#!/usr/bin/python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # # Copyright (c) 2024, Florian Apolloner (@apollo13) # GNU General Public License v3.0+ (see LICENSES/GPL-3.0-or-later.txt or https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.txt) # SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function __metaclass__ = type DOCUMENTATION = """ module: consul_token short_description: Manipulate Consul tokens version_added: 8.3.0 description: - Allows the addition, modification and deletion of tokens in a consul cluster via the agent. For more details on using and configuring ACLs, see U(https://www.consul.io/docs/guides/acl.html). author: - Florian Apolloner (@apollo13) extends_documentation_fragment: - community.general.consul - community.general.consul.token - community.general.consul.actiongroup_consul - community.general.attributes attributes: check_mode: support: full diff_mode: support: partial details: - In check mode the diff will miss operational attributes. action_group: version_added: 8.3.0 options: state: description: - Whether the token should be present or absent. choices: ['present', 'absent'] default: present type: str accessor_id: description: - Specifies a UUID to use as the token's Accessor ID. If not specified a UUID will be generated for this field. type: str secret_id: description: - Specifies a UUID to use as the token's Secret ID. If not specified a UUID will be generated for this field. type: str description: description: - Free form human readable description of the token. type: str policies: type: list elements: dict description: - List of policies to attach to the token. Each policy is a dict. - If the parameter is left blank, any policies currently assigned will not be changed. - Any empty array (V([])) will clear any policies previously set. suboptions: name: description: - The name of the policy to attach to this token; see M(community.general.consul_policy) for more info. - Either this or O(policies[].id) must be specified. type: str id: description: - The ID of the policy to attach to this token; see M(community.general.consul_policy) for more info. - Either this or O(policies[].name) must be specified. type: str roles: type: list elements: dict description: - List of roles to attach to the token. Each role is a dict. - If the parameter is left blank, any roles currently assigned will not be changed. - Any empty array (V([])) will clear any roles previously set. suboptions: name: description: - The name of the role to attach to this token; see M(community.general.consul_role) for more info. - Either this or O(roles[].id) must be specified. type: str id: description: - The ID of the role to attach to this token; see M(community.general.consul_role) for more info. - Either this or O(roles[].name) must be specified. type: str templated_policies: description: - The list of templated policies that should be applied to the role. type: list elements: dict suboptions: template_name: description: - The templated policy name. type: str required: true template_variables: description: - The templated policy variables. - Not all templated policies require variables. type: dict service_identities: type: list elements: dict description: - List of service identities to attach to the token. - If not specified, any service identities currently assigned will not be changed. - If the parameter is an empty array (V([])), any node identities assigned will be unassigned. suboptions: service_name: description: - The name of the service. - Must not be longer than 256 characters, must start and end with a lowercase alphanumeric character. - May only contain lowercase alphanumeric characters as well as V(-) and V(_). type: str required: true datacenters: description: - The datacenters the token will be effective. - If an empty array (V([])) is specified, the token will valid in all datacenters. - including those which do not yet exist but may in the future. type: list elements: str node_identities: type: list elements: dict description: - List of node identities to attach to the token. - If not specified, any node identities currently assigned will not be changed. - If the parameter is an empty array (V([])), any node identities assigned will be unassigned. suboptions: node_name: description: - The name of the node. - Must not be longer than 256 characters, must start and end with a lowercase alphanumeric character. - May only contain lowercase alphanumeric characters as well as V(-) and V(_). type: str required: true datacenter: description: - The nodes datacenter. - This will result in effective token only being valid in this datacenter. type: str required: true local: description: - If true, indicates that the token should not be replicated globally and instead be local to the current datacenter. type: bool expiration_ttl: description: - This is a convenience field and if set will initialize the C(expiration_time). Can be specified in the form of V(60s) or V(5m) (that is, 60 seconds or 5 minutes, respectively). Ingored when the token is updated! type: str """ EXAMPLES = """ - name: Create / Update a token by accessor_id community.general.consul_token: state: present accessor_id: 07a7de84-c9c7-448a-99cc-beaf682efd21 token: 8adddd91-0bd6-d41d-ae1a-3b49cfa9a0e8 roles: - name: role1 - name: role2 service_identities: - service_name: service1 datacenters: [dc1, dc2] node_identities: - node_name: node1 datacenter: dc1 expiration_ttl: 50m - name: Delete a token community.general.consul_token: state: absent accessor_id: 07a7de84-c9c7-448a-99cc-beaf682efd21 token: 8adddd91-0bd6-d41d-ae1a-3b49cfa9a0e8 """ RETURN = """ token: description: The token as returned by the consul HTTP API. returned: always type: dict sample: AccessorID: 07a7de84-c9c7-448a-99cc-beaf682efd21 CreateIndex: 632 CreateTime: "2024-01-14T21:53:01.402749174+01:00" Description: Testing Hash: rj5PeDHddHslkpW7Ij4OD6N4bbSXiecXFmiw2SYXg2A= Local: false ModifyIndex: 633 SecretID: bd380fba-da17-7cee-8576-8d6427c6c930 ServiceIdentities: [{"ServiceName": "test"}] operation: description: The operation performed. returned: changed type: str sample: update """ from ansible.module_utils.basic import AnsibleModule from ansible_collections.community.general.plugins.module_utils.consul import ( AUTH_ARGUMENTS_SPEC, _ConsulModule, ) def normalize_link_obj(api_obj, module_obj, key): api_objs = api_obj.get(key) module_objs = module_obj.get(key) if api_objs is None or module_objs is None: return name_to_id = {i["Name"]: i["ID"] for i in api_objs} id_to_name = {i["ID"]: i["Name"] for i in api_objs} for obj in module_objs: identifier = obj.get("ID") name = obj.get("Name)") if identifier and not name and identifier in id_to_name: obj["Name"] = id_to_name[identifier] if not identifier and name and name in name_to_id: obj["ID"] = name_to_id[name] class ConsulTokenModule(_ConsulModule): api_endpoint = "acl/token" result_key = "token" unique_identifiers = ["accessor_id"] create_only_fields = {"expiration_ttl"} def read_object(self): # if `accessor_id` is not supplied we can only create objects and are not idempotent if not self.id_from_obj(self.params): return None return super(ConsulTokenModule, self).read_object() def needs_update(self, api_obj, module_obj): # SecretID is usually not supplied if "SecretID" not in module_obj and "SecretID" in api_obj: del api_obj["SecretID"] normalize_link_obj(api_obj, module_obj, "Roles") normalize_link_obj(api_obj, module_obj, "Policies") # ExpirationTTL is only supported on create, not for update # it writes to ExpirationTime, so we need to remove that as well if "ExpirationTTL" in module_obj: del module_obj["ExpirationTTL"] return super(ConsulTokenModule, self).needs_update(api_obj, module_obj) NAME_ID_SPEC = dict( name=dict(type="str"), id=dict(type="str"), ) NODE_ID_SPEC = dict( node_name=dict(type="str", required=True), datacenter=dict(type="str", required=True), ) SERVICE_ID_SPEC = dict( service_name=dict(type="str", required=True), datacenters=dict(type="list", elements="str"), ) TEMPLATE_POLICY_SPEC = dict( template_name=dict(type="str", required=True), template_variables=dict(type="dict"), ) _ARGUMENT_SPEC = { "description": dict(), "accessor_id": dict(), "secret_id": dict(no_log=True), "roles": dict( type="list", elements="dict", options=NAME_ID_SPEC, mutually_exclusive=[("name", "id")], required_one_of=[("name", "id")], ), "policies": dict( type="list", elements="dict", options=NAME_ID_SPEC, mutually_exclusive=[("name", "id")], required_one_of=[("name", "id")], ), "templated_policies": dict( type="list", elements="dict", options=TEMPLATE_POLICY_SPEC, ), "node_identities": dict( type="list", elements="dict", options=NODE_ID_SPEC, ), "service_identities": dict( type="list", elements="dict", options=SERVICE_ID_SPEC, ), "local": dict(type="bool"), "expiration_ttl": dict(type="str"), "state": dict(default="present", choices=["present", "absent"]), } _ARGUMENT_SPEC.update(AUTH_ARGUMENTS_SPEC) def main(): module = AnsibleModule( _ARGUMENT_SPEC, required_if=[("state", "absent", ["accessor_id"])], supports_check_mode=True, ) consul_module = ConsulTokenModule(module) consul_module.execute() if __name__ == "__main__": main()