#!/usr/bin/python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Copyright (c) 2020, Florent Madiot (scodeman@scode.io) # Based on code: # Copyright (c) 2019, Markus Bergholz (markuman@gmail.com) # GNU General Public License v3.0+ (see LICENSES/GPL-3.0-or-later.txt or https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.txt) # SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function __metaclass__ = type DOCUMENTATION = r''' module: gitlab_group_variable short_description: Creates, updates, or deletes GitLab groups variables version_added: 1.2.0 description: - Creates a group variable if it does not exist. - When a group variable does exist, its value will be updated when the values are different. - Variables which are untouched in the playbook, but are not untouched in the GitLab group, they stay untouched (O(purge=false)) or will be deleted (O(purge=true)). author: - Florent Madiot (@scodeman) requirements: - python-gitlab python module extends_documentation_fragment: - community.general.auth_basic - community.general.gitlab - community.general.attributes attributes: check_mode: support: full diff_mode: support: none options: state: description: - Create or delete group variable. default: present type: str choices: ["present", "absent"] group: description: - The path and name of the group. required: true type: str purge: description: - When set to V(true), delete all variables which are not untouched in the task. default: false type: bool vars: description: - When the list element is a simple key-value pair, masked, raw and protected will be set to false. - When the list element is a dict with the keys C(value), C(masked), C(raw) and C(protected), the user can have full control about whether a value should be masked, raw, protected or both. - Support for group variables requires GitLab >= 9.5. - Support for environment_scope requires GitLab Premium >= 13.11. - Support for protected values requires GitLab >= 9.3. - Support for masked values requires GitLab >= 11.10. - Support for raw values requires GitLab >= 15.7. - A C(value) must be a string or a number. - Field C(variable_type) must be a string with either V(env_var), which is the default, or V(file). - When a value is masked, it must be in Base64 and have a length of at least 8 characters. See GitLab documentation on acceptable values for a masked variable (U(https://docs.gitlab.com/ce/ci/variables/#masked-variables)). default: {} type: dict variables: version_added: 4.5.0 description: - A list of dictionaries that represents CI/CD variables. - This modules works internal with this structure, even if the older O(vars) parameter is used. default: [] type: list elements: dict suboptions: name: description: - The name of the variable. type: str required: true value: description: - The variable value. - Required when O(state=present). type: str masked: description: - Whether variable value is masked or not. type: bool default: false protected: description: - Whether variable value is protected or not. type: bool default: false raw: description: - Whether variable value is raw or not. - Support for raw values requires GitLab >= 15.7. type: bool default: false version_added: '7.4.0' variable_type: description: - Whether a variable is an environment variable (V(env_var)) or a file (V(file)). type: str choices: [ "env_var", "file" ] default: env_var environment_scope: description: - The scope for the variable. type: str default: '*' ''' EXAMPLES = r''' - name: Set or update some CI/CD variables community.general.gitlab_group_variable: api_url: https://gitlab.com api_token: secret_access_token group: scodeman/testgroup/ purge: false variables: - name: ACCESS_KEY_ID value: abc123 - name: SECRET_ACCESS_KEY value: 3214cbad masked: true protected: true variable_type: env_var environment_scope: production - name: Set or update some CI/CD variables with raw value community.general.gitlab_group_variable: api_url: https://gitlab.com api_token: secret_access_token group: scodeman/testgroup/ purge: false vars: ACCESS_KEY_ID: abc123 SECRET_ACCESS_KEY: value: 3214cbad masked: true protected: true raw: true variable_type: env_var environment_scope: '*' - name: Set or update some CI/CD variables with expandable value community.general.gitlab_group_variable: api_url: https://gitlab.com api_token: secret_access_token group: scodeman/testgroup/ purge: false vars: ACCESS_KEY_ID: abc123 SECRET_ACCESS_KEY: value: '$MY_OTHER_VARIABLE' masked: true protected: true raw: false variable_type: env_var environment_scope: '*' - name: Delete one variable community.general.gitlab_group_variable: api_url: https://gitlab.com api_token: secret_access_token group: scodeman/testgroup/ state: absent vars: ACCESS_KEY_ID: abc123 ''' RETURN = r''' group_variable: description: Four lists of the variablenames which were added, updated, removed or exist. returned: always type: dict contains: added: description: A list of variables which were created. returned: always type: list sample: ['ACCESS_KEY_ID', 'SECRET_ACCESS_KEY'] untouched: description: A list of variables which exist. returned: always type: list sample: ['ACCESS_KEY_ID', 'SECRET_ACCESS_KEY'] removed: description: A list of variables which were deleted. returned: always type: list sample: ['ACCESS_KEY_ID', 'SECRET_ACCESS_KEY'] updated: description: A list of variables whose values were changed. returned: always type: list sample: ['ACCESS_KEY_ID', 'SECRET_ACCESS_KEY'] ''' from ansible.module_utils.basic import AnsibleModule from ansible.module_utils.api import basic_auth_argument_spec from ansible_collections.community.general.plugins.module_utils.gitlab import ( auth_argument_spec, gitlab_authentication, filter_returned_variables, vars_to_variables, list_all_kwargs ) class GitlabGroupVariables(object): def __init__(self, module, gitlab_instance): self.repo = gitlab_instance self.group = self.get_group(module.params['group']) self._module = module def get_group(self, group_name): return self.repo.groups.get(group_name) def list_all_group_variables(self): return list(self.group.variables.list(**list_all_kwargs)) def create_variable(self, var_obj): if self._module.check_mode: return True var = { "key": var_obj.get('key'), "value": var_obj.get('value'), "masked": var_obj.get('masked'), "protected": var_obj.get('protected'), "raw": var_obj.get('raw'), "variable_type": var_obj.get('variable_type'), } if var_obj.get('environment_scope') is not None: var["environment_scope"] = var_obj.get('environment_scope') self.group.variables.create(var) return True def update_variable(self, var_obj): if self._module.check_mode: return True self.delete_variable(var_obj) self.create_variable(var_obj) return True def delete_variable(self, var_obj): if self._module.check_mode: return True self.group.variables.delete(var_obj.get('key'), filter={'environment_scope': var_obj.get('environment_scope')}) return True def compare(requested_variables, existing_variables, state): # we need to do this, because it was determined in a previous version - more or less buggy # basically it is not necessary and might results in more/other bugs! # but it is required and only relevant for check mode!! # logic represents state 'present' when not purge. all other can be derived from that # untouched => equal in both # updated => name and scope are equal # added => name and scope does not exist untouched = list() updated = list() added = list() if state == 'present': existing_key_scope_vars = list() for item in existing_variables: existing_key_scope_vars.append({'key': item.get('key'), 'environment_scope': item.get('environment_scope')}) for var in requested_variables: if var in existing_variables: untouched.append(var) else: compare_item = {'key': var.get('name'), 'environment_scope': var.get('environment_scope')} if compare_item in existing_key_scope_vars: updated.append(var) else: added.append(var) return untouched, updated, added def native_python_main(this_gitlab, purge, requested_variables, state, module): change = False return_value = dict(added=list(), updated=list(), removed=list(), untouched=list()) gitlab_keys = this_gitlab.list_all_group_variables() before = [x.attributes for x in gitlab_keys] gitlab_keys = this_gitlab.list_all_group_variables() existing_variables = filter_returned_variables(gitlab_keys) for item in requested_variables: item['key'] = item.pop('name') item['value'] = str(item.get('value')) if item.get('protected') is None: item['protected'] = False if item.get('raw') is None: item['raw'] = False if item.get('masked') is None: item['masked'] = False if item.get('environment_scope') is None: item['environment_scope'] = '*' if item.get('variable_type') is None: item['variable_type'] = 'env_var' if module.check_mode: untouched, updated, added = compare(requested_variables, existing_variables, state) if state == 'present': add_or_update = [x for x in requested_variables if x not in existing_variables] for item in add_or_update: try: if this_gitlab.create_variable(item): return_value['added'].append(item) except Exception: if this_gitlab.update_variable(item): return_value['updated'].append(item) if purge: # refetch and filter gitlab_keys = this_gitlab.list_all_group_variables() existing_variables = filter_returned_variables(gitlab_keys) remove = [x for x in existing_variables if x not in requested_variables] for item in remove: if this_gitlab.delete_variable(item): return_value['removed'].append(item) elif state == 'absent': # value does not matter on removing variables. # key and environment scope are sufficient for item in existing_variables: item.pop('value') item.pop('variable_type') for item in requested_variables: item.pop('value') item.pop('variable_type') if not purge: remove_requested = [x for x in requested_variables if x in existing_variables] for item in remove_requested: if this_gitlab.delete_variable(item): return_value['removed'].append(item) else: for item in existing_variables: if this_gitlab.delete_variable(item): return_value['removed'].append(item) if module.check_mode: return_value = dict(added=added, updated=updated, removed=return_value['removed'], untouched=untouched) if len(return_value['added'] + return_value['removed'] + return_value['updated']) > 0: change = True gitlab_keys = this_gitlab.list_all_group_variables() after = [x.attributes for x in gitlab_keys] return change, return_value, before, after def main(): argument_spec = basic_auth_argument_spec() argument_spec.update(auth_argument_spec()) argument_spec.update( group=dict(type='str', required=True), purge=dict(type='bool', required=False, default=False), vars=dict(type='dict', required=False, default=dict(), no_log=True), # please mind whenever changing the variables dict to also change module_utils/gitlab.py's # KNOWN dict in filter_returned_variables or bad evil will happen variables=dict(type='list', elements='dict', required=False, default=list(), options=dict( name=dict(type='str', required=True), value=dict(type='str', no_log=True), masked=dict(type='bool', default=False), protected=dict(type='bool', default=False), raw=dict(type='bool', default=False), environment_scope=dict(type='str', default='*'), variable_type=dict(type='str', default='env_var', choices=["env_var", "file"]) )), state=dict(type='str', default="present", choices=["absent", "present"]), ) module = AnsibleModule( argument_spec=argument_spec, mutually_exclusive=[ ['api_username', 'api_token'], ['api_username', 'api_oauth_token'], ['api_username', 'api_job_token'], ['api_token', 'api_oauth_token'], ['api_token', 'api_job_token'], ['vars', 'variables'], ], required_together=[ ['api_username', 'api_password'], ], required_one_of=[ ['api_username', 'api_token', 'api_oauth_token', 'api_job_token'] ], supports_check_mode=True ) # check prerequisites and connect to gitlab server gitlab_instance = gitlab_authentication(module) purge = module.params['purge'] var_list = module.params['vars'] state = module.params['state'] if var_list: variables = vars_to_variables(var_list, module) else: variables = module.params['variables'] if state == 'present': if any(x['value'] is None for x in variables): module.fail_json(msg='value parameter is required in state present') this_gitlab = GitlabGroupVariables(module=module, gitlab_instance=gitlab_instance) changed, raw_return_value, before, after = native_python_main(this_gitlab, purge, variables, state, module) # postprocessing for item in after: item.pop('group_id') item['name'] = item.pop('key') for item in before: item.pop('group_id') item['name'] = item.pop('key') untouched_key_name = 'key' if not module.check_mode: untouched_key_name = 'name' raw_return_value['untouched'] = [x for x in before if x in after] added = [x.get('key') for x in raw_return_value['added']] updated = [x.get('key') for x in raw_return_value['updated']] removed = [x.get('key') for x in raw_return_value['removed']] untouched = [x.get(untouched_key_name) for x in raw_return_value['untouched']] return_value = dict(added=added, updated=updated, removed=removed, untouched=untouched) module.exit_json(changed=changed, group_variable=return_value) if __name__ == '__main__': main()