#!/usr/bin/python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # # Copyright (c) 2016, René Moser # GNU General Public License v3.0+ (see COPYING or https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.txt) from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function __metaclass__ = type ANSIBLE_METADATA = {'metadata_version': '1.1', 'status': ['stableinterface'], 'supported_by': 'community'} DOCUMENTATION = ''' --- module: cs_vpc short_description: "Manages VPCs on Apache CloudStack based clouds." description: - Create, update and delete VPCs. author: René Moser (@resmo) options: name: description: - Name of the VPC. type: str required: true display_text: description: - Display text of the VPC. - If not set, I(name) will be used for creating. type: str cidr: description: - CIDR of the VPC, e.g. - All VPC guest networks' CIDRs must be within this CIDR. - Required on I(state=present). type: str network_domain: description: - Network domain for the VPC. - All networks inside the VPC will belong to this domain. - Only considered while creating the VPC, can not be changed. type: str vpc_offering: description: - Name of the VPC offering. - If not set, default VPC offering is used. type: str clean_up: description: - Whether to redeploy a VPC router or not when I(state=restarted) type: bool state: description: - State of the VPC. - The state C(present) creates a started VPC. - The state C(stopped) is only considered while creating the VPC, added in version 2.6. type: str default: present choices: - present - absent - stopped - restarted domain: description: - Domain the VPC is related to. type: str account: description: - Account the VPC is related to. type: str project: description: - Name of the project the VPC is related to. type: str zone: description: - Name of the zone. - If not set, default zone is used. type: str tags: description: - List of tags. Tags are a list of dictionaries having keys I(key) and I(value). - "For deleting all tags, set an empty list e.g. I(tags: [])." type: list aliases: [ tag ] poll_async: description: - Poll async jobs until job has finished. default: yes type: bool extends_documentation_fragment: - community.general.cloudstack ''' EXAMPLES = ''' - name: Ensure a VPC is present but not started after creating cs_vpc: name: my_vpc display_text: My example VPC cidr: state: stopped delegate_to: localhost - name: Ensure a VPC is present and started after creating cs_vpc: name: my_vpc display_text: My example VPC cidr: delegate_to: localhost - name: Ensure a VPC is absent cs_vpc: name: my_vpc state: absent delegate_to: localhost - name: Ensure a VPC is restarted with clean up cs_vpc: name: my_vpc clean_up: yes state: restarted delegate_to: localhost ''' RETURN = ''' --- id: description: "UUID of the VPC." returned: success type: str sample: 04589590-ac63-4ffc-93f5-b698b8ac38b6 name: description: "Name of the VPC." returned: success type: str sample: my_vpc display_text: description: "Display text of the VPC." returned: success type: str sample: My example VPC cidr: description: "CIDR of the VPC." returned: success type: str sample: network_domain: description: "Network domain of the VPC." returned: success type: str sample: example.com region_level_vpc: description: "Whether the VPC is region level or not." returned: success type: bool sample: true restart_required: description: "Whether the VPC router needs a restart or not." returned: success type: bool sample: true distributed_vpc_router: description: "Whether the VPC uses distributed router or not." returned: success type: bool sample: true redundant_vpc_router: description: "Whether the VPC has redundant routers or not." returned: success type: bool sample: true domain: description: "Domain the VPC is related to." returned: success type: str sample: example domain account: description: "Account the VPC is related to." returned: success type: str sample: example account project: description: "Name of project the VPC is related to." returned: success type: str sample: Production zone: description: "Name of zone the VPC is in." returned: success type: str sample: ch-gva-2 state: description: "State of the VPC." returned: success type: str sample: Enabled tags: description: "List of resource tags associated with the VPC." returned: success type: list sample: '[ { "key": "foo", "value": "bar" } ]' ''' from ansible.module_utils.basic import AnsibleModule from ansible_collections.community.general.plugins.module_utils.cloudstack import ( AnsibleCloudStack, cs_argument_spec, cs_required_together, ) class AnsibleCloudStackVpc(AnsibleCloudStack): def __init__(self, module): super(AnsibleCloudStackVpc, self).__init__(module) self.returns = { 'cidr': 'cidr', 'networkdomain': 'network_domain', 'redundantvpcrouter': 'redundant_vpc_router', 'distributedvpcrouter': 'distributed_vpc_router', 'regionlevelvpc': 'region_level_vpc', 'restartrequired': 'restart_required', } self.vpc = None def get_vpc_offering(self, key=None): vpc_offering = self.module.params.get('vpc_offering') args = { 'state': 'Enabled', } if vpc_offering: args['name'] = vpc_offering fail_msg = "VPC offering not found or not enabled: %s" % vpc_offering else: args['isdefault'] = True fail_msg = "No enabled default VPC offering found" vpc_offerings = self.query_api('listVPCOfferings', **args) if vpc_offerings: # The API name argument filter also matches substrings, we have to # iterate over the results to get an exact match for vo in vpc_offerings['vpcoffering']: if 'name' in args: if args['name'] == vo['name']: return self._get_by_key(key, vo) # Return the first offering found, if not queried for the name else: return self._get_by_key(key, vo) self.module.fail_json(msg=fail_msg) def get_vpc(self): if self.vpc: return self.vpc args = { 'account': self.get_account(key='name'), 'domainid': self.get_domain(key='id'), 'projectid': self.get_project(key='id'), 'zoneid': self.get_zone(key='id'), 'fetch_list': True, } vpcs = self.query_api('listVPCs', **args) if vpcs: vpc_name = self.module.params.get('name') for v in vpcs: if vpc_name in [v['name'], v['displaytext'], v['id']]: # Fail if the identifier matches more than one VPC if self.vpc: self.module.fail_json(msg="More than one VPC found with the provided identifyer: %s" % vpc_name) else: self.vpc = v return self.vpc def restart_vpc(self): self.result['changed'] = True vpc = self.get_vpc() if vpc and not self.module.check_mode: args = { 'id': vpc['id'], 'cleanup': self.module.params.get('clean_up'), } res = self.query_api('restartVPC', **args) poll_async = self.module.params.get('poll_async') if poll_async: self.poll_job(res, 'vpc') return vpc def present_vpc(self): vpc = self.get_vpc() if not vpc: vpc = self._create_vpc(vpc) else: vpc = self._update_vpc(vpc) if vpc: vpc = self.ensure_tags(resource=vpc, resource_type='Vpc') return vpc def _create_vpc(self, vpc): self.result['changed'] = True args = { 'name': self.module.params.get('name'), 'displaytext': self.get_or_fallback('display_text', 'name'), 'networkdomain': self.module.params.get('network_domain'), 'vpcofferingid': self.get_vpc_offering(key='id'), 'cidr': self.module.params.get('cidr'), 'account': self.get_account(key='name'), 'domainid': self.get_domain(key='id'), 'projectid': self.get_project(key='id'), 'zoneid': self.get_zone(key='id'), 'start': self.module.params.get('state') != 'stopped' } self.result['diff']['after'] = args if not self.module.check_mode: res = self.query_api('createVPC', **args) poll_async = self.module.params.get('poll_async') if poll_async: vpc = self.poll_job(res, 'vpc') return vpc def _update_vpc(self, vpc): args = { 'id': vpc['id'], 'displaytext': self.module.params.get('display_text'), } if self.has_changed(args, vpc): self.result['changed'] = True if not self.module.check_mode: res = self.query_api('updateVPC', **args) poll_async = self.module.params.get('poll_async') if poll_async: vpc = self.poll_job(res, 'vpc') return vpc def absent_vpc(self): vpc = self.get_vpc() if vpc: self.result['changed'] = True self.result['diff']['before'] = vpc if not self.module.check_mode: res = self.query_api('deleteVPC', id=vpc['id']) poll_async = self.module.params.get('poll_async') if poll_async: self.poll_job(res, 'vpc') return vpc def main(): argument_spec = cs_argument_spec() argument_spec.update(dict( name=dict(required=True), cidr=dict(), display_text=dict(), vpc_offering=dict(), network_domain=dict(), clean_up=dict(type='bool'), state=dict(choices=['present', 'absent', 'stopped', 'restarted'], default='present'), domain=dict(), account=dict(), project=dict(), zone=dict(), tags=dict(type='list', aliases=['tag']), poll_async=dict(type='bool', default=True), )) module = AnsibleModule( argument_spec=argument_spec, required_together=cs_required_together(), required_if=[ ('state', 'present', ['cidr']), ], supports_check_mode=True, ) acs_vpc = AnsibleCloudStackVpc(module) state = module.params.get('state') if state == 'absent': vpc = acs_vpc.absent_vpc() elif state == 'restarted': vpc = acs_vpc.restart_vpc() else: vpc = acs_vpc.present_vpc() result = acs_vpc.get_result(vpc) module.exit_json(**result) if __name__ == '__main__': main()