#!/usr/bin/python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # # Dell EMC OpenManage Ansible Modules # Version 1.2 # Copyright (C) 2019 Dell Inc. # GNU General Public License v3.0+ (see COPYING or https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.txt) # All rights reserved. Dell, EMC, and other trademarks are trademarks of Dell Inc. or its subsidiaries. # Other trademarks may be trademarks of their respective owners. # from __future__ import (absolute_import, division, print_function) __metaclass__ = type DOCUMENTATION = r''' --- module: ome_device_info short_description: Retrieves the information about Device. description: - This module retrieves the list of all devices information with the exhaustive inventory of each device. options: hostname: description: - Target IP Address or hostname. type: str required: True username: description: - Target username. type: str required: True password: description: - Target user password. type: str required: True port: description: - Target HTTPS port. type: int default: 443 fact_subset: description: - C(basic_inventory) returns the list of the devices. - C(detailed_inventory) returns the inventory details of specified devices. - C(subsystem_health) returns the health status of specified devices. type: str choices: [basic_inventory, detailed_inventory, subsystem_health ] default: basic_inventory system_query_options: description: - I(system_query_options) applicable for the choices of the fact_subset. Either I(device_id) or I(device_service_tag) is mandatory for C(detailed_inventory) and C(subsystem_health) or both can be applicable. type: dict suboptions: device_id: description: - A list of unique identifier is applicable for C(detailed_inventory) and C(subsystem_health). type: list device_service_tag: description: - A list of service tags are applicable for C(detailed_inventory) and C(subsystem_health). type: list inventory_type: description: - For C(detailed_inventory), it returns details of the specified inventory type. type: str filter: description: - For C(basic_inventory), it filters the collection of devices. I(filter) query format should be aligned with OData standards. type: str requirements: - "python >= 2.7.5" author: "Sajna Shetty(@Sajna-Shetty)" ''' EXAMPLES = """ --- - name: Retrieve basic inventory of all devices. ome_device_info: hostname: "" username: "username" password: "password" - name: Retrieve basic inventory for devices identified by IDs 33333 or 11111 using filtering. ome_device_info: hostname: "" username: "username" password: "password" fact_subset: "basic_inventory" system_query_options: filter: "Id eq 33333 or Id eq 11111" - name: Retrieve inventory details of specified devices identified by IDs 11111 and 22222. ome_device_info: hostname: "" username: "username" password: "password" fact_subset: "detailed_inventory" system_query_options: device_id: - 11111 - 22222 - name: Retrieve inventory details of specified devices identified by service tags MXL1234 and MXL4567. ome_device_info: hostname: "" username: "username" password: "password" fact_subset: "detailed_inventory" system_query_options: device_service_tag: - MXL1234 - MXL4567 - name: Retrieve details of specified inventory type of specified devices identified by ID and service tags. ome_device_info: hostname: "" username: "username" password: "password" fact_subset: "detailed_inventory" system_query_options: device_id: - 11111 device_service_tag: - MXL1234 - MXL4567 inventory_type: "serverDeviceCards" - name: Retrieve subsystem health of specified devices identified by service tags. ome_device_info: hostname: "" username: "username" password: "password" fact_subset: "subsystem_health" system_query_options: device_service_tag: - MXL1234 - MXL4567 """ RETURN = ''' --- msg: type: str description: Over all device information status. returned: on error sample: "Failed to fetch the device information" device_info: type: dict description: Returns the information collected from the Device. returned: success sample: { "value": [ { "Actions": null, "AssetTag": null, "ChassisServiceTag": null, "ConnectionState": true, "DeviceManagement": [ { "DnsName": "dnsname.host.com", "InstrumentationName": "MX-12345", "MacAddress": "11:10:11:10:11:10", "ManagementId": 12345, "ManagementProfile": [ { "HasCreds": 0, "ManagementId": 12345, "ManagementProfileId": 12345, "ManagementURL": "", "Status": 1000, "StatusDateTime": "2019-01-21 06:30:08.501" } ], "ManagementType": 2, "NetworkAddress": "" } ], "DeviceName": "MX-0003I", "DeviceServiceTag": "MXL1234", "DeviceSubscription": null, "LastInventoryTime": "2019-01-21 06:30:08.501", "LastStatusTime": "2019-01-21 06:30:02.492", "ManagedState": 3000, "Model": "PowerEdge MX7000", "PowerState": 17, "SlotConfiguration": {}, "Status": 4000, "SystemId": 2031, "Type": 2000 } ] } ''' from ansible.module_utils.basic import AnsibleModule from ansible_collections.community.general.plugins.module_utils.remote_management.dellemc.ome import RestOME from ansible.module_utils.six.moves.urllib.error import URLError, HTTPError from ansible.module_utils.urls import ConnectionError, SSLValidationError DEVICES_INVENTORY_DETAILS = "detailed_inventory" DEVICES_SUBSYSTEM_HEALTH = "subsystem_health" DEVICES_INVENTORY_TYPE = "inventory_type" DEVICE_LIST = "basic_inventory" DESC_HTTP_ERROR = "HTTP Error 404: Not Found" device_fact_error_report = {} DEVICE_RESOURCE_COLLECTION = { DEVICE_LIST: {"resource": "DeviceService/Devices"}, DEVICES_INVENTORY_DETAILS: {"resource": "DeviceService/Devices({Id})/InventoryDetails"}, DEVICES_INVENTORY_TYPE: {"resource": "DeviceService/Devices({Id})/InventoryDetails('{InventoryType}')"}, DEVICES_SUBSYSTEM_HEALTH: {"resource": "DeviceService/Devices({Id})/SubSystemHealth"}, } def _get_device_id_from_service_tags(service_tags, rest_obj): """ Get device ids from device service tag Returns :dict : device_id to service_tag map :arg service_tags: service tag :arg rest_obj: RestOME class object in case of request with session. :returns: dict eg: {1345:"MXL1245"} """ try: path = DEVICE_RESOURCE_COLLECTION[DEVICE_LIST]["resource"] resp = rest_obj.invoke_request('GET', path) if resp.success: devices_list = resp.json_data["value"] service_tag_dict = {} for item in devices_list: if item["DeviceServiceTag"] in service_tags: service_tag_dict.update({item["Id"]: item["DeviceServiceTag"]}) available_service_tags = service_tag_dict.values() not_available_service_tag = list(set(service_tags) - set(available_service_tags)) device_fact_error_report.update(dict((tag, DESC_HTTP_ERROR) for tag in not_available_service_tag)) else: raise ValueError(resp.json_data) except (URLError, HTTPError, SSLValidationError, ConnectionError, TypeError, ValueError) as err: raise err return service_tag_dict def is_int(val): """check when device_id numeric represented value is int""" try: int(val) return True except ValueError: return False def _check_duplicate_device_id(device_id_list, service_tag_dict): """If service_tag is duplicate of device_id, then updates the message as Duplicate report :arg1: device_id_list : list of device_id :arg2: service_tag_id_dict: dictionary of device_id to service tag map""" if device_id_list: device_id_represents_int = [int(device_id) for device_id in device_id_list if device_id and is_int(device_id)] common_val = list(set(device_id_represents_int) & set(service_tag_dict.keys())) for device_id in common_val: device_fact_error_report.update( {service_tag_dict[device_id]: "Duplicate report of device_id: {0}".format(device_id)}) del service_tag_dict[device_id] def _get_device_identifier_map(module_params, rest_obj): """ Builds the identifiers mapping :returns: the dict of device_id to server_tag map eg: {"device_id":{1234: None},"device_service_tag":{1345:"MXL1234"}}""" system_query_options_param = module_params.get("system_query_options") device_id_service_tag_dict = {} if system_query_options_param is not None: device_id_list = system_query_options_param.get("device_id") device_service_tag_list = system_query_options_param.get("device_service_tag") if device_id_list: device_id_dict = dict((device_id, None) for device_id in list(set(device_id_list))) device_id_service_tag_dict["device_id"] = device_id_dict if device_service_tag_list: service_tag_dict = _get_device_id_from_service_tags(device_service_tag_list, rest_obj) _check_duplicate_device_id(device_id_list, service_tag_dict) device_id_service_tag_dict["device_service_tag"] = service_tag_dict return device_id_service_tag_dict def _get_query_parameters(module_params): """ Builds query parameter :returns: dictionary, which is applicable builds the query format eg : {"$filter":"Type eq 2000"} """ system_query_options_param = module_params.get("system_query_options") query_parameter = None if system_query_options_param: filter_by_val = system_query_options_param.get("filter") if filter_by_val: query_parameter = {"$filter": filter_by_val} return query_parameter def _get_resource_parameters(module_params, rest_obj): """ Identifies the resource path by different states :returns: dictionary containing identifier with respective resource path eg:{"device_id":{1234:""DeviceService/Devices(1234)/InventoryDetails"}, "device_service_tag":{"MXL1234":"DeviceService/Devices(1345)/InventoryDetails"}} """ fact_subset = module_params["fact_subset"] path_dict = {} if fact_subset != DEVICE_LIST: inventory_type = None device_id_service_tag_dict = _get_device_identifier_map(module_params, rest_obj) if fact_subset == DEVICES_INVENTORY_DETAILS: system_query_options = module_params.get("system_query_options") inventory_type = system_query_options.get(DEVICES_INVENTORY_TYPE) path_identifier = DEVICES_INVENTORY_TYPE if inventory_type else fact_subset for identifier_type, identifier_dict in device_id_service_tag_dict.items(): path_dict[identifier_type] = {} for device_id, service_tag in identifier_dict.items(): key_identifier = service_tag if identifier_type == "device_service_tag" else device_id path = DEVICE_RESOURCE_COLLECTION[path_identifier]["resource"].format(Id=device_id, InventoryType=inventory_type) path_dict[identifier_type].update({key_identifier: path}) else: path_dict.update({DEVICE_LIST: DEVICE_RESOURCE_COLLECTION[DEVICE_LIST]["resource"]}) return path_dict def _check_mutually_inclusive_arguments(val, module_params, required_args): """" Throws error if arguments detailed_inventory, subsystem_health not exists with qualifier device_id or device_service_tag""" system_query_options_param = module_params.get("system_query_options") if system_query_options_param is None or (system_query_options_param is not None and not any( system_query_options_param.get(qualifier) for qualifier in required_args)): raise ValueError("One of the following {0} is required for {1}".format(required_args, val)) def _validate_inputs(module_params): """validates input parameters""" fact_subset = module_params["fact_subset"] if fact_subset != "basic_inventory": _check_mutually_inclusive_arguments(fact_subset, module_params, ["device_id", "device_service_tag"]) def main(): system_query_options = {"type": 'dict', "required": False, "options": { "device_id": {"type": 'list'}, "device_service_tag": {"type": 'list'}, "inventory_type": {"type": 'str'}, "filter": {"type": 'str', "required": False}, }} module = AnsibleModule( argument_spec={ "hostname": {"required": True, "type": 'str'}, "username": {"required": True, "type": 'str'}, "password": {"required": True, "type": 'str', "no_log": True}, "port": {"required": False, "default": 443, "type": 'int'}, "fact_subset": {"required": False, "default": "basic_inventory", "choices": ['basic_inventory', 'detailed_inventory', 'subsystem_health']}, "system_query_options": system_query_options, }, required_if=[['fact_subset', 'detailed_inventory', ['system_query_options']], ['fact_subset', 'subsystem_health', ['system_query_options']], ], supports_check_mode=False) try: _validate_inputs(module.params) with RestOME(module.params, req_session=True) as rest_obj: device_facts = _get_resource_parameters(module.params, rest_obj) resp_status = [] if device_facts.get("basic_inventory"): query_param = _get_query_parameters(module.params) resp = rest_obj.invoke_request('GET', device_facts["basic_inventory"], query_param=query_param) device_facts = resp.json_data resp_status.append(resp.status_code) else: for identifier_type, path_dict_map in device_facts.items(): for identifier, path in path_dict_map.items(): try: resp = rest_obj.invoke_request('GET', path) data = resp.json_data resp_status.append(resp.status_code) except HTTPError as err: data = str(err) path_dict_map[identifier] = data if any(device_fact_error_report): if "device_service_tag" in device_facts: device_facts["device_service_tag"].update(device_fact_error_report) else: device_facts["device_service_tag"] = device_fact_error_report if 200 in resp_status: module.exit_json(device_info=device_facts) else: module.fail_json(msg="Failed to fetch the device information") except (URLError, HTTPError, SSLValidationError, ConnectionError, TypeError, ValueError) as err: module.fail_json(msg=str(err)) if __name__ == '__main__': main()