# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Copyright (c) 2019, Guillaume Martinez (lunik@tiwabbit.fr) # Copyright (c) 2018, Marcus Watkins <marwatk@marcuswatkins.net> # GNU General Public License v3.0+ (see LICENSES/GPL-3.0-or-later.txt or https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.txt) # SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later from __future__ import (absolute_import, division, print_function) __metaclass__ = type from ansible.module_utils.basic import missing_required_lib from ansible.module_utils.common.text.converters import to_native from ansible.module_utils.six import integer_types, string_types from ansible_collections.community.general.plugins.module_utils.version import LooseVersion try: from urlparse import urljoin except ImportError: from urllib.parse import urljoin # Python 3+ import traceback def _determine_list_all_kwargs(version): gitlab_version = LooseVersion(version) if gitlab_version >= LooseVersion('4.0.0'): # 4.0.0 removed 'as_list' return {'iterator': True, 'per_page': 100} elif gitlab_version >= LooseVersion('3.7.0'): # 3.7.0 added 'get_all' return {'as_list': False, 'get_all': True, 'per_page': 100} else: return {'as_list': False, 'all': True, 'per_page': 100} GITLAB_IMP_ERR = None try: import gitlab import requests HAS_GITLAB_PACKAGE = True list_all_kwargs = _determine_list_all_kwargs(gitlab.__version__) except Exception: gitlab = None GITLAB_IMP_ERR = traceback.format_exc() HAS_GITLAB_PACKAGE = False list_all_kwargs = {} def auth_argument_spec(spec=None): arg_spec = (dict( ca_path=dict(type='str'), api_token=dict(type='str', no_log=True), api_oauth_token=dict(type='str', no_log=True), api_job_token=dict(type='str', no_log=True), )) if spec: arg_spec.update(spec) return arg_spec def find_project(gitlab_instance, identifier): try: project = gitlab_instance.projects.get(identifier) except Exception as e: current_user = gitlab_instance.user try: project = gitlab_instance.projects.get(current_user.username + '/' + identifier) except Exception as e: return None return project def find_group(gitlab_instance, identifier): try: group = gitlab_instance.groups.get(identifier) except Exception as e: return None return group def ensure_gitlab_package(module, min_version=None): if not HAS_GITLAB_PACKAGE: module.fail_json( msg=missing_required_lib("python-gitlab", url='https://python-gitlab.readthedocs.io/en/stable/'), exception=GITLAB_IMP_ERR ) gitlab_version = gitlab.__version__ if min_version is not None and LooseVersion(gitlab_version) < LooseVersion(min_version): module.fail_json( msg="This module requires python-gitlab Python module >= %s " "(installed version: %s). Please upgrade python-gitlab to version %s or above." % (min_version, gitlab_version, min_version) ) def gitlab_authentication(module, min_version=None): ensure_gitlab_package(module, min_version=min_version) gitlab_url = module.params['api_url'] validate_certs = module.params['validate_certs'] ca_path = module.params['ca_path'] gitlab_user = module.params['api_username'] gitlab_password = module.params['api_password'] gitlab_token = module.params['api_token'] gitlab_oauth_token = module.params['api_oauth_token'] gitlab_job_token = module.params['api_job_token'] verify = ca_path if validate_certs and ca_path else validate_certs try: # python-gitlab library remove support for username/password authentication since 1.13.0 # Changelog : https://github.com/python-gitlab/python-gitlab/releases/tag/v1.13.0 # This condition allow to still support older version of the python-gitlab library if LooseVersion(gitlab.__version__) < LooseVersion("1.13.0"): module.deprecate( "GitLab basic auth is deprecated and will be removed in next major version, " "using another auth method (API token or OAuth) is strongly recommended.", version='10.0.0', collection_name='community.general') gitlab_instance = gitlab.Gitlab(url=gitlab_url, ssl_verify=verify, email=gitlab_user, password=gitlab_password, private_token=gitlab_token, api_version=4) else: # We can create an oauth_token using a username and password # https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/api/oauth2.html#authorization-code-flow if gitlab_user: data = {'grant_type': 'password', 'username': gitlab_user, 'password': gitlab_password} resp = requests.post(urljoin(gitlab_url, "oauth/token"), data=data, verify=verify) resp_data = resp.json() gitlab_oauth_token = resp_data["access_token"] gitlab_instance = gitlab.Gitlab(url=gitlab_url, ssl_verify=verify, private_token=gitlab_token, oauth_token=gitlab_oauth_token, job_token=gitlab_job_token, api_version=4) gitlab_instance.auth() except (gitlab.exceptions.GitlabAuthenticationError, gitlab.exceptions.GitlabGetError) as e: module.fail_json(msg="Failed to connect to GitLab server: %s" % to_native(e)) except (gitlab.exceptions.GitlabHttpError) as e: module.fail_json(msg="Failed to connect to GitLab server: %s. \ GitLab remove Session API now that private tokens are removed from user API endpoints since version 10.2." % to_native(e)) return gitlab_instance def filter_returned_variables(gitlab_variables): # pop properties we don't know existing_variables = [dict(x.attributes) for x in gitlab_variables] KNOWN = ['key', 'value', 'masked', 'protected', 'variable_type', 'environment_scope', 'raw'] for item in existing_variables: for key in list(item.keys()): if key not in KNOWN: item.pop(key) return existing_variables def vars_to_variables(vars, module): # transform old vars to new variables structure variables = list() for item, value in vars.items(): if isinstance(value, (string_types, integer_types, float)): variables.append( { "name": item, "value": str(value), "masked": False, "protected": False, "raw": False, "variable_type": "env_var", } ) elif isinstance(value, dict): new_item = { "name": item, "value": value.get('value'), "masked": value.get('masked'), "protected": value.get('protected'), "raw": value.get('raw'), "variable_type": value.get('variable_type'), } if value.get('environment_scope'): new_item['environment_scope'] = value.get('environment_scope') variables.append(new_item) else: module.fail_json(msg="value must be of type string, integer, float or dict") return variables