#!/usr/bin/python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Copyright 2012 Dag Wieers # GNU General Public License v3.0+ (see LICENSES/GPL-3.0-or-later.txt or https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.txt) # SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function __metaclass__ = type DOCUMENTATION = r''' --- module: hpilo_info author: Dag Wieers (@dagwieers) short_description: Gather information through an HP iLO interface description: - This module gathers information on a specific system using its HP iLO interface. These information includes hardware and network related information useful for provisioning (e.g. macaddress, uuid). - This module requires the C(hpilo) python module. extends_documentation_fragment: - community.general.attributes - community.general.attributes.info_module options: host: description: - The HP iLO hostname/address that is linked to the physical system. type: str required: true login: description: - The login name to authenticate to the HP iLO interface. type: str default: Administrator password: description: - The password to authenticate to the HP iLO interface. type: str default: admin ssl_version: description: - Change the ssl_version used. default: TLSv1 type: str choices: [ "SSLv3", "SSLv23", "TLSv1", "TLSv1_1", "TLSv1_2" ] requirements: - hpilo notes: - This module ought to be run from a system that can access the HP iLO interface directly, either by using C(local_action) or using C(delegate_to). ''' EXAMPLES = r''' - name: Gather facts from a HP iLO interface only if the system is an HP server community.general.hpilo_info: host: YOUR_ILO_ADDRESS login: YOUR_ILO_LOGIN password: YOUR_ILO_PASSWORD when: cmdb_hwmodel.startswith('HP ') delegate_to: localhost register: results - ansible.builtin.fail: msg: 'CMDB serial ({{ cmdb_serialno }}) does not match hardware serial ({{ results.hw_system_serial }}) !' when: cmdb_serialno != results.hw_system_serial ''' RETURN = r''' # Typical output of HP iLO_info for a physical system hw_bios_date: description: BIOS date returned: always type: str sample: 05/05/2011 hw_bios_version: description: BIOS version returned: always type: str sample: P68 hw_ethX: description: Interface information (for each interface) returned: always type: dict sample: - macaddress: 00:11:22:33:44:55 macaddress_dash: 00-11-22-33-44-55 hw_eth_ilo: description: Interface information (for the iLO network interface) returned: always type: dict sample: - macaddress: 00:11:22:33:44:BA - macaddress_dash: 00-11-22-33-44-BA hw_product_name: description: Product name returned: always type: str sample: ProLiant DL360 G7 hw_product_uuid: description: Product UUID returned: always type: str sample: ef50bac8-2845-40ff-81d9-675315501dac hw_system_serial: description: System serial number returned: always type: str sample: ABC12345D6 hw_uuid: description: Hardware UUID returned: always type: str sample: 123456ABC78901D2 host_power_status: description: - Power status of host. - Will be one of V(ON), V(OFF) and V(UNKNOWN). returned: always type: str sample: "ON" version_added: 3.5.0 ''' import re import traceback import warnings HPILO_IMP_ERR = None try: import hpilo HAS_HPILO = True except ImportError: HPILO_IMP_ERR = traceback.format_exc() HAS_HPILO = False from ansible.module_utils.basic import AnsibleModule, missing_required_lib from ansible.module_utils.common.text.converters import to_native # Suppress warnings from hpilo warnings.simplefilter('ignore') def parse_flat_interface(entry, non_numeric='hw_eth_ilo'): try: infoname = 'hw_eth' + str(int(entry['Port']) - 1) except Exception: infoname = non_numeric info = { 'macaddress': entry['MAC'].replace('-', ':'), 'macaddress_dash': entry['MAC'] } return (infoname, info) def main(): module = AnsibleModule( argument_spec=dict( host=dict(type='str', required=True), login=dict(type='str', default='Administrator'), password=dict(type='str', default='admin', no_log=True), ssl_version=dict(type='str', default='TLSv1', choices=['SSLv3', 'SSLv23', 'TLSv1', 'TLSv1_1', 'TLSv1_2']), ), supports_check_mode=True, ) if not HAS_HPILO: module.fail_json(msg=missing_required_lib('python-hpilo'), exception=HPILO_IMP_ERR) host = module.params['host'] login = module.params['login'] password = module.params['password'] ssl_version = getattr(hpilo.ssl, 'PROTOCOL_' + module.params.get('ssl_version').upper().replace('V', 'v')) ilo = hpilo.Ilo(host, login=login, password=password, ssl_version=ssl_version) info = { 'module_hw': True, } # TODO: Count number of CPUs, DIMMs and total memory try: data = ilo.get_host_data() power_state = ilo.get_host_power_status() except hpilo.IloCommunicationError as e: module.fail_json(msg=to_native(e)) for entry in data: if 'type' not in entry: continue elif entry['type'] == 0: # BIOS Information info['hw_bios_version'] = entry['Family'] info['hw_bios_date'] = entry['Date'] elif entry['type'] == 1: # System Information info['hw_uuid'] = entry['UUID'] info['hw_system_serial'] = entry['Serial Number'].rstrip() info['hw_product_name'] = entry['Product Name'] info['hw_product_uuid'] = entry['cUUID'] elif entry['type'] == 209: # Embedded NIC MAC Assignment if 'fields' in entry: for (name, value) in [(e['name'], e['value']) for e in entry['fields']]: if name.startswith('Port'): try: infoname = 'hw_eth' + str(int(value) - 1) except Exception: infoname = 'hw_eth_ilo' elif name.startswith('MAC'): info[infoname] = { 'macaddress': value.replace('-', ':'), 'macaddress_dash': value } else: (infoname, entry_info) = parse_flat_interface(entry, 'hw_eth_ilo') info[infoname] = entry_info elif entry['type'] == 209: # HPQ NIC iSCSI MAC Info for (name, value) in [(e['name'], e['value']) for e in entry['fields']]: if name.startswith('Port'): try: infoname = 'hw_iscsi' + str(int(value) - 1) except Exception: infoname = 'hw_iscsi_ilo' elif name.startswith('MAC'): info[infoname] = { 'macaddress': value.replace('-', ':'), 'macaddress_dash': value } elif entry['type'] == 233: # Embedded NIC MAC Assignment (Alternate data format) (infoname, entry_info) = parse_flat_interface(entry, 'hw_eth_ilo') info[infoname] = entry_info # Collect health (RAM/CPU data) health = ilo.get_embedded_health() info['hw_health'] = health memory_details_summary = health.get('memory', {}).get('memory_details_summary') # RAM as reported by iLO 2.10 on ProLiant BL460c Gen8 if memory_details_summary: info['hw_memory_details_summary'] = memory_details_summary info['hw_memory_total'] = 0 for cpu, details in memory_details_summary.items(): cpu_total_memory_size = details.get('total_memory_size') if cpu_total_memory_size: ram = re.search(r'(\d+)\s+(\w+)', cpu_total_memory_size) if ram: if ram.group(2) == 'GB': info['hw_memory_total'] = info['hw_memory_total'] + int(ram.group(1)) # reformat into a text friendly format info['hw_memory_total'] = "{0} GB".format(info['hw_memory_total']) # Report host state info['host_power_status'] = power_state or 'UNKNOWN' module.exit_json(**info) if __name__ == '__main__': main()