# GNU General Public License v3.0+ (see COPYING or https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.txt) from __future__ import (absolute_import, division, print_function) __metaclass__ = type from ansible_collections.community.general.tests.unit.compat import unittest from ansible_collections.community.general.tests.unit.compat.mock import patch from ansible.module_utils import basic from ansible.module_utils.common.text.converters import to_bytes import ansible_collections.community.general.plugins.modules.system.ufw as module import json # mock ufw messages ufw_version_35 = """ufw 0.35\nCopyright 2008-2015 Canonical Ltd.\n""" ufw_verbose_header = """Status: active Logging: on (low) Default: deny (incoming), allow (outgoing), deny (routed) New profiles: skip To Action From -- ------ ----""" ufw_status_verbose_with_port_7000 = ufw_verbose_header + """ 7000/tcp ALLOW IN Anywhere 7000/tcp (v6) ALLOW IN Anywhere (v6) """ user_rules_with_port_7000 = """### tuple ### allow tcp 7000 any in ### tuple ### allow tcp 7000 ::/0 any ::/0 in """ user_rules_with_ipv6 = """### tuple ### allow udp 5353 any in ### tuple ### allow udp 5353 ::/0 any ff02::fb in """ ufw_status_verbose_with_ipv6 = ufw_verbose_header + """ 5353/udp ALLOW IN 5353/udp ALLOW IN ff02::fb """ ufw_status_verbose_nothing = ufw_verbose_header skippg_adding_existing_rules = "Skipping adding existing rule\nSkipping adding existing rule (v6)\n" grep_config_cli = "grep -h '^### tuple' /lib/ufw/user.rules /lib/ufw/user6.rules /etc/ufw/user.rules /etc/ufw/user6.rules " grep_config_cli += "/var/lib/ufw/user.rules /var/lib/ufw/user6.rules" dry_mode_cmd_with_port_700 = { "ufw status verbose": ufw_status_verbose_with_port_7000, "ufw --version": ufw_version_35, "ufw --dry-run allow from any to any port 7000 proto tcp": skippg_adding_existing_rules, "ufw --dry-run delete allow from any to any port 7000 proto tcp": "", "ufw --dry-run delete allow from any to any port 7001 proto tcp": user_rules_with_port_7000, "ufw --dry-run route allow in on foo out on bar from port 7000 to port 7001 proto tcp": "", "ufw --dry-run allow in on foo from any to any port 7003 proto tcp": "", "ufw --dry-run allow in on foo from port 7002 to port 7003 proto tcp": "", "ufw --dry-run allow out on foo from any to any port 7004 proto tcp": "", "ufw --dry-run allow out on foo from port 7003 to port 7004 proto tcp": "", grep_config_cli: user_rules_with_port_7000 } # setup configuration : # ufw reset # ufw enable # ufw allow proto udp to any port 5353 from # ufw allow proto udp to any port 5353 from ff02::fb dry_mode_cmd_with_ipv6 = { "ufw status verbose": ufw_status_verbose_with_ipv6, "ufw --version": ufw_version_35, # CONTENT of the command sudo ufw --dry-run delete allow in from ff02::fb port 5353 proto udp | grep -E "^### tupple" "ufw --dry-run delete allow from ff02::fb to any port 5353 proto udp": "### tuple ### allow udp any ::/0 5353 ff02::fb in", grep_config_cli: user_rules_with_ipv6, "ufw --dry-run allow from ff02::fb to any port 5353 proto udp": skippg_adding_existing_rules, "ufw --dry-run allow from to any port 5353 proto udp": """### tuple ### allow udp 5353 any in ### tuple ### allow udp 5353 any in """, "ufw --dry-run allow from to any port 1577 proto udp": "### tuple ### allow udp 1577 any in" } dry_mode_cmd_nothing = { "ufw status verbose": ufw_status_verbose_nothing, "ufw --version": ufw_version_35, grep_config_cli: "", "ufw --dry-run allow from any to :: port 23": "### tuple ### allow any 23 :: any ::/0 in" } def do_nothing_func_nothing(*args, **kwarg): return 0, dry_mode_cmd_nothing[args[0]], "" def do_nothing_func_ipv6(*args, **kwarg): return 0, dry_mode_cmd_with_ipv6[args[0]], "" def do_nothing_func_port_7000(*args, **kwarg): return 0, dry_mode_cmd_with_port_700[args[0]], "" def set_module_args(args): args = json.dumps({'ANSIBLE_MODULE_ARGS': args}) """prepare arguments so that they will be picked up during module creation""" basic._ANSIBLE_ARGS = to_bytes(args) class AnsibleExitJson(Exception): """Exception class to be raised by module.exit_json and caught by the test case""" pass class AnsibleFailJson(Exception): """Exception class to be raised by module.fail_json and caught by the test case""" pass def exit_json(*args, **kwargs): """function to patch over exit_json; package return data into an exception""" if 'changed' not in kwargs: kwargs['changed'] = False raise AnsibleExitJson(kwargs) def fail_json(*args, **kwargs): """function to patch over fail_json; package return data into an exception""" kwargs['failed'] = True raise AnsibleFailJson(kwargs) def get_bin_path(self, arg, required=False): """Mock AnsibleModule.get_bin_path""" return arg class TestUFW(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): self.mock_module_helper = patch.multiple(basic.AnsibleModule, exit_json=exit_json, fail_json=fail_json, get_bin_path=get_bin_path) self.mock_module_helper.start() self.addCleanup(self.mock_module_helper.stop) def test_filter_line_that_contains_ipv4(self): reg = module.compile_ipv4_regexp() self.assertTrue(reg.search("### tuple ### allow udp 5353 ::/0 any ff02::fb in") is None) self.assertTrue(reg.search("### tuple ### allow udp 5353 any in") is not None) self.assertTrue(reg.match("ff02::fb") is None) self.assertTrue(reg.match("") is not None) self.assertTrue(reg.match("") is not None) self.assertTrue(reg.match("somethingElse") is None) self.assertTrue(reg.match("::") is None) self.assertTrue(reg.match("any") is None) def test_filter_line_that_contains_ipv6(self): reg = module.compile_ipv6_regexp() self.assertTrue(reg.search("### tuple ### allow udp 5353 ::/0 any ff02::fb in") is not None) self.assertTrue(reg.search("### tuple ### allow udp 5353 any in") is None) self.assertTrue(reg.search("### tuple ### allow any 23 :: any ::/0 in") is not None) self.assertTrue(reg.match("ff02::fb") is not None) self.assertTrue(reg.match("") is None) self.assertTrue(reg.match("::") is not None) def test_check_mode_add_rules(self): set_module_args({ 'rule': 'allow', 'proto': 'tcp', 'port': '7000', '_ansible_check_mode': True }) result = self.__getResult(do_nothing_func_port_7000) self.assertFalse(result.exception.args[0]['changed']) def test_check_mode_add_detailed_route(self): set_module_args({ 'rule': 'allow', 'route': 'yes', 'interface_in': 'foo', 'interface_out': 'bar', 'proto': 'tcp', 'from_ip': '', 'to_ip': '', 'from_port': '7000', 'to_port': '7001', '_ansible_check_mode': True }) result = self.__getResult(do_nothing_func_port_7000) self.assertTrue(result.exception.args[0]['changed']) def test_check_mode_add_ambiguous_route(self): set_module_args({ 'rule': 'allow', 'route': 'yes', 'interface_in': 'foo', 'interface_out': 'bar', 'direction': 'in', 'interface': 'baz', '_ansible_check_mode': True }) with self.assertRaises(AnsibleFailJson) as result: self.__getResult(do_nothing_func_port_7000) exc = result.exception.args[0] self.assertTrue(exc['failed']) self.assertIn('mutually exclusive', exc['msg']) def test_check_mode_add_interface_in(self): set_module_args({ 'rule': 'allow', 'proto': 'tcp', 'port': '7003', 'interface_in': 'foo', '_ansible_check_mode': True }) result = self.__getResult(do_nothing_func_port_7000) self.assertTrue(result.exception.args[0]['changed']) def test_check_mode_add_interface_out(self): set_module_args({ 'rule': 'allow', 'proto': 'tcp', 'port': '7004', 'interface_out': 'foo', '_ansible_check_mode': True }) result = self.__getResult(do_nothing_func_port_7000) self.assertTrue(result.exception.args[0]['changed']) def test_check_mode_add_non_route_interface_both(self): set_module_args({ 'rule': 'allow', 'proto': 'tcp', 'port': '7004', 'interface_in': 'foo', 'interface_out': 'bar', '_ansible_check_mode': True }) with self.assertRaises(AnsibleFailJson) as result: self.__getResult(do_nothing_func_port_7000) exc = result.exception.args[0] self.assertTrue(exc['failed']) self.assertIn('combine', exc['msg']) def test_check_mode_add_direction_in(self): set_module_args({ 'rule': 'allow', 'proto': 'tcp', 'port': '7003', 'direction': 'in', 'interface': 'foo', '_ansible_check_mode': True }) result = self.__getResult(do_nothing_func_port_7000) self.assertTrue(result.exception.args[0]['changed']) def test_check_mode_add_direction_in_with_ip(self): set_module_args({ 'rule': 'allow', 'proto': 'tcp', 'from_ip': '', 'from_port': '7002', 'to_ip': '', 'to_port': '7003', 'direction': 'in', 'interface': 'foo', '_ansible_check_mode': True }) result = self.__getResult(do_nothing_func_port_7000) self.assertTrue(result.exception.args[0]['changed']) def test_check_mode_add_direction_out(self): set_module_args({ 'rule': 'allow', 'proto': 'tcp', 'port': '7004', 'direction': 'out', 'interface': 'foo', '_ansible_check_mode': True }) result = self.__getResult(do_nothing_func_port_7000) self.assertTrue(result.exception.args[0]['changed']) def test_check_mode_add_direction_out_with_ip(self): set_module_args({ 'rule': 'allow', 'proto': 'tcp', 'from_ip': '', 'from_port': '7003', 'to_ip': '', 'to_port': '7004', 'direction': 'out', 'interface': 'foo', '_ansible_check_mode': True }) result = self.__getResult(do_nothing_func_port_7000) self.assertTrue(result.exception.args[0]['changed']) def test_check_mode_delete_existing_rules(self): set_module_args({ 'rule': 'allow', 'proto': 'tcp', 'port': '7000', 'delete': 'yes', '_ansible_check_mode': True, }) self.assertTrue(self.__getResult(do_nothing_func_port_7000).exception.args[0]['changed']) def test_check_mode_delete_not_existing_rules(self): set_module_args({ 'rule': 'allow', 'proto': 'tcp', 'port': '7001', 'delete': 'yes', '_ansible_check_mode': True, }) self.assertFalse(self.__getResult(do_nothing_func_port_7000).exception.args[0]['changed']) def test_enable_mode(self): set_module_args({ 'state': 'enabled', '_ansible_check_mode': True }) self.assertFalse(self.__getResult(do_nothing_func_port_7000).exception.args[0]['changed']) def test_disable_mode(self): set_module_args({ 'state': 'disabled', '_ansible_check_mode': True }) self.assertTrue(self.__getResult(do_nothing_func_port_7000).exception.args[0]['changed']) def test_logging_off(self): set_module_args({ 'logging': 'off', '_ansible_check_mode': True }) self.assertTrue(self.__getResult(do_nothing_func_port_7000).exception.args[0]['changed']) def test_logging_on(self): set_module_args({ 'logging': 'on', '_ansible_check_mode': True }) self.assertFalse(self.__getResult(do_nothing_func_port_7000).exception.args[0]['changed']) def test_default_changed(self): set_module_args({ 'default': 'allow', "direction": "incoming", '_ansible_check_mode': True }) self.assertTrue(self.__getResult(do_nothing_func_port_7000).exception.args[0]['changed']) def test_default_not_changed(self): set_module_args({ 'default': 'deny', "direction": "incoming", '_ansible_check_mode': True }) self.assertFalse(self.__getResult(do_nothing_func_port_7000).exception.args[0]['changed']) def test_ipv6_remove(self): set_module_args({ 'rule': 'allow', 'proto': 'udp', 'port': '5353', 'from': 'ff02::fb', 'delete': 'yes', '_ansible_check_mode': True, }) self.assertTrue(self.__getResult(do_nothing_func_ipv6).exception.args[0]['changed']) def test_ipv6_add_existing(self): set_module_args({ 'rule': 'allow', 'proto': 'udp', 'port': '5353', 'from': 'ff02::fb', '_ansible_check_mode': True, }) self.assertFalse(self.__getResult(do_nothing_func_ipv6).exception.args[0]['changed']) def test_add_not_existing_ipv4_submask(self): set_module_args({ 'rule': 'allow', 'proto': 'udp', 'port': '1577', 'from': '', '_ansible_check_mode': True, }) self.assertTrue(self.__getResult(do_nothing_func_ipv6).exception.args[0]['changed']) def test_ipv4_add_with_existing_ipv6(self): set_module_args({ 'rule': 'allow', 'proto': 'udp', 'port': '5353', 'from': '', '_ansible_check_mode': True, }) self.assertTrue(self.__getResult(do_nothing_func_ipv6).exception.args[0]['changed']) def test_ipv6_add_from_nothing(self): set_module_args({ 'rule': 'allow', 'port': '23', 'to': '::', '_ansible_check_mode': True, }) result = self.__getResult(do_nothing_func_nothing).exception.args[0] print(result) self.assertTrue(result['changed']) def __getResult(self, cmd_fun): with patch.object(basic.AnsibleModule, 'run_command') as mock_run_command: mock_run_command.side_effect = cmd_fun with self.assertRaises(AnsibleExitJson) as result: module.main() return result