#!/usr/bin/python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # GNU General Public License v3.0+ (see COPYING or https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.txt) from __future__ import (absolute_import, division, print_function) __metaclass__ = type ANSIBLE_METADATA = {'metadata_version': '1.1', 'status': ['preview'], 'supported_by': 'community'} DOCUMENTATION = ''' --- module: ce_file_copy short_description: Copy a file to a remote cloudengine device over SCP on HUAWEI CloudEngine switches. description: - Copy a file to a remote cloudengine device over SCP on HUAWEI CloudEngine switches. author: - Zhou Zhijin (@QijunPan) notes: - The feature must be enabled with feature scp-server. - If the file is already present, no transfer will take place. - This module requires the netconf system service be enabled on the remote device being managed. - Recommended connection is C(netconf). - This module also works with C(local) connections for legacy playbooks. requirements: - paramiko options: local_file: description: - Path to local file. Local directory must exist. The maximum length of I(local_file) is C(4096). required: true remote_file: description: - Remote file path of the copy. Remote directories must exist. If omitted, the name of the local file will be used. The maximum length of I(remote_file) is C(4096). file_system: description: - The remote file system of the device. If omitted, devices that support a I(file_system) parameter will use their default values. File system indicates the storage medium and can be set to as follows, 1) C(flash) is root directory of the flash memory on the master MPU. 2) C(slave#flash) is root directory of the flash memory on the slave MPU. If no slave MPU exists, this drive is unavailable. 3) C(chassis ID/slot number#flash) is root directory of the flash memory on a device in a stack. For example, C(1/5#flash) indicates the flash memory whose chassis ID is 1 and slot number is 5. default: 'flash:' ''' EXAMPLES = ''' - name: File copy test hosts: cloudengine connection: local gather_facts: no vars: cli: host: "{{ inventory_hostname }}" port: "{{ ansible_ssh_port }}" username: "{{ username }}" password: "{{ password }}" transport: cli tasks: - name: "Copy a local file to remote device" ce_file_copy: local_file: /usr/vrpcfg.cfg remote_file: /vrpcfg.cfg file_system: 'flash:' provider: "{{ cli }}" ''' RETURN = ''' changed: description: check to see if a change was made on the device returned: always type: bool sample: true transfer_result: description: information about transfer result. returned: always type: str sample: 'The local file has been successfully transferred to the device.' local_file: description: The path of the local file. returned: always type: str sample: '/usr/work/vrpcfg.zip' remote_file: description: The path of the remote file. returned: always type: str sample: '/vrpcfg.zip' ''' import re import os import sys import time from xml.etree import ElementTree from ansible.module_utils.basic import AnsibleModule from ansible_collections.community.general.plugins.module_utils.network.cloudengine.ce import ce_argument_spec, get_nc_config from ansible.module_utils.connection import ConnectionError from ansible_collections.ansible.netcommon.plugins.module_utils.network.common.utils import validate_ip_v6_address try: import paramiko HAS_PARAMIKO = True except ImportError: HAS_PARAMIKO = False try: from scp import SCPClient HAS_SCP = True except ImportError: HAS_SCP = False CE_NC_GET_DISK_INFO = """ """ CE_NC_GET_FILE_INFO = """ %s %s """ CE_NC_GET_SCP_ENABLE = """ """ def get_cli_exception(exc=None): """Get cli exception message""" msg = list() if not exc: exc = sys.exc_info[1] if exc: errs = str(exc).split("\r\n") for err in errs: if not err: continue if "matched error in response:" in err: continue if " at '^' position" in err: err = err.replace(" at '^' position", "") if err.replace(" ", "") == "^": continue if len(err) > 2 and err[0] in ["<", "["] and err[-1] in [">", "]"]: continue if err[-1] == ".": err = err[:-1] if err.replace(" ", "") == "": continue msg.append(err) else: msg = ["Error: Fail to get cli exception message."] while msg[-1][-1] == ' ': msg[-1] = msg[-1][:-1] if msg[-1][-1] != ".": msg[-1] += "." return ", ".join(msg).capitalize() class FileCopy(object): """File copy function class""" def __init__(self, argument_spec): self.spec = argument_spec self.module = None self.init_module() # file copy parameters self.local_file = self.module.params['local_file'] self.remote_file = self.module.params['remote_file'] self.file_system = self.module.params['file_system'] self.host_is_ipv6 = validate_ip_v6_address(self.module.params['provider']['host']) # state self.transfer_result = None self.changed = False def init_module(self): """Init module""" self.module = AnsibleModule( argument_spec=self.spec, supports_check_mode=True) def remote_file_exists(self, dst, file_system='flash:'): """Remote file whether exists""" full_path = file_system + dst file_name = os.path.basename(full_path) file_path = os.path.dirname(full_path) file_path = file_path + '/' xml_str = CE_NC_GET_FILE_INFO % (file_name, file_path) ret_xml = get_nc_config(self.module, xml_str) if "" in ret_xml: return False, 0 xml_str = ret_xml.replace('\r', '').replace('\n', '').\ replace('xmlns="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:netconf:base:1.0"', "").\ replace('xmlns="http://www.huawei.com/netconf/vrp"', "") # get file info root = ElementTree.fromstring(xml_str) topo = root.find("vfm/dirs/dir") if topo is None: return False, 0 for eles in topo: if eles.tag in ["DirSize"]: return True, int(eles.text.replace(',', '')) return False, 0 def local_file_exists(self): """Local file whether exists""" return os.path.isfile(self.local_file) def enough_space(self): """Whether device has enough space""" xml_str = CE_NC_GET_DISK_INFO ret_xml = get_nc_config(self.module, xml_str) if "" in ret_xml: return xml_str = ret_xml.replace('\r', '').replace('\n', '').\ replace('xmlns="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:netconf:base:1.0"', "").\ replace('xmlns="http://www.huawei.com/netconf/vrp"', "") root = ElementTree.fromstring(xml_str) topo = root.find("vfm/dfs/df/freeSize") kbytes_free = topo.text file_size = os.path.getsize(self.local_file) if int(kbytes_free) * 1024 > file_size: return True return False def transfer_file(self, dest): """Begin to transfer file by scp""" if not self.local_file_exists(): self.module.fail_json( msg='Could not transfer file. Local file doesn\'t exist.') if not self.enough_space(): self.module.fail_json( msg='Could not transfer file. Not enough space on device.') hostname = self.module.params['provider']['host'] username = self.module.params['provider']['username'] password = self.module.params['provider']['password'] port = self.module.params['provider']['port'] ssh = paramiko.SSHClient() ssh.set_missing_host_key_policy(paramiko.AutoAddPolicy()) ssh.connect(hostname=hostname, username=username, password=password, port=port) full_remote_path = '{0}{1}'.format(self.file_system, dest) scp = SCPClient(ssh.get_transport()) try: scp.put(self.local_file, full_remote_path) except Exception: time.sleep(10) file_exists, temp_size = self.remote_file_exists( dest, self.file_system) file_size = os.path.getsize(self.local_file) if file_exists and int(temp_size) == int(file_size): pass else: scp.close() self.module.fail_json(msg='Could not transfer file. There was an error ' 'during transfer. Please make sure the format of ' 'input parameters is right.') scp.close() return True def get_scp_enable(self): """Get scp enable state""" ret_xml = '' try: ret_xml = get_nc_config(self.module, CE_NC_GET_SCP_ENABLE) except ConnectionError: self.module.fail_json(msg='Error: The NETCONF API of scp_enable is not supported.') if "" in ret_xml: return False xml_str = ret_xml.replace('\r', '').replace('\n', '').\ replace('xmlns="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:netconf:base:1.0"', "").\ replace('xmlns="http://www.huawei.com/netconf/vrp"', "") # get file info root = ElementTree.fromstring(xml_str) topo1 = root.find("sshs/sshServer/scpEnable") topo2 = root.find("sshs/sshServerEnable/scpIpv4Enable") topo3 = root.find("sshs/sshServerEnable/scpIpv6Enable") if topo1 is not None: return str(topo1.text).strip().lower() == 'enable' elif self.host_is_ipv6 and topo3 is not None: return str(topo3.text).strip().lower() == 'enable' elif topo2 is not None: return str(topo2.text).strip().lower() == 'enable' return False def work(self): """Execute task """ if not HAS_SCP: self.module.fail_json( msg="'Error: No scp package, please install it.'") if not HAS_PARAMIKO: self.module.fail_json( msg="'Error: No paramiko package, please install it.'") if self.local_file and len(self.local_file) > 4096: self.module.fail_json( msg="'Error: The maximum length of local_file is 4096.'") if self.remote_file and len(self.remote_file) > 4096: self.module.fail_json( msg="'Error: The maximum length of remote_file is 4096.'") scp_enable = self.get_scp_enable() if not scp_enable: if self.host_is_ipv6: self.module.fail_json( msg="'Error: Please ensure ipv6 SCP server are enabled.'") else: self.module.fail_json( msg="'Error: Please ensure ipv4 SCP server are enabled.'") if not os.path.isfile(self.local_file): self.module.fail_json( msg="Local file {0} not found".format(self.local_file)) dest = self.remote_file or ('/' + os.path.basename(self.local_file)) remote_exists, file_size = self.remote_file_exists( dest, file_system=self.file_system) if remote_exists and (os.path.getsize(self.local_file) != file_size): remote_exists = False if not remote_exists: self.changed = True file_exists = False else: file_exists = True self.transfer_result = 'The local file already exists on the device.' if not file_exists: self.transfer_file(dest) self.transfer_result = 'The local file has been successfully transferred to the device.' if self.remote_file is None: self.remote_file = '/' + os.path.basename(self.local_file) self.module.exit_json( changed=self.changed, transfer_result=self.transfer_result, local_file=self.local_file, remote_file=self.remote_file, file_system=self.file_system) def main(): """Main function entry""" argument_spec = dict( local_file=dict(required=True), remote_file=dict(required=False), file_system=dict(required=False, default='flash:') ) argument_spec.update(ce_argument_spec) filecopy_obj = FileCopy(argument_spec) filecopy_obj.work() if __name__ == '__main__': main()