# this is a demo of how the user commands work and how to reference salted passwords
# in vars sections.  You could also use vars_files if you like (see other examples)

- hosts: all
  user: root
    # created with:
    # crypt.crypt('This is my Password', '$1$SomeSalt')
    password: $1$SomeSalt$UqddPX3r4kH3UL5jq5/ZI.


    # Walk through account creation, modification, and deletion
    - name: test basic user account creation
      action: user name=tset comment=TsetUser group=users shell=/sbin/nologin createhome=no

    # the following is just a simple example of how you don't have to include
    # the 'name' element for each task

    - action: user name=tset comment=NyetUser
    - action: user name=tset password=$password

    # The following will add the user to supplementary groups.

    # Add the user to the groups dialout and uucp.
    - action: user name=tset groups=dialout,uucp

    # Add the user to the groups dialout and wheel,
    # This will remove tset from the group uucp.
    - action: user name=tset groups=dialout,wheel

    # Add the user to the group uucp.  Because append=yes, the user
    # will not be removed from the groups dialout and wheel.
    - action: user name=tset groups=uucp append=yes

    # Finally, remove the user.
    - action: user name=tset state=absent