#!/usr/bin/python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Copyright (c) 2017 Citrix Systems # GNU General Public License v3.0+ (see COPYING or https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.txt) from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function __metaclass__ = type ANSIBLE_METADATA = {'metadata_version': '1.1', 'status': ['preview'], 'supported_by': 'community'} DOCUMENTATION = ''' --- module: netscaler_server short_description: Manage server configuration description: - Manage server entities configuration. - This module is intended to run either on the ansible control node or a bastion (jumpserver) with access to the actual netscaler instance. author: George Nikolopoulos (@giorgos-nikolopoulos) options: name: description: - "Name for the server." - >- Must begin with an ASCII alphabetic or underscore C(_) character, and must contain only ASCII alphanumeric, underscore C(_), hash C(#), period C(.), space C( ), colon C(:), at C(@), equals C(=), and hyphen C(-) characters. - "Can be changed after the name is created." - "Minimum length = 1" ipaddress: description: - >- IPv4 or IPv6 address of the server. If you create an IP address based server, you can specify the name of the server, instead of its IP address, when creating a service. Note: If you do not create a server entry, the server IP address that you enter when you create a service becomes the name of the server. domain: description: - "Domain name of the server. For a domain based configuration, you must create the server first." - "Minimum length = 1" translationip: description: - "IP address used to transform the server's DNS-resolved IP address." translationmask: description: - "The netmask of the translation ip." domainresolveretry: description: - >- Time, in seconds, for which the NetScaler appliance must wait, after DNS resolution fails, before sending the next DNS query to resolve the domain name. - "Minimum value = C(5)" - "Maximum value = C(20939)" default: 5 ipv6address: description: - >- Support IPv6 addressing mode. If you configure a server with the IPv6 addressing mode, you cannot use the server in the IPv4 addressing mode. default: false type: bool comment: description: - "Any information about the server." td: description: - >- Integer value that uniquely identifies the traffic domain in which you want to configure the entity. If you do not specify an ID, the entity becomes part of the default traffic domain, which has an ID of 0. - "Minimum value = C(0)" - "Maximum value = C(4094)" graceful: description: - >- Shut down gracefully, without accepting any new connections, and disabling each service when all of its connections are closed. - This option is meaningful only when setting the I(disabled) option to C(true) type: bool delay: description: - Time, in seconds, after which all the services configured on the server are disabled. - This option is meaningful only when setting the I(disabled) option to C(true) disabled: description: - When set to C(true) the server state will be set to C(disabled). - When set to C(false) the server state will be set to C(enabled). - >- Note that due to limitations of the underlying NITRO API a C(disabled) state change alone does not cause the module result to report a changed status. type: bool default: false extends_documentation_fragment: - community.general.netscaler requirements: - nitro python sdk ''' EXAMPLES = ''' - name: Setup server delegate_to: localhost netscaler_server: nsip: nitro_user: nsroot nitro_pass: nsroot state: present name: server-1 ipaddress: ''' RETURN = ''' loglines: description: list of logged messages by the module returned: always type: list sample: ['message 1', 'message 2'] msg: description: Message detailing the failure reason returned: failure type: str sample: "Action does not exist" diff: description: List of differences between the actual configured object and the configuration specified in the module returned: failure type: dict sample: { 'targetlbvserver': 'difference. ours: (str) server1 other: (str) server2' } ''' try: from nssrc.com.citrix.netscaler.nitro.resource.config.basic.server import server from nssrc.com.citrix.netscaler.nitro.exception.nitro_exception import nitro_exception PYTHON_SDK_IMPORTED = True except ImportError as e: PYTHON_SDK_IMPORTED = False from ansible.module_utils.basic import AnsibleModule from ansible_collections.community.general.plugins.module_utils.network.netscaler.netscaler import ConfigProxy, get_nitro_client, netscaler_common_arguments, log, loglines, \ get_immutables_intersection def server_exists(client, module): log('Checking if server exists') if server.count_filtered(client, 'name:%s' % module.params['name']) > 0: return True else: return False def server_identical(client, module, server_proxy): log('Checking if configured server is identical') if server.count_filtered(client, 'name:%s' % module.params['name']) == 0: return False diff = diff_list(client, module, server_proxy) # Remove options that are not present in nitro server object # These are special options relevant to the disabled action for option in ['graceful', 'delay']: if option in diff: del diff[option] if diff == {}: return True else: return False def diff_list(client, module, server_proxy): ret_val = server_proxy.diff_object(server.get_filtered(client, 'name:%s' % module.params['name'])[0]), return ret_val[0] def do_state_change(client, module, server_proxy): if module.params['disabled']: log('Disabling server') result = server.disable(client, server_proxy.actual) else: log('Enabling server') result = server.enable(client, server_proxy.actual) return result def main(): module_specific_arguments = dict( name=dict(type='str'), ipaddress=dict(type='str'), domain=dict(type='str'), translationip=dict(type='str'), translationmask=dict(type='str'), domainresolveretry=dict(type='int'), ipv6address=dict( type='bool', default=False ), comment=dict(type='str'), td=dict(type='float'), graceful=dict(type='bool'), delay=dict(type='float') ) hand_inserted_arguments = dict( disabled=dict( type='bool', default=False, ), ) argument_spec = dict() argument_spec.update(netscaler_common_arguments) argument_spec.update(module_specific_arguments) argument_spec.update(hand_inserted_arguments) module = AnsibleModule( argument_spec=argument_spec, supports_check_mode=True, ) module_result = dict( changed=False, failed=False, loglines=loglines, ) # Fail the module if imports failed if not PYTHON_SDK_IMPORTED: module.fail_json(msg='Could not load nitro python sdk') # Fallthrough to rest of execution client = get_nitro_client(module) try: client.login() except nitro_exception as e: msg = "nitro exception during login. errorcode=%s, message=%s" % (str(e.errorcode), e.message) module.fail_json(msg=msg) except Exception as e: if str(type(e)) == "": module.fail_json(msg='Connection error %s' % str(e)) elif str(type(e)) == "": module.fail_json(msg='SSL Error %s' % str(e)) else: module.fail_json(msg='Unexpected error during login %s' % str(e)) # Instantiate Server Config object readwrite_attrs = [ 'name', 'ipaddress', 'domain', 'translationip', 'translationmask', 'domainresolveretry', 'ipv6address', 'graceful', 'delay', 'comment', 'td', ] readonly_attrs = [ 'statechangetimesec', 'tickssincelaststatechange', 'autoscale', 'customserverid', 'monthreshold', 'maxclient', 'maxreq', 'maxbandwidth', 'usip', 'cka', 'tcpb', 'cmp', 'clttimeout', 'svrtimeout', 'cipheader', 'cip', 'cacheable', 'sc', 'sp', 'downstateflush', 'appflowlog', 'boundtd', '__count', ] immutable_attrs = [ 'name', 'domain', 'ipv6address', 'td', ] transforms = { 'graceful': ['bool_yes_no'], 'ipv6address': ['bool_yes_no'], } server_proxy = ConfigProxy( actual=server(), client=client, attribute_values_dict=module.params, readwrite_attrs=readwrite_attrs, readonly_attrs=readonly_attrs, immutable_attrs=immutable_attrs, transforms=transforms, ) try: # Apply appropriate state if module.params['state'] == 'present': log('Applying actions for state present') if not server_exists(client, module): if not module.check_mode: server_proxy.add() if module.params['save_config']: client.save_config() module_result['changed'] = True elif not server_identical(client, module, server_proxy): # Check if we try to change value of immutable attributes immutables_changed = get_immutables_intersection(server_proxy, diff_list(client, module, server_proxy).keys()) if immutables_changed != []: msg = 'Cannot update immutable attributes %s' % (immutables_changed,) module.fail_json(msg=msg, diff=diff_list(client, module, server_proxy), **module_result) if not module.check_mode: server_proxy.update() if module.params['save_config']: client.save_config() module_result['changed'] = True else: module_result['changed'] = False if not module.check_mode: res = do_state_change(client, module, server_proxy) if res.errorcode != 0: msg = 'Error when setting disabled state. errorcode: %s message: %s' % (res.errorcode, res.message) module.fail_json(msg=msg, **module_result) # Sanity check for result log('Sanity checks for state present') if not module.check_mode: if not server_exists(client, module): module.fail_json(msg='Server does not seem to exist', **module_result) if not server_identical(client, module, server_proxy): module.fail_json( msg='Server is not configured according to parameters given', diff=diff_list(client, module, server_proxy), **module_result ) elif module.params['state'] == 'absent': log('Applying actions for state absent') if server_exists(client, module): if not module.check_mode: server_proxy.delete() if module.params['save_config']: client.save_config() module_result['changed'] = True else: module_result['changed'] = False # Sanity check for result log('Sanity checks for state absent') if not module.check_mode: if server_exists(client, module): module.fail_json(msg='Server seems to be present', **module_result) except nitro_exception as e: msg = "nitro exception errorcode=%s, message=%s" % (str(e.errorcode), e.message) module.fail_json(msg=msg, **module_result) client.logout() module.exit_json(**module_result) if __name__ == "__main__": main()