# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Copyright: (c) 2019 Gregory Thiemonge <gregory.thiemonge@gmail.com> # Simplified BSD License (see licenses/simplified_bsd.txt or https://opensource.org/licenses/BSD-2-Clause) from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function __metaclass__ = type import json from ansible.module_utils.common.text.converters import to_native, to_text from ansible.module_utils.urls import fetch_url class GandiLiveDNSAPI(object): api_endpoint = 'https://api.gandi.net/v5/livedns' changed = False error_strings = { 400: 'Bad request', 401: 'Permission denied', 404: 'Resource not found', } attribute_map = { 'record': 'rrset_name', 'type': 'rrset_type', 'ttl': 'rrset_ttl', 'values': 'rrset_values' } def __init__(self, module): self.module = module self.api_key = module.params['api_key'] def _build_error_message(self, module, info): s = '' body = info.get('body') if body: errors = module.from_json(body).get('errors') if errors: error = errors[0] name = error.get('name') if name: s += '{0} :'.format(name) description = error.get('description') if description: s += description return s def _gandi_api_call(self, api_call, method='GET', payload=None, error_on_404=True): headers = {'Authorization': 'Apikey {0}'.format(self.api_key), 'Content-Type': 'application/json'} data = None if payload: try: data = json.dumps(payload) except Exception as e: self.module.fail_json(msg="Failed to encode payload as JSON: %s " % to_native(e)) resp, info = fetch_url(self.module, self.api_endpoint + api_call, headers=headers, data=data, method=method) error_msg = '' if info['status'] >= 400 and (info['status'] != 404 or error_on_404): err_s = self.error_strings.get(info['status'], '') error_msg = "API Error {0}: {1}".format(err_s, self._build_error_message(self.module, info)) result = None try: content = resp.read() except AttributeError: content = None if content: try: result = json.loads(to_text(content, errors='surrogate_or_strict')) except (getattr(json, 'JSONDecodeError', ValueError)) as e: error_msg += "; Failed to parse API response with error {0}: {1}".format(to_native(e), content) if error_msg: self.module.fail_json(msg=error_msg) return result, info['status'] def build_result(self, result, domain): if result is None: return None res = {} for k in self.attribute_map: v = result.get(self.attribute_map[k], None) if v is not None: if k == 'record' and v == '@': v = '' res[k] = v res['domain'] = domain return res def build_results(self, results, domain): if results is None: return [] return [self.build_result(r, domain) for r in results] def get_records(self, record, type, domain): url = '/domains/%s/records' % (domain) if record: url += '/%s' % (record) if type: url += '/%s' % (type) records, status = self._gandi_api_call(url, error_on_404=False) if status == 404: return [] if not isinstance(records, list): records = [records] # filter by type if record is not set if not record and type: records = [r for r in records if r['rrset_type'] == type] return records def create_record(self, record, type, values, ttl, domain): url = '/domains/%s/records' % (domain) new_record = { 'rrset_name': record, 'rrset_type': type, 'rrset_values': values, 'rrset_ttl': ttl, } record, status = self._gandi_api_call(url, method='POST', payload=new_record) if status in (200, 201,): return new_record return None def update_record(self, record, type, values, ttl, domain): url = '/domains/%s/records/%s/%s' % (domain, record, type) new_record = { 'rrset_values': values, 'rrset_ttl': ttl, } record = self._gandi_api_call(url, method='PUT', payload=new_record)[0] return record def delete_record(self, record, type, domain): url = '/domains/%s/records/%s/%s' % (domain, record, type) self._gandi_api_call(url, method='DELETE') def delete_dns_record(self, record, type, values, domain): if record == '': record = '@' records = self.get_records(record, type, domain) if records: cur_record = records[0] self.changed = True if values is not None and set(cur_record['rrset_values']) != set(values): new_values = set(cur_record['rrset_values']) - set(values) if new_values: # Removing one or more values from a record, we update the record with the remaining values self.update_record(record, type, list(new_values), cur_record['rrset_ttl'], domain) records = self.get_records(record, type, domain) return records[0], self.changed if not self.module.check_mode: self.delete_record(record, type, domain) else: cur_record = None return None, self.changed def ensure_dns_record(self, record, type, ttl, values, domain): if record == '': record = '@' records = self.get_records(record, type, domain) if records: cur_record = records[0] do_update = False if ttl is not None and cur_record['rrset_ttl'] != ttl: do_update = True if values is not None and set(cur_record['rrset_values']) != set(values): do_update = True if do_update: if self.module.check_mode: result = dict( rrset_type=type, rrset_name=record, rrset_values=values, rrset_ttl=ttl ) else: self.update_record(record, type, values, ttl, domain) records = self.get_records(record, type, domain) result = records[0] self.changed = True return result, self.changed else: return cur_record, self.changed if self.module.check_mode: new_record = dict( rrset_type=type, rrset_name=record, rrset_values=values, rrset_ttl=ttl ) result = new_record else: result = self.create_record(record, type, values, ttl, domain) self.changed = True return result, self.changed