# Docs helper. Create RST file. The playbook `playbook.yml` writes a RST file that can be used in docs/docsite/rst. The usage of this helper is recommended but not mandatory. You can stop reading here and update the RST file manually if you don't want to use this helper. ## Run the playbook If you want to generate the RST file by this helper fit the variables in the playbook and the template to your needs. Then, run the play ```sh shell> ansible-playbook playbook.yml ``` ## Copy RST to docs/docsite/rst Copy the RST file to `docs/docsite/rst` and remove it from this directory. ## Update the checksums Substitute the variables and run the below commands ```sh shell> sha1sum {{ target_vars }} > {{ target_sha1 }} shell> sha1sum {{ file_rst }} > {{ file_sha1 }} ``` ## Playbook explained The playbook includes the variable *tests* from the integration tests and creates the RST file from the template. The playbook will terminate if: * The file with the variable *tests* was changed * The RST file was changed This means that this helper is probably not up to date. ### The file with the variable *tests* was changed This means that somebody updated the integration tests. Review the changes and update the template if needed. Update the checksum to pass the integrity test. The playbook message provides you with the command. ### The RST file was changed This means that somebody updated the RST file manually. Review the changes and update the template. Update the checksum to pass the integrity test. The playbook message provides you with the command. Make sure that the updated template will create identical RST file. Only then apply your changes.