#!/usr/bin/python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # # (c) 2016, René Moser # GNU General Public License v3.0+ (see COPYING or https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.txt) from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function __metaclass__ = type ANSIBLE_METADATA = {'metadata_version': '1.1', 'status': ['stableinterface'], 'supported_by': 'community'} DOCUMENTATION = ''' --- module: cs_snapshot_policy short_description: Manages volume snapshot policies on Apache CloudStack based clouds. description: - Create, update and delete volume snapshot policies. author: René Moser (@resmo) options: volume: description: - Name of the volume. - Either I(volume) or I(vm) is required. type: str volume_type: description: - Type of the volume. type: str choices: - DATADISK - ROOT vm: description: - Name of the instance to select the volume from. - Use I(volume_type) if VM has a DATADISK and ROOT volume. - In case of I(volume_type=DATADISK), additionally use I(device_id) if VM has more than one DATADISK volume. - Either I(volume) or I(vm) is required. type: str device_id: description: - ID of the device on a VM the volume is attached to. - This will only be considered if VM has multiple DATADISK volumes. type: int vpc: description: - Name of the vpc the instance is deployed in. type: str interval_type: description: - Interval of the snapshot. type: str default: daily choices: [ hourly, daily, weekly, monthly ] aliases: [ interval ] max_snaps: description: - Max number of snapshots. type: int default: 8 aliases: [ max ] schedule: description: - Time the snapshot is scheduled. Required if I(state=present). - 'Format for I(interval_type=HOURLY): C(MM)' - 'Format for I(interval_type=DAILY): C(MM:HH)' - 'Format for I(interval_type=WEEKLY): C(MM:HH:DD (1-7))' - 'Format for I(interval_type=MONTHLY): C(MM:HH:DD (1-28))' type: str time_zone: description: - Specifies a timezone for this command. type: str default: UTC aliases: [ timezone ] state: description: - State of the snapshot policy. type: str default: present choices: [ present, absent ] domain: description: - Domain the volume is related to. type: str account: description: - Account the volume is related to. type: str project: description: - Name of the project the volume is related to. type: str extends_documentation_fragment: - community.general.cloudstack ''' EXAMPLES = ''' - name: ensure a snapshot policy daily at 1h00 UTC cs_snapshot_policy: volume: ROOT-478 schedule: '00:1' max_snaps: 3 delegate_to: localhost - name: ensure a snapshot policy daily at 1h00 UTC on the second DATADISK of VM web-01 cs_snapshot_policy: vm: web-01 volume_type: DATADISK device_id: 2 schedule: '00:1' max_snaps: 3 delegate_to: localhost - name: ensure a snapshot policy hourly at minute 5 UTC cs_snapshot_policy: volume: ROOT-478 schedule: '5' interval_type: hourly max_snaps: 1 delegate_to: localhost - name: ensure a snapshot policy weekly on Sunday at 05h00, TZ Europe/Zurich cs_snapshot_policy: volume: ROOT-478 schedule: '00:5:1' interval_type: weekly max_snaps: 1 time_zone: 'Europe/Zurich' delegate_to: localhost - name: ensure a snapshot policy is absent cs_snapshot_policy: volume: ROOT-478 interval_type: hourly state: absent delegate_to: localhost ''' RETURN = ''' --- id: description: UUID of the snapshot policy. returned: success type: str sample: a6f7a5fc-43f8-11e5-a151-feff819cdc9f interval_type: description: interval type of the snapshot policy. returned: success type: str sample: daily schedule: description: schedule of the snapshot policy. returned: success type: str sample: max_snaps: description: maximum number of snapshots retained. returned: success type: int sample: 10 time_zone: description: the time zone of the snapshot policy. returned: success type: str sample: Etc/UTC volume: description: the volume of the snapshot policy. returned: success type: str sample: Etc/UTC zone: description: Name of zone the volume is related to. returned: success type: str sample: ch-gva-2 project: description: Name of project the volume is related to. returned: success type: str sample: Production account: description: Account the volume is related to. returned: success type: str sample: example account domain: description: Domain the volume is related to. returned: success type: str sample: example domain ''' from ansible.module_utils.basic import AnsibleModule from ansible_collections.community.general.plugins.module_utils.cloudstack import ( AnsibleCloudStack, cs_argument_spec, cs_required_together ) class AnsibleCloudStackSnapshotPolicy(AnsibleCloudStack): def __init__(self, module): super(AnsibleCloudStackSnapshotPolicy, self).__init__(module) self.returns = { 'schedule': 'schedule', 'timezone': 'time_zone', 'maxsnaps': 'max_snaps', } self.interval_types = { 'hourly': 0, 'daily': 1, 'weekly': 2, 'monthly': 3, } self.volume = None def get_interval_type(self): interval_type = self.module.params.get('interval_type') return self.interval_types[interval_type] def get_volume(self, key=None): if self.volume: return self._get_by_key(key, self.volume) args = { 'name': self.module.params.get('volume'), 'account': self.get_account(key='name'), 'domainid': self.get_domain(key='id'), 'projectid': self.get_project(key='id'), 'virtualmachineid': self.get_vm(key='id', filter_zone=False), 'type': self.module.params.get('volume_type'), } volumes = self.query_api('listVolumes', **args) if volumes: if volumes['count'] > 1: device_id = self.module.params.get('device_id') if not device_id: self.module.fail_json(msg="Found more then 1 volume: combine params 'vm', 'volume_type', 'device_id' and/or 'volume' to select the volume") else: for v in volumes['volume']: if v.get('deviceid') == device_id: self.volume = v return self._get_by_key(key, self.volume) self.module.fail_json(msg="No volume found with device id %s" % device_id) self.volume = volumes['volume'][0] return self._get_by_key(key, self.volume) return None def get_snapshot_policy(self): args = { 'volumeid': self.get_volume(key='id') } policies = self.query_api('listSnapshotPolicies', **args) if policies: for policy in policies['snapshotpolicy']: if policy['intervaltype'] == self.get_interval_type(): return policy return None def present_snapshot_policy(self): required_params = [ 'schedule', ] self.module.fail_on_missing_params(required_params=required_params) policy = self.get_snapshot_policy() args = { 'id': policy.get('id') if policy else None, 'intervaltype': self.module.params.get('interval_type'), 'schedule': self.module.params.get('schedule'), 'maxsnaps': self.module.params.get('max_snaps'), 'timezone': self.module.params.get('time_zone'), 'volumeid': self.get_volume(key='id') } if not policy or (policy and self.has_changed(policy, args, only_keys=['schedule', 'maxsnaps', 'timezone'])): self.result['changed'] = True if not self.module.check_mode: res = self.query_api('createSnapshotPolicy', **args) policy = res['snapshotpolicy'] return policy def absent_snapshot_policy(self): policy = self.get_snapshot_policy() if policy: self.result['changed'] = True args = { 'id': policy['id'] } if not self.module.check_mode: self.query_api('deleteSnapshotPolicies', **args) return policy def get_result(self, policy): super(AnsibleCloudStackSnapshotPolicy, self).get_result(policy) if policy and 'intervaltype' in policy: for key, value in self.interval_types.items(): if value == policy['intervaltype']: self.result['interval_type'] = key break volume = self.get_volume() if volume: volume_results = { 'volume': volume.get('name'), 'zone': volume.get('zonename'), 'project': volume.get('project'), 'account': volume.get('account'), 'domain': volume.get('domain'), } self.result.update(volume_results) return self.result def main(): argument_spec = cs_argument_spec() argument_spec.update(dict( volume=dict(), volume_type=dict(choices=['DATADISK', 'ROOT']), vm=dict(), device_id=dict(type='int'), vpc=dict(), interval_type=dict(default='daily', choices=['hourly', 'daily', 'weekly', 'monthly'], aliases=['interval']), schedule=dict(), time_zone=dict(default='UTC', aliases=['timezone']), max_snaps=dict(type='int', default=8, aliases=['max']), state=dict(choices=['present', 'absent'], default='present'), domain=dict(), account=dict(), project=dict(), )) module = AnsibleModule( argument_spec=argument_spec, required_together=cs_required_together(), required_one_of=( ['vm', 'volume'], ), supports_check_mode=True ) acs_snapshot_policy = AnsibleCloudStackSnapshotPolicy(module) state = module.params.get('state') if state in ['absent']: policy = acs_snapshot_policy.absent_snapshot_policy() else: policy = acs_snapshot_policy.present_snapshot_policy() result = acs_snapshot_policy.get_result(policy) module.exit_json(**result) if __name__ == '__main__': main()