from __future__ import absolute_import """ Created on Aug 16, 2016 @author: Gaurav Rastogi ( """ import os import re import logging import sys from copy import deepcopy from ansible.module_utils.basic import env_fallback try: from import ( ApiSession, ObjectNotFound, avi_sdk_syslog_logger, AviCredentials, HAS_AVI) except ImportError: HAS_AVI = False if os.environ.get('AVI_LOG_HANDLER', '') != 'syslog': log = logging.getLogger(__name__) else: # Ansible does not allow logging from the modules. log = avi_sdk_syslog_logger() def _check_type_string(x): """ :param x: :return: True if it is of type string """ if isinstance(x, str): return True if sys.version_info[0] < 3: try: return isinstance(x, unicode) except NameError: return False class AviCheckModeResponse(object): """ Class to support ansible check mode. """ def __init__(self, obj, status_code=200): self.obj = obj self.status_code = status_code def json(self): return self.obj def ansible_return(module, rsp, changed, req=None, existing_obj=None, api_context=None): """ :param module: AnsibleModule :param rsp: ApiResponse from avi_api :param changed: boolean :param req: ApiRequest to avi_api :param existing_obj: object to be passed debug output :param api_context: api login context helper function to return the right ansible based on the error code and changed Returns: specific ansible module exit function """ if rsp is not None and rsp.status_code > 299: return module.fail_json( msg='Error %d Msg %s req: %s api_context:%s ' % ( rsp.status_code, rsp.text, req, api_context)) api_creds = AviCredentials() api_creds.update_from_ansible_module(module) key = '%s:%s:%s' % (api_creds.controller, api_creds.username, api_creds.port) disable_fact = module.params.get('avi_disable_session_cache_as_fact') fact_context = None if not disable_fact: fact_context = module.params.get('api_context', {}) if fact_context: fact_context.update({key: api_context}) else: fact_context = {key: api_context} obj_val = rsp.json() if rsp else existing_obj if (obj_val and module.params.get("obj_username", None) and "username" in obj_val): obj_val["obj_username"] = obj_val["username"] if (obj_val and module.params.get("obj_password", None) and "password" in obj_val): obj_val["obj_password"] = obj_val["password"] old_obj_val = existing_obj if changed and existing_obj else None api_context_val = api_context if disable_fact else None ansible_facts_val = dict( avi_api_context=fact_context) if not disable_fact else {} return module.exit_json( changed=changed, obj=obj_val, old_obj=old_obj_val, ansible_facts=ansible_facts_val, api_context=api_context_val) def purge_optional_fields(obj, module): """ It purges the optional arguments to be sent to the controller. :param obj: dictionary of the ansible object passed as argument. :param module: AnsibleModule return modified obj """ purge_fields = [] for param, spec in module.argument_spec.items(): if not spec.get('required', False): if param not in obj: # these are ansible common items continue if obj[param] is None: purge_fields.append(param) log.debug('purging fields %s', purge_fields) for param in purge_fields: obj.pop(param, None) return obj def cleanup_absent_fields(obj): """ cleans up any field that is marked as state: absent. It needs to be removed from the object if it is present. :param obj: :return: Purged object """ if type(obj) != dict: return obj cleanup_keys = [] for k, v in obj.items(): if type(v) == dict: if (('state' in v and v['state'] == 'absent') or (v == "{'state': 'absent'}")): cleanup_keys.append(k) else: cleanup_absent_fields(v) if not v: cleanup_keys.append(k) elif type(v) == list: new_list = [] for elem in v: elem = cleanup_absent_fields(elem) if elem: # remove the item from list new_list.append(elem) if new_list: obj[k] = new_list else: cleanup_keys.append(k) elif isinstance(v, str) or isinstance(v, str): if v == "{'state': 'absent'}": cleanup_keys.append(k) for k in cleanup_keys: del obj[k] return obj RE_REF_MATCH = re.compile(r'^/api/[\w/]+\?name\=[\w]+[^#<>]*$') # if HTTP ref match then strip out the #name HTTP_REF_MATCH = re.compile(r'https://[\w.0-9:-]+/api/.+') HTTP_REF_W_NAME_MATCH = re.compile(r'https://[\w.0-9:-]+/api/.*#.+') def ref_n_str_cmp(x, y): """ compares two references 1. check for exact reference 2. check for obj_type/uuid 3. check for name if x is ref=name then extract uuid and name from y and use it. if x is http_ref then strip x and y compare them. if x and y are urls then match with split on # if x is a RE_REF_MATCH then extract name if y is a REF_MATCH then extract name :param x: first string :param y: second string from controller's object Returns True if they are equivalent else False """ if type(y) in (int, float, bool, int, complex): y = str(y) x = str(x) if not (_check_type_string(x) and _check_type_string(y)): return False y_uuid = y_name = str(y) x = str(x) if RE_REF_MATCH.match(x): x = x.split('name=')[1] elif HTTP_REF_MATCH.match(x): x = x.rsplit('#', 1)[0] y = y.rsplit('#', 1)[0] elif RE_REF_MATCH.match(y): y = y.split('name=')[1] if HTTP_REF_W_NAME_MATCH.match(y): path = y.split('api/', 1)[1] # Fetching name or uuid from path /xxxx_xx/xx/xx_x/uuid_or_name uuid_or_name = path.split('/')[-1] parts = uuid_or_name.rsplit('#', 1) y_uuid = parts[0] y_name = parts[1] if len(parts) > 1 else '' # is just string but y is a url so match either uuid or name result = (x in (y, y_name, y_uuid)) if not result: log.debug('x: %s y: %s y_name %s y_uuid %s', x, y, y_name, y_uuid) return result def avi_obj_cmp(x, y, sensitive_fields=None): """ compares whether x is fully contained in y. The comparision is different from a simple dictionary compare for following reasons 1. Some fields could be references. The object in controller returns the full URL for those references. However, the ansible script would have it specified as /api/pool?name=blah. So, the reference fields need to match uuid, relative reference based on name and actual reference. 2. Optional fields with defaults: In case there are optional fields with defaults then controller automatically fills it up. This would cause the comparison with Ansible object specification to always return changed. 3. Optional fields without defaults: This is most tricky. The issue is how to specify deletion of such objects from ansible script. If the ansible playbook has object specified as Null then Avi controller will reject for non Message(dict) type fields. In addition, to deal with the defaults=null issue all the fields that are set with None are purged out before comparing with Avi controller's version So, the solution is to pass state: absent if any optional field needs to be deleted from the configuration. The script would return changed =true if it finds a key in the controller version and it is marked with state: absent in ansible playbook. Alternatively, it would return false if key is not present in the controller object. Before, doing put or post it would purge the fields that are marked state: absent. :param x: first string :param y: second string from controller's object :param sensitive_fields: sensitive fields to ignore for diff Returns: True if x is subset of y else False """ if not sensitive_fields: sensitive_fields = set() if isinstance(x, str) or isinstance(x, str): # Special handling for strings as they can be references. return ref_n_str_cmp(x, y) if type(x) not in [list, dict]: # if it is not list or dict or string then simply compare the values return x == y if type(x) == list: # should compare each item in the list and that should match if len(x) != len(y): log.debug('x has %d items y has %d', len(x), len(y)) return False for i in zip(x, y): if not avi_obj_cmp(i[0], i[1], sensitive_fields=sensitive_fields): # no need to continue return False if type(x) == dict: x.pop('_last_modified', None) x.pop('tenant', None) y.pop('_last_modified', None) x.pop('api_version', None) y.pop('api_verison', None) d_xks = [k for k in x.keys() if k in sensitive_fields] if d_xks: # if there is sensitive field then always return changed return False # pop the keys that are marked deleted but not present in y # return false if item is marked absent and is present in y d_x_absent_ks = [] for k, v in x.items(): if v is None: d_x_absent_ks.append(k) continue if isinstance(v, dict): if ('state' in v) and (v['state'] == 'absent'): if type(y) == dict and k not in y: d_x_absent_ks.append(k) else: return False elif not v: d_x_absent_ks.append(k) elif isinstance(v, list) and not v: d_x_absent_ks.append(k) # Added condition to check key in dict. elif isinstance(v, str) or (k in y and isinstance(y[k], str)): # this is the case when ansible converts the dictionary into a # string. if v == "{'state': 'absent'}" and k not in y: d_x_absent_ks.append(k) elif not v and k not in y: # this is the case when x has set the value that qualifies # as not but y does not have that value d_x_absent_ks.append(k) for k in d_x_absent_ks: x.pop(k) x_keys = set(x.keys()) y_keys = set(y.keys()) if not x_keys.issubset(y_keys): # log.debug('x has %s and y has %s keys', len(x_keys), len(y_keys)) return False for k, v in x.items(): if k not in y: # log.debug('k %s is not in y %s', k, y) return False if not avi_obj_cmp(v, y[k], sensitive_fields=sensitive_fields): # log.debug('k %s v %s did not match in y %s', k, v, y[k]) return False return True POP_FIELDS = ['state', 'controller', 'username', 'password', 'api_version', 'avi_credentials', 'avi_api_update_method', 'avi_api_patch_op', 'api_context', 'tenant', 'tenant_uuid', 'avi_disable_session_cache_as_fact'] def get_api_context(module, api_creds): api_context = module.params.get('api_context') if api_context and module.params.get('avi_disable_session_cache_as_fact'): return api_context elif api_context and not module.params.get( 'avi_disable_session_cache_as_fact'): key = '%s:%s:%s' % (api_creds.controller, api_creds.username, api_creds.port) return api_context.get(key) else: return None def avi_ansible_api(module, obj_type, sensitive_fields): """ This converts the Ansible module into AVI object and invokes APIs :param module: Ansible module :param obj_type: string representing Avi object type :param sensitive_fields: sensitive fields to be excluded for comparison purposes. Returns: success: module.exit_json with obj=avi object faliure: module.fail_json """ api_creds = AviCredentials() api_creds.update_from_ansible_module(module) api_context = get_api_context(module, api_creds) if api_context: api = ApiSession.get_session( api_creds.controller, api_creds.username, password=api_creds.password, timeout=api_creds.timeout, tenant=api_creds.tenant, tenant_uuid=api_creds.tenant_uuid, token=api_context['csrftoken'], port=api_creds.port, session_id=api_context['session_id'], csrftoken=api_context['csrftoken']) else: api = ApiSession.get_session( api_creds.controller, api_creds.username, password=api_creds.password, timeout=api_creds.timeout, tenant=api_creds.tenant, tenant_uuid=api_creds.tenant_uuid, token=api_creds.token, port=api_creds.port) state = module.params['state'] # Get the api version. avi_update_method = module.params.get('avi_api_update_method', 'put') avi_patch_op = module.params.get('avi_api_patch_op', 'add') api_version = api_creds.api_version name = module.params.get('name', None) # Added Support to get uuid uuid = module.params.get('uuid', None) check_mode = module.check_mode if uuid and obj_type != 'cluster': obj_path = '%s/%s' % (obj_type, uuid) else: obj_path = '%s/' % obj_type obj = deepcopy(module.params) tenant = obj.pop('tenant', '') tenant_uuid = obj.pop('tenant_uuid', '') # obj.pop('cloud_ref', None) for k in POP_FIELDS: obj.pop(k, None) purge_optional_fields(obj, module) # Special code to handle situation where object has a field # named username. This is used in case of api/user # The following code copies the username and password # from the obj_username and obj_password fields. if 'obj_username' in obj: obj['username'] = obj['obj_username'] obj.pop('obj_username') if 'obj_password' in obj: obj['password'] = obj['obj_password'] obj.pop('obj_password') if 'full_name' not in obj and 'name' in obj and obj_type == "user": obj['full_name'] = obj['name'] # Special case as name represent full_name in user module # As per API response, name is always same as username regardless of full_name obj['name'] = obj['username']'passed object %s ', obj) if uuid: # Get the object based on uuid. try: existing_obj = api.get( obj_path, tenant=tenant, tenant_uuid=tenant_uuid, params={'include_refs': '', 'include_name': ''}, api_version=api_version) existing_obj = existing_obj.json() except ObjectNotFound: existing_obj = None elif name: params = {'include_refs': '', 'include_name': ''} if obj.get('cloud_ref', None): # this is the case when gets have to be scoped with cloud cloud = obj['cloud_ref'].split('name=')[1] params[''] = cloud existing_obj = api.get_object_by_name( obj_type, name, tenant=tenant, tenant_uuid=tenant_uuid, params=params, api_version=api_version) # Need to check if tenant_ref was provided and the object returned # is actually in admin tenant. if existing_obj and 'tenant_ref' in obj and 'tenant_ref' in existing_obj: # existing_obj_tenant = existing_obj['tenant_ref'].split('#')[1] obj_tenant = obj['tenant_ref'].split('name=')[1] if obj_tenant != existing_obj_tenant: existing_obj = None else: # added api version to avi api call. existing_obj = api.get(obj_path, tenant=tenant, tenant_uuid=tenant_uuid, params={'include_refs': '', 'include_name': ''}, api_version=api_version).json() if state == 'absent': rsp = None changed = False err = False if not check_mode and existing_obj: try: if name is not None: # added api version to avi api call. rsp = api.delete_by_name( obj_type, name, tenant=tenant, tenant_uuid=tenant_uuid, api_version=api_version) else: # added api version to avi api call. rsp = api.delete( obj_path, tenant=tenant, tenant_uuid=tenant_uuid, api_version=api_version) except ObjectNotFound: pass if check_mode and existing_obj: changed = True if rsp: if rsp.status_code == 204: changed = True else: err = True if not err: return ansible_return( module, rsp, changed, existing_obj=existing_obj, api_context=api.get_context()) elif rsp: return module.fail_json(msg=rsp.text) rsp = None req = None if existing_obj: # this is case of modify as object exists. should find out # if changed is true or not if name is not None and obj_type != 'cluster': obj_uuid = existing_obj['uuid'] obj_path = '%s/%s' % (obj_type, obj_uuid) if avi_update_method == 'put': changed = not avi_obj_cmp(obj, existing_obj, sensitive_fields) obj = cleanup_absent_fields(obj) if changed: req = obj if check_mode: # No need to process any further. rsp = AviCheckModeResponse(obj=existing_obj) else: rsp = api.put( obj_path, data=req, tenant=tenant, tenant_uuid=tenant_uuid, api_version=api_version) elif check_mode: rsp = AviCheckModeResponse(obj=existing_obj) else: if check_mode: # No need to process any further. rsp = AviCheckModeResponse(obj=existing_obj) changed = True else: obj.pop('name', None) patch_data = {avi_patch_op: obj} rsp = api.patch( obj_path, data=patch_data, tenant=tenant, tenant_uuid=tenant_uuid, api_version=api_version) obj = rsp.json() changed = not avi_obj_cmp(obj, existing_obj) if changed: log.debug('EXISTING OBJ %s', existing_obj) log.debug('NEW OBJ %s', obj) else: changed = True req = obj if check_mode: rsp = AviCheckModeResponse(obj=None) else: rsp =, data=obj, tenant=tenant, tenant_uuid=tenant_uuid, api_version=api_version) return ansible_return(module, rsp, changed, req, existing_obj=existing_obj, api_context=api.get_context()) def avi_common_argument_spec(): """ Returns common arguments for all Avi modules :return: dict """ credentials_spec = dict( controller=dict(fallback=(env_fallback, ['AVI_CONTROLLER'])), username=dict(fallback=(env_fallback, ['AVI_USERNAME'])), password=dict(fallback=(env_fallback, ['AVI_PASSWORD']), no_log=True), api_version=dict(default='16.4.4', type='str'), tenant=dict(default='admin'), tenant_uuid=dict(default='', type='str'), port=dict(type='int'), timeout=dict(default=300, type='int'), token=dict(default='', type='str', no_log=True), session_id=dict(default='', type='str', no_log=True), csrftoken=dict(default='', type='str', no_log=True) ) return dict( controller=dict(fallback=(env_fallback, ['AVI_CONTROLLER'])), username=dict(fallback=(env_fallback, ['AVI_USERNAME'])), password=dict(fallback=(env_fallback, ['AVI_PASSWORD']), no_log=True), tenant=dict(default='admin'), tenant_uuid=dict(default=''), api_version=dict(default='16.4.4', type='str'), avi_credentials=dict(default=None, type='dict', options=credentials_spec), api_context=dict(type='dict'), avi_disable_session_cache_as_fact=dict(default=False, type='bool'))