#!/usr/bin/python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Copyright (c) 2020, quidame # GNU General Public License v3.0+ (see LICENSES/GPL-3.0-or-later.txt or https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.txt) # SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function __metaclass__ = type DOCUMENTATION = r''' --- module: iptables_state short_description: Save iptables state into a file or restore it from a file version_added: '1.1.0' author: quidame (@quidame) extends_documentation_fragment: - community.general.attributes - community.general.attributes.flow description: - C(iptables) is used to set up, maintain, and inspect the tables of IP packet filter rules in the Linux kernel. - This module handles the saving and/or loading of rules. This is the same as the behaviour of the C(iptables-save) and C(iptables-restore) (or C(ip6tables-save) and C(ip6tables-restore) for IPv6) commands which this module uses internally. - Modifying the state of the firewall remotely may lead to loose access to the host in case of mistake in new ruleset. This module embeds a rollback feature to avoid this, by telling the host to restore previous rules if a cookie is still there after a given delay, and all this time telling the controller to try to remove this cookie on the host through a new connection. notes: - The rollback feature is not a module option and depends on task's attributes. To enable it, the module must be played asynchronously, i.e. by setting task attributes C(poll) to V(0), and C(async) to a value less or equal to C(ANSIBLE_TIMEOUT). If C(async) is greater, the rollback will still happen if it shall happen, but you will experience a connection timeout instead of more relevant info returned by the module after its failure. attributes: check_mode: support: full diff_mode: support: none action: support: full async: support: full options: counters: description: - Save or restore the values of all packet and byte counters. - When V(true), the module is not idempotent. type: bool default: false ip_version: description: - Which version of the IP protocol this module should apply to. type: str choices: [ ipv4, ipv6 ] default: ipv4 modprobe: description: - Specify the path to the C(modprobe) program internally used by iptables related commands to load kernel modules. - By default, V(/proc/sys/kernel/modprobe) is inspected to determine the executable's path. type: path noflush: description: - For O(state=restored), ignored otherwise. - If V(false), restoring iptables rules from a file flushes (deletes) all previous contents of the respective table(s). If V(true), the previous rules are left untouched (but policies are updated anyway, for all built-in chains). type: bool default: false path: description: - The file the iptables state should be saved to. - The file the iptables state should be restored from. type: path required: true state: description: - Whether the firewall state should be saved (into a file) or restored (from a file). type: str choices: [ saved, restored ] required: true table: description: - When O(state=restored), restore only the named table even if the input file contains other tables. Fail if the named table is not declared in the file. - When O(state=saved), restrict output to the specified table. If not specified, output includes all active tables. type: str choices: [ filter, nat, mangle, raw, security ] wait: description: - Wait N seconds for the xtables lock to prevent instant failure in case multiple instances of the program are running concurrently. type: int requirements: [iptables, ip6tables] ''' EXAMPLES = r''' # This will apply to all loaded/active IPv4 tables. - name: Save current state of the firewall in system file community.general.iptables_state: state: saved path: /etc/sysconfig/iptables # This will apply only to IPv6 filter table. - name: save current state of the firewall in system file community.general.iptables_state: ip_version: ipv6 table: filter state: saved path: /etc/iptables/rules.v6 # This will load a state from a file, with a rollback in case of access loss - name: restore firewall state from a file community.general.iptables_state: state: restored path: /run/iptables.apply async: "{{ ansible_timeout }}" poll: 0 # This will load new rules by appending them to the current ones - name: restore firewall state from a file community.general.iptables_state: state: restored path: /run/iptables.apply noflush: true async: "{{ ansible_timeout }}" poll: 0 # This will only retrieve information - name: get current state of the firewall community.general.iptables_state: state: saved path: /tmp/iptables check_mode: true changed_when: false register: iptables_state - name: show current state of the firewall ansible.builtin.debug: var: iptables_state.initial_state ''' RETURN = r''' applied: description: Whether or not the wanted state has been successfully restored. type: bool returned: always sample: true initial_state: description: The current state of the firewall when module starts. type: list elements: str returned: always sample: [ "# Generated by xtables-save v1.8.2", "*filter", ":INPUT ACCEPT [0:0]", ":FORWARD ACCEPT [0:0]", ":OUTPUT ACCEPT [0:0]", "COMMIT", "# Completed" ] restored: description: The state the module restored, whenever it is finally applied or not. type: list elements: str returned: always sample: [ "# Generated by xtables-save v1.8.2", "*filter", ":INPUT DROP [0:0]", ":FORWARD DROP [0:0]", ":OUTPUT ACCEPT [0:0]", "-A INPUT -m conntrack --ctstate RELATED,ESTABLISHED -j ACCEPT", "-A INPUT -m conntrack --ctstate INVALID -j DROP", "-A INPUT -i lo -j ACCEPT", "-A INPUT -p icmp -j ACCEPT", "-A INPUT -p tcp -m tcp --dport 22 -j ACCEPT", "COMMIT", "# Completed" ] saved: description: The iptables state the module saved. type: list elements: str returned: always sample: [ "# Generated by xtables-save v1.8.2", "*filter", ":INPUT ACCEPT [0:0]", ":FORWARD DROP [0:0]", ":OUTPUT ACCEPT [0:0]", "COMMIT", "# Completed" ] tables: description: - The iptables on the system before the module has run, separated by table. - If the option O(table) is used, only this table is included. type: dict contains: table: description: Policies and rules for all chains of the named table. type: list elements: str sample: |- { "filter": [ ":INPUT ACCEPT", ":FORWARD ACCEPT", ":OUTPUT ACCEPT", "-A INPUT -i lo -j ACCEPT", "-A INPUT -p icmp -j ACCEPT", "-A INPUT -p tcp -m tcp --dport 22 -j ACCEPT", "-A INPUT -j REJECT --reject-with icmp-host-prohibited" ], "nat": [ ":PREROUTING ACCEPT", ":INPUT ACCEPT", ":OUTPUT ACCEPT", ":POSTROUTING ACCEPT" ] } returned: always ''' import re import os import time import tempfile import filecmp import shutil from ansible.module_utils.basic import AnsibleModule from ansible.module_utils.common.text.converters import to_bytes, to_native IPTABLES = dict( ipv4='iptables', ipv6='ip6tables', ) SAVE = dict( ipv4='iptables-save', ipv6='ip6tables-save', ) RESTORE = dict( ipv4='iptables-restore', ipv6='ip6tables-restore', ) TABLES = ['filter', 'mangle', 'nat', 'raw', 'security'] def read_state(b_path): ''' Read a file and store its content in a variable as a list. ''' with open(b_path, 'r') as f: text = f.read() return [t for t in text.splitlines() if t != ''] def write_state(b_path, lines, changed): ''' Write given contents to the given path, and return changed status. ''' # Populate a temporary file tmpfd, tmpfile = tempfile.mkstemp() with os.fdopen(tmpfd, 'w') as f: f.write("{0}\n".format("\n".join(lines))) # Prepare to copy temporary file to the final destination if not os.path.exists(b_path): b_destdir = os.path.dirname(b_path) destdir = to_native(b_destdir, errors='surrogate_or_strict') if b_destdir and not os.path.exists(b_destdir) and not module.check_mode: try: os.makedirs(b_destdir) except Exception as err: module.fail_json( msg='Error creating %s: %s' % (destdir, to_native(err)), initial_state=lines) changed = True elif not filecmp.cmp(tmpfile, b_path): changed = True # Do it if changed and not module.check_mode: try: shutil.copyfile(tmpfile, b_path) except Exception as err: path = to_native(b_path, errors='surrogate_or_strict') module.fail_json( msg='Error saving state into %s: %s' % (path, to_native(err)), initial_state=lines) return changed def initialize_from_null_state(initializer, initcommand, fallbackcmd, table): ''' This ensures iptables-state output is suitable for iptables-restore to roll back to it, i.e. iptables-save output is not empty. This also works for the iptables-nft-save alternative. ''' if table is None: table = 'filter' commandline = list(initializer) commandline += ['-t', table] dummy = module.run_command(commandline, check_rc=True) (rc, out, err) = module.run_command(initcommand, check_rc=True) if '*%s' % table not in out.splitlines(): # The last resort. iptables_input = '*%s\n:OUTPUT ACCEPT\nCOMMIT\n' % table dummy = module.run_command(fallbackcmd, data=iptables_input, check_rc=True) (rc, out, err) = module.run_command(initcommand, check_rc=True) return rc, out, err def filter_and_format_state(string): ''' Remove timestamps to ensure idempotence between runs. Also remove counters by default. And return the result as a list. ''' string = re.sub(r'((^|\n)# (Generated|Completed)[^\n]*) on [^\n]*', r'\1', string) if not module.params['counters']: string = re.sub(r'\[[0-9]+:[0-9]+\]', r'[0:0]', string) lines = [line for line in string.splitlines() if line != ''] return lines def parse_per_table_state(all_states_dump): ''' Convert raw iptables-save output into usable datastructure, for reliable comparisons between initial and final states. ''' lines = filter_and_format_state(all_states_dump) tables = dict() current_table = '' current_list = list() for line in lines: if re.match(r'^[*](filter|mangle|nat|raw|security)$', line): current_table = line[1:] continue if line == 'COMMIT': tables[current_table] = current_list current_table = '' current_list = list() continue if line.startswith('# '): continue current_list.append(line) return tables def main(): global module module = AnsibleModule( argument_spec=dict( path=dict(type='path', required=True), state=dict(type='str', choices=['saved', 'restored'], required=True), table=dict(type='str', choices=['filter', 'nat', 'mangle', 'raw', 'security']), noflush=dict(type='bool', default=False), counters=dict(type='bool', default=False), modprobe=dict(type='path'), ip_version=dict(type='str', choices=['ipv4', 'ipv6'], default='ipv4'), wait=dict(type='int'), _timeout=dict(type='int'), _back=dict(type='path'), ), required_together=[ ['_timeout', '_back'], ], supports_check_mode=True, ) # We'll parse iptables-restore stderr module.run_command_environ_update = dict(LANG='C', LC_MESSAGES='C') path = module.params['path'] state = module.params['state'] table = module.params['table'] noflush = module.params['noflush'] counters = module.params['counters'] modprobe = module.params['modprobe'] ip_version = module.params['ip_version'] wait = module.params['wait'] _timeout = module.params['_timeout'] _back = module.params['_back'] bin_iptables = module.get_bin_path(IPTABLES[ip_version], True) bin_iptables_save = module.get_bin_path(SAVE[ip_version], True) bin_iptables_restore = module.get_bin_path(RESTORE[ip_version], True) os.umask(0o077) changed = False COMMANDARGS = [] INITCOMMAND = [bin_iptables_save] INITIALIZER = [bin_iptables, '-L', '-n'] TESTCOMMAND = [bin_iptables_restore, '--test'] FALLBACKCMD = [bin_iptables_restore] if counters: COMMANDARGS.append('--counters') if table is not None: COMMANDARGS.extend(['--table', table]) if wait is not None: TESTCOMMAND.extend(['--wait', '%s' % wait]) if modprobe is not None: b_modprobe = to_bytes(modprobe, errors='surrogate_or_strict') if not os.path.exists(b_modprobe): module.fail_json(msg="modprobe %s not found" % modprobe) if not os.path.isfile(b_modprobe): module.fail_json(msg="modprobe %s not a file" % modprobe) if not os.access(b_modprobe, os.R_OK): module.fail_json(msg="modprobe %s not readable" % modprobe) if not os.access(b_modprobe, os.X_OK): module.fail_json(msg="modprobe %s not executable" % modprobe) COMMANDARGS.extend(['--modprobe', modprobe]) INITIALIZER.extend(['--modprobe', modprobe]) INITCOMMAND.extend(['--modprobe', modprobe]) TESTCOMMAND.extend(['--modprobe', modprobe]) FALLBACKCMD.extend(['--modprobe', modprobe]) SAVECOMMAND = list(COMMANDARGS) SAVECOMMAND.insert(0, bin_iptables_save) b_path = to_bytes(path, errors='surrogate_or_strict') if state == 'restored': if not os.path.exists(b_path): module.fail_json(msg="Source %s not found" % path) if not os.path.isfile(b_path): module.fail_json(msg="Source %s not a file" % path) if not os.access(b_path, os.R_OK): module.fail_json(msg="Source %s not readable" % path) state_to_restore = read_state(b_path) cmd = None else: cmd = ' '.join(SAVECOMMAND) (rc, stdout, stderr) = module.run_command(INITCOMMAND, check_rc=True) # The issue comes when wanting to restore state from empty iptable-save's # output... what happens when, say: # - no table is specified, and iptables-save's output is only nat table; # - we give filter's ruleset to iptables-restore, that locks ourselves out # of the host; # then trying to roll iptables state back to the previous (working) setup # doesn't override current filter table because no filter table is stored # in the backup ! So we have to ensure tables to be restored have a backup # in case of rollback. if table is None: if state == 'restored': for t in TABLES: if '*%s' % t in state_to_restore: if len(stdout) == 0 or '*%s' % t not in stdout.splitlines(): (rc, stdout, stderr) = initialize_from_null_state(INITIALIZER, INITCOMMAND, FALLBACKCMD, t) elif len(stdout) == 0: (rc, stdout, stderr) = initialize_from_null_state(INITIALIZER, INITCOMMAND, FALLBACKCMD, 'filter') elif state == 'restored' and '*%s' % table not in state_to_restore: module.fail_json(msg="Table %s to restore not defined in %s" % (table, path)) elif len(stdout) == 0 or '*%s' % table not in stdout.splitlines(): (rc, stdout, stderr) = initialize_from_null_state(INITIALIZER, INITCOMMAND, FALLBACKCMD, table) initial_state = filter_and_format_state(stdout) if initial_state is None: module.fail_json(msg="Unable to initialize firewall from NULL state.") # Depending on the value of 'table', initref_state may differ from # initial_state. (rc, stdout, stderr) = module.run_command(SAVECOMMAND, check_rc=True) tables_before = parse_per_table_state(stdout) initref_state = filter_and_format_state(stdout) if state == 'saved': changed = write_state(b_path, initref_state, changed) module.exit_json( changed=changed, cmd=cmd, tables=tables_before, initial_state=initial_state, saved=initref_state) # # All remaining code is for state=restored # MAINCOMMAND = list(COMMANDARGS) MAINCOMMAND.insert(0, bin_iptables_restore) if wait is not None: MAINCOMMAND.extend(['--wait', '%s' % wait]) if _back is not None: b_back = to_bytes(_back, errors='surrogate_or_strict') dummy = write_state(b_back, initref_state, changed) BACKCOMMAND = list(MAINCOMMAND) BACKCOMMAND.append(_back) if noflush: MAINCOMMAND.append('--noflush') MAINCOMMAND.append(path) cmd = ' '.join(MAINCOMMAND) TESTCOMMAND = list(MAINCOMMAND) TESTCOMMAND.insert(1, '--test') error_msg = "Source %s is not suitable for input to %s" % (path, os.path.basename(bin_iptables_restore)) # Due to a bug in iptables-nft-restore --test, we have to validate tables # one by one (https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=960003). for t in tables_before: testcommand = list(TESTCOMMAND) testcommand.extend(['--table', t]) (rc, stdout, stderr) = module.run_command(testcommand) if 'Another app is currently holding the xtables lock' in stderr: error_msg = stderr if rc != 0: cmd = ' '.join(testcommand) module.fail_json( msg=error_msg, cmd=cmd, rc=rc, stdout=stdout, stderr=stderr, tables=tables_before, initial_state=initial_state, restored=state_to_restore, applied=False) if module.check_mode: tmpfd, tmpfile = tempfile.mkstemp() with os.fdopen(tmpfd, 'w') as f: f.write("{0}\n".format("\n".join(initial_state))) if filecmp.cmp(tmpfile, b_path): restored_state = initial_state else: restored_state = state_to_restore else: # Let time enough to the plugin to retrieve async status of the module # in case of bad option type/value and the like. if _back is not None: b_starter = to_bytes('%s.starter' % _back, errors='surrogate_or_strict') while True: if os.path.exists(b_starter): os.remove(b_starter) break time.sleep(0.01) (rc, stdout, stderr) = module.run_command(MAINCOMMAND) if 'Another app is currently holding the xtables lock' in stderr: module.fail_json( msg=stderr, cmd=cmd, rc=rc, stdout=stdout, stderr=stderr, tables=tables_before, initial_state=initial_state, restored=state_to_restore, applied=False) (rc, stdout, stderr) = module.run_command(SAVECOMMAND, check_rc=True) restored_state = filter_and_format_state(stdout) tables_after = parse_per_table_state('\n'.join(restored_state)) if restored_state not in (initref_state, initial_state): for table_name, table_content in tables_after.items(): if table_name not in tables_before: # Would initialize a table, which doesn't exist yet changed = True break if tables_before[table_name] != table_content: # Content of some table changes changed = True break if _back is None or module.check_mode: module.exit_json( changed=changed, cmd=cmd, tables=tables_before, initial_state=initial_state, restored=restored_state, applied=True) # The rollback implementation currently needs: # Here: # * test existence of the backup file, exit with success if it doesn't exist # * otherwise, restore iptables from this file and return failure # Action plugin: # * try to remove the backup file # * wait async task is finished and retrieve its final status # * modify it and return the result # Task: # * task attribute 'async' set to the same value (or lower) than ansible # timeout # * task attribute 'poll' equals 0 # for dummy in range(_timeout): if os.path.exists(b_back): time.sleep(1) continue module.exit_json( changed=changed, cmd=cmd, tables=tables_before, initial_state=initial_state, restored=restored_state, applied=True) # Here we are: for whatever reason, but probably due to the current ruleset, # the action plugin (i.e. on the controller) was unable to remove the backup # cookie, so we restore initial state from it. (rc, stdout, stderr) = module.run_command(BACKCOMMAND, check_rc=True) os.remove(b_back) (rc, stdout, stderr) = module.run_command(SAVECOMMAND, check_rc=True) tables_rollback = parse_per_table_state(stdout) msg = ( "Failed to confirm state restored from %s after %ss. " "Firewall has been rolled back to its initial state." % (path, _timeout) ) module.fail_json( changed=(tables_before != tables_rollback), msg=msg, cmd=cmd, tables=tables_before, initial_state=initial_state, restored=restored_state, applied=False) if __name__ == '__main__': main()