#!/usr/bin/python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Copyright (c) 2013, RSD Services S.A # GNU General Public License v3.0+ (see LICENSES/GPL-3.0-or-later.txt or https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.txt) # SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function __metaclass__ = type DOCUMENTATION = r''' --- module: java_cert short_description: Uses keytool to import/remove certificate to/from java keystore (cacerts) description: - This is a wrapper module around keytool, which can be used to import certificates and optionally private keys to a given java keystore, or remove them from it. extends_documentation_fragment: - community.general.attributes - ansible.builtin.files attributes: check_mode: support: full diff_mode: support: full options: cert_url: description: - Basic URL to fetch SSL certificate from. - Exactly one of O(cert_url), O(cert_path), O(cert_content), or O(pkcs12_path) is required to load certificate. type: str cert_port: description: - Port to connect to URL. - This will be used to create server URL:PORT. type: int default: 443 cert_path: description: - Local path to load certificate from. - Exactly one of O(cert_url), O(cert_path), O(cert_content), or O(pkcs12_path) is required to load certificate. type: path cert_content: description: - Content of the certificate used to create the keystore. - Exactly one of O(cert_url), O(cert_path), O(cert_content), or O(pkcs12_path) is required to load certificate. type: str version_added: 8.6.0 cert_alias: description: - Imported certificate alias. - The alias is used when checking for the presence of a certificate in the keystore. type: str trust_cacert: description: - Trust imported cert as CAcert. type: bool default: false version_added: '0.2.0' pkcs12_path: description: - Local path to load PKCS12 keystore from. - Unlike O(cert_url), O(cert_path) and O(cert_content), the PKCS12 keystore embeds the private key matching the certificate, and is used to import both the certificate and its private key into the java keystore. - Exactly one of O(cert_url), O(cert_path), O(cert_content), or O(pkcs12_path) is required to load certificate. type: path pkcs12_password: description: - Password for importing from PKCS12 keystore. type: str pkcs12_alias: description: - Alias in the PKCS12 keystore. type: str keystore_path: description: - Path to keystore. type: path keystore_pass: description: - Keystore password. type: str required: true keystore_create: description: - Create keystore if it does not exist. type: bool default: false keystore_type: description: - Keystore type (JCEKS, JKS). type: str executable: description: - Path to keytool binary if not used we search in PATH for it. type: str default: keytool state: description: - Defines action which can be either certificate import or removal. - When state is present, the certificate will always idempotently be inserted into the keystore, even if there already exists a cert alias that is different. type: str choices: [ absent, present ] default: present mode: version_added: 8.5.0 owner: version_added: 8.5.0 group: version_added: 8.5.0 seuser: version_added: 8.5.0 serole: version_added: 8.5.0 setype: version_added: 8.5.0 selevel: version_added: 8.5.0 unsafe_writes: version_added: 8.5.0 attributes: version_added: 8.5.0 requirements: [openssl, keytool] author: - Adam Hamsik (@haad) ''' EXAMPLES = r''' - name: Import SSL certificate from google.com to a given cacerts keystore community.general.java_cert: cert_url: google.com cert_port: 443 keystore_path: /usr/lib/jvm/jre7/lib/security/cacerts keystore_pass: changeit state: present - name: Remove certificate with given alias from a keystore community.general.java_cert: cert_url: google.com keystore_path: /usr/lib/jvm/jre7/lib/security/cacerts keystore_pass: changeit executable: /usr/lib/jvm/jre7/bin/keytool state: absent - name: Import trusted CA from SSL certificate community.general.java_cert: cert_path: /opt/certs/rootca.crt keystore_path: /tmp/cacerts keystore_pass: changeit keystore_create: true state: present cert_alias: LE_RootCA trust_cacert: true - name: Import trusted CA from the SSL certificate stored in the cert_content variable community.general.java_cert: cert_content: | -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE----- ... -----END CERTIFICATE----- keystore_path: /tmp/cacerts keystore_pass: changeit keystore_create: true state: present cert_alias: LE_RootCA trust_cacert: true - name: Import SSL certificate from google.com to a keystore, create it if it doesn't exist community.general.java_cert: cert_url: google.com keystore_path: /tmp/cacerts keystore_pass: changeit keystore_create: true state: present - name: Import a pkcs12 keystore with a specified alias, create it if it doesn't exist community.general.java_cert: pkcs12_path: "/tmp/importkeystore.p12" cert_alias: default keystore_path: /opt/wildfly/standalone/configuration/defaultkeystore.jks keystore_pass: changeit keystore_create: true state: present - name: Import SSL certificate to JCEKS keystore community.general.java_cert: pkcs12_path: "/tmp/importkeystore.p12" pkcs12_alias: default pkcs12_password: somepass cert_alias: default keystore_path: /opt/someapp/security/keystore.jceks keystore_type: "JCEKS" keystore_pass: changeit keystore_create: true state: present ''' RETURN = r''' msg: description: Output from stdout of keytool command after execution of given command. returned: success type: str sample: "Module require existing keystore at keystore_path '/tmp/test/cacerts'" rc: description: Keytool command execution return value. returned: success type: int sample: "0" cmd: description: Executed command to get action done. returned: success type: str sample: "keytool -importcert -noprompt -keystore" ''' import os import tempfile import re # import module snippets from ansible.module_utils.basic import AnsibleModule from ansible.module_utils.six.moves.urllib.parse import urlparse from ansible.module_utils.six.moves.urllib.request import getproxies def _get_keystore_type_keytool_parameters(keystore_type): ''' Check that custom keystore is presented in parameters ''' if keystore_type: return ["-storetype", keystore_type] return [] def _check_cert_present(module, executable, keystore_path, keystore_pass, alias, keystore_type): ''' Check if certificate with alias is present in keystore located at keystore_path ''' test_cmd = [ executable, "-list", "-keystore", keystore_path, "-alias", alias, "-rfc" ] test_cmd += _get_keystore_type_keytool_parameters(keystore_type) (check_rc, stdout, dummy) = module.run_command(test_cmd, data=keystore_pass, check_rc=False) if check_rc == 0: return (True, stdout) return (False, '') def _get_certificate_from_url(module, executable, url, port, pem_certificate_output): remote_cert_pem_chain = _download_cert_url(module, executable, url, port) with open(pem_certificate_output, 'w') as f: f.write(remote_cert_pem_chain) def _get_first_certificate_from_x509_file(module, pem_certificate_file, pem_certificate_output, openssl_bin): """ Read a X509 certificate chain file and output the first certificate in the list """ extract_cmd = [ openssl_bin, "x509", "-in", pem_certificate_file, "-out", pem_certificate_output ] (extract_rc, dummy, extract_stderr) = module.run_command(extract_cmd, check_rc=False) if extract_rc != 0: # trying der encoded file extract_cmd += ["-inform", "der"] (extract_rc, dummy, extract_stderr) = module.run_command(extract_cmd, check_rc=False) if extract_rc != 0: # this time it's a real failure module.fail_json(msg="Internal module failure, cannot extract certificate, error: %s" % extract_stderr, rc=extract_rc, cmd=extract_cmd) return extract_rc def _get_digest_from_x509_file(module, pem_certificate_file, openssl_bin): """ Read a X509 certificate file and output sha256 digest using openssl """ # cleanup file before to compare (dummy, tmp_certificate) = tempfile.mkstemp() module.add_cleanup_file(tmp_certificate) _get_first_certificate_from_x509_file(module, pem_certificate_file, tmp_certificate, openssl_bin) dgst_cmd = [ openssl_bin, "dgst", "-r", "-sha256", tmp_certificate ] (dgst_rc, dgst_stdout, dgst_stderr) = module.run_command(dgst_cmd, check_rc=False) if dgst_rc != 0: module.fail_json(msg="Internal module failure, cannot compute digest for certificate, error: %s" % dgst_stderr, rc=dgst_rc, cmd=dgst_cmd) return dgst_stdout.split(' ')[0] def _export_public_cert_from_pkcs12(module, executable, pkcs_file, alias, password, dest): """ Runs keytools to extract the public cert from a PKCS12 archive and write it to a file. """ export_cmd = [ executable, "-list", "-noprompt", "-keystore", pkcs_file, "-alias", alias, "-storetype", "pkcs12", "-rfc" ] (export_rc, export_stdout, export_err) = module.run_command(export_cmd, data=password, check_rc=False) if export_rc != 0: module.fail_json(msg="Internal module failure, cannot extract public certificate from PKCS12, message: %s" % export_stdout, stderr=export_err, rc=export_rc) with open(dest, 'w') as f: f.write(export_stdout) def get_proxy_settings(scheme='https'): """ Returns a tuple containing (proxy_host, proxy_port). (False, False) if no proxy is found """ proxy_url = getproxies().get(scheme, '') if not proxy_url: return (False, False) else: parsed_url = urlparse(proxy_url) if parsed_url.scheme: (proxy_host, proxy_port) = parsed_url.netloc.split(':') else: (proxy_host, proxy_port) = parsed_url.path.split(':') return (proxy_host, proxy_port) def build_proxy_options(): """ Returns list of valid proxy options for keytool """ (proxy_host, proxy_port) = get_proxy_settings() no_proxy = os.getenv("no_proxy") proxy_opts = [] if proxy_host: proxy_opts.extend(["-J-Dhttps.proxyHost=%s" % proxy_host, "-J-Dhttps.proxyPort=%s" % proxy_port]) if no_proxy is not None: # For Java's nonProxyHosts property, items are separated by '|', # and patterns have to start with "*". non_proxy_hosts = no_proxy.replace(',', '|') non_proxy_hosts = re.sub(r'(^|\|)\.', r'\1*.', non_proxy_hosts) # The property name is http.nonProxyHosts, there is no # separate setting for HTTPS. proxy_opts.extend(["-J-Dhttp.nonProxyHosts=%s" % non_proxy_hosts]) return proxy_opts def _update_permissions(module, keystore_path): """ Updates keystore file attributes as necessary """ file_args = module.load_file_common_arguments(module.params, path=keystore_path) return module.set_fs_attributes_if_different(file_args, False) def _download_cert_url(module, executable, url, port): """ Fetches the certificate from the remote URL using `keytool -printcert...` The PEM formatted string is returned """ proxy_opts = build_proxy_options() fetch_cmd = [executable, "-printcert", "-rfc", "-sslserver"] + proxy_opts + ["%s:%d" % (url, port)] # Fetch SSL certificate from remote host. (fetch_rc, fetch_out, fetch_err) = module.run_command(fetch_cmd, check_rc=False) if fetch_rc != 0: module.fail_json(msg="Internal module failure, cannot download certificate, error: %s" % fetch_err, rc=fetch_rc, cmd=fetch_cmd) return fetch_out def import_pkcs12_path(module, executable, pkcs12_path, pkcs12_pass, pkcs12_alias, keystore_path, keystore_pass, keystore_alias, keystore_type): ''' Import pkcs12 from path into keystore located on keystore_path as alias ''' import_cmd = [ executable, "-importkeystore", "-noprompt", "-srcstoretype", "pkcs12", "-srckeystore", pkcs12_path, "-srcalias", pkcs12_alias, "-destkeystore", keystore_path, "-destalias", keystore_alias ] import_cmd += _get_keystore_type_keytool_parameters(keystore_type) secret_data = "%s\n%s" % (keystore_pass, pkcs12_pass) # Password of a new keystore must be entered twice, for confirmation if not os.path.exists(keystore_path): secret_data = "%s\n%s" % (keystore_pass, secret_data) # Use local certificate from local path and import it to a java keystore (import_rc, import_out, import_err) = module.run_command(import_cmd, data=secret_data, check_rc=False) diff = {'before': '\n', 'after': '%s\n' % keystore_alias} if import_rc != 0 or not os.path.exists(keystore_path): module.fail_json(msg=import_out, rc=import_rc, cmd=import_cmd, error=import_err) return dict(changed=True, msg=import_out, rc=import_rc, cmd=import_cmd, stdout=import_out, error=import_err, diff=diff) def import_cert_path(module, executable, path, keystore_path, keystore_pass, alias, keystore_type, trust_cacert): ''' Import certificate from path into keystore located on keystore_path as alias ''' import_cmd = [ executable, "-importcert", "-noprompt", "-keystore", keystore_path, "-file", path, "-alias", alias ] import_cmd += _get_keystore_type_keytool_parameters(keystore_type) if trust_cacert: import_cmd.extend(["-trustcacerts"]) # Use local certificate from local path and import it to a java keystore (import_rc, import_out, import_err) = module.run_command(import_cmd, data="%s\n%s" % (keystore_pass, keystore_pass), check_rc=False) diff = {'before': '\n', 'after': '%s\n' % alias} if import_rc != 0: module.fail_json(msg=import_out, rc=import_rc, cmd=import_cmd, error=import_err) return dict(changed=True, msg=import_out, rc=import_rc, cmd=import_cmd, stdout=import_out, error=import_err, diff=diff) def delete_cert(module, executable, keystore_path, keystore_pass, alias, keystore_type): ''' Delete certificate identified with alias from keystore on keystore_path ''' del_cmd = [ executable, "-delete", "-noprompt", "-keystore", keystore_path, "-alias", alias ] del_cmd += _get_keystore_type_keytool_parameters(keystore_type) # Delete SSL certificate from keystore (del_rc, del_out, del_err) = module.run_command(del_cmd, data=keystore_pass, check_rc=True) diff = {'before': '%s\n' % alias, 'after': None} if del_rc != 0: module.fail_json(msg=del_out, rc=del_rc, cmd=del_cmd, error=del_err) return dict(changed=True, msg=del_out, rc=del_rc, cmd=del_cmd, stdout=del_out, error=del_err, diff=diff) def test_keytool(module, executable): ''' Test if keytool is actually executable or not ''' module.run_command([executable], check_rc=True) def test_keystore(module, keystore_path): ''' Check if we can access keystore as file or not ''' if keystore_path is None: keystore_path = '' if not os.path.exists(keystore_path) and not os.path.isfile(keystore_path): # Keystore doesn't exist we want to create it module.fail_json(changed=False, msg="Module require existing keystore at keystore_path '%s'" % keystore_path) def main(): argument_spec = dict( cert_url=dict(type='str'), cert_path=dict(type='path'), cert_content=dict(type='str'), pkcs12_path=dict(type='path'), pkcs12_password=dict(type='str', no_log=True), pkcs12_alias=dict(type='str'), cert_alias=dict(type='str'), cert_port=dict(type='int', default=443), keystore_path=dict(type='path'), keystore_pass=dict(type='str', required=True, no_log=True), trust_cacert=dict(type='bool', default=False), keystore_create=dict(type='bool', default=False), keystore_type=dict(type='str'), executable=dict(type='str', default='keytool'), state=dict(type='str', default='present', choices=['absent', 'present']), ) module = AnsibleModule( argument_spec=argument_spec, required_if=[['state', 'present', ('cert_path', 'cert_url', 'cert_content', 'pkcs12_path'), True], ['state', 'absent', ('cert_url', 'cert_alias'), True]], required_together=[['keystore_path', 'keystore_pass']], mutually_exclusive=[ ['cert_url', 'cert_path', 'cert_content', 'pkcs12_path'] ], supports_check_mode=True, add_file_common_args=True, ) url = module.params.get('cert_url') path = module.params.get('cert_path') content = module.params.get('cert_content') port = module.params.get('cert_port') pkcs12_path = module.params.get('pkcs12_path') pkcs12_pass = module.params.get('pkcs12_password', '') pkcs12_alias = module.params.get('pkcs12_alias', '1') cert_alias = module.params.get('cert_alias') or url trust_cacert = module.params.get('trust_cacert') keystore_path = module.params.get('keystore_path') keystore_pass = module.params.get('keystore_pass') keystore_create = module.params.get('keystore_create') keystore_type = module.params.get('keystore_type') executable = module.params.get('executable') state = module.params.get('state') # openssl dependency resolution openssl_bin = module.get_bin_path('openssl', True) if path and not cert_alias: module.fail_json(changed=False, msg="Using local path import from %s requires alias argument." % keystore_path) test_keytool(module, executable) if not keystore_create: test_keystore(module, keystore_path) alias_exists, alias_exists_output = _check_cert_present( module, executable, keystore_path, keystore_pass, cert_alias, keystore_type) (dummy, new_certificate) = tempfile.mkstemp() (dummy, old_certificate) = tempfile.mkstemp() module.add_cleanup_file(new_certificate) module.add_cleanup_file(old_certificate) result = dict() if state == 'absent' and alias_exists: if module.check_mode: module.exit_json(changed=True) # delete result = delete_cert(module, executable, keystore_path, keystore_pass, cert_alias, keystore_type) # dump certificate to enroll in the keystore on disk and compute digest if state == 'present': # The alias exists in the keystore so we must now compare the SHA256 hash of the # public certificate already in the keystore, and the certificate we are wanting to add if alias_exists: with open(old_certificate, "w") as f: f.write(alias_exists_output) keystore_cert_digest = _get_digest_from_x509_file(module, old_certificate, openssl_bin) else: keystore_cert_digest = '' if pkcs12_path: # Extracting certificate with openssl _export_public_cert_from_pkcs12(module, executable, pkcs12_path, pkcs12_alias, pkcs12_pass, new_certificate) elif path: # Extracting the X509 digest is a bit easier. Keytool will print the PEM # certificate to stdout so we don't need to do any transformations. new_certificate = path elif content: with open(new_certificate, "w") as f: f.write(content) elif url: # Getting the X509 digest from a URL is the same as from a path, we just have # to download the cert first _get_certificate_from_url(module, executable, url, port, new_certificate) new_cert_digest = _get_digest_from_x509_file(module, new_certificate, openssl_bin) if keystore_cert_digest != new_cert_digest: if module.check_mode: module.exit_json(changed=True) if alias_exists: # The certificate in the keystore does not match with the one we want to be present # The existing certificate must first be deleted before we insert the correct one delete_cert(module, executable, keystore_path, keystore_pass, cert_alias, keystore_type) if pkcs12_path: result = import_pkcs12_path(module, executable, pkcs12_path, pkcs12_pass, pkcs12_alias, keystore_path, keystore_pass, cert_alias, keystore_type) else: result = import_cert_path(module, executable, new_certificate, keystore_path, keystore_pass, cert_alias, keystore_type, trust_cacert) if os.path.exists(keystore_path): changed_permissions = _update_permissions(module, keystore_path) result['changed'] = result.get('changed', False) or changed_permissions module.exit_json(**result) if __name__ == "__main__": main()