#!/usr/bin/python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Copyright (c) 2019, INSPQ # GNU General Public License v3.0+ (see LICENSES/GPL-3.0-or-later.txt or https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.txt) # SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function __metaclass__ = type DOCUMENTATION = ''' --- module: keycloak_authentication short_description: Configure authentication in Keycloak description: - This module actually can only make a copy of an existing authentication flow, add an execution to it and configure it. - It can also delete the flow. version_added: "3.3.0" attributes: check_mode: support: full diff_mode: support: full options: realm: description: - The name of the realm in which is the authentication. required: true type: str alias: description: - Alias for the authentication flow. required: true type: str description: description: - Description of the flow. type: str providerId: description: - C(providerId) for the new flow when not copied from an existing flow. choices: [ "basic-flow", "client-flow" ] type: str copyFrom: description: - C(flowAlias) of the authentication flow to use for the copy. type: str authenticationExecutions: description: - Configuration structure for the executions. type: list elements: dict suboptions: providerId: description: - C(providerID) for the new flow when not copied from an existing flow. type: str displayName: description: - Name of the execution or subflow to create or update. type: str requirement: description: - Control status of the subflow or execution. choices: [ "REQUIRED", "ALTERNATIVE", "DISABLED", "CONDITIONAL" ] type: str flowAlias: description: - Alias of parent flow. type: str authenticationConfig: description: - Describe the config of the authentication. type: dict index: description: - Priority order of the execution. type: int subFlowType: description: - For new subflows, optionally specify the type. - Is only used at creation. choices: ["basic-flow", "form-flow"] default: "basic-flow" type: str version_added: 6.6.0 state: description: - Control if the authentication flow must exists or not. choices: [ "present", "absent" ] default: present type: str force: type: bool default: false description: - If V(true), allows to remove the authentication flow and recreate it. extends_documentation_fragment: - community.general.keycloak - community.general.attributes author: - Philippe Gauthier (@elfelip) - Gaƫtan Daubresse (@Gaetan2907) ''' EXAMPLES = ''' - name: Create an authentication flow from first broker login and add an execution to it. community.general.keycloak_authentication: auth_keycloak_url: http://localhost:8080/auth auth_realm: master auth_username: admin auth_password: password realm: master alias: "Copy of first broker login" copyFrom: "first broker login" authenticationExecutions: - providerId: "test-execution1" requirement: "REQUIRED" authenticationConfig: alias: "test.execution1.property" config: test1.property: "value" - providerId: "test-execution2" requirement: "REQUIRED" authenticationConfig: alias: "test.execution2.property" config: test2.property: "value" state: present - name: Re-create the authentication flow community.general.keycloak_authentication: auth_keycloak_url: http://localhost:8080/auth auth_realm: master auth_username: admin auth_password: password realm: master alias: "Copy of first broker login" copyFrom: "first broker login" authenticationExecutions: - providerId: "test-provisioning" requirement: "REQUIRED" authenticationConfig: alias: "test.provisioning.property" config: test.provisioning.property: "value" state: present force: true - name: Create an authentication flow with subflow containing an execution. community.general.keycloak_authentication: auth_keycloak_url: http://localhost:8080/auth auth_realm: master auth_username: admin auth_password: password realm: master alias: "Copy of first broker login" copyFrom: "first broker login" authenticationExecutions: - providerId: "test-execution1" requirement: "REQUIRED" - displayName: "New Subflow" requirement: "REQUIRED" - providerId: "auth-cookie" requirement: "REQUIRED" flowAlias: "New Sublow" state: present - name: Remove authentication. community.general.keycloak_authentication: auth_keycloak_url: http://localhost:8080/auth auth_realm: master auth_username: admin auth_password: password realm: master alias: "Copy of first broker login" state: absent ''' RETURN = ''' msg: description: Message as to what action was taken. returned: always type: str end_state: description: Representation of the authentication after module execution. returned: on success type: dict sample: { "alias": "Copy of first broker login", "authenticationExecutions": [ { "alias": "review profile config", "authenticationConfig": { "alias": "review profile config", "config": { "update.profile.on.first.login": "missing" }, "id": "6f09e4fb-aad4-496a-b873-7fa9779df6d7" }, "configurable": true, "displayName": "Review Profile", "id": "8f77dab8-2008-416f-989e-88b09ccf0b4c", "index": 0, "level": 0, "providerId": "idp-review-profile", "requirement": "REQUIRED", "requirementChoices": [ "REQUIRED", "ALTERNATIVE", "DISABLED" ] } ], "builtIn": false, "description": "Actions taken after first broker login with identity provider account, which is not yet linked to any Keycloak account", "id": "bc228863-5887-4297-b898-4d988f8eaa5c", "providerId": "basic-flow", "topLevel": true } ''' from ansible_collections.community.general.plugins.module_utils.identity.keycloak.keycloak \ import KeycloakAPI, keycloak_argument_spec, get_token, KeycloakError, is_struct_included from ansible.module_utils.basic import AnsibleModule def find_exec_in_executions(searched_exec, executions): """ Search if exec is contained in the executions. :param searched_exec: Execution to search for. :param executions: List of executions. :return: Index of the execution, -1 if not found.. """ for i, existing_exec in enumerate(executions, start=0): if ("providerId" in existing_exec and "providerId" in searched_exec and existing_exec["providerId"] == searched_exec["providerId"] or "displayName" in existing_exec and "displayName" in searched_exec and existing_exec["displayName"] == searched_exec["displayName"]): return i return -1 def create_or_update_executions(kc, config, realm='master'): """ Create or update executions for an authentication flow. :param kc: Keycloak API access. :param config: Representation of the authentication flow including it's executions. :param realm: Realm :return: tuple (changed, dict(before, after) WHERE bool changed indicates if changes have been made dict(str, str) shows state before and after creation/update """ try: changed = False after = "" before = "" if "authenticationExecutions" in config: # Get existing executions on the Keycloak server for this alias existing_executions = kc.get_executions_representation(config, realm=realm) for new_exec_index, new_exec in enumerate(config["authenticationExecutions"], start=0): if new_exec["index"] is not None: new_exec_index = new_exec["index"] exec_found = False # Get flowalias parent if given if new_exec["flowAlias"] is not None: flow_alias_parent = new_exec["flowAlias"] else: flow_alias_parent = config["alias"] # Check if same providerId or displayName name between existing and new execution exec_index = find_exec_in_executions(new_exec, existing_executions) if exec_index != -1: # Remove key that doesn't need to be compared with existing_exec exclude_key = ["flowAlias", "subFlowType"] for index_key, key in enumerate(new_exec, start=0): if new_exec[key] is None: exclude_key.append(key) # Compare the executions to see if it need changes if not is_struct_included(new_exec, existing_executions[exec_index], exclude_key) or exec_index != new_exec_index: exec_found = True if new_exec['index'] is None: new_exec_index = exec_index before += str(existing_executions[exec_index]) + '\n' id_to_update = existing_executions[exec_index]["id"] # Remove exec from list in case 2 exec with same name existing_executions[exec_index].clear() elif new_exec["providerId"] is not None: kc.create_execution(new_exec, flowAlias=flow_alias_parent, realm=realm) exec_found = True exec_index = new_exec_index id_to_update = kc.get_executions_representation(config, realm=realm)[exec_index]["id"] after += str(new_exec) + '\n' elif new_exec["displayName"] is not None: kc.create_subflow(new_exec["displayName"], flow_alias_parent, realm=realm, flowType=new_exec["subFlowType"]) exec_found = True exec_index = new_exec_index id_to_update = kc.get_executions_representation(config, realm=realm)[exec_index]["id"] after += str(new_exec) + '\n' if exec_found: changed = True if exec_index != -1: # Update the existing execution updated_exec = { "id": id_to_update } # add the execution configuration if new_exec["authenticationConfig"] is not None: kc.add_authenticationConfig_to_execution(updated_exec["id"], new_exec["authenticationConfig"], realm=realm) for key in new_exec: # remove unwanted key for the next API call if key not in ("flowAlias", "authenticationConfig", "subFlowType"): updated_exec[key] = new_exec[key] if new_exec["requirement"] is not None: kc.update_authentication_executions(flow_alias_parent, updated_exec, realm=realm) diff = exec_index - new_exec_index kc.change_execution_priority(updated_exec["id"], diff, realm=realm) after += str(kc.get_executions_representation(config, realm=realm)[new_exec_index]) + '\n' return changed, dict(before=before, after=after) except Exception as e: kc.module.fail_json(msg='Could not create or update executions for authentication flow %s in realm %s: %s' % (config["alias"], realm, str(e))) def main(): """ Module execution :return: """ argument_spec = keycloak_argument_spec() meta_args = dict( realm=dict(type='str', required=True), alias=dict(type='str', required=True), providerId=dict(type='str', choices=["basic-flow", "client-flow"]), description=dict(type='str'), copyFrom=dict(type='str'), authenticationExecutions=dict(type='list', elements='dict', options=dict( providerId=dict(type='str'), displayName=dict(type='str'), requirement=dict(choices=["REQUIRED", "ALTERNATIVE", "DISABLED", "CONDITIONAL"], type='str'), flowAlias=dict(type='str'), authenticationConfig=dict(type='dict'), index=dict(type='int'), subFlowType=dict(choices=["basic-flow", "form-flow"], default='basic-flow', type='str'), )), state=dict(choices=["absent", "present"], default='present'), force=dict(type='bool', default=False), ) argument_spec.update(meta_args) module = AnsibleModule(argument_spec=argument_spec, supports_check_mode=True, required_one_of=([['token', 'auth_realm', 'auth_username', 'auth_password']]), required_together=([['auth_realm', 'auth_username', 'auth_password']]) ) result = dict(changed=False, msg='', flow={}) # Obtain access token, initialize API try: connection_header = get_token(module.params) except KeycloakError as e: module.fail_json(msg=str(e)) kc = KeycloakAPI(module, connection_header) realm = module.params.get('realm') state = module.params.get('state') force = module.params.get('force') new_auth_repr = { "alias": module.params.get("alias"), "copyFrom": module.params.get("copyFrom"), "providerId": module.params.get("providerId"), "authenticationExecutions": module.params.get("authenticationExecutions"), "description": module.params.get("description"), "builtIn": module.params.get("builtIn"), "subflow": module.params.get("subflow"), } auth_repr = kc.get_authentication_flow_by_alias(alias=new_auth_repr["alias"], realm=realm) # Cater for when it doesn't exist (an empty dict) if not auth_repr: if state == 'absent': # Do nothing and exit if module._diff: result['diff'] = dict(before='', after='') result['changed'] = False result['end_state'] = {} result['msg'] = new_auth_repr["alias"] + ' absent' module.exit_json(**result) elif state == 'present': # Process a creation result['changed'] = True if module._diff: result['diff'] = dict(before='', after=new_auth_repr) if module.check_mode: module.exit_json(**result) # If copyFrom is defined, create authentication flow from a copy if "copyFrom" in new_auth_repr and new_auth_repr["copyFrom"] is not None: auth_repr = kc.copy_auth_flow(config=new_auth_repr, realm=realm) else: # Create an empty authentication flow auth_repr = kc.create_empty_auth_flow(config=new_auth_repr, realm=realm) # If the authentication still not exist on the server, raise an exception. if auth_repr is None: result['msg'] = "Authentication just created not found: " + str(new_auth_repr) module.fail_json(**result) # Configure the executions for the flow create_or_update_executions(kc=kc, config=new_auth_repr, realm=realm) # Get executions created exec_repr = kc.get_executions_representation(config=new_auth_repr, realm=realm) if exec_repr is not None: auth_repr["authenticationExecutions"] = exec_repr result['end_state'] = auth_repr else: if state == 'present': # Process an update if force: # If force option is true # Delete the actual authentication flow result['changed'] = True if module._diff: result['diff'] = dict(before=auth_repr, after=new_auth_repr) if module.check_mode: module.exit_json(**result) kc.delete_authentication_flow_by_id(id=auth_repr["id"], realm=realm) # If copyFrom is defined, create authentication flow from a copy if "copyFrom" in new_auth_repr and new_auth_repr["copyFrom"] is not None: auth_repr = kc.copy_auth_flow(config=new_auth_repr, realm=realm) else: # Create an empty authentication flow auth_repr = kc.create_empty_auth_flow(config=new_auth_repr, realm=realm) # If the authentication still not exist on the server, raise an exception. if auth_repr is None: result['msg'] = "Authentication just created not found: " + str(new_auth_repr) module.fail_json(**result) # Configure the executions for the flow if module.check_mode: module.exit_json(**result) changed, diff = create_or_update_executions(kc=kc, config=new_auth_repr, realm=realm) result['changed'] |= changed if module._diff: result['diff'] = diff # Get executions created exec_repr = kc.get_executions_representation(config=new_auth_repr, realm=realm) if exec_repr is not None: auth_repr["authenticationExecutions"] = exec_repr result['end_state'] = auth_repr else: # Process a deletion (because state was not 'present') result['changed'] = True if module._diff: result['diff'] = dict(before=auth_repr, after='') if module.check_mode: module.exit_json(**result) # delete it kc.delete_authentication_flow_by_id(id=auth_repr["id"], realm=realm) result['msg'] = 'Authentication flow: {alias} id: {id} is deleted'.format(alias=new_auth_repr['alias'], id=auth_repr["id"]) module.exit_json(**result) if __name__ == '__main__': main()