#!/usr/bin/python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Copyright (c) 2017, Ansible Project # GNU General Public License v3.0+ (see LICENSES/GPL-3.0-or-later.txt or https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.txt) # SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function __metaclass__ = type DOCUMENTATION = ''' --- module: sl_vm short_description: Create or cancel a virtual instance in SoftLayer description: - Creates or cancels SoftLayer instances. - When created, optionally waits for it to be 'running'. extends_documentation_fragment: - community.general.attributes attributes: check_mode: support: none diff_mode: support: none options: instance_id: description: - Instance Id of the virtual instance to perform action option. type: str hostname: description: - Hostname to be provided to a virtual instance. type: str domain: description: - Domain name to be provided to a virtual instance. type: str datacenter: description: - Datacenter for the virtual instance to be deployed. type: str choices: - ams01 - ams03 - che01 - dal01 - dal05 - dal06 - dal09 - dal10 - dal12 - dal13 - fra02 - fra04 - fra05 - hkg02 - hou02 - lon02 - lon04 - lon06 - mel01 - mex01 - mil01 - mon01 - osl01 - par01 - sao01 - sea01 - seo01 - sjc01 - sjc03 - sjc04 - sng01 - syd01 - syd04 - tok02 - tor01 - wdc01 - wdc04 - wdc06 - wdc07 tags: description: - Tag or list of tags to be provided to a virtual instance. type: str hourly: description: - Flag to determine if the instance should be hourly billed. type: bool default: true private: description: - Flag to determine if the instance should be private only. type: bool default: false dedicated: description: - Flag to determine if the instance should be deployed in dedicated space. type: bool default: false local_disk: description: - Flag to determine if local disk should be used for the new instance. type: bool default: true cpus: description: - Count of cpus to be assigned to new virtual instance. type: int choices: [1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 56] memory: description: - Amount of memory to be assigned to new virtual instance. type: int choices: [1024, 2048, 4096, 6144, 8192, 12288, 16384, 32768, 49152, 65536, 131072, 247808] flavor: description: - Specify which SoftLayer flavor template to use instead of cpus and memory. version_added: '0.2.0' type: str disks: description: - List of disk sizes to be assigned to new virtual instance. default: [ 25 ] type: list elements: int os_code: description: - OS Code to be used for new virtual instance. type: str image_id: description: - Image Template to be used for new virtual instance. type: str nic_speed: description: - NIC Speed to be assigned to new virtual instance. choices: [10, 100, 1000] type: int public_vlan: description: - VLAN by its Id to be assigned to the public NIC. type: str private_vlan: description: - VLAN by its Id to be assigned to the private NIC. type: str ssh_keys: description: - List of ssh keys by their Id to be assigned to a virtual instance. type: list elements: str default: [] post_uri: description: - URL of a post provisioning script to be loaded and executed on virtual instance. type: str state: description: - Create, or cancel a virtual instance. - Specify V(present) for create, V(absent) to cancel. choices: [ absent, present ] default: present type: str wait: description: - Flag used to wait for active status before returning. type: bool default: true wait_time: description: - Time in seconds before wait returns. default: 600 type: int requirements: - softlayer >= 4.1.1 author: - Matt Colton (@mcltn) ''' EXAMPLES = ''' - name: Build instance hosts: localhost gather_facts: false tasks: - name: Build instance request community.general.sl_vm: hostname: instance-1 domain: anydomain.com datacenter: dal09 tags: ansible-module-test hourly: true private: false dedicated: false local_disk: true cpus: 1 memory: 1024 disks: [25] os_code: UBUNTU_LATEST wait: false - name: Build additional instances hosts: localhost gather_facts: false tasks: - name: Build instances request community.general.sl_vm: hostname: "{{ item.hostname }}" domain: "{{ item.domain }}" datacenter: "{{ item.datacenter }}" tags: "{{ item.tags }}" hourly: "{{ item.hourly }}" private: "{{ item.private }}" dedicated: "{{ item.dedicated }}" local_disk: "{{ item.local_disk }}" cpus: "{{ item.cpus }}" memory: "{{ item.memory }}" disks: "{{ item.disks }}" os_code: "{{ item.os_code }}" ssh_keys: "{{ item.ssh_keys }}" wait: "{{ item.wait }}" with_items: - hostname: instance-2 domain: anydomain.com datacenter: dal09 tags: - ansible-module-test - ansible-module-test-replicas hourly: true private: false dedicated: false local_disk: true cpus: 1 memory: 1024 disks: - 25 - 100 os_code: UBUNTU_LATEST ssh_keys: [] wait: true - hostname: instance-3 domain: anydomain.com datacenter: dal09 tags: - ansible-module-test - ansible-module-test-replicas hourly: true private: false dedicated: false local_disk: true cpus: 1 memory: 1024 disks: - 25 - 100 os_code: UBUNTU_LATEST ssh_keys: [] wait: true - name: Cancel instances hosts: localhost gather_facts: false tasks: - name: Cancel by tag community.general.sl_vm: state: absent tags: ansible-module-test ''' # TODO: Disabled RETURN as it is breaking the build for docs. Needs to be fixed. RETURN = '''# ''' import json import time try: import SoftLayer from SoftLayer import VSManager HAS_SL = True vsManager = VSManager(SoftLayer.create_client_from_env()) except ImportError: HAS_SL = False from ansible.module_utils.basic import AnsibleModule from ansible.module_utils.six import string_types # TODO: get this info from API STATES = ['present', 'absent'] DATACENTERS = ['ams01', 'ams03', 'che01', 'dal01', 'dal05', 'dal06', 'dal09', 'dal10', 'dal12', 'dal13', 'fra02', 'fra04', 'fra05', 'hkg02', 'hou02', 'lon02', 'lon04', 'lon06', 'mel01', 'mex01', 'mil01', 'mon01', 'osl01', 'par01', 'sao01', 'sea01', 'seo01', 'sjc01', 'sjc03', 'sjc04', 'sng01', 'syd01', 'syd04', 'tok02', 'tor01', 'wdc01', 'wdc04', 'wdc06', 'wdc07'] CPU_SIZES = [1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 56] MEMORY_SIZES = [1024, 2048, 4096, 6144, 8192, 12288, 16384, 32768, 49152, 65536, 131072, 247808] INITIALDISK_SIZES = [25, 100] LOCALDISK_SIZES = [25, 100, 150, 200, 300] SANDISK_SIZES = [10, 20, 25, 30, 40, 50, 75, 100, 125, 150, 175, 200, 250, 300, 350, 400, 500, 750, 1000, 1500, 2000] NIC_SPEEDS = [10, 100, 1000] def create_virtual_instance(module): instances = vsManager.list_instances( hostname=module.params.get('hostname'), domain=module.params.get('domain'), datacenter=module.params.get('datacenter') ) if instances: return False, None # Check if OS or Image Template is provided (Can't be both, defaults to OS) if (module.params.get('os_code') is not None and module.params.get('os_code') != ''): module.params['image_id'] = '' elif (module.params.get('image_id') is not None and module.params.get('image_id') != ''): module.params['os_code'] = '' module.params['disks'] = [] # Blank out disks since it will use the template else: return False, None tags = module.params.get('tags') if isinstance(tags, list): tags = ','.join(map(str, module.params.get('tags'))) instance = vsManager.create_instance( hostname=module.params.get('hostname'), domain=module.params.get('domain'), cpus=module.params.get('cpus'), memory=module.params.get('memory'), flavor=module.params.get('flavor'), hourly=module.params.get('hourly'), datacenter=module.params.get('datacenter'), os_code=module.params.get('os_code'), image_id=module.params.get('image_id'), local_disk=module.params.get('local_disk'), disks=module.params.get('disks'), ssh_keys=module.params.get('ssh_keys'), nic_speed=module.params.get('nic_speed'), private=module.params.get('private'), public_vlan=module.params.get('public_vlan'), private_vlan=module.params.get('private_vlan'), dedicated=module.params.get('dedicated'), post_uri=module.params.get('post_uri'), tags=tags, ) if instance is not None and instance['id'] > 0: return True, instance else: return False, None def wait_for_instance(module, id): instance = None completed = False wait_timeout = time.time() + module.params.get('wait_time') while not completed and wait_timeout > time.time(): try: completed = vsManager.wait_for_ready(id, 10, 2) if completed: instance = vsManager.get_instance(id) except Exception: completed = False return completed, instance def cancel_instance(module): canceled = True if module.params.get('instance_id') is None and (module.params.get('tags') or module.params.get('hostname') or module.params.get('domain')): tags = module.params.get('tags') if isinstance(tags, string_types): tags = [module.params.get('tags')] instances = vsManager.list_instances(tags=tags, hostname=module.params.get('hostname'), domain=module.params.get('domain')) for instance in instances: try: vsManager.cancel_instance(instance['id']) except Exception: canceled = False elif module.params.get('instance_id') and module.params.get('instance_id') != 0: try: vsManager.cancel_instance(instance['id']) except Exception: canceled = False else: return False, None return canceled, None def main(): module = AnsibleModule( argument_spec=dict( instance_id=dict(type='str'), hostname=dict(type='str'), domain=dict(type='str'), datacenter=dict(type='str', choices=DATACENTERS), tags=dict(type='str'), hourly=dict(type='bool', default=True), private=dict(type='bool', default=False), dedicated=dict(type='bool', default=False), local_disk=dict(type='bool', default=True), cpus=dict(type='int', choices=CPU_SIZES), memory=dict(type='int', choices=MEMORY_SIZES), flavor=dict(type='str'), disks=dict(type='list', elements='int', default=[25]), os_code=dict(type='str'), image_id=dict(type='str'), nic_speed=dict(type='int', choices=NIC_SPEEDS), public_vlan=dict(type='str'), private_vlan=dict(type='str'), ssh_keys=dict(type='list', elements='str', default=[], no_log=False), post_uri=dict(type='str'), state=dict(type='str', default='present', choices=STATES), wait=dict(type='bool', default=True), wait_time=dict(type='int', default=600), ) ) if not HAS_SL: module.fail_json(msg='softlayer python library required for this module') if module.params.get('state') == 'absent': (changed, instance) = cancel_instance(module) elif module.params.get('state') == 'present': (changed, instance) = create_virtual_instance(module) if module.params.get('wait') is True and instance: (changed, instance) = wait_for_instance(module, instance['id']) module.exit_json(changed=changed, instance=json.loads(json.dumps(instance, default=lambda o: o.__dict__))) if __name__ == '__main__': main()