# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Copyright (c) 2020, Adam Migus # GNU General Public License v3.0+ (see LICENSES/GPL-3.0-or-later.txt or https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.txt) # SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function __metaclass__ = type DOCUMENTATION = r""" name: tss author: Adam Migus (@amigus) short_description: Get secrets from Thycotic Secret Server version_added: 1.0.0 description: - Uses the Thycotic Secret Server Python SDK to get Secrets from Secret Server using token authentication with O(username) and O(password) on the REST API at O(base_url). - When using self-signed certificates the environment variable E(REQUESTS_CA_BUNDLE) can be set to a file containing the trusted certificates (in C(.pem) format). - For example, C(export REQUESTS_CA_BUNDLE='/etc/ssl/certs/ca-bundle.trust.crt'). requirements: - python-tss-sdk - https://pypi.org/project/python-tss-sdk/ options: _terms: description: The integer ID of the secret. required: true type: list elements: int secret_path: description: Indicate a full path of secret including folder and secret name when the secret ID is set to 0. required: false type: str version_added: 7.2.0 fetch_secret_ids_from_folder: description: - Boolean flag which indicates whether secret ids are in a folder is fetched by folder ID or not. - V(true) then the terms will be considered as a folder IDs. Otherwise (default), they are considered as secret IDs. required: false type: bool version_added: 7.1.0 fetch_attachments: description: - Boolean flag which indicates whether attached files will get downloaded or not. - The download will only happen if O(file_download_path) has been provided. required: false type: bool version_added: 7.0.0 file_download_path: description: Indicate the file attachment download location. required: false type: path version_added: 7.0.0 base_url: description: The base URL of the server, for example V(https://localhost/SecretServer). type: string env: - name: TSS_BASE_URL ini: - section: tss_lookup key: base_url required: true username: description: The username with which to request the OAuth2 Access Grant. type: string env: - name: TSS_USERNAME ini: - section: tss_lookup key: username password: description: - The password associated with the supplied username. - Required when O(token) is not provided. type: string env: - name: TSS_PASSWORD ini: - section: tss_lookup key: password domain: default: "" description: - The domain with which to request the OAuth2 Access Grant. - Optional when O(token) is not provided. - Requires C(python-tss-sdk) version 1.0.0 or greater. type: string env: - name: TSS_DOMAIN ini: - section: tss_lookup key: domain required: false version_added: 3.6.0 token: description: - Existing token for Thycotic authorizer. - If provided, O(username) and O(password) are not needed. - Requires C(python-tss-sdk) version 1.0.0 or greater. type: string env: - name: TSS_TOKEN ini: - section: tss_lookup key: token version_added: 3.7.0 api_path_uri: default: /api/v1 description: The path to append to the base URL to form a valid REST API request. type: string env: - name: TSS_API_PATH_URI required: false token_path_uri: default: /oauth2/token description: The path to append to the base URL to form a valid OAuth2 Access Grant request. type: string env: - name: TSS_TOKEN_PATH_URI required: false """ RETURN = r""" _list: description: - The JSON responses to C(GET /secrets/{id}). - See U(https://updates.thycotic.net/secretserver/restapiguide/TokenAuth/#operation--secrets--id--get). type: list elements: dict """ EXAMPLES = r""" - hosts: localhost vars: secret: >- {{ lookup( 'community.general.tss', 102, base_url='https://secretserver.domain.com/SecretServer/', username='user.name', password='password' ) }} tasks: - ansible.builtin.debug: msg: > the password is {{ (secret['items'] | items2dict(key_name='slug', value_name='itemValue'))['password'] }} - hosts: localhost vars: secret: >- {{ lookup( 'community.general.tss', 102, base_url='https://secretserver.domain.com/SecretServer/', username='user.name', password='password', domain='domain' ) }} tasks: - ansible.builtin.debug: msg: > the password is {{ (secret['items'] | items2dict(key_name='slug', value_name='itemValue'))['password'] }} - hosts: localhost vars: secret_password: >- {{ ((lookup( 'community.general.tss', 102, base_url='https://secretserver.domain.com/SecretServer/', token='thycotic_access_token', ) | from_json).get('items') | items2dict(key_name='slug', value_name='itemValue'))['password'] }} tasks: - ansible.builtin.debug: msg: the password is {{ secret_password }} # Private key stores into certificate file which is attached with secret. # If fetch_attachments=True then private key file will be download on specified path # and file content will display in debug message. - hosts: localhost vars: secret: >- {{ lookup( 'community.general.tss', 102, fetch_attachments=True, file_download_path='/home/certs', base_url='https://secretserver.domain.com/SecretServer/', token='thycotic_access_token' ) }} tasks: - ansible.builtin.debug: msg: > the private key is {{ (secret['items'] | items2dict(key_name='slug', value_name='itemValue'))['private-key'] }} # If fetch_secret_ids_from_folder=true then secret IDs are in a folder is fetched based on folder ID - hosts: localhost vars: secret: >- {{ lookup( 'community.general.tss', 102, fetch_secret_ids_from_folder=true, base_url='https://secretserver.domain.com/SecretServer/', token='thycotic_access_token' ) }} tasks: - ansible.builtin.debug: msg: > the secret id's are {{ secret }} # If secret ID is 0 and secret_path has value then secret is fetched by secret path - hosts: localhost vars: secret: >- {{ lookup( 'community.general.tss', 0, secret_path='\folderName\secretName' base_url='https://secretserver.domain.com/SecretServer/', username='user.name', password='password' ) }} tasks: - ansible.builtin.debug: msg: > the password is {{ (secret['items'] | items2dict(key_name='slug', value_name='itemValue'))['password'] }} """ import abc import os from ansible.errors import AnsibleError, AnsibleOptionsError from ansible.module_utils import six from ansible.plugins.lookup import LookupBase from ansible.utils.display import Display try: from delinea.secrets.server import SecretServer, SecretServerError, PasswordGrantAuthorizer, DomainPasswordGrantAuthorizer, AccessTokenAuthorizer HAS_TSS_SDK = True HAS_DELINEA_SS_SDK = True HAS_TSS_AUTHORIZER = True except ImportError: try: from thycotic.secrets.server import SecretServer, SecretServerError, PasswordGrantAuthorizer, DomainPasswordGrantAuthorizer, AccessTokenAuthorizer HAS_TSS_SDK = True HAS_DELINEA_SS_SDK = False HAS_TSS_AUTHORIZER = True except ImportError: SecretServer = None SecretServerError = None HAS_TSS_SDK = False HAS_DELINEA_SS_SDK = False PasswordGrantAuthorizer = None DomainPasswordGrantAuthorizer = None AccessTokenAuthorizer = None HAS_TSS_AUTHORIZER = False display = Display() @six.add_metaclass(abc.ABCMeta) class TSSClient(object): def __init__(self): self._client = None @staticmethod def from_params(**server_parameters): if HAS_TSS_AUTHORIZER: return TSSClientV1(**server_parameters) else: return TSSClientV0(**server_parameters) def get_secret(self, term, secret_path, fetch_file_attachments, file_download_path): display.debug("tss_lookup term: %s" % term) secret_id = self._term_to_secret_id(term) if secret_id == 0 and secret_path: fetch_secret_by_path = True display.vvv(u"Secret Server lookup of Secret with path %s" % secret_path) else: fetch_secret_by_path = False display.vvv(u"Secret Server lookup of Secret with ID %d" % secret_id) if fetch_file_attachments: if fetch_secret_by_path: obj = self._client.get_secret_by_path(secret_path, fetch_file_attachments) else: obj = self._client.get_secret(secret_id, fetch_file_attachments) for i in obj['items']: if file_download_path and os.path.isdir(file_download_path): if i['isFile']: try: file_content = i['itemValue'].content with open(os.path.join(file_download_path, str(obj['id']) + "_" + i['slug']), "wb") as f: f.write(file_content) except ValueError: raise AnsibleOptionsError("Failed to download {0}".format(str(i['slug']))) except AttributeError: display.warning("Could not read file content for {0}".format(str(i['slug']))) finally: i['itemValue'] = "*** Not Valid For Display ***" else: raise AnsibleOptionsError("File download path does not exist") return obj else: if fetch_secret_by_path: return self._client.get_secret_by_path(secret_path, False) else: return self._client.get_secret_json(secret_id) def get_secret_ids_by_folderid(self, term): display.debug("tss_lookup term: %s" % term) folder_id = self._term_to_folder_id(term) display.vvv(u"Secret Server lookup of Secret id's with Folder ID %d" % folder_id) return self._client.get_secret_ids_by_folderid(folder_id) @staticmethod def _term_to_secret_id(term): try: return int(term) except ValueError: raise AnsibleOptionsError("Secret ID must be an integer") @staticmethod def _term_to_folder_id(term): try: return int(term) except ValueError: raise AnsibleOptionsError("Folder ID must be an integer") class TSSClientV0(TSSClient): def __init__(self, **server_parameters): super(TSSClientV0, self).__init__() if server_parameters.get("domain"): raise AnsibleError("The 'domain' option requires 'python-tss-sdk' version 1.0.0 or greater") self._client = SecretServer( server_parameters["base_url"], server_parameters["username"], server_parameters["password"], server_parameters["api_path_uri"], server_parameters["token_path_uri"], ) class TSSClientV1(TSSClient): def __init__(self, **server_parameters): super(TSSClientV1, self).__init__() authorizer = self._get_authorizer(**server_parameters) self._client = SecretServer( server_parameters["base_url"], authorizer, server_parameters["api_path_uri"] ) @staticmethod def _get_authorizer(**server_parameters): if server_parameters.get("token"): return AccessTokenAuthorizer( server_parameters["token"], ) if server_parameters.get("domain"): return DomainPasswordGrantAuthorizer( server_parameters["base_url"], server_parameters["username"], server_parameters["domain"], server_parameters["password"], server_parameters["token_path_uri"], ) return PasswordGrantAuthorizer( server_parameters["base_url"], server_parameters["username"], server_parameters["password"], server_parameters["token_path_uri"], ) class LookupModule(LookupBase): def run(self, terms, variables, **kwargs): if not HAS_TSS_SDK: raise AnsibleError("python-tss-sdk must be installed to use this plugin") self.set_options(var_options=variables, direct=kwargs) tss = TSSClient.from_params( base_url=self.get_option("base_url"), username=self.get_option("username"), password=self.get_option("password"), domain=self.get_option("domain"), token=self.get_option("token"), api_path_uri=self.get_option("api_path_uri"), token_path_uri=self.get_option("token_path_uri"), ) try: if self.get_option("fetch_secret_ids_from_folder"): if HAS_DELINEA_SS_SDK: return [tss.get_secret_ids_by_folderid(term) for term in terms] else: raise AnsibleError("latest python-tss-sdk must be installed to use this plugin") else: return [ tss.get_secret( term, self.get_option("secret_path"), self.get_option("fetch_attachments"), self.get_option("file_download_path"), ) for term in terms ] except SecretServerError as error: raise AnsibleError("Secret Server lookup failure: %s" % error.message)