#!/usr/bin/python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # # Copyright (c) 2015 CenturyLink # GNU General Public License v3.0+ (see LICENSES/GPL-3.0-or-later.txt or https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.txt) # SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function __metaclass__ = type DOCUMENTATION = ''' module: clc_alert_policy short_description: Create or Delete Alert Policies at CenturyLink Cloud description: - An Ansible module to Create or Delete Alert Policies at CenturyLink Cloud. extends_documentation_fragment: - community.general.attributes attributes: check_mode: support: full diff_mode: support: none options: alias: description: - The alias of your CLC Account type: str required: true name: description: - The name of the alert policy. This is mutually exclusive with id type: str id: description: - The alert policy id. This is mutually exclusive with name type: str alert_recipients: description: - A list of recipient email ids to notify the alert. This is required for state 'present' type: list elements: str metric: description: - The metric on which to measure the condition that will trigger the alert. This is required for state 'present' type: str choices: ['cpu','memory','disk'] duration: description: - The length of time in minutes that the condition must exceed the threshold. This is required for state 'present' type: str threshold: description: - The threshold that will trigger the alert when the metric equals or exceeds it. This is required for state 'present' This number represents a percentage and must be a value between 5.0 - 95.0 that is a multiple of 5.0 type: int state: description: - Whether to create or delete the policy. type: str default: present choices: ['present','absent'] requirements: - python = 2.7 - requests >= 2.5.0 - clc-sdk author: "CLC Runner (@clc-runner)" notes: - To use this module, it is required to set the below environment variables which enables access to the Centurylink Cloud - CLC_V2_API_USERNAME, the account login id for the centurylink cloud - CLC_V2_API_PASSWORD, the account password for the centurylink cloud - Alternatively, the module accepts the API token and account alias. The API token can be generated using the CLC account login and password via the HTTP api call @ https://api.ctl.io/v2/authentication/login - CLC_V2_API_TOKEN, the API token generated from https://api.ctl.io/v2/authentication/login - CLC_ACCT_ALIAS, the account alias associated with the centurylink cloud - Users can set CLC_V2_API_URL to specify an endpoint for pointing to a different CLC environment. ''' EXAMPLES = ''' # Note - You must set the CLC_V2_API_USERNAME And CLC_V2_API_PASSWD Environment variables before running these examples --- - name: Create Alert Policy Example hosts: localhost gather_facts: false connection: local tasks: - name: Create an Alert Policy for disk above 80% for 5 minutes community.general.clc_alert_policy: alias: wfad name: 'alert for disk > 80%' alert_recipients: - test1@centurylink.com - test2@centurylink.com metric: 'disk' duration: '00:05:00' threshold: 80 state: present register: policy - name: Debug ansible.builtin.debug: var=policy - name: Delete Alert Policy Example hosts: localhost gather_facts: false connection: local tasks: - name: Delete an Alert Policy community.general.clc_alert_policy: alias: wfad name: 'alert for disk > 80%' state: absent register: policy - name: Debug ansible.builtin.debug: var=policy ''' RETURN = ''' policy: description: The alert policy information returned: success type: dict sample: { "actions": [ { "action": "email", "settings": { "recipients": [ "user1@domain.com", "user1@domain.com" ] } } ], "id": "ba54ac54a60d4a4f1ed6d48c1ce240a7", "links": [ { "href": "/v2/alertPolicies/alias/ba54ac54a60d4a4fb1d6d48c1ce240a7", "rel": "self", "verbs": [ "GET", "DELETE", "PUT" ] } ], "name": "test_alert", "triggers": [ { "duration": "00:05:00", "metric": "disk", "threshold": 80.0 } ] } ''' __version__ = '${version}' import json import os import traceback from ansible_collections.community.general.plugins.module_utils.version import LooseVersion REQUESTS_IMP_ERR = None try: import requests except ImportError: REQUESTS_IMP_ERR = traceback.format_exc() REQUESTS_FOUND = False else: REQUESTS_FOUND = True # # Requires the clc-python-sdk. # sudo pip install clc-sdk # CLC_IMP_ERR = None try: import clc as clc_sdk from clc import APIFailedResponse except ImportError: CLC_IMP_ERR = traceback.format_exc() CLC_FOUND = False clc_sdk = None else: CLC_FOUND = True from ansible.module_utils.basic import AnsibleModule, missing_required_lib class ClcAlertPolicy: clc = clc_sdk module = None def __init__(self, module): """ Construct module """ self.module = module self.policy_dict = {} if not CLC_FOUND: self.module.fail_json(msg=missing_required_lib('clc-sdk'), exception=CLC_IMP_ERR) if not REQUESTS_FOUND: self.module.fail_json(msg=missing_required_lib('requests'), exception=REQUESTS_IMP_ERR) if requests.__version__ and LooseVersion(requests.__version__) < LooseVersion('2.5.0'): self.module.fail_json( msg='requests library version should be >= 2.5.0') self._set_user_agent(self.clc) @staticmethod def _define_module_argument_spec(): """ Define the argument spec for the ansible module :return: argument spec dictionary """ argument_spec = dict( name=dict(), id=dict(), alias=dict(required=True), alert_recipients=dict(type='list', elements='str'), metric=dict( choices=[ 'cpu', 'memory', 'disk']), duration=dict(type='str'), threshold=dict(type='int'), state=dict(default='present', choices=['present', 'absent']) ) mutually_exclusive = [ ['name', 'id'] ] return {'argument_spec': argument_spec, 'mutually_exclusive': mutually_exclusive} # Module Behavior Goodness def process_request(self): """ Process the request - Main Code Path :return: Returns with either an exit_json or fail_json """ p = self.module.params self._set_clc_credentials_from_env() self.policy_dict = self._get_alert_policies(p['alias']) if p['state'] == 'present': changed, policy = self._ensure_alert_policy_is_present() else: changed, policy = self._ensure_alert_policy_is_absent() self.module.exit_json(changed=changed, policy=policy) def _set_clc_credentials_from_env(self): """ Set the CLC Credentials on the sdk by reading environment variables :return: none """ env = os.environ v2_api_token = env.get('CLC_V2_API_TOKEN', False) v2_api_username = env.get('CLC_V2_API_USERNAME', False) v2_api_passwd = env.get('CLC_V2_API_PASSWD', False) clc_alias = env.get('CLC_ACCT_ALIAS', False) api_url = env.get('CLC_V2_API_URL', False) if api_url: self.clc.defaults.ENDPOINT_URL_V2 = api_url if v2_api_token and clc_alias: self.clc._LOGIN_TOKEN_V2 = v2_api_token self.clc._V2_ENABLED = True self.clc.ALIAS = clc_alias elif v2_api_username and v2_api_passwd: self.clc.v2.SetCredentials( api_username=v2_api_username, api_passwd=v2_api_passwd) else: return self.module.fail_json( msg="You must set the CLC_V2_API_USERNAME and CLC_V2_API_PASSWD " "environment variables") def _ensure_alert_policy_is_present(self): """ Ensures that the alert policy is present :return: (changed, policy) changed: A flag representing if anything is modified policy: the created/updated alert policy """ changed = False p = self.module.params policy_name = p.get('name') if not policy_name: self.module.fail_json(msg='Policy name is a required') policy = self._alert_policy_exists(policy_name) if not policy: changed = True policy = None if not self.module.check_mode: policy = self._create_alert_policy() else: changed_u, policy = self._ensure_alert_policy_is_updated(policy) if changed_u: changed = True return changed, policy def _ensure_alert_policy_is_absent(self): """ Ensures that the alert policy is absent :return: (changed, None) changed: A flag representing if anything is modified """ changed = False p = self.module.params alert_policy_id = p.get('id') alert_policy_name = p.get('name') alias = p.get('alias') if not alert_policy_id and not alert_policy_name: self.module.fail_json( msg='Either alert policy id or policy name is required') if not alert_policy_id and alert_policy_name: alert_policy_id = self._get_alert_policy_id( self.module, alert_policy_name) if alert_policy_id and alert_policy_id in self.policy_dict: changed = True if not self.module.check_mode: self._delete_alert_policy(alias, alert_policy_id) return changed, None def _ensure_alert_policy_is_updated(self, alert_policy): """ Ensures the alert policy is updated if anything is changed in the alert policy configuration :param alert_policy: the target alert policy :return: (changed, policy) changed: A flag representing if anything is modified policy: the updated the alert policy """ changed = False p = self.module.params alert_policy_id = alert_policy.get('id') email_list = p.get('alert_recipients') metric = p.get('metric') duration = p.get('duration') threshold = p.get('threshold') policy = alert_policy if (metric and metric != str(alert_policy.get('triggers')[0].get('metric'))) or \ (duration and duration != str(alert_policy.get('triggers')[0].get('duration'))) or \ (threshold and float(threshold) != float(alert_policy.get('triggers')[0].get('threshold'))): changed = True elif email_list: t_email_list = list( alert_policy.get('actions')[0].get('settings').get('recipients')) if set(email_list) != set(t_email_list): changed = True if changed and not self.module.check_mode: policy = self._update_alert_policy(alert_policy_id) return changed, policy def _get_alert_policies(self, alias): """ Get the alert policies for account alias by calling the CLC API. :param alias: the account alias :return: the alert policies for the account alias """ response = {} policies = self.clc.v2.API.Call('GET', '/v2/alertPolicies/%s' % alias) for policy in policies.get('items'): response[policy.get('id')] = policy return response def _create_alert_policy(self): """ Create an alert Policy using the CLC API. :return: response dictionary from the CLC API. """ p = self.module.params alias = p['alias'] email_list = p['alert_recipients'] metric = p['metric'] duration = p['duration'] threshold = p['threshold'] policy_name = p['name'] arguments = json.dumps( { 'name': policy_name, 'actions': [{ 'action': 'email', 'settings': { 'recipients': email_list } }], 'triggers': [{ 'metric': metric, 'duration': duration, 'threshold': threshold }] } ) try: result = self.clc.v2.API.Call( 'POST', '/v2/alertPolicies/%s' % alias, arguments) except APIFailedResponse as e: return self.module.fail_json( msg='Unable to create alert policy "{0}". {1}'.format( policy_name, str(e.response_text))) return result def _update_alert_policy(self, alert_policy_id): """ Update alert policy using the CLC API. :param alert_policy_id: The clc alert policy id :return: response dictionary from the CLC API. """ p = self.module.params alias = p['alias'] email_list = p['alert_recipients'] metric = p['metric'] duration = p['duration'] threshold = p['threshold'] policy_name = p['name'] arguments = json.dumps( { 'name': policy_name, 'actions': [{ 'action': 'email', 'settings': { 'recipients': email_list } }], 'triggers': [{ 'metric': metric, 'duration': duration, 'threshold': threshold }] } ) try: result = self.clc.v2.API.Call( 'PUT', '/v2/alertPolicies/%s/%s' % (alias, alert_policy_id), arguments) except APIFailedResponse as e: return self.module.fail_json( msg='Unable to update alert policy "{0}". {1}'.format( policy_name, str(e.response_text))) return result def _delete_alert_policy(self, alias, policy_id): """ Delete an alert policy using the CLC API. :param alias : the account alias :param policy_id: the alert policy id :return: response dictionary from the CLC API. """ try: result = self.clc.v2.API.Call( 'DELETE', '/v2/alertPolicies/%s/%s' % (alias, policy_id), None) except APIFailedResponse as e: return self.module.fail_json( msg='Unable to delete alert policy id "{0}". {1}'.format( policy_id, str(e.response_text))) return result def _alert_policy_exists(self, policy_name): """ Check to see if an alert policy exists :param policy_name: name of the alert policy :return: boolean of if the policy exists """ result = False for policy_id in self.policy_dict: if self.policy_dict.get(policy_id).get('name') == policy_name: result = self.policy_dict.get(policy_id) return result def _get_alert_policy_id(self, module, alert_policy_name): """ retrieves the alert policy id of the account based on the name of the policy :param module: the AnsibleModule object :param alert_policy_name: the alert policy name :return: alert_policy_id: The alert policy id """ alert_policy_id = None for policy_id in self.policy_dict: if self.policy_dict.get(policy_id).get('name') == alert_policy_name: if not alert_policy_id: alert_policy_id = policy_id else: return module.fail_json( msg='multiple alert policies were found with policy name : %s' % alert_policy_name) return alert_policy_id @staticmethod def _set_user_agent(clc): if hasattr(clc, 'SetRequestsSession'): agent_string = "ClcAnsibleModule/" + __version__ ses = requests.Session() ses.headers.update({"Api-Client": agent_string}) ses.headers['User-Agent'] += " " + agent_string clc.SetRequestsSession(ses) def main(): """ The main function. Instantiates the module and calls process_request. :return: none """ argument_dict = ClcAlertPolicy._define_module_argument_spec() module = AnsibleModule(supports_check_mode=True, **argument_dict) clc_alert_policy = ClcAlertPolicy(module) clc_alert_policy.process_request() if __name__ == '__main__': main()