#!/usr/bin/python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # # (c) 2018, NetApp Inc. # GNU General Public License v3.0+ (see COPYING or https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.txt) from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function __metaclass__ = type ANSIBLE_METADATA = {'metadata_version': '1.1', 'status': ['preview'], 'supported_by': 'community'} DOCUMENTATION = ''' --- module: netapp_e_host short_description: NetApp E-Series manage eseries hosts description: Create, update, remove hosts on NetApp E-series storage arrays author: - Kevin Hulquest (@hulquest) - Nathan Swartz (@ndswartz) extends_documentation_fragment: - netapp.ontap.netapp.eseries options: name: description: - If the host doesn't yet exist, the label/name to assign at creation time. - If the hosts already exists, this will be used to uniquely identify the host to make any required changes required: True aliases: - label state: description: - Set to absent to remove an existing host - Set to present to modify or create a new host definition choices: - absent - present default: present host_type: description: - This is the type of host to be mapped - Required when C(state=present) - Either one of the following names can be specified, Linux DM-MP, VMWare, Windows, Windows Clustered, or a host type index which can be found in M(netapp_e_facts) type: str aliases: - host_type_index ports: description: - A list of host ports you wish to associate with the host. - Host ports are uniquely identified by their WWN or IQN. Their assignments to a particular host are uniquely identified by a label and these must be unique. required: False suboptions: type: description: - The interface type of the port to define. - Acceptable choices depend on the capabilities of the target hardware/software platform. required: true choices: - iscsi - sas - fc - ib - nvmeof - ethernet label: description: - A unique label to assign to this port assignment. required: true port: description: - The WWN or IQN of the hostPort to assign to this port definition. required: true force_port: description: - Allow ports that are already assigned to be re-assigned to your current host required: false type: bool group: description: - The unique identifier of the host-group you want the host to be a member of; this is used for clustering. required: False aliases: - cluster log_path: description: - A local path to a file to be used for debug logging required: False ''' EXAMPLES = """ - name: Define or update an existing host named 'Host1' netapp_e_host: ssid: "1" api_url: "" api_username: admin api_password: myPassword name: "Host1" state: present host_type_index: Linux DM-MP ports: - type: 'iscsi' label: 'PORT_1' port: 'iqn.1996-04.de.suse:01:56f86f9bd1fe' - type: 'fc' label: 'FC_1' port: '10:00:FF:7C:FF:FF:FF:01' - type: 'fc' label: 'FC_2' port: '10:00:FF:7C:FF:FF:FF:00' - name: Ensure a host named 'Host2' doesn't exist netapp_e_host: ssid: "1" api_url: "" api_username: admin api_password: myPassword name: "Host2" state: absent """ RETURN = """ msg: description: - A user-readable description of the actions performed. returned: on success type: str sample: The host has been created. id: description: - the unique identifier of the host on the E-Series storage-system returned: on success when state=present type: str sample: 00000000600A098000AAC0C3003004700AD86A52 version_added: "2.6" ssid: description: - the unique identifier of the E-Series storage-system with the current api returned: on success type: str sample: 1 version_added: "2.6" api_url: description: - the url of the API that this request was processed by returned: on success type: str sample: https://webservices.example.com:8443 version_added: "2.6" """ import json import logging import re from pprint import pformat from ansible.module_utils.basic import AnsibleModule from ansible_collections.netapp.ontap.plugins.module_utils.netapp import request, eseries_host_argument_spec from ansible.module_utils._text import to_native HEADERS = { "Content-Type": "application/json", "Accept": "application/json", } class Host(object): HOST_TYPE_INDEXES = {"linux dm-mp": 28, "vmware": 10, "windows": 1, "windows clustered": 8} def __init__(self): argument_spec = eseries_host_argument_spec() argument_spec.update(dict( state=dict(type='str', default='present', choices=['absent', 'present']), group=dict(type='str', required=False, aliases=['cluster']), ports=dict(type='list', required=False), force_port=dict(type='bool', default=False), name=dict(type='str', required=True, aliases=['label']), host_type_index=dict(type='str', aliases=['host_type']), log_path=dict(type='str', required=False), )) self.module = AnsibleModule(argument_spec=argument_spec, supports_check_mode=True) self.check_mode = self.module.check_mode args = self.module.params self.group = args['group'] self.ports = args['ports'] self.force_port = args['force_port'] self.name = args['name'] self.state = args['state'] self.ssid = args['ssid'] self.url = args['api_url'] self.user = args['api_username'] self.pwd = args['api_password'] self.certs = args['validate_certs'] self.post_body = dict() self.all_hosts = list() self.host_obj = dict() self.newPorts = list() self.portsForUpdate = list() self.portsForRemoval = list() # Update host type with the corresponding index host_type = args['host_type_index'] if host_type: host_type = host_type.lower() if host_type in [key.lower() for key in list(self.HOST_TYPE_INDEXES.keys())]: self.host_type_index = self.HOST_TYPE_INDEXES[host_type] elif host_type.isdigit(): self.host_type_index = int(args['host_type_index']) else: self.module.fail_json(msg="host_type must be either a host type name or host type index found integer" " the documentation.") # logging setup self._logger = logging.getLogger(self.__class__.__name__) if args['log_path']: logging.basicConfig( level=logging.DEBUG, filename=args['log_path'], filemode='w', format='%(relativeCreated)dms %(levelname)s %(module)s.%(funcName)s:%(lineno)d\n %(message)s') if not self.url.endswith('/'): self.url += '/' # Ensure when state==present then host_type_index is defined if self.state == "present" and self.host_type_index is None: self.module.fail_json(msg="Host_type_index is required when state=='present'. Array Id: [%s]" % self.ssid) # Fix port representation if they are provided with colons if self.ports is not None: for port in self.ports: port['label'] = port['label'].lower() port['type'] = port['type'].lower() port['port'] = port['port'].lower() # Determine whether address is 16-byte WWPN and, if so, remove if re.match(r'^(0x)?[0-9a-f]{16}$', port['port'].replace(':', '')): port['port'] = port['port'].replace(':', '').replace('0x', '') def valid_host_type(self): host_types = None try: (rc, host_types) = request(self.url + 'storage-systems/%s/host-types' % self.ssid, url_password=self.pwd, url_username=self.user, validate_certs=self.certs, headers=HEADERS) except Exception as err: self.module.fail_json( msg="Failed to get host types. Array Id [%s]. Error [%s]." % (self.ssid, to_native(err))) try: match = list(filter(lambda host_type: host_type['index'] == self.host_type_index, host_types))[0] return True except IndexError: self.module.fail_json(msg="There is no host type with index %s" % self.host_type_index) def assigned_host_ports(self, apply_unassigning=False): """Determine if the hostPorts requested have already been assigned and return list of required used ports.""" used_host_ports = {} for host in self.all_hosts: if host['label'] != self.name: for host_port in host['hostSidePorts']: for port in self.ports: if port['port'] == host_port["address"] or port['label'] == host_port['label']: if not self.force_port: self.module.fail_json(msg="There are no host ports available OR there are not enough" " unassigned host ports") else: # Determine port reference port_ref = [port["hostPortRef"] for port in host["ports"] if port["hostPortName"] == host_port["address"]] port_ref.extend([port["initiatorRef"] for port in host["initiators"] if port["nodeName"]["iscsiNodeName"] == host_port["address"]]) # Create dictionary of hosts containing list of port references if host["hostRef"] not in used_host_ports.keys(): used_host_ports.update({host["hostRef"]: port_ref}) else: used_host_ports[host["hostRef"]].extend(port_ref) else: for host_port in host['hostSidePorts']: for port in self.ports: if ((host_port['label'] == port['label'] and host_port['address'] != port['port']) or (host_port['label'] != port['label'] and host_port['address'] == port['port'])): if not self.force_port: self.module.fail_json(msg="There are no host ports available OR there are not enough" " unassigned host ports") else: # Determine port reference port_ref = [port["hostPortRef"] for port in host["ports"] if port["hostPortName"] == host_port["address"]] port_ref.extend([port["initiatorRef"] for port in host["initiators"] if port["nodeName"]["iscsiNodeName"] == host_port["address"]]) # Create dictionary of hosts containing list of port references if host["hostRef"] not in used_host_ports.keys(): used_host_ports.update({host["hostRef"]: port_ref}) else: used_host_ports[host["hostRef"]].extend(port_ref) # Unassign assigned ports if apply_unassigning: for host_ref in used_host_ports.keys(): try: rc, resp = request(self.url + 'storage-systems/%s/hosts/%s' % (self.ssid, host_ref), url_username=self.user, url_password=self.pwd, headers=HEADERS, validate_certs=self.certs, method='POST', data=json.dumps({"portsToRemove": used_host_ports[host_ref]})) except Exception as err: self.module.fail_json(msg="Failed to unassign host port. Host Id [%s]. Array Id [%s]. Ports [%s]." " Error [%s]." % (self.host_obj['id'], self.ssid, used_host_ports[host_ref], to_native(err))) return used_host_ports def group_id(self): if self.group: try: (rc, all_groups) = request(self.url + 'storage-systems/%s/host-groups' % self.ssid, url_password=self.pwd, url_username=self.user, validate_certs=self.certs, headers=HEADERS) except Exception as err: self.module.fail_json( msg="Failed to get host groups. Array Id [%s]. Error [%s]." % (self.ssid, to_native(err))) try: group_obj = list(filter(lambda group: group['name'] == self.group, all_groups))[0] return group_obj['id'] except IndexError: self.module.fail_json(msg="No group with the name: %s exists" % self.group) else: # Return the value equivalent of no group return "0000000000000000000000000000000000000000" def host_exists(self): """Determine if the requested host exists As a side effect, set the full list of defined hosts in 'all_hosts', and the target host in 'host_obj'. """ match = False all_hosts = list() try: (rc, all_hosts) = request(self.url + 'storage-systems/%s/hosts' % self.ssid, url_password=self.pwd, url_username=self.user, validate_certs=self.certs, headers=HEADERS) except Exception as err: self.module.fail_json( msg="Failed to determine host existence. Array Id [%s]. Error [%s]." % (self.ssid, to_native(err))) # Augment the host objects for host in all_hosts: for port in host['hostSidePorts']: port['type'] = port['type'].lower() port['address'] = port['address'].lower() port['label'] = port['label'].lower() # Augment hostSidePorts with their ID (this is an omission in the API) ports = dict((port['label'], port['id']) for port in host['ports']) ports.update((port['label'], port['id']) for port in host['initiators']) for host_side_port in host['hostSidePorts']: if host_side_port['label'] in ports: host_side_port['id'] = ports[host_side_port['label']] if host['label'] == self.name: self.host_obj = host match = True self.all_hosts = all_hosts return match def needs_update(self): """Determine whether we need to update the Host object As a side effect, we will set the ports that we need to update (portsForUpdate), and the ports we need to add (newPorts), on self. """ changed = False if (self.host_obj["clusterRef"].lower() != self.group_id().lower() or self.host_obj["hostTypeIndex"] != self.host_type_index): self._logger.info("Either hostType or the clusterRef doesn't match, an update is required.") changed = True current_host_ports = dict((port["id"], {"type": port["type"], "port": port["address"], "label": port["label"]}) for port in self.host_obj["hostSidePorts"]) if self.ports: for port in self.ports: for current_host_port_id in current_host_ports.keys(): if port == current_host_ports[current_host_port_id]: current_host_ports.pop(current_host_port_id) break elif port["port"] == current_host_ports[current_host_port_id]["port"]: if self.port_on_diff_host(port) and not self.force_port: self.module.fail_json(msg="The port you specified [%s] is associated with a different host." " Specify force_port as True or try a different port spec" % port) if (port["label"] != current_host_ports[current_host_port_id]["label"] or port["type"] != current_host_ports[current_host_port_id]["type"]): current_host_ports.pop(current_host_port_id) self.portsForUpdate.append({"portRef": current_host_port_id, "port": port["port"], "label": port["label"], "hostRef": self.host_obj["hostRef"]}) break else: self.newPorts.append(port) self.portsForRemoval = list(current_host_ports.keys()) changed = any([self.newPorts, self.portsForUpdate, self.portsForRemoval, changed]) return changed def port_on_diff_host(self, arg_port): """ Checks to see if a passed in port arg is present on a different host """ for host in self.all_hosts: # Only check 'other' hosts if host['name'] != self.name: for port in host['hostSidePorts']: # Check if the port label is found in the port dict list of each host if arg_port['label'] == port['label'] or arg_port['port'] == port['address']: self.other_host = host return True return False def update_host(self): self._logger.info("Beginning the update for host=%s.", self.name) if self.ports: # Remove ports that need reassigning from their current host. self.assigned_host_ports(apply_unassigning=True) self.post_body["portsToUpdate"] = self.portsForUpdate self.post_body["ports"] = self.newPorts self._logger.info("Requested ports: %s", pformat(self.ports)) else: self._logger.info("No host ports were defined.") if self.group: self.post_body['groupId'] = self.group_id() self.post_body['hostType'] = dict(index=self.host_type_index) api = self.url + 'storage-systems/%s/hosts/%s' % (self.ssid, self.host_obj['id']) self._logger.info("POST => url=%s, body=%s.", api, pformat(self.post_body)) if not self.check_mode: try: (rc, self.host_obj) = request(api, url_username=self.user, url_password=self.pwd, headers=HEADERS, validate_certs=self.certs, method='POST', data=json.dumps(self.post_body)) except Exception as err: self.module.fail_json( msg="Failed to update host. Array Id [%s]. Error [%s]." % (self.ssid, to_native(err))) payload = self.build_success_payload(self.host_obj) self.module.exit_json(changed=True, **payload) def create_host(self): self._logger.info("Creating host definition.") # Remove ports that need reassigning from their current host. self.assigned_host_ports(apply_unassigning=True) # needs_reassignment = False post_body = dict( name=self.name, hostType=dict(index=self.host_type_index), groupId=self.group_id(), ) if self.ports: post_body.update(ports=self.ports) api = self.url + "storage-systems/%s/hosts" % self.ssid self._logger.info('POST => url=%s, body=%s', api, pformat(post_body)) if not self.check_mode: if not self.host_exists(): try: (rc, self.host_obj) = request(api, method='POST', url_username=self.user, url_password=self.pwd, validate_certs=self.certs, data=json.dumps(post_body), headers=HEADERS) except Exception as err: self.module.fail_json( msg="Failed to create host. Array Id [%s]. Error [%s]." % (self.ssid, to_native(err))) else: payload = self.build_success_payload(self.host_obj) self.module.exit_json(changed=False, msg="Host already exists. Id [%s]. Host [%s]." % (self.ssid, self.name), **payload) payload = self.build_success_payload(self.host_obj) self.module.exit_json(changed=True, msg='Host created.', **payload) def remove_host(self): try: (rc, resp) = request(self.url + "storage-systems/%s/hosts/%s" % (self.ssid, self.host_obj['id']), method='DELETE', url_username=self.user, url_password=self.pwd, validate_certs=self.certs) except Exception as err: self.module.fail_json( msg="Failed to remove host. Host[%s]. Array Id [%s]. Error [%s]." % (self.host_obj['id'], self.ssid, to_native(err))) def build_success_payload(self, host=None): keys = ['id'] if host is not None: result = dict((key, host[key]) for key in keys) else: result = dict() result['ssid'] = self.ssid result['api_url'] = self.url return result def apply(self): if self.state == 'present': if self.host_exists(): if self.needs_update() and self.valid_host_type(): self.update_host() else: payload = self.build_success_payload(self.host_obj) self.module.exit_json(changed=False, msg="Host already present; no changes required.", **payload) elif self.valid_host_type(): self.create_host() else: payload = self.build_success_payload() if self.host_exists(): self.remove_host() self.module.exit_json(changed=True, msg="Host removed.", **payload) else: self.module.exit_json(changed=False, msg="Host already absent.", **payload) def main(): host = Host() host.apply() if __name__ == '__main__': main()