#!/usr/bin/python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Copyright (c) 2014, Steve Smith <ssmith@atlassian.com> # Atlassian open-source approval reference OSR-76. # # Copyright (c) 2020, Per Abildgaard Toft <per@minfejl.dk> Search and update function # Copyright (c) 2021, Brandon McNama <brandonmcnama@outlook.com> Issue attachment functionality # # GNU General Public License v3.0+ (see LICENSES/GPL-3.0-or-later.txt or https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.txt) # SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function __metaclass__ = type DOCUMENTATION = r""" module: jira short_description: Create and modify issues in a JIRA instance description: - Create and modify issues in a JIRA instance. extends_documentation_fragment: - community.general.attributes attributes: check_mode: support: none diff_mode: support: none options: uri: type: str required: true description: - Base URI for the JIRA instance. operation: type: str required: true aliases: [ command ] choices: [ attach, comment, create, edit, fetch, link, search, transition, update ] description: - The operation to perform. username: type: str description: - The username to log-in with. - Must be used with I(password). Mutually exclusive with I(token). password: type: str description: - The password to log-in with. - Must be used with I(username). Mutually exclusive with I(token). token: type: str description: - The personal access token to log-in with. - Mutually exclusive with I(username) and I(password). version_added: 4.2.0 project: type: str required: false description: - The project for this operation. Required for issue creation. summary: type: str required: false description: - The issue summary, where appropriate. - Note that JIRA may not allow changing field values on specific transitions or states. description: type: str required: false description: - The issue description, where appropriate. - Note that JIRA may not allow changing field values on specific transitions or states. issuetype: type: str required: false description: - The issue type, for issue creation. issue: type: str required: false description: - An existing issue key to operate on. aliases: ['ticket'] comment: type: str required: false description: - The comment text to add. - Note that JIRA may not allow changing field values on specific transitions or states. comment_visibility: type: dict description: - Used to specify comment comment visibility. - See U(https://developer.atlassian.com/cloud/jira/platform/rest/v2/api-group-issue-comments/#api-rest-api-2-issue-issueidorkey-comment-post) for details. suboptions: type: description: - Use type to specify which of the JIRA visibility restriction types will be used. type: str required: true choices: [group, role] value: description: - Use value to specify value corresponding to the type of visibility restriction. For example name of the group or role. type: str required: true version_added: '3.2.0' status: type: str required: false description: - Only used when I(operation) is C(transition), and a bit of a misnomer, it actually refers to the transition name. assignee: type: str required: false description: - Sets the the assignee when I(operation) is C(create), C(transition) or C(edit). - Recent versions of JIRA no longer accept a user name as a user identifier. In that case, use I(account_id) instead. - Note that JIRA may not allow changing field values on specific transitions or states. account_id: type: str description: - Sets the account identifier for the assignee when I(operation) is C(create), C(transition) or C(edit). - Note that JIRA may not allow changing field values on specific transitions or states. version_added: 2.5.0 linktype: type: str required: false description: - Set type of link, when action 'link' selected. inwardissue: type: str required: false description: - Set issue from which link will be created. outwardissue: type: str required: false description: - Set issue to which link will be created. fields: type: dict required: false description: - This is a free-form data structure that can contain arbitrary data. This is passed directly to the JIRA REST API (possibly after merging with other required data, as when passed to create). See examples for more information, and the JIRA REST API for the structure required for various fields. - When passed to comment, the data structure is merged at the first level since community.general 4.6.0. Useful to add JIRA properties for example. - Note that JIRA may not allow changing field values on specific transitions or states. default: {} jql: required: false description: - Query JIRA in JQL Syntax, e.g. 'CMDB Hostname'='test.example.com'. type: str version_added: '0.2.0' maxresults: required: false description: - Limit the result of I(operation=search). If no value is specified, the default jira limit will be used. - Used when I(operation=search) only, ignored otherwise. type: int version_added: '0.2.0' timeout: type: float required: false description: - Set timeout, in seconds, on requests to JIRA API. default: 10 validate_certs: required: false description: - Require valid SSL certificates (set to C(false) if you'd like to use self-signed certificates) default: true type: bool attachment: type: dict version_added: 2.5.0 description: - Information about the attachment being uploaded. suboptions: filename: required: true type: path description: - The path to the file to upload (from the remote node) or, if I(content) is specified, the filename to use for the attachment. content: type: str description: - The Base64 encoded contents of the file to attach. If not specified, the contents of I(filename) will be used instead. mimetype: type: str description: - The MIME type to supply for the upload. If not specified, best-effort detection will be done. notes: - "Currently this only works with basic-auth, or tokens." - "To use with JIRA Cloud, pass the login e-mail as the I(username) and the API token as I(password)." author: - "Steve Smith (@tarka)" - "Per Abildgaard Toft (@pertoft)" - "Brandon McNama (@DWSR)" """ EXAMPLES = r""" # Create a new issue and add a comment to it: - name: Create an issue community.general.jira: uri: '{{ server }}' username: '{{ user }}' password: '{{ pass }}' project: ANS operation: create summary: Example Issue description: Created using Ansible issuetype: Task args: fields: customfield_13225: "test" customfield_12931: {"value": "Test"} register: issue - name: Comment on issue community.general.jira: uri: '{{ server }}' username: '{{ user }}' password: '{{ pass }}' issue: '{{ issue.meta.key }}' operation: comment comment: A comment added by Ansible - name: Comment on issue with restricted visibility community.general.jira: uri: '{{ server }}' username: '{{ user }}' password: '{{ pass }}' issue: '{{ issue.meta.key }}' operation: comment comment: A comment added by Ansible comment_visibility: type: role value: Developers - name: Comment on issue with property to mark it internal community.general.jira: uri: '{{ server }}' username: '{{ user }}' password: '{{ pass }}' issue: '{{ issue.meta.key }}' operation: comment comment: A comment added by Ansible fields: properties: - key: 'sd.public.comment' value: internal: true # Assign an existing issue using edit - name: Assign an issue using free-form fields community.general.jira: uri: '{{ server }}' username: '{{ user }}' password: '{{ pass }}' issue: '{{ issue.meta.key}}' operation: edit assignee: ssmith # Create an issue with an existing assignee - name: Create an assigned issue community.general.jira: uri: '{{ server }}' username: '{{ user }}' password: '{{ pass }}' project: ANS operation: create summary: Assigned issue description: Created and assigned using Ansible issuetype: Task assignee: ssmith # Edit an issue - name: Set the labels on an issue using free-form fields community.general.jira: uri: '{{ server }}' username: '{{ user }}' password: '{{ pass }}' issue: '{{ issue.meta.key }}' operation: edit args: fields: labels: - autocreated - ansible # Updating a field using operations: add, set & remove - name: Change the value of a Select dropdown community.general.jira: uri: '{{ server }}' username: '{{ user }}' password: '{{ pass }}' issue: '{{ issue.meta.key }}' operation: update args: fields: customfield_12931: [ {'set': {'value': 'Virtual'}} ] customfield_13820: [ {'set': {'value':'Manually'}} ] register: cmdb_issue delegate_to: localhost # Retrieve metadata for an issue and use it to create an account - name: Get an issue community.general.jira: uri: '{{ server }}' username: '{{ user }}' password: '{{ pass }}' project: ANS operation: fetch issue: ANS-63 register: issue # Search for an issue # You can limit the search for specific fields by adding optional args. Note! It must be a dict, hence, lastViewed: null - name: Search for an issue community.general.jira: uri: '{{ server }}' username: '{{ user }}' password: '{{ pass }}' project: ANS operation: search maxresults: 10 jql: project=cmdb AND cf[13225]="test" args: fields: lastViewed: null register: issue - name: Create a unix account for the reporter become: true user: name: '{{ issue.meta.fields.creator.name }}' comment: '{{ issue.meta.fields.creator.displayName }}' # You can get list of valid linktypes at /rest/api/2/issueLinkType # url of your jira installation. - name: Create link from HSP-1 to MKY-1 community.general.jira: uri: '{{ server }}' username: '{{ user }}' password: '{{ pass }}' operation: link linktype: Relates inwardissue: HSP-1 outwardissue: MKY-1 # Transition an issue - name: Resolve the issue community.general.jira: uri: '{{ server }}' username: '{{ user }}' password: '{{ pass }}' issue: '{{ issue.meta.key }}' operation: transition status: Resolve Issue account_id: 112233445566778899aabbcc fields: resolution: name: Done description: I am done! This is the last description I will ever give you. # Attach a file to an issue - name: Attach a file community.general.jira: uri: '{{ server }}' username: '{{ user }}' password: '{{ pass }}' issue: HSP-1 operation: attach attachment: filename: topsecretreport.xlsx """ import base64 import binascii import json import mimetypes import os import random import string import traceback from ansible_collections.community.general.plugins.module_utils.module_helper import StateModuleHelper, cause_changes from ansible.module_utils.six.moves.urllib.request import pathname2url from ansible.module_utils.common.text.converters import to_text, to_bytes, to_native from ansible.module_utils.urls import fetch_url class JIRA(StateModuleHelper): module = dict( argument_spec=dict( attachment=dict(type='dict', options=dict( content=dict(type='str'), filename=dict(type='path', required=True), mimetype=dict(type='str') )), uri=dict(type='str', required=True), operation=dict( type='str', choices=['attach', 'create', 'comment', 'edit', 'update', 'fetch', 'transition', 'link', 'search'], aliases=['command'], required=True ), username=dict(type='str'), password=dict(type='str', no_log=True), token=dict(type='str', no_log=True), project=dict(type='str', ), summary=dict(type='str', ), description=dict(type='str', ), issuetype=dict(type='str', ), issue=dict(type='str', aliases=['ticket']), comment=dict(type='str', ), comment_visibility=dict(type='dict', options=dict( type=dict(type='str', choices=['group', 'role'], required=True), value=dict(type='str', required=True) )), status=dict(type='str', ), assignee=dict(type='str', ), fields=dict(default={}, type='dict'), linktype=dict(type='str', ), inwardissue=dict(type='str', ), outwardissue=dict(type='str', ), jql=dict(type='str', ), maxresults=dict(type='int'), timeout=dict(type='float', default=10), validate_certs=dict(default=True, type='bool'), account_id=dict(type='str'), ), mutually_exclusive=[ ['username', 'token'], ['password', 'token'], ['assignee', 'account_id'], ], required_together=[ ['username', 'password'], ], required_one_of=[ ['username', 'token'], ], required_if=( ('operation', 'attach', ['issue', 'attachment']), ('operation', 'create', ['project', 'issuetype', 'summary']), ('operation', 'comment', ['issue', 'comment']), ('operation', 'fetch', ['issue']), ('operation', 'transition', ['issue', 'status']), ('operation', 'link', ['linktype', 'inwardissue', 'outwardissue']), ('operation', 'search', ['jql']), ), supports_check_mode=False ) state_param = 'operation' def __init_module__(self): if self.vars.fields is None: self.vars.fields = {} if self.vars.assignee: self.vars.fields['assignee'] = {'name': self.vars.assignee} if self.vars.account_id: self.vars.fields['assignee'] = {'accountId': self.vars.account_id} self.vars.uri = self.vars.uri.strip('/') self.vars.set('restbase', self.vars.uri + '/rest/api/2') @cause_changes(on_success=True) def operation_create(self): createfields = { 'project': {'key': self.vars.project}, 'summary': self.vars.summary, 'issuetype': {'name': self.vars.issuetype}} if self.vars.description: createfields['description'] = self.vars.description # Merge in any additional or overridden fields if self.vars.fields: createfields.update(self.vars.fields) data = {'fields': createfields} url = self.vars.restbase + '/issue/' self.vars.meta = self.post(url, data) @cause_changes(on_success=True) def operation_comment(self): data = { 'body': self.vars.comment } # if comment_visibility is specified restrict visibility if self.vars.comment_visibility is not None: data['visibility'] = self.vars.comment_visibility # Use 'fields' to merge in any additional data if self.vars.fields: data.update(self.vars.fields) url = self.vars.restbase + '/issue/' + self.vars.issue + '/comment' self.vars.meta = self.post(url, data) @cause_changes(on_success=True) def operation_edit(self): data = { 'fields': self.vars.fields } url = self.vars.restbase + '/issue/' + self.vars.issue self.vars.meta = self.put(url, data) @cause_changes(on_success=True) def operation_update(self): data = { "update": self.vars.fields, } url = self.vars.restbase + '/issue/' + self.vars.issue self.vars.meta = self.put(url, data) def operation_fetch(self): url = self.vars.restbase + '/issue/' + self.vars.issue self.vars.meta = self.get(url) def operation_search(self): url = self.vars.restbase + '/search?jql=' + pathname2url(self.vars.jql) if self.vars.fields: fields = self.vars.fields.keys() url = url + '&fields=' + '&fields='.join([pathname2url(f) for f in fields]) if self.vars.maxresults: url = url + '&maxResults=' + str(self.vars.maxresults) self.vars.meta = self.get(url) @cause_changes(on_success=True) def operation_transition(self): # Find the transition id turl = self.vars.restbase + '/issue/' + self.vars.issue + "/transitions" tmeta = self.get(turl) target = self.vars.status tid = None for t in tmeta['transitions']: if t['name'] == target: tid = t['id'] break else: raise ValueError("Failed find valid transition for '%s'" % target) fields = dict(self.vars.fields) if self.vars.summary is not None: fields.update({'summary': self.vars.summary}) if self.vars.description is not None: fields.update({'description': self.vars.description}) # Perform it data = {'transition': {"id": tid}, 'fields': fields} if self.vars.comment is not None: data.update({"update": { "comment": [{ "add": {"body": self.vars.comment} }], }}) url = self.vars.restbase + '/issue/' + self.vars.issue + "/transitions" self.vars.meta = self.post(url, data) @cause_changes(on_success=True) def operation_link(self): data = { 'type': {'name': self.vars.linktype}, 'inwardIssue': {'key': self.vars.inwardissue}, 'outwardIssue': {'key': self.vars.outwardissue}, } url = self.vars.restbase + '/issueLink/' self.vars.meta = self.post(url, data) @cause_changes(on_success=True) def operation_attach(self): v = self.vars filename = v.attachment.get('filename') content = v.attachment.get('content') if not any((filename, content)): raise ValueError('at least one of filename or content must be provided') mime = v.attachment.get('mimetype') if not os.path.isfile(filename): raise ValueError('The provided filename does not exist: %s' % filename) content_type, data = self._prepare_attachment(filename, content, mime) url = v.restbase + '/issue/' + v.issue + '/attachments' return True, self.post( url, data, content_type=content_type, additional_headers={"X-Atlassian-Token": "no-check"} ) # Ideally we'd just use prepare_multipart from ansible.module_utils.urls, but # unfortunately it does not support specifying the encoding and also defaults to # base64. Jira doesn't support base64 encoded attachments (and is therefore not # spec compliant. Go figure). I originally wrote this function as an almost # exact copypasta of prepare_multipart, but ran into some encoding issues when # using the noop encoder. Hand rolling the entire message body seemed to work # out much better. # # https://community.atlassian.com/t5/Jira-questions/Jira-dosen-t-decode-base64-attachment-request-REST-API/qaq-p/916427 # # content is expected to be a base64 encoded string since Ansible doesn't # support passing raw bytes objects. @staticmethod def _prepare_attachment(filename, content=None, mime_type=None): def escape_quotes(s): return s.replace('"', '\\"') boundary = "".join(random.choice(string.digits + string.ascii_letters) for dummy in range(30)) name = to_native(os.path.basename(filename)) if not mime_type: try: mime_type = mimetypes.guess_type(filename or '', strict=False)[0] or 'application/octet-stream' except Exception: mime_type = 'application/octet-stream' main_type, sep, sub_type = mime_type.partition('/') if not content and filename: with open(to_bytes(filename, errors='surrogate_or_strict'), 'rb') as f: content = f.read() else: try: content = base64.b64decode(content) except binascii.Error as e: raise Exception("Unable to base64 decode file content: %s" % e) lines = [ "--{0}".format(boundary), 'Content-Disposition: form-data; name="file"; filename={0}'.format(escape_quotes(name)), "Content-Type: {0}".format("{0}/{1}".format(main_type, sub_type)), '', to_text(content), "--{0}--".format(boundary), "" ] return ( "multipart/form-data; boundary={0}".format(boundary), "\r\n".join(lines) ) def request( self, url, data=None, method=None, content_type='application/json', additional_headers=None ): if data and content_type == 'application/json': data = json.dumps(data) headers = {} if isinstance(additional_headers, dict): headers = additional_headers.copy() # NOTE: fetch_url uses a password manager, which follows the # standard request-then-challenge basic-auth semantics. However as # JIRA allows some unauthorised operations it doesn't necessarily # send the challenge, so the request occurs as the anonymous user, # resulting in unexpected results. To work around this we manually # inject the auth header up-front to ensure that JIRA treats # the requests as authorized for this user. if self.vars.token is not None: headers.update({ "Content-Type": content_type, "Authorization": "Bearer %s" % self.vars.token, }) else: auth = to_text(base64.b64encode(to_bytes('{0}:{1}'.format(self.vars.username, self.vars.password), errors='surrogate_or_strict'))) headers.update({ "Content-Type": content_type, "Authorization": "Basic %s" % auth, }) response, info = fetch_url( self.module, url, data=data, method=method, timeout=self.vars.timeout, headers=headers ) if info['status'] not in (200, 201, 204): error = None try: error = json.loads(info['body']) except Exception: msg = 'The request "{method} {url}" returned the unexpected status code {status} {msg}\n{body}'.format( status=info['status'], msg=info['msg'], body=info.get('body'), url=url, method=method, ) self.module.fail_json(msg=to_native(msg), exception=traceback.format_exc()) if error: msg = [] for key in ('errorMessages', 'errors'): if error.get(key): msg.append(to_native(error[key])) if msg: self.module.fail_json(msg=', '.join(msg)) self.module.fail_json(msg=to_native(error)) # Fallback print body, if it cant be decoded self.module.fail_json(msg=to_native(info['body'])) body = response.read() if body: return json.loads(to_text(body, errors='surrogate_or_strict')) return {} def post(self, url, data, content_type='application/json', additional_headers=None): return self.request(url, data=data, method='POST', content_type=content_type, additional_headers=additional_headers) def put(self, url, data): return self.request(url, data=data, method='PUT') def get(self, url): return self.request(url) def main(): jira = JIRA() jira.run() if __name__ == '__main__': main()