, item=module_hbacrule) else: diff = get_hbcarule_diff(client, ipa_hbacrule, module_hbacrule) if len(diff) > 0: changed = True if not module.check_mode: data = {} for key in diff: data[key] = module_hbacrule.get(key) client.hbacrule_mod(name=name, item=data) if host is not None: changed = client.modify_if_diff(name, ipa_hbacrule.get('memberhost_host', []), host, client.hbacrule_add_host, client.hbacrule_remove_host, 'host') or changed if hostgroup is not None: changed = client.modify_if_diff(name, ipa_hbacrule.get('memberhost_hostgroup', []), hostgroup, client.hbacrule_add_host, client.hbacrule_remove_host, 'hostgroup') or changed if service is not None: changed = client.modify_if_diff(name, ipa_hbacrule.get('memberservice_hbacsvc', []), service, client.hbacrule_add_service, client.hbacrule_remove_service, 'hbacsvc') or changed if servicegroup is not None: changed = client.modify_if_diff(name, ipa_hbacrule.get('memberservice_hbacsvcgroup', []), servicegroup, client.hbacrule_add_service, client.hbacrule_remove_service, 'hbacsvcgroup') or changed if sourcehost is not None: changed = client.modify_if_diff(name, ipa_hbacrule.get('sourcehost_host', []), sourcehost, client.hbacrule_add_sourcehost, client.hbacrule_remove_sourcehost, 'host') or changed if sourcehostgroup is not None: changed = client.modify_if_diff(name, ipa_hbacrule.get('sourcehost_group', []), sourcehostgroup, client.hbacrule_add_sourcehost, client.hbacrule_remove_sourcehost, 'hostgroup') or changed if user is not None: changed = client.modify_if_diff(name, ipa_hbacrule.get('memberuser_user', []), user, client.hbacrule_add_user, client.hbacrule_remove_user, 'user') or changed if usergroup is not None: changed = client.modify_if_diff(name, ipa_hbacrule.get('memberuser_group', []), usergroup, client.hbacrule_add_user, client.hbacrule_remove_user, 'group') or changed else: if ipa_hbacrule: changed = True if not module.check_mode: client.hbacrule_del(name=name) return changed, client.hbacrule_find(name=name) def main(): argument_spec = ipa_argument_spec() argument_spec.update(cn=dict(type='str', required=True, aliases=['name']), description=dict(type='str'), host=dict(type='list', elements='str'), hostcategory=dict(type='str', choices=['all']), hostgroup=dict(type='list', elements='str'), service=dict(type='list', elements='str'), servicecategory=dict(type='str', choices=['all']), servicegroup=dict(type='list', elements='str'), sourcehost=dict(type='list', elements='str'), sourcehostcategory=dict(type='str', choices=['all']), sourcehostgroup=dict(type='list', elements='str'), state=dict(type='str', default='present', choices=['present', 'absent', 'enabled', 'disabled']), user=dict(type='list', elements='str'), usercategory=dict(type='str', choices=['all']), usergroup=dict(type='list', elements='str')) module = AnsibleModule(argument_spec=argument_spec, supports_check_mode=True ) client = HBACRuleIPAClient(module=module, host=module.params['ipa_host'], port=module.params['ipa_port'], protocol=module.params['ipa_prot']) try: client.login(username=module.params['ipa_user'], password=module.params['ipa_pass']) changed, hbacrule = ensure(module, client) module.exit_json(changed=changed, hbacrule=hbacrule) except Exception as e: module.fail_json(msg=to_native(e), exception=traceback.format_exc()) if __name__ == '__main__': main()