# Gitlab integration tests 1. to run integration tests locally, I've setup a podman pod with both gitlab-ee image and the testing image 2. gitlab's related information were taken from [here](https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/install/docker.html), about the variable it needs (hostname, ports, volumes); volumes were pre-made before launching the image 3. image that run integration tests is started with `podman run --rm -it --pod --name --network=host --volume /ansible_community/community.general:/workspace/ansible_collections/community/general quay.io/ansible/azure-pipelines-test-container:4.0.1` 4. into the testing image, run ```sh pip install https://github.com/ansible/ansible/archive/devel.tar.gz --disable-pip-version-check cd /workspace/ansible_collections/community/general ansible-test integration gitlab_label -vvv ``` While debugging with `q` package, open a second terminal and run `podman exec -it /bin/bash` and inside it do `tail -f /tmp/q` .