#!/usr/bin/python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Copyright: (c) 2017, Ansible Project # GNU General Public License v3.0+ (see COPYING or https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.txt) from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function __metaclass__ = type DOCUMENTATION = ''' --- module: proxysql_replication_hostgroups author: "Ben Mildren (@bmildren)" short_description: Manages replication hostgroups using the proxysql admin interface. description: - Each row in mysql_replication_hostgroups represent a pair of writer_hostgroup and reader_hostgroup. ProxySQL will monitor the value of read_only for all the servers in specified hostgroups, and based on the value of read_only will assign the server to the writer or reader hostgroups. options: writer_hostgroup: description: - Id of the writer hostgroup. required: True reader_hostgroup: description: - Id of the reader hostgroup. required: True comment: description: - Text field that can be used for any purposes defined by the user. state: description: - When C(present) - adds the replication hostgroup, when C(absent) - removes the replication hostgroup. choices: [ "present", "absent" ] default: present extends_documentation_fragment: - community.general.proxysql.managing_config - community.general.proxysql.connectivity ''' EXAMPLES = ''' --- # This example adds a replication hostgroup, it saves the mysql server config # to disk, but avoids loading the mysql server config to runtime (this might be # because several replication hostgroup are being added and the user wants to # push the config to runtime in a single batch using the # M(proxysql_manage_config) module). It uses supplied credentials to connect # to the proxysql admin interface. - proxysql_replication_hostgroups: login_user: 'admin' login_password: 'admin' writer_hostgroup: 1 reader_hostgroup: 2 state: present load_to_runtime: False # This example removes a replication hostgroup, saves the mysql server config # to disk, and dynamically loads the mysql server config to runtime. It uses # credentials in a supplied config file to connect to the proxysql admin # interface. - proxysql_replication_hostgroups: config_file: '~/proxysql.cnf' writer_hostgroup: 3 reader_hostgroup: 4 state: absent ''' RETURN = ''' stdout: description: The replication hostgroup modified or removed from proxysql returned: On create/update will return the newly modified group, on delete it will return the deleted record. type: dict "sample": { "changed": true, "msg": "Added server to mysql_hosts", "repl_group": { "comment": "", "reader_hostgroup": "1", "writer_hostgroup": "2" }, "state": "present" } ''' ANSIBLE_METADATA = {'metadata_version': '1.1', 'status': ['stableinterface'], 'supported_by': 'community'} from ansible.module_utils.basic import AnsibleModule from ansible_collections.community.general.plugins.module_utils.mysql import mysql_connect, mysql_driver, mysql_driver_fail_msg from ansible.module_utils._text import to_native # =========================================== # proxysql module specific support methods. # def perform_checks(module): if module.params["login_port"] < 0 \ or module.params["login_port"] > 65535: module.fail_json( msg="login_port must be a valid unix port number (0-65535)" ) if not module.params["writer_hostgroup"] >= 0: module.fail_json( msg="writer_hostgroup must be a integer greater than or equal to 0" ) if not module.params["reader_hostgroup"] == \ module.params["writer_hostgroup"]: if not module.params["reader_hostgroup"] > 0: module.fail_json( msg=("writer_hostgroup must be a integer greater than" + " or equal to 0") ) else: module.fail_json( msg="reader_hostgroup cannot equal writer_hostgroup" ) if mysql_driver is None: module.fail_json(msg=mysql_driver_fail_msg) def save_config_to_disk(cursor): cursor.execute("SAVE MYSQL SERVERS TO DISK") return True def load_config_to_runtime(cursor): cursor.execute("LOAD MYSQL SERVERS TO RUNTIME") return True class ProxySQLReplicationHostgroup(object): def __init__(self, module): self.state = module.params["state"] self.save_to_disk = module.params["save_to_disk"] self.load_to_runtime = module.params["load_to_runtime"] self.writer_hostgroup = module.params["writer_hostgroup"] self.reader_hostgroup = module.params["reader_hostgroup"] self.comment = module.params["comment"] def check_repl_group_config(self, cursor, keys): query_string = \ """SELECT count(*) AS `repl_groups` FROM mysql_replication_hostgroups WHERE writer_hostgroup = %s AND reader_hostgroup = %s""" query_data = \ [self.writer_hostgroup, self.reader_hostgroup] if self.comment and not keys: query_string += "\n AND comment = %s" query_data.append(self.comment) cursor.execute(query_string, query_data) check_count = cursor.fetchone() return (int(check_count['repl_groups']) > 0) def get_repl_group_config(self, cursor): query_string = \ """SELECT * FROM mysql_replication_hostgroups WHERE writer_hostgroup = %s AND reader_hostgroup = %s""" query_data = \ [self.writer_hostgroup, self.reader_hostgroup] cursor.execute(query_string, query_data) repl_group = cursor.fetchone() return repl_group def create_repl_group_config(self, cursor): query_string = \ """INSERT INTO mysql_replication_hostgroups ( writer_hostgroup, reader_hostgroup, comment) VALUES (%s, %s, %s)""" query_data = \ [self.writer_hostgroup, self.reader_hostgroup, self.comment or ''] cursor.execute(query_string, query_data) return True def update_repl_group_config(self, cursor): query_string = \ """UPDATE mysql_replication_hostgroups SET comment = %s WHERE writer_hostgroup = %s AND reader_hostgroup = %s""" query_data = \ [self.comment, self.writer_hostgroup, self.reader_hostgroup] cursor.execute(query_string, query_data) return True def delete_repl_group_config(self, cursor): query_string = \ """DELETE FROM mysql_replication_hostgroups WHERE writer_hostgroup = %s AND reader_hostgroup = %s""" query_data = \ [self.writer_hostgroup, self.reader_hostgroup] cursor.execute(query_string, query_data) return True def manage_config(self, cursor, state): if state: if self.save_to_disk: save_config_to_disk(cursor) if self.load_to_runtime: load_config_to_runtime(cursor) def create_repl_group(self, check_mode, result, cursor): if not check_mode: result['changed'] = \ self.create_repl_group_config(cursor) result['msg'] = "Added server to mysql_hosts" result['repl_group'] = \ self.get_repl_group_config(cursor) self.manage_config(cursor, result['changed']) else: result['changed'] = True result['msg'] = ("Repl group would have been added to" + " mysql_replication_hostgroups, however" + " check_mode is enabled.") def update_repl_group(self, check_mode, result, cursor): if not check_mode: result['changed'] = \ self.update_repl_group_config(cursor) result['msg'] = "Updated server in mysql_hosts" result['repl_group'] = \ self.get_repl_group_config(cursor) self.manage_config(cursor, result['changed']) else: result['changed'] = True result['msg'] = ("Repl group would have been updated in" + " mysql_replication_hostgroups, however" + " check_mode is enabled.") def delete_repl_group(self, check_mode, result, cursor): if not check_mode: result['repl_group'] = \ self.get_repl_group_config(cursor) result['changed'] = \ self.delete_repl_group_config(cursor) result['msg'] = "Deleted server from mysql_hosts" self.manage_config(cursor, result['changed']) else: result['changed'] = True result['msg'] = ("Repl group would have been deleted from" + " mysql_replication_hostgroups, however" + " check_mode is enabled.") # =========================================== # Module execution. # def main(): module = AnsibleModule( argument_spec=dict( login_user=dict(default=None, type='str'), login_password=dict(default=None, no_log=True, type='str'), login_host=dict(default=""), login_unix_socket=dict(default=None), login_port=dict(default=6032, type='int'), config_file=dict(default="", type='path'), writer_hostgroup=dict(required=True, type='int'), reader_hostgroup=dict(required=True, type='int'), comment=dict(type='str'), state=dict(default='present', choices=['present', 'absent']), save_to_disk=dict(default=True, type='bool'), load_to_runtime=dict(default=True, type='bool') ), supports_check_mode=True ) perform_checks(module) login_user = module.params["login_user"] login_password = module.params["login_password"] config_file = module.params["config_file"] cursor = None try: cursor, db_conn = mysql_connect(module, login_user, login_password, config_file, cursor_class='DictCursor') except mysql_driver.Error as e: module.fail_json( msg="unable to connect to ProxySQL Admin Module.. %s" % to_native(e) ) proxysql_repl_group = ProxySQLReplicationHostgroup(module) result = {} result['state'] = proxysql_repl_group.state if proxysql_repl_group.state == "present": try: if not proxysql_repl_group.check_repl_group_config(cursor, keys=True): proxysql_repl_group.create_repl_group(module.check_mode, result, cursor) else: if not proxysql_repl_group.check_repl_group_config(cursor, keys=False): proxysql_repl_group.update_repl_group(module.check_mode, result, cursor) else: result['changed'] = False result['msg'] = ("The repl group already exists in" + " mysql_replication_hostgroups and" + " doesn't need to be updated.") result['repl_group'] = \ proxysql_repl_group.get_repl_group_config(cursor) except mysql_driver.Error as e: module.fail_json( msg="unable to modify replication hostgroup.. %s" % to_native(e) ) elif proxysql_repl_group.state == "absent": try: if proxysql_repl_group.check_repl_group_config(cursor, keys=True): proxysql_repl_group.delete_repl_group(module.check_mode, result, cursor) else: result['changed'] = False result['msg'] = ("The repl group is already absent from the" + " mysql_replication_hostgroups memory" + " configuration") except mysql_driver.Error as e: module.fail_json( msg="unable to delete replication hostgroup.. %s" % to_native(e) ) module.exit_json(**result) if __name__ == '__main__': main()