#!/usr/bin/python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from __future__ import (absolute_import, division, print_function) __metaclass__ = type # # Copyright (C) 2019 Lenovo. # (c) 2017, Ansible by Red Hat, inc # This file is part of Ansible # # Ansible is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # Ansible is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with Ansible. If not, see . # # Module to work on management of local users on Lenovo CNOS Switches # Lenovo Networking # ANSIBLE_METADATA = {'metadata_version': '1.1', 'status': ['preview'], 'supported_by': 'community'} DOCUMENTATION = ''' --- module: cnos_user author: "Anil Kumar Muraleedharan (@amuraleedhar)" short_description: Manage the collection of local users on Lenovo CNOS devices description: - This module provides declarative management of the local usernames configured on Lenovo CNOS devices. It allows playbooks to manage either individual usernames or the collection of usernames in the current running config. It also supports purging usernames from the configuration that are not explicitly defined. options: aggregate: description: - The set of username objects to be configured on the remote Lenovo CNOS device. The list entries can either be the username or a hash of username and properties. This argument is mutually exclusive with the C(name) argument. aliases: ['users', 'collection'] name: description: - The username to be configured on the remote Lenovo CNOS device. This argument accepts a string value and is mutually exclusive with the C(aggregate) argument. configured_password: description: - The password to be configured on the network device. The password needs to be provided in cleartext and it will be encrypted on the device. Please note that this option is not same as C(provider password). update_password: description: - Since passwords are encrypted in the device running config, this argument will instruct the module when to change the password. When set to C(always), the password will always be updated in the device and when set to C(on_create) the password will be updated only if the username is created. default: always choices: ['on_create', 'always'] role: description: - The C(role) argument configures the role for the username in the device running configuration. The argument accepts a string value defining the role name. This argument does not check if the role has been configured on the device. aliases: ['roles'] sshkey: description: - The C(sshkey) argument defines the SSH public key to configure for the username. This argument accepts a valid SSH key value. purge: description: - The C(purge) argument instructs the module to consider the resource definition absolute. It will remove any previously configured usernames on the device with the exception of the `admin` user which cannot be deleted per cnos constraints. type: bool default: 'no' state: description: - The C(state) argument configures the state of the username definition as it relates to the device operational configuration. When set to I(present), the username(s) should be configured in the device active configuration and when set to I(absent) the username(s) should not be in the device active configuration default: present choices: ['present', 'absent'] ''' EXAMPLES = """ - name: create a new user cnos_user: name: ansible sshkey: "{{ lookup('file', '~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub') }}" state: present - name: remove all users except admin cnos_user: purge: yes - name: set multiple users role aggregate: - name: netop - name: netend role: network-operator state: present """ RETURN = """ commands: description: The list of configuration mode commands to send to the device returned: always type: list sample: - name ansible - name ansible password password start: description: The time the job started returned: always type: str sample: "2016-11-16 10:38:15.126146" end: description: The time the job ended returned: always type: str sample: "2016-11-16 10:38:25.595612" delta: description: The time elapsed to perform all operations returned: always type: str sample: "0:00:10.469466" """ import re from copy import deepcopy from functools import partial from ansible_collections.community.general.plugins.module_utils.network.cnos.cnos import run_commands, load_config from ansible_collections.community.general.plugins.module_utils.network.cnos.cnos import get_config from ansible_collections.community.general.plugins.module_utils.network.cnos.cnos import cnos_argument_spec from ansible.module_utils.basic import AnsibleModule from ansible.module_utils.six import string_types, iteritems from ansible_collections.ansible.netcommon.plugins.module_utils.network.common.utils import to_list from ansible_collections.ansible.netcommon.plugins.module_utils.network.common.utils import remove_default_spec from ansible_collections.community.general.plugins.module_utils.network.cnos.cnos import get_user_roles def validate_roles(value, module): for item in value: if item not in get_user_roles(): module.fail_json(msg='invalid role specified') def map_obj_to_commands(updates, module): commands = list() state = module.params['state'] update_password = module.params['update_password'] for update in updates: want, have = update def needs_update(x): return want.get(x) and (want.get(x) != have.get(x)) def add(x): return commands.append('username %s %s' % (want['name'], x)) def remove(x): return commands.append('no username %s %s' % (want['name'], x)) if want['state'] == 'absent': commands.append('no username %s' % want['name']) continue if want['state'] == 'present' and not have: commands.append('username %s' % want['name']) if needs_update('configured_password'): if update_password == 'always' or not have: add('password %s' % want['configured_password']) if needs_update('sshkey'): add('sshkey %s' % want['sshkey']) if want['roles']: if have: for item in set(have['roles']).difference(want['roles']): remove('role %s' % item) for item in set(want['roles']).difference(have['roles']): add('role %s' % item) else: for item in want['roles']: add('role %s' % item) return commands def parse_password(data): if 'no password set' in data: return None return '' def parse_roles(data): roles = list() if 'role:' in data: items = data.split() my_item = items[items.index('role:') + 1] roles.append(my_item) return roles def parse_username(data): name = data.split(' ', 1)[0] username = name[1:] return username def parse_sshkey(data): key = None if 'sskkey:' in data: items = data.split() key = items[items.index('sshkey:') + 1] return key def map_config_to_obj(module): out = run_commands(module, ['show user-account']) data = out[0] objects = list() datum = data.split('User') for item in datum: objects.append({ 'name': parse_username(item), 'configured_password': parse_password(item), 'sshkey': parse_sshkey(item), 'roles': parse_roles(item), 'state': 'present' }) return objects def get_param_value(key, item, module): # if key doesn't exist in the item, get it from module.params if not item.get(key): value = module.params[key] # if key does exist, do a type check on it to validate it else: value_type = module.argument_spec[key].get('type', 'str') type_checker = module._CHECK_ARGUMENT_TYPES_DISPATCHER[value_type] type_checker(item[key]) value = item[key] return value def map_params_to_obj(module): aggregate = module.params['aggregate'] if not aggregate: if not module.params['name'] and module.params['purge']: return list() elif not module.params['name']: module.fail_json(msg='username is required') else: collection = [{'name': module.params['name']}] else: collection = list() for item in aggregate: if not isinstance(item, dict): collection.append({'name': item}) elif 'name' not in item: module.fail_json(msg='name is required') else: collection.append(item) objects = list() for item in collection: get_value = partial(get_param_value, item=item, module=module) item.update({ 'configured_password': get_value('configured_password'), 'sshkey': get_value('sshkey'), 'roles': get_value('roles'), 'state': get_value('state') }) for key, value in iteritems(item): if value: # validate the param value (if validator func exists) validator = globals().get('validate_%s' % key) if all((value, validator)): validator(value, module) objects.append(item) return objects def update_objects(want, have): updates = list() for entry in want: item = next((i for i in have if i['name'] == entry['name']), None) if all((item is None, entry['state'] == 'present')): updates.append((entry, {})) elif item: for key, value in iteritems(entry): if value and value != item[key]: updates.append((entry, item)) return updates def main(): """ main entry point for module execution """ element_spec = dict( name=dict(), configured_password=dict(no_log=True), update_password=dict(default='always', choices=['on_create', 'always']), roles=dict(type='list', aliases=['role']), sshkey=dict(), state=dict(default='present', choices=['present', 'absent']) ) aggregate_spec = deepcopy(element_spec) # remove default in aggregate spec, to handle common arguments remove_default_spec(aggregate_spec) argument_spec = dict( aggregate=dict(type='list', elements='dict', options=aggregate_spec, aliases=['collection', 'users']), purge=dict(type='bool', default=False) ) argument_spec.update(element_spec) mutually_exclusive = [('name', 'aggregate')] module = AnsibleModule(argument_spec=argument_spec, mutually_exclusive=mutually_exclusive, supports_check_mode=True) warnings = list() result = {'changed': False} result['warnings'] = warnings want = map_params_to_obj(module) have = map_config_to_obj(module) commands = map_obj_to_commands(update_objects(want, have), module) if module.params['purge']: want_users = [x['name'] for x in want] have_users = [x['name'] for x in have] for item in set(have_users).difference(want_users): if item != 'admin': if not item.strip(): continue item = item.replace("\\", "\\\\") commands.append('no username %s' % item) result['commands'] = commands # the cnos cli prevents this by rule but still if 'no username admin' in commands: module.fail_json(msg='Cannot delete the `admin` account') if commands: if not module.check_mode: load_config(module, commands) result['changed'] = True module.exit_json(**result) if __name__ == '__main__': main()