#!/usr/bin/python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # # (c) 2015, Patrick F. Marques # GNU General Public License v3.0+ (see COPYING or https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.txt) from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function __metaclass__ = type DOCUMENTATION = ''' --- module: digital_ocean_floating_ip short_description: Manage DigitalOcean Floating IPs description: - Create/delete/assign a floating IP. author: "Patrick Marques (@pmarques)" options: state: description: - Indicate desired state of the target. default: present choices: ['present', 'absent'] ip: description: - Public IP address of the Floating IP. Used to remove an IP region: description: - The region that the Floating IP is reserved to. droplet_id: description: - The Droplet that the Floating IP has been assigned to. oauth_token: description: - DigitalOcean OAuth token. required: true notes: - Version 2 of DigitalOcean API is used. requirements: - "python >= 2.6" ''' EXAMPLES = ''' - name: "Create a Floating IP in region lon1" digital_ocean_floating_ip: state: present region: lon1 - name: "Create a Floating IP assigned to Droplet ID 123456" digital_ocean_floating_ip: state: present droplet_id: 123456 - name: "Delete a Floating IP with ip" digital_ocean_floating_ip: state: absent ip: "" ''' RETURN = ''' # Digital Ocean API info https://developers.digitalocean.com/documentation/v2/#floating-ips data: description: a DigitalOcean Floating IP resource returned: success and no resource constraint type: dict sample: { "action": { "id": 68212728, "status": "in-progress", "type": "assign_ip", "started_at": "2015-10-15T17:45:44Z", "completed_at": null, "resource_id": 758603823, "resource_type": "floating_ip", "region": { "name": "New York 3", "slug": "nyc3", "sizes": [ "512mb", "1gb", "2gb", "4gb", "8gb", "16gb", "32gb", "48gb", "64gb" ], "features": [ "private_networking", "backups", "ipv6", "metadata" ], "available": true }, "region_slug": "nyc3" } } ''' import json import time from ansible.module_utils.basic import AnsibleModule from ansible.module_utils.basic import env_fallback from ansible.module_utils.urls import fetch_url class Response(object): def __init__(self, resp, info): self.body = None if resp: self.body = resp.read() self.info = info @property def json(self): if not self.body: if "body" in self.info: return json.loads(self.info["body"]) return None try: return json.loads(self.body) except ValueError: return None @property def status_code(self): return self.info["status"] class Rest(object): def __init__(self, module, headers): self.module = module self.headers = headers self.baseurl = 'https://api.digitalocean.com/v2' def _url_builder(self, path): if path[0] == '/': path = path[1:] return '%s/%s' % (self.baseurl, path) def send(self, method, path, data=None, headers=None): url = self._url_builder(path) data = self.module.jsonify(data) timeout = self.module.params['timeout'] resp, info = fetch_url(self.module, url, data=data, headers=self.headers, method=method, timeout=timeout) # Exceptions in fetch_url may result in a status -1, the ensures a if info['status'] == -1: self.module.fail_json(msg=info['msg']) return Response(resp, info) def get(self, path, data=None, headers=None): return self.send('GET', path, data, headers) def put(self, path, data=None, headers=None): return self.send('PUT', path, data, headers) def post(self, path, data=None, headers=None): return self.send('POST', path, data, headers) def delete(self, path, data=None, headers=None): return self.send('DELETE', path, data, headers) def wait_action(module, rest, ip, action_id, timeout=10): end_time = time.time() + 10 while time.time() < end_time: response = rest.get('floating_ips/{0}/actions/{1}'.format(ip, action_id)) status_code = response.status_code status = response.json['action']['status'] # TODO: check status_code == 200? if status == 'completed': return True elif status == 'errored': module.fail_json(msg='Floating ip action error [ip: {0}: action: {1}]'.format( ip, action_id), data=json) module.fail_json(msg='Floating ip action timeout [ip: {0}: action: {1}]'.format( ip, action_id), data=json) def core(module): api_token = module.params['oauth_token'] state = module.params['state'] ip = module.params['ip'] droplet_id = module.params['droplet_id'] rest = Rest(module, {'Authorization': 'Bearer {0}'.format(api_token), 'Content-type': 'application/json'}) if state in ('present'): if droplet_id is not None and module.params['ip'] is not None: # Lets try to associate the ip to the specified droplet associate_floating_ips(module, rest) else: create_floating_ips(module, rest) elif state in ('absent'): response = rest.delete("floating_ips/{0}".format(ip)) status_code = response.status_code json_data = response.json if status_code == 204: module.exit_json(changed=True) elif status_code == 404: module.exit_json(changed=False) else: module.exit_json(changed=False, data=json_data) def get_floating_ip_details(module, rest): ip = module.params['ip'] response = rest.get("floating_ips/{0}".format(ip)) status_code = response.status_code json_data = response.json if status_code == 200: return json_data['floating_ip'] else: module.fail_json(msg="Error assigning floating ip [{0}: {1}]".format( status_code, json_data["message"]), region=module.params['region']) def assign_floating_id_to_droplet(module, rest): ip = module.params['ip'] payload = { "type": "assign", "droplet_id": module.params['droplet_id'], } response = rest.post("floating_ips/{0}/actions".format(ip), data=payload) status_code = response.status_code json_data = response.json if status_code == 201: wait_action(module, rest, ip, json_data['action']['id']) module.exit_json(changed=True, data=json_data) else: module.fail_json(msg="Error creating floating ip [{0}: {1}]".format( status_code, json_data["message"]), region=module.params['region']) def associate_floating_ips(module, rest): floating_ip = get_floating_ip_details(module, rest) droplet = floating_ip['droplet'] # TODO: If already assigned to a droplet verify if is one of the specified as valid if droplet is not None and str(droplet['id']) in [module.params['droplet_id']]: module.exit_json(changed=False) else: assign_floating_id_to_droplet(module, rest) def create_floating_ips(module, rest): payload = { } if module.params['region'] is not None: payload["region"] = module.params['region'] if module.params['droplet_id'] is not None: payload["droplet_id"] = module.params['droplet_id'] response = rest.post("floating_ips", data=payload) status_code = response.status_code json_data = response.json if status_code == 202: module.exit_json(changed=True, data=json_data) else: module.fail_json(msg="Error creating floating ip [{0}: {1}]".format( status_code, json_data["message"]), region=module.params['region']) def main(): module = AnsibleModule( argument_spec=dict( state=dict(choices=['present', 'absent'], default='present'), ip=dict(aliases=['id'], required=False), region=dict(required=False), droplet_id=dict(required=False), oauth_token=dict( no_log=True, # Support environment variable for DigitalOcean OAuth Token fallback=(env_fallback, ['DO_API_TOKEN', 'DO_API_KEY', 'DO_OAUTH_TOKEN']), required=True, ), validate_certs=dict(type='bool', default=True), timeout=dict(type='int', default=30), ), required_if=[ ('state', 'delete', ['ip']) ], mutually_exclusive=[ ['region', 'droplet_id'] ], ) core(module) if __name__ == '__main__': main()