#!/usr/bin/python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # # Copyright (C) 2019 Huawei # GNU General Public License v3.0+ (see LICENSES/GPL-3.0-or-later.txt or https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.txt) # SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function __metaclass__ = type ############################################################################### # Documentation ############################################################################### DOCUMENTATION = ''' --- module: hwc_vpc_port description: - vpc port management. short_description: Creates a resource of Vpc/Port in Huawei Cloud version_added: '0.2.0' author: Huawei Inc. (@huaweicloud) requirements: - keystoneauth1 >= 3.6.0 attributes: check_mode: support: full diff_mode: support: none options: state: description: - Whether the given object should exist in Huawei Cloud. type: str choices: ['present', 'absent'] default: 'present' timeouts: description: - The timeouts for each operations. type: dict default: {} suboptions: create: description: - The timeouts for create operation. type: str default: '15m' subnet_id: description: - Specifies the ID of the subnet to which the port belongs. type: str required: true admin_state_up: description: - Specifies the administrative state of the port. type: bool required: false allowed_address_pairs: description: - Specifies a set of zero or more allowed address pairs. required: false type: list elements: dict suboptions: ip_address: description: - Specifies the IP address. It cannot set it to Configure an independent security group for the port if a large CIDR block (subnet mask less than 24) is configured for parameter allowed_address_pairs. type: str required: false mac_address: description: - Specifies the MAC address. type: str required: false extra_dhcp_opts: description: - Specifies the extended option of DHCP. type: list elements: dict required: false suboptions: name: description: - Specifies the option name. type: str required: false value: description: - Specifies the option value. type: str required: false ip_address: description: - Specifies the port IP address. type: str required: false name: description: - Specifies the port name. The value can contain no more than 255 characters. type: str required: false security_groups: description: - Specifies the ID of the security group. type: list elements: str required: false extends_documentation_fragment: - community.general.hwc - community.general.attributes ''' EXAMPLES = ''' # create a port - name: Create vpc hwc_network_vpc: cidr: "" name: "ansible_network_vpc_test" register: vpc - name: Create subnet hwc_vpc_subnet: gateway_ip: "" name: "ansible_network_subnet_test" dhcp_enable: true vpc_id: "{{ vpc.id }}" cidr: "" register: subnet - name: Create a port community.general.hwc_vpc_port: subnet_id: "{{ subnet.id }}" ip_address: "" ''' RETURN = ''' subnet_id: description: - Specifies the ID of the subnet to which the port belongs. type: str returned: success admin_state_up: description: - Specifies the administrative state of the port. type: bool returned: success allowed_address_pairs: description: - Specifies a set of zero or more allowed address pairs. type: list returned: success contains: ip_address: description: - Specifies the IP address. It cannot set it to Configure an independent security group for the port if a large CIDR block (subnet mask less than 24) is configured for parameter allowed_address_pairs. type: str returned: success mac_address: description: - Specifies the MAC address. type: str returned: success extra_dhcp_opts: description: - Specifies the extended option of DHCP. type: list returned: success contains: name: description: - Specifies the option name. type: str returned: success value: description: - Specifies the option value. type: str returned: success ip_address: description: - Specifies the port IP address. type: str returned: success name: description: - Specifies the port name. The value can contain no more than 255 characters. type: str returned: success security_groups: description: - Specifies the ID of the security group. type: list returned: success mac_address: description: - Specifies the port MAC address. type: str returned: success ''' from ansible_collections.community.general.plugins.module_utils.hwc_utils import ( Config, HwcClientException, HwcClientException404, HwcModule, are_different_dicts, build_path, get_region, is_empty_value, navigate_value, wait_to_finish) def build_module(): return HwcModule( argument_spec=dict( state=dict(default='present', choices=['present', 'absent'], type='str'), timeouts=dict(type='dict', options=dict( create=dict(default='15m', type='str'), ), default=dict()), subnet_id=dict(type='str', required=True), admin_state_up=dict(type='bool'), allowed_address_pairs=dict( type='list', elements='dict', options=dict( ip_address=dict(type='str'), mac_address=dict(type='str') ), ), extra_dhcp_opts=dict(type='list', elements='dict', options=dict( name=dict(type='str'), value=dict(type='str') )), ip_address=dict(type='str'), name=dict(type='str'), security_groups=dict(type='list', elements='str') ), supports_check_mode=True, ) def main(): """Main function""" module = build_module() config = Config(module, "vpc") try: resource = None if module.params['id']: resource = True else: v = search_resource(config) if len(v) > 1: raise Exception("Found more than one resource(%s)" % ", ".join([ navigate_value(i, ["id"]) for i in v])) if len(v) == 1: resource = v[0] module.params['id'] = navigate_value(resource, ["id"]) result = {} changed = False if module.params['state'] == 'present': if resource is None: if not module.check_mode: create(config) changed = True current = read_resource(config, exclude_output=True) expect = user_input_parameters(module) if are_different_dicts(expect, current): if not module.check_mode: update(config) changed = True result = read_resource(config) result['id'] = module.params.get('id') else: if resource: if not module.check_mode: delete(config) changed = True except Exception as ex: module.fail_json(msg=str(ex)) else: result['changed'] = changed module.exit_json(**result) def user_input_parameters(module): return { "admin_state_up": module.params.get("admin_state_up"), "allowed_address_pairs": module.params.get("allowed_address_pairs"), "extra_dhcp_opts": module.params.get("extra_dhcp_opts"), "ip_address": module.params.get("ip_address"), "name": module.params.get("name"), "security_groups": module.params.get("security_groups"), "subnet_id": module.params.get("subnet_id"), } def create(config): module = config.module client = config.client(get_region(module), "vpc", "project") timeout = 60 * int(module.params['timeouts']['create'].rstrip('m')) opts = user_input_parameters(module) params = build_create_parameters(opts) r = send_create_request(module, params, client) obj = async_wait_create(config, r, client, timeout) module.params['id'] = navigate_value(obj, ["port", "id"]) def update(config): module = config.module client = config.client(get_region(module), "vpc", "project") opts = user_input_parameters(module) params = build_update_parameters(opts) if params: send_update_request(module, params, client) def delete(config): module = config.module client = config.client(get_region(module), "vpc", "project") send_delete_request(module, None, client) url = build_path(module, "ports/{id}") def _refresh_status(): try: client.get(url) except HwcClientException404: return True, "Done" except Exception: return None, "" return True, "Pending" timeout = 60 * int(module.params['timeouts']['create'].rstrip('m')) try: wait_to_finish(["Done"], ["Pending"], _refresh_status, timeout) except Exception as ex: module.fail_json(msg="module(hwc_vpc_port): error " "waiting for api(delete) to " "be done, error= %s" % str(ex)) def read_resource(config, exclude_output=False): module = config.module client = config.client(get_region(module), "vpc", "project") res = {} r = send_read_request(module, client) res["read"] = fill_read_resp_body(r) array_index = { "read.fixed_ips": 0, } return update_properties(module, res, array_index, exclude_output) def _build_query_link(opts): query_params = [] v = navigate_value(opts, ["subnet_id"]) if v: query_params.append("network_id=" + str(v)) v = navigate_value(opts, ["name"]) if v: query_params.append("name=" + str(v)) v = navigate_value(opts, ["admin_state_up"]) if v: query_params.append("admin_state_up=" + str(v)) query_link = "?marker={marker}&limit=10" if query_params: query_link += "&" + "&".join(query_params) return query_link def search_resource(config): module = config.module client = config.client(get_region(module), "vpc", "project") opts = user_input_parameters(module) identity_obj = _build_identity_object(opts) query_link = _build_query_link(opts) link = "ports" + query_link result = [] p = {'marker': ''} while True: url = link.format(**p) r = send_list_request(module, client, url) if not r: break for item in r: item = fill_list_resp_body(item) if not are_different_dicts(identity_obj, item): result.append(item) if len(result) > 1: break p['marker'] = r[-1].get('id') return result def build_create_parameters(opts): params = dict() v = navigate_value(opts, ["admin_state_up"], None) if not is_empty_value(v): params["admin_state_up"] = v v = expand_create_allowed_address_pairs(opts, None) if not is_empty_value(v): params["allowed_address_pairs"] = v v = expand_create_extra_dhcp_opts(opts, None) if not is_empty_value(v): params["extra_dhcp_opts"] = v v = expand_create_fixed_ips(opts, None) if not is_empty_value(v): params["fixed_ips"] = v v = navigate_value(opts, ["name"], None) if not is_empty_value(v): params["name"] = v v = navigate_value(opts, ["subnet_id"], None) if not is_empty_value(v): params["network_id"] = v v = navigate_value(opts, ["security_groups"], None) if not is_empty_value(v): params["security_groups"] = v if not params: return params params = {"port": params} return params def expand_create_allowed_address_pairs(d, array_index): new_array_index = dict() if array_index: new_array_index.update(array_index) req = [] v = navigate_value(d, ["allowed_address_pairs"], new_array_index) if not v: return req n = len(v) for i in range(n): new_array_index["allowed_address_pairs"] = i transformed = dict() v = navigate_value(d, ["allowed_address_pairs", "ip_address"], new_array_index) if not is_empty_value(v): transformed["ip_address"] = v v = navigate_value(d, ["allowed_address_pairs", "mac_address"], new_array_index) if not is_empty_value(v): transformed["mac_address"] = v if transformed: req.append(transformed) return req def expand_create_extra_dhcp_opts(d, array_index): new_array_index = dict() if array_index: new_array_index.update(array_index) req = [] v = navigate_value(d, ["extra_dhcp_opts"], new_array_index) if not v: return req n = len(v) for i in range(n): new_array_index["extra_dhcp_opts"] = i transformed = dict() v = navigate_value(d, ["extra_dhcp_opts", "name"], new_array_index) if not is_empty_value(v): transformed["opt_name"] = v v = navigate_value(d, ["extra_dhcp_opts", "value"], new_array_index) if not is_empty_value(v): transformed["opt_value"] = v if transformed: req.append(transformed) return req def expand_create_fixed_ips(d, array_index): new_array_index = dict() if array_index: new_array_index.update(array_index) req = [] n = 1 for i in range(n): transformed = dict() v = navigate_value(d, ["ip_address"], new_array_index) if not is_empty_value(v): transformed["ip_address"] = v if transformed: req.append(transformed) return req def send_create_request(module, params, client): url = "ports" try: r = client.post(url, params) except HwcClientException as ex: msg = ("module(hwc_vpc_port): error running " "api(create), error: %s" % str(ex)) module.fail_json(msg=msg) return r def async_wait_create(config, result, client, timeout): module = config.module path_parameters = { "port_id": ["port", "id"], } data = {key: navigate_value(result, path) for key, path in path_parameters.items()} url = build_path(module, "ports/{port_id}", data) def _query_status(): r = None try: r = client.get(url, timeout=timeout) except HwcClientException: return None, "" try: s = navigate_value(r, ["port", "status"]) return r, s except Exception: return None, "" try: return wait_to_finish( ["ACTIVE", "DOWN"], ["BUILD"], _query_status, timeout) except Exception as ex: module.fail_json(msg="module(hwc_vpc_port): error " "waiting for api(create) to " "be done, error= %s" % str(ex)) def build_update_parameters(opts): params = dict() v = expand_update_allowed_address_pairs(opts, None) if v is not None: params["allowed_address_pairs"] = v v = expand_update_extra_dhcp_opts(opts, None) if v is not None: params["extra_dhcp_opts"] = v v = navigate_value(opts, ["name"], None) if not is_empty_value(v): params["name"] = v v = navigate_value(opts, ["security_groups"], None) if not is_empty_value(v): params["security_groups"] = v if not params: return params params = {"port": params} return params def expand_update_allowed_address_pairs(d, array_index): new_array_index = dict() if array_index: new_array_index.update(array_index) req = [] v = navigate_value(d, ["allowed_address_pairs"], new_array_index) if not v: return req n = len(v) for i in range(n): new_array_index["allowed_address_pairs"] = i transformed = dict() v = navigate_value(d, ["allowed_address_pairs", "ip_address"], new_array_index) if not is_empty_value(v): transformed["ip_address"] = v v = navigate_value(d, ["allowed_address_pairs", "mac_address"], new_array_index) if not is_empty_value(v): transformed["mac_address"] = v if transformed: req.append(transformed) return req def expand_update_extra_dhcp_opts(d, array_index): new_array_index = dict() if array_index: new_array_index.update(array_index) req = [] v = navigate_value(d, ["extra_dhcp_opts"], new_array_index) if not v: return req n = len(v) for i in range(n): new_array_index["extra_dhcp_opts"] = i transformed = dict() v = navigate_value(d, ["extra_dhcp_opts", "name"], new_array_index) if not is_empty_value(v): transformed["opt_name"] = v v = navigate_value(d, ["extra_dhcp_opts", "value"], new_array_index) if not is_empty_value(v): transformed["opt_value"] = v if transformed: req.append(transformed) return req def send_update_request(module, params, client): url = build_path(module, "ports/{id}") try: r = client.put(url, params) except HwcClientException as ex: msg = ("module(hwc_vpc_port): error running " "api(update), error: %s" % str(ex)) module.fail_json(msg=msg) return r def send_delete_request(module, params, client): url = build_path(module, "ports/{id}") try: r = client.delete(url, params) except HwcClientException as ex: msg = ("module(hwc_vpc_port): error running " "api(delete), error: %s" % str(ex)) module.fail_json(msg=msg) return r def send_read_request(module, client): url = build_path(module, "ports/{id}") r = None try: r = client.get(url) except HwcClientException as ex: msg = ("module(hwc_vpc_port): error running " "api(read), error: %s" % str(ex)) module.fail_json(msg=msg) return navigate_value(r, ["port"], None) def fill_read_resp_body(body): result = dict() result["admin_state_up"] = body.get("admin_state_up") v = fill_read_resp_allowed_address_pairs(body.get("allowed_address_pairs")) result["allowed_address_pairs"] = v result["binding_host_id"] = body.get("binding_host_id") result["binding_vnic_type"] = body.get("binding_vnic_type") result["device_id"] = body.get("device_id") result["device_owner"] = body.get("device_owner") result["dns_name"] = body.get("dns_name") v = fill_read_resp_extra_dhcp_opts(body.get("extra_dhcp_opts")) result["extra_dhcp_opts"] = v v = fill_read_resp_fixed_ips(body.get("fixed_ips")) result["fixed_ips"] = v result["id"] = body.get("id") result["mac_address"] = body.get("mac_address") result["name"] = body.get("name") result["network_id"] = body.get("network_id") result["security_groups"] = body.get("security_groups") result["status"] = body.get("status") result["tenant_id"] = body.get("tenant_id") return result def fill_read_resp_allowed_address_pairs(value): if not value: return None result = [] for item in value: val = dict() val["ip_address"] = item.get("ip_address") val["mac_address"] = item.get("mac_address") result.append(val) return result def fill_read_resp_extra_dhcp_opts(value): if not value: return None result = [] for item in value: val = dict() val["opt_name"] = item.get("opt_name") val["opt_value"] = item.get("opt_value") result.append(val) return result def fill_read_resp_fixed_ips(value): if not value: return None result = [] for item in value: val = dict() val["ip_address"] = item.get("ip_address") result.append(val) return result def update_properties(module, response, array_index, exclude_output=False): r = user_input_parameters(module) v = navigate_value(response, ["read", "admin_state_up"], array_index) r["admin_state_up"] = v v = r.get("allowed_address_pairs") v = flatten_allowed_address_pairs(response, array_index, v, exclude_output) r["allowed_address_pairs"] = v v = r.get("extra_dhcp_opts") v = flatten_extra_dhcp_opts(response, array_index, v, exclude_output) r["extra_dhcp_opts"] = v v = navigate_value(response, ["read", "fixed_ips", "ip_address"], array_index) r["ip_address"] = v if not exclude_output: v = navigate_value(response, ["read", "mac_address"], array_index) r["mac_address"] = v v = navigate_value(response, ["read", "name"], array_index) r["name"] = v v = navigate_value(response, ["read", "security_groups"], array_index) r["security_groups"] = v v = navigate_value(response, ["read", "network_id"], array_index) r["subnet_id"] = v return r def flatten_allowed_address_pairs(d, array_index, current_value, exclude_output): n = 0 result = current_value has_init_value = True if result: n = len(result) else: has_init_value = False result = [] v = navigate_value(d, ["read", "allowed_address_pairs"], array_index) if not v: return current_value n = len(v) new_array_index = dict() if array_index: new_array_index.update(array_index) for i in range(n): new_array_index["read.allowed_address_pairs"] = i val = dict() if len(result) >= (i + 1) and result[i]: val = result[i] v = navigate_value(d, ["read", "allowed_address_pairs", "ip_address"], new_array_index) val["ip_address"] = v v = navigate_value(d, ["read", "allowed_address_pairs", "mac_address"], new_array_index) val["mac_address"] = v if len(result) >= (i + 1): result[i] = val else: for v in val.values(): if v is not None: result.append(val) break return result if (has_init_value or result) else current_value def flatten_extra_dhcp_opts(d, array_index, current_value, exclude_output): n = 0 result = current_value has_init_value = True if result: n = len(result) else: has_init_value = False result = [] v = navigate_value(d, ["read", "extra_dhcp_opts"], array_index) if not v: return current_value n = len(v) new_array_index = dict() if array_index: new_array_index.update(array_index) for i in range(n): new_array_index["read.extra_dhcp_opts"] = i val = dict() if len(result) >= (i + 1) and result[i]: val = result[i] v = navigate_value(d, ["read", "extra_dhcp_opts", "opt_name"], new_array_index) val["name"] = v v = navigate_value(d, ["read", "extra_dhcp_opts", "opt_value"], new_array_index) val["value"] = v if len(result) >= (i + 1): result[i] = val else: for v in val.values(): if v is not None: result.append(val) break return result if (has_init_value or result) else current_value def send_list_request(module, client, url): r = None try: r = client.get(url) except HwcClientException as ex: msg = ("module(hwc_vpc_port): error running " "api(list), error: %s" % str(ex)) module.fail_json(msg=msg) return navigate_value(r, ["ports"], None) def _build_identity_object(all_opts): result = dict() v = navigate_value(all_opts, ["admin_state_up"], None) result["admin_state_up"] = v v = expand_list_allowed_address_pairs(all_opts, None) result["allowed_address_pairs"] = v result["binding_host_id"] = None result["binding_vnic_type"] = None result["device_id"] = None result["device_owner"] = None result["dns_name"] = None v = expand_list_extra_dhcp_opts(all_opts, None) result["extra_dhcp_opts"] = v v = expand_list_fixed_ips(all_opts, None) result["fixed_ips"] = v result["id"] = None result["mac_address"] = None v = navigate_value(all_opts, ["name"], None) result["name"] = v v = navigate_value(all_opts, ["subnet_id"], None) result["network_id"] = v v = navigate_value(all_opts, ["security_groups"], None) result["security_groups"] = v result["status"] = None result["tenant_id"] = None return result def expand_list_allowed_address_pairs(d, array_index): new_array_index = dict() if array_index: new_array_index.update(array_index) req = [] v = navigate_value(d, ["allowed_address_pairs"], new_array_index) n = len(v) if v else 1 for i in range(n): new_array_index["allowed_address_pairs"] = i transformed = dict() v = navigate_value(d, ["allowed_address_pairs", "ip_address"], new_array_index) transformed["ip_address"] = v v = navigate_value(d, ["allowed_address_pairs", "mac_address"], new_array_index) transformed["mac_address"] = v for v in transformed.values(): if v is not None: req.append(transformed) break return req if req else None def expand_list_extra_dhcp_opts(d, array_index): new_array_index = dict() if array_index: new_array_index.update(array_index) req = [] v = navigate_value(d, ["extra_dhcp_opts"], new_array_index) n = len(v) if v else 1 for i in range(n): new_array_index["extra_dhcp_opts"] = i transformed = dict() v = navigate_value(d, ["extra_dhcp_opts", "name"], new_array_index) transformed["opt_name"] = v v = navigate_value(d, ["extra_dhcp_opts", "value"], new_array_index) transformed["opt_value"] = v for v in transformed.values(): if v is not None: req.append(transformed) break return req if req else None def expand_list_fixed_ips(d, array_index): new_array_index = dict() if array_index: new_array_index.update(array_index) req = [] n = 1 for i in range(n): transformed = dict() v = navigate_value(d, ["ip_address"], new_array_index) transformed["ip_address"] = v for v in transformed.values(): if v is not None: req.append(transformed) break return req if req else None def fill_list_resp_body(body): result = dict() result["admin_state_up"] = body.get("admin_state_up") v = fill_list_resp_allowed_address_pairs(body.get("allowed_address_pairs")) result["allowed_address_pairs"] = v result["binding_host_id"] = body.get("binding_host_id") result["binding_vnic_type"] = body.get("binding_vnic_type") result["device_id"] = body.get("device_id") result["device_owner"] = body.get("device_owner") result["dns_name"] = body.get("dns_name") v = fill_list_resp_extra_dhcp_opts(body.get("extra_dhcp_opts")) result["extra_dhcp_opts"] = v v = fill_list_resp_fixed_ips(body.get("fixed_ips")) result["fixed_ips"] = v result["id"] = body.get("id") result["mac_address"] = body.get("mac_address") result["name"] = body.get("name") result["network_id"] = body.get("network_id") result["security_groups"] = body.get("security_groups") result["status"] = body.get("status") result["tenant_id"] = body.get("tenant_id") return result def fill_list_resp_allowed_address_pairs(value): if not value: return None result = [] for item in value: val = dict() val["ip_address"] = item.get("ip_address") val["mac_address"] = item.get("mac_address") result.append(val) return result def fill_list_resp_extra_dhcp_opts(value): if not value: return None result = [] for item in value: val = dict() val["opt_name"] = item.get("opt_name") val["opt_value"] = item.get("opt_value") result.append(val) return result def fill_list_resp_fixed_ips(value): if not value: return None result = [] for item in value: val = dict() val["ip_address"] = item.get("ip_address") result.append(val) return result if __name__ == '__main__': main()