#!/usr/bin/python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Copyright (c) 2017-2018 Dell EMC Inc. # GNU General Public License v3.0+ (see LICENSE or https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.txt) from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function __metaclass__ = type ANSIBLE_METADATA = {'status': ['preview'], 'supported_by': 'community', 'metadata_version': '1.1'} DOCUMENTATION = ''' --- module: redfish_command short_description: Manages Out-Of-Band controllers using Redfish APIs description: - Builds Redfish URIs locally and sends them to remote OOB controllers to perform an action. - Manages OOB controller ex. reboot, log management. - Manages OOB controller users ex. add, remove, update. - Manages system power ex. on, off, graceful and forced reboot. options: category: required: true description: - Category to execute on OOB controller type: str command: required: true description: - List of commands to execute on OOB controller type: list baseuri: required: true description: - Base URI of OOB controller type: str username: required: true description: - Username for authentication with OOB controller type: str password: required: true description: - Password for authentication with OOB controller type: str id: required: false aliases: [ account_id ] description: - ID of account to delete/modify type: str new_username: required: false aliases: [ account_username ] description: - Username of account to add/delete/modify type: str new_password: required: false aliases: [ account_password ] description: - New password of account to add/modify type: str roleid: required: false aliases: [ account_roleid ] description: - Role of account to add/modify type: str bootdevice: required: false description: - bootdevice when setting boot configuration type: str timeout: description: - Timeout in seconds for URL requests to OOB controller default: 10 type: int uefi_target: required: false description: - UEFI target when bootdevice is "UefiTarget" type: str boot_next: required: false description: - BootNext target when bootdevice is "UefiBootNext" type: str update_username: required: false aliases: [ account_updatename ] description: - new update user name for account_username type: str account_properties: required: false description: - properties of account service to update type: dict resource_id: required: false description: - The ID of the System, Manager or Chassis to modify type: str update_image_uri: required: false description: - The URI of the image for the update type: str update_protocol: required: false description: - The protocol for the update type: str update_targets: required: false description: - The list of target resource URIs to apply the update to type: list elements: str update_creds: required: false description: - The credentials for retrieving the update image type: dict suboptions: username: required: false description: - The username for retrieving the update image type: str password: required: false description: - The password for retrieving the update image type: str author: "Jose Delarosa (@jose-delarosa)" ''' EXAMPLES = ''' - name: Restart system power gracefully redfish_command: category: Systems command: PowerGracefulRestart resource_id: 437XR1138R2 baseuri: "{{ baseuri }}" username: "{{ username }}" password: "{{ password }}" - name: Set one-time boot device to {{ bootdevice }} redfish_command: category: Systems command: SetOneTimeBoot resource_id: 437XR1138R2 bootdevice: "{{ bootdevice }}" baseuri: "{{ baseuri }}" username: "{{ username }}" password: "{{ password }}" - name: Set one-time boot device to UefiTarget of "/0x31/0x33/0x01/0x01" redfish_command: category: Systems command: SetOneTimeBoot resource_id: 437XR1138R2 bootdevice: "UefiTarget" uefi_target: "/0x31/0x33/0x01/0x01" baseuri: "{{ baseuri }}" username: "{{ username }}" password: "{{ password }}" - name: Set one-time boot device to BootNext target of "Boot0001" redfish_command: category: Systems command: SetOneTimeBoot resource_id: 437XR1138R2 bootdevice: "UefiBootNext" boot_next: "Boot0001" baseuri: "{{ baseuri }}" username: "{{ username }}" password: "{{ password }}" - name: Set chassis indicator LED to blink redfish_command: category: Chassis command: IndicatorLedBlink resource_id: 1U baseuri: "{{ baseuri }}" username: "{{ username }}" password: "{{ password }}" - name: Add user redfish_command: category: Accounts command: AddUser baseuri: "{{ baseuri }}" username: "{{ username }}" password: "{{ password }}" new_username: "{{ new_username }}" new_password: "{{ new_password }}" roleid: "{{ roleid }}" - name: Add user using new option aliases redfish_command: category: Accounts command: AddUser baseuri: "{{ baseuri }}" username: "{{ username }}" password: "{{ password }}" account_username: "{{ account_username }}" account_password: "{{ account_password }}" account_roleid: "{{ account_roleid }}" - name: Delete user redfish_command: category: Accounts command: DeleteUser baseuri: "{{ baseuri }}" username: "{{ username }}" password: "{{ password }}" account_username: "{{ account_username }}" - name: Disable user redfish_command: category: Accounts command: DisableUser baseuri: "{{ baseuri }}" username: "{{ username }}" password: "{{ password }}" account_username: "{{ account_username }}" - name: Enable user redfish_command: category: Accounts command: EnableUser baseuri: "{{ baseuri }}" username: "{{ username }}" password: "{{ password }}" account_username: "{{ account_username }}" - name: Add and enable user redfish_command: category: Accounts command: AddUser,EnableUser baseuri: "{{ baseuri }}" username: "{{ username }}" password: "{{ password }}" new_username: "{{ new_username }}" new_password: "{{ new_password }}" roleid: "{{ roleid }}" - name: Update user password redfish_command: category: Accounts command: UpdateUserPassword baseuri: "{{ baseuri }}" username: "{{ username }}" password: "{{ password }}" account_username: "{{ account_username }}" account_password: "{{ account_password }}" - name: Update user role redfish_command: category: Accounts command: UpdateUserRole baseuri: "{{ baseuri }}" username: "{{ username }}" password: "{{ password }}" account_username: "{{ account_username }}" roleid: "{{ roleid }}" - name: Update user name redfish_command: category: Accounts command: UpdateUserName baseuri: "{{ baseuri }}" username: "{{ username }}" password: "{{ password }}" account_username: "{{ account_username }}" account_updatename: "{{ account_updatename }}" - name: Update user name redfish_command: category: Accounts command: UpdateUserName baseuri: "{{ baseuri }}" username: "{{ username }}" password: "{{ password }}" account_username: "{{ account_username }}" update_username: "{{ update_username }}" - name: Update AccountService properties redfish_command: category: Accounts command: UpdateAccountServiceProperties baseuri: "{{ baseuri }}" username: "{{ username }}" password: "{{ password }}" account_properties: AccountLockoutThreshold: 5 AccountLockoutDuration: 600 - name: Clear Manager Logs with a timeout of 20 seconds redfish_command: category: Manager command: ClearLogs resource_id: BMC baseuri: "{{ baseuri }}" username: "{{ username }}" password: "{{ password }}" timeout: 20 - name: Clear Sessions redfish_command: category: Sessions command: ClearSessions baseuri: "{{ baseuri }}" username: "{{ username }}" password: "{{ password }}" - name: Simple update redfish_command: category: Update command: SimpleUpdate baseuri: "{{ baseuri }}" username: "{{ username }}" password: "{{ password }}" update_image_uri: https://example.com/myupdate.img - name: Simple update with additional options redfish_command: category: Update command: SimpleUpdate baseuri: "{{ baseuri }}" username: "{{ username }}" password: "{{ password }}" update_image_uri: //example.com/myupdate.img update_protocol: FTP update_targets: - /redfish/v1/UpdateService/FirmwareInventory/BMC update_creds: username: operator password: supersecretpwd ''' RETURN = ''' msg: description: Message with action result or error description returned: always type: str sample: "Action was successful" ''' from ansible.module_utils.basic import AnsibleModule from ansible_collections.community.general.plugins.module_utils.redfish_utils import RedfishUtils from ansible.module_utils._text import to_native # More will be added as module features are expanded CATEGORY_COMMANDS_ALL = { "Systems": ["PowerOn", "PowerForceOff", "PowerForceRestart", "PowerGracefulRestart", "PowerGracefulShutdown", "PowerReboot", "SetOneTimeBoot"], "Chassis": ["IndicatorLedOn", "IndicatorLedOff", "IndicatorLedBlink"], "Accounts": ["AddUser", "EnableUser", "DeleteUser", "DisableUser", "UpdateUserRole", "UpdateUserPassword", "UpdateUserName", "UpdateAccountServiceProperties"], "Sessions": ["ClearSessions"], "Manager": ["GracefulRestart", "ClearLogs"], "Update": ["SimpleUpdate"] } def main(): result = {} module = AnsibleModule( argument_spec=dict( category=dict(required=True), command=dict(required=True, type='list'), baseuri=dict(required=True), username=dict(required=True), password=dict(required=True, no_log=True), id=dict(aliases=["account_id"]), new_username=dict(aliases=["account_username"]), new_password=dict(aliases=["account_password"], no_log=True), roleid=dict(aliases=["account_roleid"]), update_username=dict(type='str', aliases=["account_updatename"]), account_properties=dict(type='dict', default={}), bootdevice=dict(), timeout=dict(type='int', default=10), uefi_target=dict(), boot_next=dict(), resource_id=dict(), update_image_uri=dict(), update_protocol=dict(), update_targets=dict(type='list', elements='str', default=[]), update_creds=dict( type='dict', options=dict( username=dict(), password=dict() ) ) ), supports_check_mode=False ) category = module.params['category'] command_list = module.params['command'] # admin credentials used for authentication creds = {'user': module.params['username'], 'pswd': module.params['password']} # user to add/modify/delete user = {'account_id': module.params['id'], 'account_username': module.params['new_username'], 'account_password': module.params['new_password'], 'account_roleid': module.params['roleid'], 'account_updatename': module.params['update_username'], 'account_properties': module.params['account_properties']} # timeout timeout = module.params['timeout'] # System, Manager or Chassis ID to modify resource_id = module.params['resource_id'] # update options update_opts = { 'update_image_uri': module.params['update_image_uri'], 'update_protocol': module.params['update_protocol'], 'update_targets': module.params['update_targets'], 'update_creds': module.params['update_creds'] } # Build root URI root_uri = "https://" + module.params['baseuri'] rf_utils = RedfishUtils(creds, root_uri, timeout, module, resource_id=resource_id, data_modification=True) # Check that Category is valid if category not in CATEGORY_COMMANDS_ALL: module.fail_json(msg=to_native("Invalid Category '%s'. Valid Categories = %s" % (category, CATEGORY_COMMANDS_ALL.keys()))) # Check that all commands are valid for cmd in command_list: # Fail if even one command given is invalid if cmd not in CATEGORY_COMMANDS_ALL[category]: module.fail_json(msg=to_native("Invalid Command '%s'. Valid Commands = %s" % (cmd, CATEGORY_COMMANDS_ALL[category]))) # Organize by Categories / Commands if category == "Accounts": ACCOUNTS_COMMANDS = { "AddUser": rf_utils.add_user, "EnableUser": rf_utils.enable_user, "DeleteUser": rf_utils.delete_user, "DisableUser": rf_utils.disable_user, "UpdateUserRole": rf_utils.update_user_role, "UpdateUserPassword": rf_utils.update_user_password, "UpdateUserName": rf_utils.update_user_name, "UpdateAccountServiceProperties": rf_utils.update_accountservice_properties } # execute only if we find an Account service resource result = rf_utils._find_accountservice_resource() if result['ret'] is False: module.fail_json(msg=to_native(result['msg'])) for command in command_list: result = ACCOUNTS_COMMANDS[command](user) elif category == "Systems": # execute only if we find a System resource result = rf_utils._find_systems_resource() if result['ret'] is False: module.fail_json(msg=to_native(result['msg'])) for command in command_list: if "Power" in command: result = rf_utils.manage_system_power(command) elif command == "SetOneTimeBoot": result = rf_utils.set_one_time_boot_device( module.params['bootdevice'], module.params['uefi_target'], module.params['boot_next']) elif category == "Chassis": result = rf_utils._find_chassis_resource() if result['ret'] is False: module.fail_json(msg=to_native(result['msg'])) led_commands = ["IndicatorLedOn", "IndicatorLedOff", "IndicatorLedBlink"] # Check if more than one led_command is present num_led_commands = sum([command in led_commands for command in command_list]) if num_led_commands > 1: result = {'ret': False, 'msg': "Only one IndicatorLed command should be sent at a time."} else: for command in command_list: if command in led_commands: result = rf_utils.manage_indicator_led(command) elif category == "Sessions": # execute only if we find SessionService resources resource = rf_utils._find_sessionservice_resource() if resource['ret'] is False: module.fail_json(msg=resource['msg']) for command in command_list: if command == "ClearSessions": result = rf_utils.clear_sessions() elif category == "Manager": MANAGER_COMMANDS = { "GracefulRestart": rf_utils.restart_manager_gracefully, "ClearLogs": rf_utils.clear_logs } # execute only if we find a Manager service resource result = rf_utils._find_managers_resource() if result['ret'] is False: module.fail_json(msg=to_native(result['msg'])) for command in command_list: result = MANAGER_COMMANDS[command]() elif category == "Update": # execute only if we find UpdateService resources resource = rf_utils._find_updateservice_resource() if resource['ret'] is False: module.fail_json(msg=resource['msg']) for command in command_list: if command == "SimpleUpdate": result = rf_utils.simple_update(update_opts) # Return data back or fail with proper message if result['ret'] is True: del result['ret'] changed = result.get('changed', True) module.exit_json(changed=changed, msg='Action was successful') else: module.fail_json(msg=to_native(result['msg'])) if __name__ == '__main__': main()