#!/usr/bin/python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Copyright: (c) 2020, Zainab Alsaffar # GNU General Public License v3.0+ (see COPYING or https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.txt) from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function __metaclass__ = type DOCUMENTATION = r''' --- module: gitlab_group_members short_description: Manage group members on GitLab Server description: - This module allows to add and remove members to/from a group, or change a member's access level in a group on GitLab. version_added: '1.2.0' author: Zainab Alsaffar (@zanssa) requirements: - python-gitlab python module <= 1.15.0 - administrator rights on the GitLab server extends_documentation_fragment: community.general.auth_basic options: api_token: description: - A personal access token to authenticate with the GitLab API. required: true type: str gitlab_group: description: - The name of the GitLab group the member is added to/removed from. required: true type: str gitlab_user: description: - A username or a list of usernames to add to/remove from the GitLab group. - Mutually exclusive with I(gitlab_users_access). type: list elements: str access_level: description: - The access level for the user. - Required if I(state=present), user state is set to present. - Mutually exclusive with I(gitlab_users_access). type: str choices: ['guest', 'reporter', 'developer', 'maintainer', 'owner'] gitlab_users_access: description: - Provide a list of user to access level mappings. - Every dictionary in this list specifies a user (by username) and the access level the user should have. - Mutually exclusive with I(gitlab_user) and I(access_level). - Use together with I(purge_users) to remove all users not specified here from the group. type: list elements: dict suboptions: name: description: A username or a list of usernames to add to/remove from the GitLab group. type: str required: true access_level: description: - The access level for the user. - Required if I(state=present), user state is set to present. type: str choices: ['guest', 'reporter', 'developer', 'maintainer', 'owner'] required: true version_added: 3.6.0 state: description: - State of the member in the group. - On C(present), it adds a user to a GitLab group. - On C(absent), it removes a user from a GitLab group. choices: ['present', 'absent'] default: 'present' type: str purge_users: description: - Adds/remove users of the given access_level to match the given I(gitlab_user)/I(gitlab_users_access) list. If omitted do not purge orphaned members. - Is only used when I(state=present). type: list elements: str choices: ['guest', 'reporter', 'developer', 'maintainer', 'owner'] version_added: 3.6.0 notes: - Supports C(check_mode). ''' EXAMPLES = r''' - name: Add a user to a GitLab Group community.general.gitlab_group_members: api_url: 'https://gitlab.example.com' api_token: 'Your-Private-Token' gitlab_group: groupname gitlab_user: username access_level: developer state: present - name: Remove a user from a GitLab Group community.general.gitlab_group_members: api_url: 'https://gitlab.example.com' api_token: 'Your-Private-Token' gitlab_group: groupname gitlab_user: username state: absent - name: Add a list of Users to A GitLab Group community.general.gitlab_group_members: api_url: 'https://gitlab.example.com' api_token: 'Your-Private-Token' gitlab_group: groupname gitlab_user: - user1 - user2 access_level: developer state: present - name: Add a list of Users with Dedicated Access Levels to A GitLab Group community.general.gitlab_group_members: api_url: 'https://gitlab.example.com' api_token: 'Your-Private-Token' gitlab_group: groupname gitlab_users_access: - name: user1 access_level: developer - name: user2 access_level: maintainer state: present - name: Add a user, remove all others which might be on this access level community.general.gitlab_group_members: api_url: 'https://gitlab.example.com' api_token: 'Your-Private-Token' gitlab_group: groupname gitlab_user: username access_level: developer pruge_users: developer state: present - name: Remove a list of Users with Dedicated Access Levels to A GitLab Group community.general.gitlab_group_members: api_url: 'https://gitlab.example.com' api_token: 'Your-Private-Token' gitlab_group: groupname gitlab_users_access: - name: user1 access_level: developer - name: user2 access_level: maintainer state: absent ''' RETURN = r''' # ''' from ansible.module_utils.api import basic_auth_argument_spec from ansible.module_utils.basic import AnsibleModule, missing_required_lib from ansible_collections.community.general.plugins.module_utils.gitlab import gitlabAuthentication import traceback try: import gitlab HAS_PY_GITLAB = True except ImportError: GITLAB_IMP_ERR = traceback.format_exc() HAS_PY_GITLAB = False class GitLabGroup(object): def __init__(self, module, gl): self._module = module self._gitlab = gl # get user id if the user exists def get_user_id(self, gitlab_user): user_exists = self._gitlab.users.list(username=gitlab_user) if user_exists: return user_exists[0].id # get group id if group exists def get_group_id(self, gitlab_group): groups = self._gitlab.groups.list(search=gitlab_group) for group in groups: if group.full_path == gitlab_group: return group.id for group in groups: if group.path == gitlab_group or group.name == gitlab_group: return group.id # get all members in a group def get_members_in_a_group(self, gitlab_group_id): group = self._gitlab.groups.get(gitlab_group_id) return group.members.list(all=True) # get single member in a group by user name def get_member_in_a_group(self, gitlab_group_id, gitlab_user_id): member = None group = self._gitlab.groups.get(gitlab_group_id) try: member = group.members.get(gitlab_user_id) if member: return member except gitlab.exceptions.GitlabGetError as e: return None # check if the user is a member of the group def is_user_a_member(self, members, gitlab_user_id): for member in members: if member.id == gitlab_user_id: return True return False # add user to a group def add_member_to_group(self, gitlab_user_id, gitlab_group_id, access_level): group = self._gitlab.groups.get(gitlab_group_id) add_member = group.members.create( {'user_id': gitlab_user_id, 'access_level': access_level}) # remove user from a group def remove_user_from_group(self, gitlab_user_id, gitlab_group_id): group = self._gitlab.groups.get(gitlab_group_id) group.members.delete(gitlab_user_id) # get user's access level def get_user_access_level(self, members, gitlab_user_id): for member in members: if member.id == gitlab_user_id: return member.access_level # update user's access level in a group def update_user_access_level(self, members, gitlab_user_id, access_level): for member in members: if member.id == gitlab_user_id: member.access_level = access_level member.save() def main(): argument_spec = basic_auth_argument_spec() argument_spec.update(dict( api_token=dict(type='str', required=True, no_log=True), gitlab_group=dict(type='str', required=True), gitlab_user=dict(type='list', elements='str'), state=dict(type='str', default='present', choices=['present', 'absent']), access_level=dict(type='str', choices=['guest', 'reporter', 'developer', 'maintainer', 'owner']), purge_users=dict(type='list', elements='str', choices=['guest', 'reporter', 'developer', 'maintainer', 'owner']), gitlab_users_access=dict( type='list', elements='dict', options=dict( name=dict(type='str', required=True), access_level=dict(type='str', choices=['guest', 'reporter', 'developer', 'maintainer', 'owner'], required=True), ) ), )) module = AnsibleModule( argument_spec=argument_spec, mutually_exclusive=[ ['api_username', 'api_token'], ['api_password', 'api_token'], ['gitlab_user', 'gitlab_users_access'], ['access_level', 'gitlab_users_access'], ], required_together=[ ['api_username', 'api_password'], ['gitlab_user', 'access_level'], ], required_one_of=[ ['api_username', 'api_token'], ['gitlab_user', 'gitlab_users_access'], ], required_if=[ ['state', 'present', ['access_level', 'gitlab_users_access'], True], ], supports_check_mode=True, ) if not HAS_PY_GITLAB: module.fail_json(msg=missing_required_lib('python-gitlab', url='https://python-gitlab.readthedocs.io/en/stable/'), exception=GITLAB_IMP_ERR) access_level_int = { 'guest': gitlab.GUEST_ACCESS, 'reporter': gitlab.REPORTER_ACCESS, 'developer': gitlab.DEVELOPER_ACCESS, 'maintainer': gitlab.MAINTAINER_ACCESS, 'owner': gitlab.OWNER_ACCESS } gitlab_group = module.params['gitlab_group'] state = module.params['state'] access_level = module.params['access_level'] purge_users = module.params['purge_users'] if purge_users: purge_users = [access_level_int[level] for level in purge_users] # connect to gitlab server gl = gitlabAuthentication(module) group = GitLabGroup(module, gl) gitlab_group_id = group.get_group_id(gitlab_group) # group doesn't exist if not gitlab_group_id: module.fail_json(msg="group '%s' not found." % gitlab_group) members = [] if module.params['gitlab_user'] is not None: gitlab_users_access = [] gitlab_users = module.params['gitlab_user'] for gl_user in gitlab_users: gitlab_users_access.append({'name': gl_user, 'access_level': access_level_int[access_level] if access_level else None}) elif module.params['gitlab_users_access'] is not None: gitlab_users_access = module.params['gitlab_users_access'] for user_level in gitlab_users_access: user_level['access_level'] = access_level_int[user_level['access_level']] if len(gitlab_users_access) == 1 and not purge_users: # only single user given members = [group.get_member_in_a_group(gitlab_group_id, group.get_user_id(gitlab_users_access[0]['name']))] if members[0] is None: members = [] elif len(gitlab_users_access) > 1 or purge_users: # list of users given members = group.get_members_in_a_group(gitlab_group_id) else: module.exit_json(changed='OK', result="Nothing to do, please give at least one user or set purge_users true.", result_data=[]) changed = False error = False changed_users = [] changed_data = [] for gitlab_user in gitlab_users_access: gitlab_user_id = group.get_user_id(gitlab_user['name']) # user doesn't exist if not gitlab_user_id: if state == 'absent': changed_users.append("user '%s' not found, and thus also not part of the group" % gitlab_user['name']) changed_data.append({'gitlab_user': gitlab_user['name'], 'result': 'OK', 'msg': "user '%s' not found, and thus also not part of the group" % gitlab_user['name']}) else: error = True changed_users.append("user '%s' not found." % gitlab_user['name']) changed_data.append({'gitlab_user': gitlab_user['name'], 'result': 'FAILED', 'msg': "user '%s' not found." % gitlab_user['name']}) continue is_user_a_member = group.is_user_a_member(members, gitlab_user_id) # check if the user is a member in the group if not is_user_a_member: if state == 'present': # add user to the group try: if not module.check_mode: group.add_member_to_group(gitlab_user_id, gitlab_group_id, gitlab_user['access_level']) changed = True changed_users.append("Successfully added user '%s' to group" % gitlab_user['name']) changed_data.append({'gitlab_user': gitlab_user['name'], 'result': 'CHANGED', 'msg': "Successfully added user '%s' to group" % gitlab_user['name']}) except (gitlab.exceptions.GitlabCreateError) as e: error = True changed_users.append("Failed to updated the access level for the user, '%s'" % gitlab_user['name']) changed_data.append({'gitlab_user': gitlab_user['name'], 'result': 'FAILED', 'msg': "Not allowed to add the access level for the member, %s: %s" % (gitlab_user['name'], e)}) # state as absent else: changed_users.append("User, '%s', is not a member in the group. No change to report" % gitlab_user['name']) changed_data.append({'gitlab_user': gitlab_user['name'], 'result': 'OK', 'msg': "User, '%s', is not a member in the group. No change to report" % gitlab_user['name']}) # in case that a user is a member else: if state == 'present': # compare the access level user_access_level = group.get_user_access_level(members, gitlab_user_id) if user_access_level == gitlab_user['access_level']: changed_users.append("User, '%s', is already a member in the group. No change to report" % gitlab_user['name']) changed_data.append({'gitlab_user': gitlab_user['name'], 'result': 'OK', 'msg': "User, '%s', is already a member in the group. No change to report" % gitlab_user['name']}) else: # update the access level for the user try: if not module.check_mode: group.update_user_access_level(members, gitlab_user_id, gitlab_user['access_level']) changed = True changed_users.append("Successfully updated the access level for the user, '%s'" % gitlab_user['name']) changed_data.append({'gitlab_user': gitlab_user['name'], 'result': 'CHANGED', 'msg': "Successfully updated the access level for the user, '%s'" % gitlab_user['name']}) except (gitlab.exceptions.GitlabUpdateError) as e: error = True changed_users.append("Failed to updated the access level for the user, '%s'" % gitlab_user['name']) changed_data.append({'gitlab_user': gitlab_user['name'], 'result': 'FAILED', 'msg': "Not allowed to update the access level for the member, %s: %s" % (gitlab_user['name'], e)}) else: # remove the user from the group try: if not module.check_mode: group.remove_user_from_group(gitlab_user_id, gitlab_group_id) changed = True changed_users.append("Successfully removed user, '%s', from the group" % gitlab_user['name']) changed_data.append({'gitlab_user': gitlab_user['name'], 'result': 'CHANGED', 'msg': "Successfully removed user, '%s', from the group" % gitlab_user['name']}) except (gitlab.exceptions.GitlabDeleteError) as e: error = True changed_users.append("Failed to removed user, '%s', from the group" % gitlab_user['name']) changed_data.append({'gitlab_user': gitlab_user['name'], 'result': 'FAILED', 'msg': "Failed to remove user, '%s' from the group: %s" % (gitlab_user['name'], e)}) # if state = present and purge_users set delete users which are in members having give access level but not in gitlab_users if state == 'present' and purge_users: uppercase_names_in_gitlab_users_access = [] for name in gitlab_users_access: uppercase_names_in_gitlab_users_access.append(name['name'].upper()) for member in members: if member.access_level in purge_users and member.username.upper() not in uppercase_names_in_gitlab_users_access: try: if not module.check_mode: group.remove_user_from_group(member.id, gitlab_group_id) changed = True changed_users.append("Successfully removed user '%s', from group. Was not in given list" % member.username) changed_data.append({'gitlab_user': member.username, 'result': 'CHANGED', 'msg': "Successfully removed user '%s', from group. Was not in given list" % member.username}) except (gitlab.exceptions.GitlabDeleteError) as e: error = True changed_users.append("Failed to removed user, '%s', from the group" % gitlab_user['name']) changed_data.append({'gitlab_user': gitlab_user['name'], 'result': 'FAILED', 'msg': "Failed to remove user, '%s' from the group: %s" % (gitlab_user['name'], e)}) if len(gitlab_users_access) == 1 and error: # if single user given and an error occurred return error for list errors will be per user module.fail_json(msg="FAILED: '%s '" % changed_users[0], result_data=changed_data) elif error: module.fail_json(msg='FAILED: At least one given user/permission could not be set', result_data=changed_data) module.exit_json(changed=changed, msg='Successfully set memberships', result="\n".join(changed_users), result_data=changed_data) if __name__ == '__main__': main()