.TH ANSIBLE.GIT 5 "2012-10-02" "0.8" "ANSIBLE MODULES" ." generated from library/git .SH NAME git \- Deploy software (or files) from git checkouts ." ------ DESCRIPTION .SH DESCRIPTION .PP Manage git checkouts of repositories to deploy files or software. ." ------ OPTIONS ." ." .SH OPTIONS .IP repo git, ssh, or http protocol address of the git repository.(required) .IP dest Absolute path of where the repository should be checked out to.(required) .IP version What version of the repository to check out. This can be the git \fISHA\fR, the literal string \fIHEAD\fR, branch name, or a tag name. (default: HEAD) .IP force (New in 0.7) If yes, any modified files in the working repository will be discarded. Prior to 0.7, this was always 'yes' and could not be disabled. .IR Choices : True,False. (default: yes) .IP remote Name of the remote branch. (default: origin)." ." ." ------ NOTES ." ." ." ------ EXAMPLES .SH EXAMPLES .PP .nf git repo=git://foosball.example.org/path/to/repo.git dest=/srv/checkout version=release-0.22 .fi ." ------- AUTHOR .SH AUTHOR Michael DeHaan .SH SEE ALSO .IR ansible (1), .I http://ansible.github.com/modules.html#git