#!/usr/bin/python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Copyright (c) 2017, Abhijeet Kasurde (akasurde@redhat.com) # # GNU General Public License v3.0+ (see LICENSES/GPL-3.0-or-later.txt or https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.txt) # SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function __metaclass__ = type DOCUMENTATION = r''' --- module: ipa_dnsrecord author: Abhijeet Kasurde (@Akasurde) short_description: Manage FreeIPA DNS records description: - Add, modify and delete an IPA DNS Record using IPA API. attributes: check_mode: support: full diff_mode: support: none options: zone_name: description: - The DNS zone name to which DNS record needs to be managed. required: true type: str record_name: description: - The DNS record name to manage. required: true aliases: ["name"] type: str record_type: description: - The type of DNS record name. - Support for V(NS) was added in comunity.general 8.2.0. - Support for V(SSHFP) was added in community.general 9.1.0. required: false default: 'A' choices: ['A', 'AAAA', 'A6', 'CNAME', 'DNAME', 'MX', 'NS', 'PTR', 'SRV', 'TXT', 'SSHFP'] type: str record_value: description: - Manage DNS record name with this value. - Mutually exclusive with O(record_values), and exactly one of O(record_value) and O(record_values) has to be specified. - Use O(record_values) if you need to specify multiple values. - In the case of V(A) or V(AAAA) record types, this will be the IP address. - In the case of V(A6) record type, this will be the A6 Record data. - In the case of V(CNAME) record type, this will be the hostname. - In the case of V(DNAME) record type, this will be the DNAME target. - In the case of V(NS) record type, this will be the name server hostname. Hostname must already have a valid A or AAAA record. - In the case of V(PTR) record type, this will be the hostname. - In the case of V(TXT) record type, this will be a text. - In the case of V(SRV) record type, this will be a service record. - In the case of V(MX) record type, this will be a mail exchanger record. - In the case of V(SSHFP) record type, this will be an SSH fingerprint record. type: str record_values: description: - Manage DNS record name with this value. - Mutually exclusive with O(record_value), and exactly one of O(record_value) and O(record_values) has to be specified. - In the case of V(A) or V(AAAA) record types, this will be the IP address. - In the case of V(A6) record type, this will be the A6 Record data. - In the case of V(CNAME) record type, this will be the hostname. - In the case of V(DNAME) record type, this will be the DNAME target. - In the case of V(NS) record type, this will be the name server hostname. Hostname must already have a valid A or AAAA record. - In the case of V(PTR) record type, this will be the hostname. - In the case of V(TXT) record type, this will be a text. - In the case of V(SRV) record type, this will be a service record. - In the case of V(MX) record type, this will be a mail exchanger record. - In the case of V(SSHFP) record type, this will be an SSH fingerprint record. type: list elements: str record_ttl: description: - Set the TTL for the record. - Applies only when adding a new or changing the value of O(record_value) or O(record_values). required: false type: int state: description: State to ensure required: false default: present choices: ["absent", "present"] type: str extends_documentation_fragment: - community.general.ipa.documentation - community.general.attributes ''' EXAMPLES = r''' - name: Ensure dns record is present community.general.ipa_dnsrecord: ipa_host: spider.example.com ipa_pass: Passw0rd! state: present zone_name: example.com record_name: vm-001 record_type: 'AAAA' record_value: '::1' - name: Ensure that dns records exists with a TTL community.general.ipa_dnsrecord: name: host02 zone_name: example.com record_type: 'AAAA' record_values: '::1,fe80::1' record_ttl: 300 ipa_host: ipa.example.com ipa_pass: topsecret state: present - name: Ensure a PTR record is present community.general.ipa_dnsrecord: ipa_host: spider.example.com ipa_pass: Passw0rd! state: present zone_name: 2.168.192.in-addr.arpa record_name: 5 record_type: 'PTR' record_value: 'internal.ipa.example.com' - name: Ensure a TXT record is present community.general.ipa_dnsrecord: ipa_host: spider.example.com ipa_pass: Passw0rd! state: present zone_name: example.com record_name: _kerberos record_type: 'TXT' record_value: 'EXAMPLE.COM' - name: Ensure an SRV record is present community.general.ipa_dnsrecord: ipa_host: spider.example.com ipa_pass: Passw0rd! state: present zone_name: example.com record_name: _kerberos._udp.example.com record_type: 'SRV' record_value: '10 50 88 ipa.example.com' - name: Ensure an MX records are present community.general.ipa_dnsrecord: ipa_host: spider.example.com ipa_pass: Passw0rd! state: present zone_name: example.com record_name: '@' record_type: 'MX' record_values: - '1 mailserver-01.example.com' - '2 mailserver-02.example.com' - name: Ensure that dns record is removed community.general.ipa_dnsrecord: name: host01 zone_name: example.com record_type: 'AAAA' record_value: '::1' ipa_host: ipa.example.com ipa_user: admin ipa_pass: topsecret state: absent - name: Ensure an NS record for a subdomain is present community,general.ipa_dnsrecord: name: subdomain zone_name: example.com record_type: 'NS' record_value: 'ns1.subdomain.exmaple.com' ipa_host: ipa.example.com ipa_user: admin ipa_pass: ChangeMe! - name: Retrieve the current sshfp fingerprints ansible.builtin.command: ssh-keyscan -D localhost register: ssh_hostkeys - name: Update the SSHFP records in DNS community.general.ipa_dnsrecord: name: "{{ inventory_hostname}}" zone_name: example.com record_type: 'SSHFP' record_values: "{{ ssh_hostkeys.stdout.split('\n') | map('split', 'SSHFP ') | map('last') | list }}" ipa_host: ipa.example.com ipa_user: admin ipa_pass: ChangeMe! ''' RETURN = r''' dnsrecord: description: DNS record as returned by IPA API. returned: always type: dict ''' import traceback from ansible.module_utils.basic import AnsibleModule from ansible_collections.community.general.plugins.module_utils.ipa import IPAClient, ipa_argument_spec from ansible.module_utils.common.text.converters import to_native class DNSRecordIPAClient(IPAClient): def __init__(self, module, host, port, protocol): super(DNSRecordIPAClient, self).__init__(module, host, port, protocol) def dnsrecord_find(self, zone_name, record_name): if record_name == '@': return self._post_json(method='dnsrecord_show', name=zone_name, item={'idnsname': record_name, 'all': True}) else: return self._post_json(method='dnsrecord_find', name=zone_name, item={'idnsname': record_name, 'all': True}) def dnsrecord_add(self, zone_name=None, record_name=None, details=None): item = dict(idnsname=record_name) if details.get('record_ttl'): item.update(dnsttl=details['record_ttl']) for value in details['record_values']: if details['record_type'] == 'A': item.update(a_part_ip_address=value) elif details['record_type'] == 'AAAA': item.update(aaaa_part_ip_address=value) elif details['record_type'] == 'A6': item.update(a6_part_data=value) elif details['record_type'] == 'CNAME': item.update(cname_part_hostname=value) elif details['record_type'] == 'DNAME': item.update(dname_part_target=value) elif details['record_type'] == 'NS': item.update(ns_part_hostname=value) elif details['record_type'] == 'PTR': item.update(ptr_part_hostname=value) elif details['record_type'] == 'TXT': item.update(txtrecord=value) elif details['record_type'] == 'SRV': item.update(srvrecord=value) elif details['record_type'] == 'MX': item.update(mxrecord=value) elif details['record_type'] == 'SSHFP': item.update(sshfprecord=value) self._post_json(method='dnsrecord_add', name=zone_name, item=item) def dnsrecord_mod(self, zone_name=None, record_name=None, details=None): item = get_dnsrecord_dict(details) item.update(idnsname=record_name) if details.get('record_ttl'): item.update(dnsttl=details['record_ttl']) return self._post_json(method='dnsrecord_mod', name=zone_name, item=item) def dnsrecord_del(self, zone_name=None, record_name=None, details=None): item = get_dnsrecord_dict(details) item.update(idnsname=record_name) return self._post_json(method='dnsrecord_del', name=zone_name, item=item) def get_dnsrecord_dict(details=None): module_dnsrecord = dict() if details['record_type'] == 'A' and details['record_values']: module_dnsrecord.update(arecord=details['record_values']) elif details['record_type'] == 'AAAA' and details['record_values']: module_dnsrecord.update(aaaarecord=details['record_values']) elif details['record_type'] == 'A6' and details['record_values']: module_dnsrecord.update(a6record=details['record_values']) elif details['record_type'] == 'CNAME' and details['record_values']: module_dnsrecord.update(cnamerecord=details['record_values']) elif details['record_type'] == 'DNAME' and details['record_values']: module_dnsrecord.update(dnamerecord=details['record_values']) elif details['record_type'] == 'NS' and details['record_values']: module_dnsrecord.update(nsrecord=details['record_values']) elif details['record_type'] == 'PTR' and details['record_values']: module_dnsrecord.update(ptrrecord=details['record_values']) elif details['record_type'] == 'TXT' and details['record_values']: module_dnsrecord.update(txtrecord=details['record_values']) elif details['record_type'] == 'SRV' and details['record_values']: module_dnsrecord.update(srvrecord=details['record_values']) elif details['record_type'] == 'MX' and details['record_values']: module_dnsrecord.update(mxrecord=details['record_values']) elif details['record_type'] == 'SSHFP' and details['record_values']: module_dnsrecord.update(sshfprecord=details['record_values']) if details.get('record_ttl'): module_dnsrecord.update(dnsttl=details['record_ttl']) return module_dnsrecord def get_dnsrecord_diff(client, ipa_dnsrecord, module_dnsrecord): details = get_dnsrecord_dict(module_dnsrecord) return client.get_diff(ipa_data=ipa_dnsrecord, module_data=details) def ensure(module, client): zone_name = module.params['zone_name'] record_name = module.params['record_name'] record_ttl = module.params.get('record_ttl') state = module.params['state'] ipa_dnsrecord = client.dnsrecord_find(zone_name, record_name) record_values = module.params['record_values'] if module.params['record_value'] is not None: record_values = [module.params['record_value']] module_dnsrecord = dict( record_type=module.params['record_type'], record_values=record_values, record_ttl=to_native(record_ttl, nonstring='passthru'), ) # ttl is not required to change records if module_dnsrecord['record_ttl'] is None: module_dnsrecord.pop('record_ttl') changed = False if state == 'present': if not ipa_dnsrecord: changed = True if not module.check_mode: client.dnsrecord_add(zone_name=zone_name, record_name=record_name, details=module_dnsrecord) else: diff = get_dnsrecord_diff(client, ipa_dnsrecord, module_dnsrecord) if len(diff) > 0: changed = True if not module.check_mode: client.dnsrecord_mod(zone_name=zone_name, record_name=record_name, details=module_dnsrecord) else: if ipa_dnsrecord: changed = True if not module.check_mode: client.dnsrecord_del(zone_name=zone_name, record_name=record_name, details=module_dnsrecord) return changed, client.dnsrecord_find(zone_name, record_name) def main(): record_types = ['A', 'AAAA', 'A6', 'CNAME', 'DNAME', 'NS', 'PTR', 'TXT', 'SRV', 'MX', 'SSHFP'] argument_spec = ipa_argument_spec() argument_spec.update( zone_name=dict(type='str', required=True), record_name=dict(type='str', aliases=['name'], required=True), record_type=dict(type='str', default='A', choices=record_types), record_value=dict(type='str'), record_values=dict(type='list', elements='str'), state=dict(type='str', default='present', choices=['present', 'absent']), record_ttl=dict(type='int', required=False), ) module = AnsibleModule( argument_spec=argument_spec, mutually_exclusive=[['record_value', 'record_values']], required_one_of=[['record_value', 'record_values']], supports_check_mode=True ) client = DNSRecordIPAClient( module=module, host=module.params['ipa_host'], port=module.params['ipa_port'], protocol=module.params['ipa_prot'] ) try: client.login( username=module.params['ipa_user'], password=module.params['ipa_pass'] ) changed, record = ensure(module, client) module.exit_json(changed=changed, record=record) except Exception as e: module.fail_json(msg=to_native(e), exception=traceback.format_exc()) if __name__ == '__main__': main()