#!/usr/bin/python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Copyright: Ansible Project # GNU General Public License v3.0+ (see COPYING or https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.txt) from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function __metaclass__ = type DOCUMENTATION = ''' --- module: atomic_container short_description: Manage the containers on the atomic host platform description: - Manage the containers on the atomic host platform - Allows to manage the lifecycle of a container on the atomic host platform author: "Giuseppe Scrivano (@giuseppe)" notes: - Host should support C(atomic) command requirements: - atomic - "python >= 2.6" options: backend: description: - Define the backend to use for the container required: True choices: ["docker", "ostree"] name: description: - Name of the container required: True image: description: - The image to use to install the container required: True rootfs: description: - Define the rootfs of the image state: description: - State of the container required: True choices: ["latest", "present", "absent", "rollback"] default: "latest" mode: description: - Define if it is an user or a system container required: True choices: ["user", "system"] values: description: - Values for the installation of the container. This option is permitted only with mode 'user' or 'system'. The values specified here will be used at installation time as --set arguments for atomic install. ''' EXAMPLES = ''' # Install the etcd system container - atomic_container: name: etcd image: rhel/etcd backend: ostree state: latest mode: system values: - ETCD_NAME=etcd.server # Uninstall the etcd system container - atomic_container: name: etcd image: rhel/etcd backend: ostree state: absent mode: system ''' RETURN = ''' msg: description: The command standard output returned: always type: str sample: [u'Using default tag: latest ...'] ''' # import module snippets import traceback from ansible.module_utils.basic import AnsibleModule from ansible.module_utils._text import to_native def do_install(module, mode, rootfs, container, image, values_list, backend): system_list = ["--system"] if mode == 'system' else [] user_list = ["--user"] if mode == 'user' else [] rootfs_list = ["--rootfs=%s" % rootfs] if rootfs else [] args = ['atomic', 'install', "--storage=%s" % backend, '--name=%s' % container] + system_list + user_list + rootfs_list + values_list + [image] rc, out, err = module.run_command(args, check_rc=False) if rc != 0: module.fail_json(rc=rc, msg=err) else: changed = "Extracting" in out or "Copying blob" in out module.exit_json(msg=out, changed=changed) def do_update(module, container, image, values_list): args = ['atomic', 'containers', 'update', "--rebase=%s" % image] + values_list + [container] rc, out, err = module.run_command(args, check_rc=False) if rc != 0: module.fail_json(rc=rc, msg=err) else: changed = "Extracting" in out or "Copying blob" in out module.exit_json(msg=out, changed=changed) def do_uninstall(module, name, backend): args = ['atomic', 'uninstall', "--storage=%s" % backend, name] rc, out, err = module.run_command(args, check_rc=False) if rc != 0: module.fail_json(rc=rc, msg=err) module.exit_json(msg=out, changed=True) def do_rollback(module, name): args = ['atomic', 'containers', 'rollback', name] rc, out, err = module.run_command(args, check_rc=False) if rc != 0: module.fail_json(rc=rc, msg=err) else: changed = "Rolling back" in out module.exit_json(msg=out, changed=changed) def core(module): mode = module.params['mode'] name = module.params['name'] image = module.params['image'] rootfs = module.params['rootfs'] values = module.params['values'] backend = module.params['backend'] state = module.params['state'] module.run_command_environ_update = dict(LANG='C', LC_ALL='C', LC_MESSAGES='C') out = {} err = {} rc = 0 values_list = ["--set=%s" % x for x in values] if values else [] args = ['atomic', 'containers', 'list', '--no-trunc', '-n', '--all', '-f', 'backend=%s' % backend, '-f', 'container=%s' % name] rc, out, err = module.run_command(args, check_rc=False) if rc != 0: module.fail_json(rc=rc, msg=err) return present = name in out if state == 'present' and present: module.exit_json(msg=out, changed=False) elif (state in ['latest', 'present']) and not present: do_install(module, mode, rootfs, name, image, values_list, backend) elif state == 'latest': do_update(module, name, image, values_list) elif state == 'absent': if not present: module.exit_json(msg="The container is not present", changed=False) else: do_uninstall(module, name, backend) elif state == 'rollback': do_rollback(module, name) def main(): module = AnsibleModule( argument_spec=dict( mode=dict(default=None, choices=['user', 'system']), name=dict(default=None, required=True), image=dict(default=None, required=True), rootfs=dict(default=None), state=dict(default='latest', choices=['present', 'absent', 'latest', 'rollback']), backend=dict(default=None, required=True, choices=['docker', 'ostree']), values=dict(type='list', default=[]), ), ) if module.params['values'] is not None and module.params['mode'] == 'default': module.fail_json(msg="values is supported only with user or system mode") # Verify that the platform supports atomic command rc, out, err = module.run_command('atomic -v', check_rc=False) if rc != 0: module.fail_json(msg="Error in running atomic command", err=err) try: core(module) except Exception as e: module.fail_json(msg='Unanticipated error running atomic: %s' % to_native(e), exception=traceback.format_exc()) if __name__ == '__main__': main()