#!/usr/bin/python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Copyright: (c) 2013, Chatham Financial # GNU General Public License v3.0+ (see COPYING or https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.txt) from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function __metaclass__ = type ANSIBLE_METADATA = {'metadata_version': '1.1', 'status': ['preview'], 'supported_by': 'community'} DOCUMENTATION = ''' --- module: rabbitmq_user short_description: Manage RabbitMQ users description: - Add or remove users to RabbitMQ and assign permissions author: Chris Hoffman (@chrishoffman) options: user: description: - Name of user to add required: true aliases: [username, name] password: description: - Password of user to add. - To change the password of an existing user, you must also specify C(update_password=always). tags: description: - User tags specified as comma delimited permissions: description: - a list of dicts, each dict contains vhost, configure_priv, write_priv, and read_priv, and represents a permission rule for that vhost. - This option should be preferable when you care about all permissions of the user. - You should use vhost, configure_priv, write_priv, and read_priv options instead if you care about permissions for just some vhosts. default: [] vhost: description: - vhost to apply access privileges. - This option will be ignored when permissions option is used. default: / node: description: - erlang node name of the rabbit we wish to configure default: rabbit configure_priv: description: - Regular expression to restrict configure actions on a resource for the specified vhost. - By default all actions are restricted. - This option will be ignored when permissions option is used. default: ^$ write_priv: description: - Regular expression to restrict configure actions on a resource for the specified vhost. - By default all actions are restricted. - This option will be ignored when permissions option is used. default: ^$ read_priv: description: - Regular expression to restrict configure actions on a resource for the specified vhost. - By default all actions are restricted. - This option will be ignored when permissions option is used. default: ^$ force: description: - Deletes and recreates the user. type: bool default: 'no' state: description: - Specify if user is to be added or removed default: present choices: [present, absent] update_password: description: - C(on_create) will only set the password for newly created users. C(always) will update passwords if they differ. required: false default: on_create choices: [ on_create, always ] ''' EXAMPLES = ''' # Add user to server and assign full access control on / vhost. # The user might have permission rules for other vhost but you don't care. - rabbitmq_user: user: joe password: changeme vhost: / configure_priv: .* read_priv: .* write_priv: .* state: present # Add user to server and assign full access control on / vhost. # The user doesn't have permission rules for other vhosts - rabbitmq_user: user: joe password: changeme permissions: - vhost: / configure_priv: .* read_priv: .* write_priv: .* state: present ''' from ansible.module_utils.basic import AnsibleModule from ansible.module_utils.common.collections import count class RabbitMqUser(object): def __init__(self, module, username, password, tags, permissions, node, bulk_permissions=False): self.module = module self.username = username self.password = password self.node = node if not tags: self.tags = list() else: self.tags = tags.split(',') self.permissions = permissions self.bulk_permissions = bulk_permissions self._tags = None self._permissions = [] self._rabbitmqctl = module.get_bin_path('rabbitmqctl', True) def _exec(self, args, run_in_check_mode=False, check_rc=True): if not self.module.check_mode or run_in_check_mode: cmd = [self._rabbitmqctl, '-q'] if self.node: cmd.extend(['-n', self.node]) rc, out, err = self.module.run_command(cmd + args, check_rc=check_rc) return out.splitlines() return list() def get(self): users = self._exec(['list_users'], True) for user_tag in users: if '\t' not in user_tag: continue user, tags = user_tag.split('\t') if user == self.username: for c in ['[', ']', ' ']: tags = tags.replace(c, '') if tags != '': self._tags = tags.split(',') else: self._tags = list() self._permissions = self._get_permissions() return True return False def _get_permissions(self): """Get permissions of the user from RabbitMQ.""" perms_out = [perm for perm in self._exec(['list_user_permissions', self.username], True) if perm.strip()] perms_list = list() for perm in perms_out: vhost, configure_priv, write_priv, read_priv = perm.split('\t') if not self.bulk_permissions: if vhost == self.permissions[0]['vhost']: perms_list.append(dict(vhost=vhost, configure_priv=configure_priv, write_priv=write_priv, read_priv=read_priv)) break else: perms_list.append(dict(vhost=vhost, configure_priv=configure_priv, write_priv=write_priv, read_priv=read_priv)) return perms_list def check_password(self): return self._exec(['authenticate_user', self.username, self.password], run_in_check_mode=True, check_rc=False) def add(self): if self.password is not None: self._exec(['add_user', self.username, self.password]) else: self._exec(['add_user', self.username, '']) self._exec(['clear_password', self.username]) def delete(self): self._exec(['delete_user', self.username]) def change_password(self): if self.password is not None: self._exec(['change_password', self.username, self.password]) else: self._exec(['clear_password', self.username]) def set_tags(self): self._exec(['set_user_tags', self.username] + self.tags) def set_permissions(self): permissions_to_clear = [permission for permission in self._permissions if permission not in self.permissions] permissions_to_add = [permission for permission in self.permissions if permission not in self._permissions] for permission in permissions_to_clear: cmd = 'clear_permissions -p {vhost} {username}'.format(username=self.username, vhost=permission['vhost']) self._exec(cmd.split(' ')) for permission in permissions_to_add: cmd = ('set_permissions -p {vhost} {username} {configure_priv} {write_priv} {read_priv}' .format(username=self.username, **permission)) self._exec(cmd.split(' ')) def has_tags_modifications(self): return set(self.tags) != set(self._tags) def has_permissions_modifications(self): def to_permission_tuple(vhost_permission_dict): return vhost_permission_dict['vhost'], vhost_permission_dict def permission_dict(vhost_permission_list): return dict(map(to_permission_tuple, vhost_permission_list)) return permission_dict(self._permissions) != permission_dict(self.permissions) def main(): arg_spec = dict( user=dict(required=True, aliases=['username', 'name']), password=dict(default=None, no_log=True), tags=dict(default=None), permissions=dict(default=list(), type='list'), vhost=dict(default='/'), configure_priv=dict(default='^$'), write_priv=dict(default='^$'), read_priv=dict(default='^$'), force=dict(default='no', type='bool'), state=dict(default='present', choices=['present', 'absent']), node=dict(default='rabbit'), update_password=dict(default='on_create', choices=['on_create', 'always']) ) module = AnsibleModule( argument_spec=arg_spec, supports_check_mode=True ) username = module.params['user'] password = module.params['password'] tags = module.params['tags'] permissions = module.params['permissions'] vhost = module.params['vhost'] configure_priv = module.params['configure_priv'] write_priv = module.params['write_priv'] read_priv = module.params['read_priv'] force = module.params['force'] state = module.params['state'] node = module.params['node'] update_password = module.params['update_password'] if permissions: vhosts = map(lambda permission: permission.get('vhost', '/'), permissions) if any(map(lambda count: count > 1, count(vhosts).values())): module.fail_json(msg="Error parsing permissions: You can't have two permission dicts for the same vhost") bulk_permissions = True else: perm = { 'vhost': vhost, 'configure_priv': configure_priv, 'write_priv': write_priv, 'read_priv': read_priv } permissions.append(perm) bulk_permissions = False rabbitmq_user = RabbitMqUser(module, username, password, tags, permissions, node, bulk_permissions=bulk_permissions) result = dict(changed=False, user=username, state=state) if rabbitmq_user.get(): if state == 'absent': rabbitmq_user.delete() result['changed'] = True else: if force: rabbitmq_user.delete() rabbitmq_user.add() rabbitmq_user.get() result['changed'] = True elif update_password == 'always': if not rabbitmq_user.check_password(): rabbitmq_user.change_password() result['changed'] = True if rabbitmq_user.has_tags_modifications(): rabbitmq_user.set_tags() result['changed'] = True if rabbitmq_user.has_permissions_modifications(): rabbitmq_user.set_permissions() result['changed'] = True elif state == 'present': rabbitmq_user.add() rabbitmq_user.set_tags() rabbitmq_user.set_permissions() result['changed'] = True module.exit_json(**result) if __name__ == '__main__': main()