# Copyright (c) 2018 Fortinet and/or its affiliates. # # This file is part of Ansible # # Ansible is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # Ansible is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with Ansible. If not, see . # from __future__ import (absolute_import, division, print_function) __metaclass__ = type DOCUMENTATION = ''' --- author: - Luke Weighall (@lweighall) - Andrew Welsh (@Ghilli3) - Jim Huber (@p4r4n0y1ng) httpapi : fortianalyzer short_description: HttpApi Plugin for Fortinet FortiAnalyzer Appliance or VM. description: - This HttpApi plugin provides methods to connect to Fortinet FortiAnalyzer Appliance or VM via JSON RPC API. ''' import json from ansible.plugins.httpapi import HttpApiBase from ansible.module_utils.basic import to_text from ansible_collections.community.general.plugins.module_utils.network.fortianalyzer.common import BASE_HEADERS from ansible_collections.community.general.plugins.module_utils.network.fortianalyzer.common import FAZBaseException from ansible_collections.community.general.plugins.module_utils.network.fortianalyzer.common import FAZCommon from ansible_collections.community.general.plugins.module_utils.network.fortianalyzer.common import FAZMethods class HttpApi(HttpApiBase): def __init__(self, connection): super(HttpApi, self).__init__(connection) self._req_id = 0 self._sid = None self._url = "/jsonrpc" self._host = None self._tools = FAZCommon self._debug = False self._connected_faz = None self._last_response_msg = None self._last_response_code = None self._last_data_payload = None self._last_url = None self._last_response_raw = None self._locked_adom_list = list() self._locked_adoms_by_user = list() self._uses_workspace = False self._uses_adoms = False self._adom_list = list() self._logged_in_user = None def set_become(self, become_context): """ ELEVATION IS NOT REQUIRED ON FORTINET DEVICES - SKIPPED :param become_context: Unused input. :return: None """ return None def update_auth(self, response, response_data): """ TOKENS ARE NOT USED SO NO NEED TO UPDATE AUTH :param response: Unused input. :param response_data Unused_input. :return: None """ return None def login(self, username, password): """ This function will log the plugin into FortiAnalyzer, and return the results. :param username: Username of FortiAnalyzer Admin :param password: Password of FortiAnalyzer Admin :return: Dictionary of status if it logged in or not. """ self._logged_in_user = username self.send_request(FAZMethods.EXEC, self._tools.format_request(FAZMethods.EXEC, "sys/login/user", passwd=password, user=username,)) if "FortiAnalyzer object connected to FortiAnalyzer" in self.__str__(): # If Login worked then inspect the FortiAnalyzer for Workspace Mode, and it's system information. self.inspect_faz() return else: raise FAZBaseException(msg="Unknown error while logging in...connection was lost during login operation..." " Exiting") def inspect_faz(self): # CHECK FOR WORKSPACE MODE TO SEE IF WE HAVE TO ENABLE ADOM LOCKS status = self.get_system_status() if status[0] == -11: # THE CONNECTION GOT LOST SOMEHOW, REMOVE THE SID AND REPORT BAD LOGIN self.logout() raise FAZBaseException(msg="Error -11 -- the Session ID was likely malformed somehow. Contact authors." " Exiting") elif status[0] == 0: try: self.check_mode() if self._uses_adoms: self.get_adom_list() if self._uses_workspace: self.get_locked_adom_list() self._connected_faz = status[1] self._host = self._connected_faz["Hostname"] except Exception: pass return def logout(self): """ This function will logout of the FortiAnalyzer. """ if self.sid is not None: # IF WE WERE USING WORKSPACES, THEN CLEAN UP OUR LOCKS IF THEY STILL EXIST if self.uses_workspace: self.get_lock_info() self.run_unlock() ret_code, response = self.send_request(FAZMethods.EXEC, self._tools.format_request(FAZMethods.EXEC, "sys/logout")) self.sid = None return ret_code, response def send_request(self, method, params): """ Responsible for actual sending of data to the connection httpapi base plugin. Does some formatting as well. :param params: A formatted dictionary that was returned by self.common_datagram_params() before being called here. :param method: The preferred API Request method (GET, ADD, POST, etc....) :type method: basestring :return: Dictionary of status if it logged in or not. """ try: if self.sid is None and params[0]["url"] != "sys/login/user": try: self.connection._connect() except Exception as err: raise FAZBaseException( msg="An problem happened with the httpapi plugin self-init connection process. " "Error: " + to_text(err)) except IndexError: raise FAZBaseException("An attempt was made at communicating with a FAZ with " "no valid session and an incorrectly formatted request.") except Exception: raise FAZBaseException("An attempt was made at communicating with a FAZ with " "no valid session and an unexpected error was discovered.") self._update_request_id() json_request = { "method": method, "params": params, "session": self.sid, "id": self.req_id, "verbose": 1 } data = json.dumps(json_request, ensure_ascii=False).replace('\\\\', '\\') try: # Sending URL and Data in Unicode, per Ansible Specifications for Connection Plugins response, response_data = self.connection.send(path=to_text(self._url), data=to_text(data), headers=BASE_HEADERS) # Get Unicode Response - Must convert from StringIO to unicode first so we can do a replace function below result = json.loads(to_text(response_data.getvalue())) self._update_self_from_response(result, self._url, data) return self._handle_response(result) except Exception as err: raise FAZBaseException(err) def _handle_response(self, response): self._set_sid(response) if isinstance(response["result"], list): result = response["result"][0] else: result = response["result"] if "data" in result: return result["status"]["code"], result["data"] else: return result["status"]["code"], result def _update_self_from_response(self, response, url, data): self._last_response_raw = response if isinstance(response["result"], list): result = response["result"][0] else: result = response["result"] if "status" in result: self._last_response_code = result["status"]["code"] self._last_response_msg = result["status"]["message"] self._last_url = url self._last_data_payload = data def _set_sid(self, response): if self.sid is None and "session" in response: self.sid = response["session"] def return_connected_faz(self): """ Returns the data stored under self._connected_faz :return: dict """ try: if self._connected_faz: return self._connected_faz except Exception: raise FAZBaseException("Couldn't Retrieve Connected FAZ Stats") def get_system_status(self): """ Returns the system status page from the FortiAnalyzer, for logging and other uses. return: status """ status = self.send_request(FAZMethods.GET, self._tools.format_request(FAZMethods.GET, "sys/status")) return status @property def debug(self): return self._debug @debug.setter def debug(self, val): self._debug = val @property def req_id(self): return self._req_id @req_id.setter def req_id(self, val): self._req_id = val def _update_request_id(self, reqid=0): self.req_id = reqid if reqid != 0 else self.req_id + 1 @property def sid(self): return self._sid @sid.setter def sid(self, val): self._sid = val def __str__(self): if self.sid is not None and self.connection._url is not None: return "FortiAnalyzer object connected to FortiAnalyzer: " + to_text(self.connection._url) return "FortiAnalyzer object with no valid connection to a FortiAnalyzer appliance." ################################## # BEGIN DATABASE LOCK CONTEXT CODE ################################## @property def uses_workspace(self): return self._uses_workspace @uses_workspace.setter def uses_workspace(self, val): self._uses_workspace = val @property def uses_adoms(self): return self._uses_adoms @uses_adoms.setter def uses_adoms(self, val): self._uses_adoms = val def add_adom_to_lock_list(self, adom): if adom not in self._locked_adom_list: self._locked_adom_list.append(adom) def remove_adom_from_lock_list(self, adom): if adom in self._locked_adom_list: self._locked_adom_list.remove(adom) def check_mode(self): """ Checks FortiAnalyzer for the use of Workspace mode """ url = "/cli/global/system/global" code, resp_obj = self.send_request(FAZMethods.GET, self._tools.format_request(FAZMethods.GET, url, fields=["workspace-mode", "adom-status"])) try: if resp_obj["workspace-mode"] == "workflow": self.uses_workspace = True elif resp_obj["workspace-mode"] == "disabled": self.uses_workspace = False except KeyError: self.uses_workspace = False except Exception: raise FAZBaseException(msg="Couldn't determine workspace-mode in the plugin") try: if resp_obj["adom-status"] in [1, "enable"]: self.uses_adoms = True else: self.uses_adoms = False except KeyError: self.uses_adoms = False except Exception: raise FAZBaseException(msg="Couldn't determine adom-status in the plugin") def run_unlock(self): """ Checks for ADOM status, if locked, it will unlock """ for adom_locked in self._locked_adoms_by_user: adom = adom_locked["adom"] self.unlock_adom(adom) def lock_adom(self, adom=None, *args, **kwargs): """ Locks an ADOM for changes """ if adom: if adom.lower() == "global": url = "/dvmdb/global/workspace/lock/" else: url = "/dvmdb/adom/{adom}/workspace/lock/".format(adom=adom) else: url = "/dvmdb/adom/root/workspace/lock" code, respobj = self.send_request(FAZMethods.EXEC, self._tools.format_request(FAZMethods.EXEC, url)) if code == 0 and respobj["status"]["message"].lower() == "ok": self.add_adom_to_lock_list(adom) return code, respobj def unlock_adom(self, adom=None, *args, **kwargs): """ Unlocks an ADOM after changes """ if adom: if adom.lower() == "global": url = "/dvmdb/global/workspace/unlock/" else: url = "/dvmdb/adom/{adom}/workspace/unlock/".format(adom=adom) else: url = "/dvmdb/adom/root/workspace/unlock" code, respobj = self.send_request(FAZMethods.EXEC, self._tools.format_request(FAZMethods.EXEC, url)) if code == 0 and respobj["status"]["message"].lower() == "ok": self.remove_adom_from_lock_list(adom) return code, respobj def commit_changes(self, adom=None, aux=False, *args, **kwargs): """ Commits changes to an ADOM """ if adom: if aux: url = "/pm/config/adom/{adom}/workspace/commit".format(adom=adom) else: if adom.lower() == "global": url = "/dvmdb/global/workspace/commit/" else: url = "/dvmdb/adom/{adom}/workspace/commit".format(adom=adom) else: url = "/dvmdb/adom/root/workspace/commit" return self.send_request(FAZMethods.EXEC, self._tools.format_request(FAZMethods.EXEC, url)) def get_lock_info(self, adom=None): """ Gets ADOM lock info so it can be displayed with the error messages. Or if determined to be locked by ansible for some reason, then unlock it. """ if not adom or adom == "root": url = "/dvmdb/adom/root/workspace/lockinfo" else: if adom.lower() == "global": url = "/dvmdb/global/workspace/lockinfo/" else: url = "/dvmdb/adom/{adom}/workspace/lockinfo/".format(adom=adom) datagram = {} data = self._tools.format_request(FAZMethods.GET, url, **datagram) resp_obj = self.send_request(FAZMethods.GET, data) code = resp_obj[0] if code != 0: self._module.fail_json(msg=("An error occurred trying to get the ADOM Lock Info. Error: " + to_text(resp_obj))) elif code == 0: try: if resp_obj[1]["status"]["message"] == "OK": self._lock_info = None except Exception: self._lock_info = resp_obj[1] return resp_obj def get_adom_list(self): """ Gets the list of ADOMs for the FortiAnalyzer """ if self.uses_adoms: url = "/dvmdb/adom" datagram = {} data = self._tools.format_request(FAZMethods.GET, url, **datagram) resp_obj = self.send_request(FAZMethods.GET, data) code = resp_obj[0] if code != 0: self._module.fail_json(msg=("An error occurred trying to get the ADOM Info. Error: " + to_text(resp_obj))) elif code == 0: num_of_adoms = len(resp_obj[1]) append_list = ['root', ] for adom in resp_obj[1]: if adom["tab_status"] != "": append_list.append(to_text(adom["name"])) self._adom_list = append_list return resp_obj def get_locked_adom_list(self): """ Gets the list of locked adoms """ try: locked_list = list() locked_by_user_list = list() for adom in self._adom_list: adom_lock_info = self.get_lock_info(adom=adom) try: if adom_lock_info[1]["status"]["message"] == "OK": continue except Exception: pass try: if adom_lock_info[1][0]["lock_user"]: locked_list.append(to_text(adom)) if adom_lock_info[1][0]["lock_user"] == self._logged_in_user: locked_by_user_list.append({"adom": to_text(adom), "user": to_text(adom_lock_info[1][0]["lock_user"])}) except Exception as err: raise FAZBaseException(err) self._locked_adom_list = locked_list self._locked_adoms_by_user = locked_by_user_list except Exception as err: raise FAZBaseException(msg=("An error occurred while trying to get the locked adom list. Error: " + to_text(err))) ################################# # END DATABASE LOCK CONTEXT CODE #################################