#!/usr/bin/python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # (c) 2017, sookido # GNU General Public License v3.0+ (see COPYING or https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.txt) from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function __metaclass__ = type ANSIBLE_METADATA = {'metadata_version': '1.1', 'status': ['preview'], 'supported_by': 'community'} DOCUMENTATION = r''' --- module: zabbix_template short_description: Create/update/delete/dump Zabbix template description: - This module allows you to create, modify, delete and dump Zabbix templates. - Multiple templates can be created or modified at once if passing JSON or XML to module. author: - "sookido (@sookido)" - "Logan Vig (@logan2211)" - "Dusan Matejka (@D3DeFi)" requirements: - "python >= 2.6" - "zabbix-api >= 0.5.4" options: template_name: description: - Name of Zabbix template. - Required when I(template_json) or I(template_xml) are not used. - Mutually exclusive with I(template_json) and I(template_xml). required: false type: str template_json: description: - JSON dump of templates to import. - Multiple templates can be imported this way. - Mutually exclusive with I(template_name) and I(template_xml). required: false type: json template_xml: description: - XML dump of templates to import. - Multiple templates can be imported this way. - You are advised to pass XML structure matching the structure used by your version of Zabbix server. - Custom XML structure can be imported as long as it is valid, but may not yield consistent idempotent results on subsequent runs. - Mutually exclusive with I(template_name) and I(template_json). required: false type: str template_groups: description: - List of host groups to add template to when template is created. - Replaces the current host groups the template belongs to if the template is already present. - Required when creating a new template with C(state=present) and I(template_name) is used. Not required when updating an existing template. required: false type: list elements: str link_templates: description: - List of template names to be linked to the template. - Templates that are not specified and are linked to the existing template will be only unlinked and not cleared from the template. required: false type: list elements: str clear_templates: description: - List of template names to be unlinked and cleared from the template. - This option is ignored if template is being created for the first time. required: false type: list elements: str macros: description: - List of user macros to create for the template. - Macros that are not specified and are present on the existing template will be replaced. - See examples on how to pass macros. required: false type: list elements: dict suboptions: name: description: - Name of the macro. - Must be specified in {$NAME} format. type: str value: description: - Value of the macro. type: str dump_format: description: - Format to use when dumping template with C(state=dump). - This option is deprecated and will eventually be removed in 2.14. required: false choices: [json, xml] default: "json" type: str omit_date: description: - Removes the date field for the exported/dumped template - Requires C(state=dump) required: false type: bool default: false state: description: - Required state of the template. - On C(state=present) template will be created/imported or updated depending if it is already present. - On C(state=dump) template content will get dumped into required format specified in I(dump_format). - On C(state=absent) template will be deleted. - The C(state=dump) is deprecated and will eventually be removed in 2.14. The M(zabbix_template_info) module should be used instead. required: false choices: [present, absent, dump] default: "present" type: str extends_documentation_fragment: - community.general.zabbix ''' EXAMPLES = r''' --- - name: Create a new Zabbix template linked to groups, macros and templates local_action: module: zabbix_template server_url: login_user: username login_password: password template_name: ExampleHost template_groups: - Role - Role2 link_templates: - Example template1 - Example template2 macros: - macro: '{$EXAMPLE_MACRO1}' value: 30000 - macro: '{$EXAMPLE_MACRO2}' value: 3 - macro: '{$EXAMPLE_MACRO3}' value: 'Example' state: present - name: Unlink and clear templates from the existing Zabbix template local_action: module: zabbix_template server_url: login_user: username login_password: password template_name: ExampleHost clear_templates: - Example template3 - Example template4 state: present - name: Import Zabbix templates from JSON local_action: module: zabbix_template server_url: login_user: username login_password: password template_json: "{{ lookup('file', 'zabbix_apache2.json') }}" state: present - name: Import Zabbix templates from XML local_action: module: zabbix_template server_url: login_user: username login_password: password template_xml: "{{ lookup('file', 'zabbix_apache2.json') }}" state: present - name: Import Zabbix template from Ansible dict variable zabbix_template: login_user: username login_password: password server_url: template_json: zabbix_export: version: '3.2' templates: - name: Template for Testing description: 'Testing template import' template: Test Template groups: - name: Templates applications: - name: Test Application state: present - name: Configure macros on the existing Zabbix template local_action: module: zabbix_template server_url: login_user: username login_password: password template_name: Template macros: - macro: '{$TEST_MACRO}' value: 'Example' state: present - name: Delete Zabbix template local_action: module: zabbix_template server_url: login_user: username login_password: password template_name: Template state: absent - name: Dump Zabbix template as JSON local_action: module: zabbix_template server_url: login_user: username login_password: password template_name: Template omit_date: yes state: dump register: template_dump - name: Dump Zabbix template as XML local_action: module: zabbix_template server_url: login_user: username login_password: password template_name: Template dump_format: xml omit_date: false state: dump register: template_dump ''' RETURN = r''' --- template_json: description: The JSON dump of the template returned: when state is dump and omit_date is no type: str sample: { "zabbix_export":{ "date":"2017-11-29T16:37:24Z", "templates":[{ "templates":[], "description":"", "httptests":[], "screens":[], "applications":[], "discovery_rules":[], "groups":[{"name":"Templates"}], "name":"Test Template", "items":[], "macros":[], "template":"test" }], "version":"3.2", "groups":[{ "name":"Templates" }] } } template_xml: description: dump of the template in XML representation returned: when state is dump, dump_format is xml and omit_date is yes type: str sample: |- 4.2 Templates ''' import atexit import json import traceback import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET from distutils.version import LooseVersion from ansible.module_utils.basic import AnsibleModule, missing_required_lib from ansible.module_utils._text import to_native try: from zabbix_api import ZabbixAPI, ZabbixAPIException HAS_ZABBIX_API = True except ImportError: ZBX_IMP_ERR = traceback.format_exc() HAS_ZABBIX_API = False class Template(object): def __init__(self, module, zbx): self._module = module self._zapi = zbx # check if host group exists def check_host_group_exist(self, group_names): for group_name in group_names: result = self._zapi.hostgroup.get({'filter': {'name': group_name}}) if not result: self._module.fail_json(msg="Hostgroup not found: %s" % group_name) return True # get group ids by group names def get_group_ids_by_group_names(self, group_names): group_ids = [] if group_names is None or len(group_names) == 0: return group_ids if self.check_host_group_exist(group_names): group_list = self._zapi.hostgroup.get( {'output': 'extend', 'filter': {'name': group_names}}) for group in group_list: group_id = group['groupid'] group_ids.append({'groupid': group_id}) return group_ids def get_template_ids(self, template_list): template_ids = [] if template_list is None or len(template_list) == 0: return template_ids for template in template_list: template_list = self._zapi.template.get( {'output': 'extend', 'filter': {'host': template}}) if len(template_list) < 1: continue else: template_id = template_list[0]['templateid'] template_ids.append(template_id) return template_ids def add_template(self, template_name, group_ids, link_template_ids, macros): if self._module.check_mode: self._module.exit_json(changed=True) self._zapi.template.create({'host': template_name, 'groups': group_ids, 'templates': link_template_ids, 'macros': macros}) def check_template_changed(self, template_ids, template_groups, link_templates, clear_templates, template_macros, template_content, template_type): """Compares template parameters to already existing values if any are found. template_json - JSON structures are compared as deep sorted dictionaries, template_xml - XML structures are compared as strings, but filtered and formatted first, If none above is used, all the other arguments are compared to their existing counterparts retrieved from Zabbix API.""" changed = False # Compare filtered and formatted XMLs strings for any changes. It is expected that provided # XML has same structure as Zabbix uses (e.g. it was optimally exported via Zabbix GUI or API) if template_content is not None and template_type == 'xml': existing_template = self.dump_template(template_ids, template_type='xml') if self.filter_xml_template(template_content) != self.filter_xml_template(existing_template): changed = True return changed existing_template = self.dump_template(template_ids, template_type='json') # Compare JSON objects as deep sorted python dictionaries if template_content is not None and template_type == 'json': parsed_template_json = self.load_json_template(template_content) if self.diff_template(parsed_template_json, existing_template): changed = True return changed # If neither template_json or template_xml were used, user provided all parameters via module options if template_groups is not None: existing_groups = [g['name'] for g in existing_template['zabbix_export']['groups']] if set(template_groups) != set(existing_groups): changed = True if 'templates' not in existing_template['zabbix_export']['templates'][0]: existing_template['zabbix_export']['templates'][0]['templates'] = [] # Check if any new templates would be linked or any existing would be unlinked exist_child_templates = [t['name'] for t in existing_template['zabbix_export']['templates'][0]['templates']] if link_templates is not None: if set(link_templates) != set(exist_child_templates): changed = True else: if set([]) != set(exist_child_templates): changed = True # Mark that there will be changes when at least one existing template will be unlinked if clear_templates is not None: for t in clear_templates: if t in exist_child_templates: changed = True break if 'macros' not in existing_template['zabbix_export']['templates'][0]: existing_template['zabbix_export']['templates'][0]['macros'] = [] if template_macros is not None: existing_macros = existing_template['zabbix_export']['templates'][0]['macros'] if template_macros != existing_macros: changed = True return changed def update_template(self, template_ids, group_ids, link_template_ids, clear_template_ids, template_macros): template_changes = {} if group_ids is not None: template_changes.update({'groups': group_ids}) if link_template_ids is not None: template_changes.update({'templates': link_template_ids}) else: template_changes.update({'templates': []}) if clear_template_ids is not None: template_changes.update({'templates_clear': clear_template_ids}) if template_macros is not None: template_changes.update({'macros': template_macros}) if template_changes: # If we got here we know that only one template was provided via template_name template_changes.update({'templateid': template_ids[0]}) self._zapi.template.update(template_changes) def delete_template(self, templateids): if self._module.check_mode: self._module.exit_json(changed=True) self._zapi.template.delete(templateids) def ordered_json(self, obj): # Deep sort json dicts for comparison if isinstance(obj, dict): return sorted((k, self.ordered_json(v)) for k, v in obj.items()) if isinstance(obj, list): return sorted(self.ordered_json(x) for x in obj) else: return obj def dump_template(self, template_ids, template_type='json', omit_date=False): if self._module.check_mode: self._module.exit_json(changed=True) try: dump = self._zapi.configuration.export({'format': template_type, 'options': {'templates': template_ids}}) if template_type == 'xml': xmlroot = ET.fromstring(dump.encode('utf-8')) # remove date field if requested if omit_date: date = xmlroot.find(".date") if date is not None: xmlroot.remove(date) return str(ET.tostring(xmlroot, encoding='utf-8').decode('utf-8')) else: return self.load_json_template(dump, omit_date=omit_date) except ZabbixAPIException as e: self._module.fail_json(msg='Unable to export template: %s' % e) def diff_template(self, template_json_a, template_json_b): # Compare 2 zabbix templates and return True if they differ. template_json_a = self.filter_template(template_json_a) template_json_b = self.filter_template(template_json_b) if self.ordered_json(template_json_a) == self.ordered_json(template_json_b): return False return True def filter_template(self, template_json): # Filter the template json to contain only the keys we will update keep_keys = set(['graphs', 'templates', 'triggers', 'value_maps']) unwanted_keys = set(template_json['zabbix_export']) - keep_keys for unwanted_key in unwanted_keys: del template_json['zabbix_export'][unwanted_key] # Versions older than 2.4 do not support description field within template desc_not_supported = False if LooseVersion(self._zapi.api_version()).version[:2] < LooseVersion('2.4').version: desc_not_supported = True # Filter empty attributes from template object to allow accurate comparison for template in template_json['zabbix_export']['templates']: for key in list(template.keys()): if not template[key] or (key == 'description' and desc_not_supported): template.pop(key) return template_json def filter_xml_template(self, template_xml): """Filters out keys from XML template that may wary between exports (e.g date or version) and keys that are not imported via this module. It is advised that provided XML template exactly matches XML structure used by Zabbix""" # Strip last new line and convert string to ElementTree parsed_xml_root = self.load_xml_template(template_xml.strip()) keep_keys = ['graphs', 'templates', 'triggers', 'value_maps'] # Remove unwanted XML nodes for node in list(parsed_xml_root): if node.tag not in keep_keys: parsed_xml_root.remove(node) # Filter empty attributes from template objects to allow accurate comparison for template in list(parsed_xml_root.find('templates')): for element in list(template): if element.text is None and len(list(element)) == 0: template.remove(element) # Filter new lines and indentation xml_root_text = list(line.strip() for line in ET.tostring(parsed_xml_root, encoding='utf8', method='xml').decode().split('\n')) return ''.join(xml_root_text) def load_json_template(self, template_json, omit_date=False): try: jsondoc = json.loads(template_json) if omit_date and 'date' in jsondoc['zabbix_export']: del jsondoc['zabbix_export']['date'] return jsondoc except ValueError as e: self._module.fail_json(msg='Invalid JSON provided', details=to_native(e), exception=traceback.format_exc()) def load_xml_template(self, template_xml): try: return ET.fromstring(template_xml) except ET.ParseError as e: self._module.fail_json(msg='Invalid XML provided', details=to_native(e), exception=traceback.format_exc()) def import_template(self, template_content, template_type='json'): # rules schema latest version update_rules = { 'applications': { 'createMissing': True, 'deleteMissing': True }, 'discoveryRules': { 'createMissing': True, 'updateExisting': True, 'deleteMissing': True }, 'graphs': { 'createMissing': True, 'updateExisting': True, 'deleteMissing': True }, 'groups': { 'createMissing': True }, 'httptests': { 'createMissing': True, 'updateExisting': True, 'deleteMissing': True }, 'items': { 'createMissing': True, 'updateExisting': True, 'deleteMissing': True }, 'templates': { 'createMissing': True, 'updateExisting': True }, 'templateLinkage': { 'createMissing': True }, 'templateScreens': { 'createMissing': True, 'updateExisting': True, 'deleteMissing': True }, 'triggers': { 'createMissing': True, 'updateExisting': True, 'deleteMissing': True }, 'valueMaps': { 'createMissing': True, 'updateExisting': True } } try: # old api version support here api_version = self._zapi.api_version() # updateExisting for application removed from zabbix api after 3.2 if LooseVersion(api_version).version[:2] <= LooseVersion('3.2').version: update_rules['applications']['updateExisting'] = True # templateLinkage.deleteMissing only available in 4.0 branch higher .16 and higher 4.4.4 # it's not available in 4.2 branches or lower 4.0.16 if LooseVersion(api_version).version[:2] == LooseVersion('4.0').version and \ LooseVersion(api_version).version[:3] >= LooseVersion('4.0.16').version: update_rules['templateLinkage']['deleteMissing'] = True if LooseVersion(api_version).version[:3] >= LooseVersion('4.4.4').version: update_rules['templateLinkage']['deleteMissing'] = True import_data = {'format': template_type, 'source': template_content, 'rules': update_rules} self._zapi.configuration.import_(import_data) except ZabbixAPIException as e: self._module.fail_json(msg='Unable to import template', details=to_native(e), exception=traceback.format_exc()) def main(): module = AnsibleModule( argument_spec=dict( server_url=dict(type='str', required=True, aliases=['url']), login_user=dict(type='str', required=True), login_password=dict(type='str', required=True, no_log=True), http_login_user=dict(type='str', required=False, default=None), http_login_password=dict(type='str', required=False, default=None, no_log=True), validate_certs=dict(type='bool', required=False, default=True), template_name=dict(type='str', required=False), template_json=dict(type='json', required=False), template_xml=dict(type='str', required=False), template_groups=dict(type='list', required=False), link_templates=dict(type='list', required=False), clear_templates=dict(type='list', required=False), macros=dict(type='list', required=False), omit_date=dict(type='bool', required=False, default=False), dump_format=dict(type='str', required=False, default='json', choices=['json', 'xml']), state=dict(type='str', default="present", choices=['present', 'absent', 'dump']), timeout=dict(type='int', default=10) ), required_one_of=[ ['template_name', 'template_json', 'template_xml'] ], mutually_exclusive=[ ['template_name', 'template_json', 'template_xml'] ], required_if=[ ['state', 'absent', ['template_name']], ['state', 'dump', ['template_name']] ], supports_check_mode=True ) if not HAS_ZABBIX_API: module.fail_json(msg=missing_required_lib('zabbix-api', url='https://pypi.org/project/zabbix-api/'), exception=ZBX_IMP_ERR) server_url = module.params['server_url'] login_user = module.params['login_user'] login_password = module.params['login_password'] http_login_user = module.params['http_login_user'] http_login_password = module.params['http_login_password'] validate_certs = module.params['validate_certs'] template_name = module.params['template_name'] template_json = module.params['template_json'] template_xml = module.params['template_xml'] template_groups = module.params['template_groups'] link_templates = module.params['link_templates'] clear_templates = module.params['clear_templates'] template_macros = module.params['macros'] omit_date = module.params['omit_date'] dump_format = module.params['dump_format'] state = module.params['state'] timeout = module.params['timeout'] zbx = None try: zbx = ZabbixAPI(server_url, timeout=timeout, user=http_login_user, passwd=http_login_password, validate_certs=validate_certs) zbx.login(login_user, login_password) atexit.register(zbx.logout) except ZabbixAPIException as e: module.fail_json(msg="Failed to connect to Zabbix server: %s" % e) template = Template(module, zbx) # Identify template names for IDs retrieval # Template names are expected to reside in ['zabbix_export']['templates'][*]['template'] for both data types template_content, template_type = None, None if template_json is not None: template_type = 'json' template_content = template_json json_parsed = template.load_json_template(template_content) template_names = list(t['template'] for t in json_parsed['zabbix_export']['templates']) elif template_xml is not None: template_type = 'xml' template_content = template_xml xml_parsed = template.load_xml_template(template_content) template_names = list(t.find('template').text for t in list(xml_parsed.find('templates'))) else: template_names = [template_name] template_ids = template.get_template_ids(template_names) if state == "absent": if not template_ids: module.exit_json(changed=False, msg="Template not found. No changed: %s" % template_name) template.delete_template(template_ids) module.exit_json(changed=True, result="Successfully deleted template %s" % template_name) elif state == "dump": module.deprecate("The 'dump' state has been deprecated and will be removed, use 'zabbix_template_info' module instead.", version='2.14') if not template_ids: module.fail_json(msg='Template not found: %s' % template_name) if dump_format == 'json': module.exit_json(changed=False, template_json=template.dump_template(template_ids, template_type='json', omit_date=omit_date)) elif dump_format == 'xml': module.exit_json(changed=False, template_xml=template.dump_template(template_ids, template_type='xml', omit_date=omit_date)) elif state == "present": # Load all subelements for template that were provided by user group_ids = None if template_groups is not None: group_ids = template.get_group_ids_by_group_names(template_groups) link_template_ids = None if link_templates is not None: link_template_ids = template.get_template_ids(link_templates) clear_template_ids = None if clear_templates is not None: clear_template_ids = template.get_template_ids(clear_templates) if template_macros is not None: # Zabbix configuration.export does not differentiate python types (numbers are returned as strings) for macroitem in template_macros: for key in macroitem: macroitem[key] = str(macroitem[key]) if not template_ids: # Assume new templates are being added when no ID's were found if template_content is not None: template.import_template(template_content, template_type) module.exit_json(changed=True, result="Template import successful") else: if group_ids is None: module.fail_json(msg='template_groups are required when creating a new Zabbix template') template.add_template(template_name, group_ids, link_template_ids, template_macros) module.exit_json(changed=True, result="Successfully added template: %s" % template_name) else: changed = template.check_template_changed(template_ids, template_groups, link_templates, clear_templates, template_macros, template_content, template_type) if module.check_mode: module.exit_json(changed=changed) if changed: if template_type is not None: template.import_template(template_content, template_type) else: template.update_template(template_ids, group_ids, link_template_ids, clear_template_ids, template_macros) module.exit_json(changed=changed, result="Template successfully updated") if __name__ == '__main__': main()