#!/usr/bin/python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Copyright: (c) 2021, Rainer Leber <rainerleber@gmail.com> # GNU General Public License v3.0+ (see COPYING or https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.txt) from __future__ import (absolute_import, division, print_function) __metaclass__ = type DOCUMENTATION = ''' --- module: sapcar_extract short_description: Manages SAP SAPCAR archives version_added: "3.2.0" description: - Provides support for unpacking C(sar)/C(car) files with the SAPCAR binary from SAP and pulling information back into Ansible. options: path: description: The path to the SAR/CAR file. type: path required: true dest: description: - The destination where SAPCAR extracts the SAR file. Missing folders will be created. If this parameter is not provided it will unpack in the same folder as the SAR file. type: path binary_path: description: - The path to the SAPCAR binary, for example, C(/home/dummy/sapcar) or C(https://myserver/SAPCAR). If this parameter is not provided the module will look in C(PATH). type: path signature: description: - If C(true) the signature will be extracted. default: false type: bool security_library: description: - The path to the security library, for example, C(/usr/sap/hostctrl/exe/libsapcrytp.so), for signature operations. type: path manifest: description: - The name of the manifest. default: "SIGNATURE.SMF" type: str remove: description: - If C(true) the SAR/CAR file will be removed. B(This should be used with caution!) default: false type: bool author: - Rainer Leber (@RainerLeber) notes: - Always returns C(changed=true) in C(check_mode). ''' EXAMPLES = """ - name: Extract SAR file community.general.sapcar_extract: path: "~/source/hana.sar" - name: Extract SAR file with destination community.general.sapcar_extract: path: "~/source/hana.sar" dest: "~/test/" - name: Extract SAR file with destination and download from webserver can be a fileshare as well community.general.sapcar_extract: path: "~/source/hana.sar" dest: "~/dest/" binary_path: "https://myserver/SAPCAR" - name: Extract SAR file and delete SAR after extract community.general.sapcar_extract: path: "~/source/hana.sar" remove: true - name: Extract SAR file with manifest community.general.sapcar_extract: path: "~/source/hana.sar" signature: true - name: Extract SAR file with manifest and rename it community.general.sapcar_extract: path: "~/source/hana.sar" manifest: "MyNewSignature.SMF" signature: true """ import os from tempfile import NamedTemporaryFile from ansible.module_utils.basic import AnsibleModule from ansible.module_utils.urls import open_url from ansible.module_utils.common.text.converters import to_native def get_list_of_files(dir_name): # create a list of file and directories # names in the given directory list_of_file = os.listdir(dir_name) allFiles = list() # Iterate over all the entries for entry in list_of_file: # Create full path fullPath = os.path.join(dir_name, entry) # If entry is a directory then get the list of files in this directory if os.path.isdir(fullPath): allFiles = allFiles + [fullPath] allFiles = allFiles + get_list_of_files(fullPath) else: allFiles.append(fullPath) return allFiles def download_SAPCAR(binary_path, module): bin_path = None # download sapcar binary if url is provided otherwise path is returned if binary_path is not None: if binary_path.startswith('https://') or binary_path.startswith('http://'): random_file = NamedTemporaryFile(delete=False) with open_url(binary_path) as response: with random_file as out_file: data = response.read() out_file.write(data) os.chmod(out_file.name, 0o700) bin_path = out_file.name module.add_cleanup_file(bin_path) else: bin_path = binary_path return bin_path def check_if_present(command, path, dest, signature, manifest, module): # manipuliating output from SAR file for compare with already extracted files iter_command = [command, '-tvf', path] sar_out = module.run_command(iter_command)[1] sar_raw = sar_out.split("\n")[1:] if dest[-1] != "/": dest = dest + "/" sar_files = [dest + x.split(" ")[-1] for x in sar_raw if x] # remove any SIGNATURE.SMF from list because it will not unpacked if signature is false if not signature: sar_files = [item for item in sar_files if '.SMF' not in item] # if signature is renamed manipulate files in list of sar file for compare. if manifest != "SIGNATURE.SMF": sar_files = [item for item in sar_files if '.SMF' not in item] sar_files = sar_files + [manifest] # get extracted files if present files_extracted = get_list_of_files(dest) # compare extracted files with files in sar file present = all(elem in files_extracted for elem in sar_files) return present def main(): module = AnsibleModule( argument_spec=dict( path=dict(type='path', required=True), dest=dict(type='path'), binary_path=dict(type='path'), signature=dict(type='bool', default=False), security_library=dict(type='path'), manifest=dict(type='str', default="SIGNATURE.SMF"), remove=dict(type='bool', default=False), ), supports_check_mode=True, ) rc, out, err = [0, "", ""] params = module.params check_mode = module.check_mode path = params['path'] dest = params['dest'] signature = params['signature'] security_library = params['security_library'] manifest = params['manifest'] remove = params['remove'] bin_path = download_SAPCAR(params['binary_path'], module) if dest is None: dest_head_tail = os.path.split(path) dest = dest_head_tail[0] + '/' else: if not os.path.exists(dest): os.makedirs(dest, 0o755) if bin_path is not None: command = [module.get_bin_path(bin_path, required=True)] else: try: command = [module.get_bin_path('sapcar', required=True)] except Exception as e: module.fail_json(msg='Failed to find SAPCAR at the expected path or URL "{0}". Please check whether it is available: {1}' .format(bin_path, to_native(e))) present = check_if_present(command[0], path, dest, signature, manifest, module) if not present: command.extend(['-xvf', path, '-R', dest]) if security_library: command.extend(['-L', security_library]) if signature: command.extend(['-manifest', manifest]) if not check_mode: (rc, out, err) = module.run_command(command, check_rc=True) changed = True else: changed = False out = "allready unpacked" if remove: os.remove(path) module.exit_json(changed=changed, message=rc, stdout=out, stderr=err, command=' '.join(command)) if __name__ == '__main__': main()