# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

# Copyright 2016 Dino Occhialini <dino.occhialini@gmail.com>
# GNU General Public License v3.0+ (see COPYING or https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.txt)

from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function
__metaclass__ = type

module: xbps
short_description: Manage packages with XBPS
    - Manage packages with the XBPS package manager.
    - "Dino Occhialini (@dinoocch)"
    - "Michael Aldridge (@the-maldridge)"
            - Name of the package to install, upgrade, or remove.
        aliases: [pkg,package]
        type: list
        elements: str
            - Desired state of the package.
        default: "present"
        choices: ["present", "absent", "latest", "installed", "removed"]
        type: str
            - When removing a package, also remove its dependencies, provided
              that they are not required by other packages and were not
              explicitly installed by a user.
        type: bool
        default: no
            - Whether or not to refresh the master package lists. This can be
              run as part of a package installation or as a separate step.
            - Alias C(update-cache) has been deprecated and will be removed in community.general 5.0.0.
        aliases: ['update-cache']
        type: bool
        default: yes
            - Whether or not to upgrade whole system
        type: bool
        default: no
            - Whether or not to upgrade the xbps package when necessary.
              Before installing new packages,
              xbps requires the user to update the xbps package itself.
              Thus when this option is set to C(no),
              upgrades and installations will fail when xbps is not up to date.
        type: bool
        default: yes
        version_added: '0.2.0'
            - This option doesn't have any effect and is deprecated, it will be
              removed in 3.0.0.
        type: bool
        default: no

- name: Install package foo (automatically updating the xbps package if needed)
  community.general.xbps: name=foo state=present

- name: Upgrade package foo
  community.general.xbps: name=foo state=latest update_cache=yes

- name: Remove packages foo and bar
  community.general.xbps: name=foo,bar state=absent

- name: Recursively remove package foo
  community.general.xbps: name=foo state=absent recurse=yes

- name: Update package cache
  community.general.xbps: update_cache=yes

- name: Upgrade packages
  community.general.xbps: upgrade=yes

- name: Install a package, failing if the xbps package is out of date
    name: foo
    state: present
    upgrade_xbps: no

RETURN = '''
    description: Message about results
    returned: success
    type: str
    sample: "System Upgraded"
    description: Packages that are affected/would be affected
    type: list
    sample: ["ansible"]
    returned: success

import os

from ansible.module_utils.basic import AnsibleModule

def is_installed(xbps_output):
    """Returns package install state"""
    return bool(len(xbps_output))

def query_package(module, xbps_path, name, state="present"):
    """Returns Package info"""
    if state == "present":
        lcmd = "%s %s" % (xbps_path['query'], name)
        lrc, lstdout, lstderr = module.run_command(lcmd, check_rc=False)
        if not is_installed(lstdout):
            # package is not installed locally
            return False, False

        rcmd = "%s -Sun" % (xbps_path['install'])
        rrc, rstdout, rstderr = module.run_command(rcmd, check_rc=False)
        if rrc == 0 or rrc == 17:
            """Return True to indicate that the package is installed locally,
            and the result of the version number comparison to determine if the
            package is up-to-date"""
            return True, name not in rstdout

        return False, False

def update_package_db(module, xbps_path):
    """Returns True if update_package_db changed"""
    cmd = "%s -S" % (xbps_path['install'])
    rc, stdout, stderr = module.run_command(cmd, check_rc=False)

    if rc != 0:
        module.fail_json(msg="Could not update package db")
    if "avg rate" in stdout:
        return True
        return False

def upgrade_xbps(module, xbps_path, exit_on_success=False):
    cmdupgradexbps = "%s -uy xbps" % (xbps_path['install'])
    rc, stdout, stderr = module.run_command(cmdupgradexbps, check_rc=False)
    if rc != 0:
        module.fail_json(msg='Could not upgrade xbps itself')

def upgrade(module, xbps_path):
    """Returns true is full upgrade succeeds"""
    cmdupgrade = "%s -uy" % (xbps_path['install'])
    cmdneedupgrade = "%s -un" % (xbps_path['install'])

    rc, stdout, stderr = module.run_command(cmdneedupgrade, check_rc=False)
    if rc == 0:
        if(len(stdout.splitlines()) == 0):
            module.exit_json(changed=False, msg='Nothing to upgrade')
        elif module.check_mode:
            module.exit_json(changed=True, msg='Would have performed upgrade')
            rc, stdout, stderr = module.run_command(cmdupgrade, check_rc=False)
            if rc == 0:
                module.exit_json(changed=True, msg='System upgraded')
            elif rc == 16 and module.params['upgrade_xbps']:
                upgrade_xbps(module, xbps_path)
                # avoid loops by not trying self-upgrade again
                module.params['upgrade_xbps'] = False
                upgrade(module, xbps_path)
                module.fail_json(msg="Could not upgrade")
        module.fail_json(msg="Could not upgrade")

def remove_packages(module, xbps_path, packages):
    """Returns true if package removal succeeds"""
    changed_packages = []
    # Using a for loop in case of error, we can report the package that failed
    for package in packages:
        # Query the package first, to see if we even need to remove
        installed, updated = query_package(module, xbps_path, package)
        if not installed:

        cmd = "%s -y %s" % (xbps_path['remove'], package)
        rc, stdout, stderr = module.run_command(cmd, check_rc=False)

        if rc != 0:
            module.fail_json(msg="failed to remove %s" % (package))


    if len(changed_packages) > 0:

        module.exit_json(changed=True, msg="removed %s package(s)" %
                         len(changed_packages), packages=changed_packages)

    module.exit_json(changed=False, msg="package(s) already absent")

def install_packages(module, xbps_path, state, packages):
    """Returns true if package install succeeds."""
    toInstall = []
    for i, package in enumerate(packages):
        """If the package is installed and state == present or state == latest
        and is up-to-date then skip"""
        installed, updated = query_package(module, xbps_path, package)
        if installed and (state == 'present' or
                          (state == 'latest' and updated)):


    if len(toInstall) == 0:
        module.exit_json(changed=False, msg="Nothing to Install")

    cmd = "%s -y %s" % (xbps_path['install'], " ".join(toInstall))
    rc, stdout, stderr = module.run_command(cmd, check_rc=False)

    if rc == 16 and module.params['upgrade_xbps']:
        upgrade_xbps(module, xbps_path)
        # avoid loops by not trying self-update again
        module.params['upgrade_xbps'] = False
        install_packages(module, xbps_path, state, packages)
    elif rc != 0 and not (state == 'latest' and rc == 17):
        module.fail_json(msg="failed to install %s" % (package))

    module.exit_json(changed=True, msg="installed %s package(s)"
                     % (len(toInstall)),

def check_packages(module, xbps_path, packages, state):
    """Returns change status of command"""
    would_be_changed = []
    for package in packages:
        installed, updated = query_package(module, xbps_path, package)
        if ((state in ["present", "latest"] and not installed) or
                (state == "absent" and installed) or
                (state == "latest" and not updated)):
    if would_be_changed:
        if state == "absent":
            state = "removed"
        module.exit_json(changed=True, msg="%s package(s) would be %s" % (
            len(would_be_changed), state),
        module.exit_json(changed=False, msg="package(s) already %s" % state,

def update_cache(module, xbps_path, upgrade_planned):
    """Update package cache"""
    if module.check_mode:
        if upgrade_planned:
            changed=True, msg='Would have updated the package cache'
    changed = update_package_db(module, xbps_path)
    if not upgrade_planned:
        module.exit_json(changed=changed, msg=(
            'Updated the package master lists' if changed
            else 'Package list already up to date'

def main():
    """Returns, calling appropriate command"""

    module = AnsibleModule(
            name=dict(default=None, aliases=['pkg', 'package'], type='list', elements='str'),
            state=dict(default='present', choices=['present', 'installed',
                                                   'latest', 'absent',
            recurse=dict(default=False, type='bool'),
            force=dict(default=False, type='bool', removed_in_version='3.0.0', removed_from_collection='community.general'),
            upgrade=dict(default=False, type='bool'),
                default=True, aliases=['update-cache'], type='bool',
                deprecated_aliases=[dict(name='update-cache', version='5.0.0', collection_name='community.general')]),
            upgrade_xbps=dict(default=True, type='bool')
        required_one_of=[['name', 'update_cache', 'upgrade']],

    xbps_path = dict()
    xbps_path['install'] = module.get_bin_path('xbps-install', True)
    xbps_path['query'] = module.get_bin_path('xbps-query', True)
    xbps_path['remove'] = module.get_bin_path('xbps-remove', True)

    if not os.path.exists(xbps_path['install']):
        module.fail_json(msg="cannot find xbps, in path %s"
                         % (xbps_path['install']))

    p = module.params

    # normalize the state parameter
    if p['state'] in ['present', 'installed']:
        p['state'] = 'present'
    elif p['state'] in ['absent', 'removed']:
        p['state'] = 'absent'

    if p['update_cache']:
        update_cache(module, xbps_path, (p['name'] or p['upgrade']))

    if p['upgrade']:
        upgrade(module, xbps_path)

    if p['name']:
        pkgs = p['name']

        if module.check_mode:
            check_packages(module, xbps_path, pkgs, p['state'])

        if p['state'] in ['present', 'latest']:
            install_packages(module, xbps_path, p['state'], pkgs)
        elif p['state'] == 'absent':
            remove_packages(module, xbps_path, pkgs)

if __name__ == "__main__":