#!/usr/bin/env bash set -o pipefail -eux declare -a args IFS='/:' read -ra args <<< "$1" group="${args[1]}" if [ "${BASE_BRANCH:-}" ]; then base_branch="origin/${BASE_BRANCH}" else base_branch="" fi case "${group}" in 1) options=(--skip-test pylint --skip-test ansible-doc --skip-test validate-modules) ;; 2) options=( --test ansible-doc ) ;; 3) options=( --test validate-modules) ;; 4) options=(--test pylint --exclude tests/unit/ --exclude plugins/module_utils/) ;; 5) options=(--test pylint tests/unit/ plugins/module_utils/) ;; esac # allow collection migration sanity tests for groups 3 and 4 to pass without updating this script during migration network_path="lib/ansible/modules/network/" if [ -d "${network_path}" ]; then if [ "${group}" -eq 3 ]; then options+=(--exclude "${network_path}") elif [ "${group}" -eq 4 ]; then options+=("${network_path}") fi fi # shellcheck disable=SC2086 ansible-test sanity --color -v --junit ${COVERAGE:+"$COVERAGE"} ${CHANGED:+"$CHANGED"} \ --docker --base-branch "${base_branch}" \ "${options[@]}" --allow-disabled