#!/usr/bin/python # Copyright 2016 Google Inc. # GNU General Public License v3.0+ (see COPYING or https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.txt) from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function __metaclass__ = type DOCUMENTATION = ''' --- module: gcpubsub_info short_description: List Topics/Subscriptions and Messages from Google PubSub. description: - List Topics/Subscriptions from Google PubSub. Use the gcpubsub module for topic/subscription management. See U(https://cloud.google.com/pubsub/docs) for an overview. - This module was called C(gcpubsub_facts) before Ansible 2.9. The usage did not change. requirements: - "python >= 2.6" - "google-auth >= 0.5.0" - "google-cloud-pubsub >= 0.22.0" notes: - list state enables user to list topics or subscriptions in the project. See examples for details. author: - "Tom Melendez (@supertom) " options: topic: description: - GCP pubsub topic name. Only the name, not the full path, is required. required: False view: description: - Choices are 'topics' or 'subscriptions' required: True state: description: - list is the only valid option. required: False ''' EXAMPLES = ''' ## List all Topics in a project - gcpubsub_info: view: topics state: list ## List all Subscriptions in a project - gcpubsub_info: view: subscriptions state: list ## List all Subscriptions for a Topic in a project - gcpubsub_info: view: subscriptions topic: my-topic state: list ''' RETURN = ''' subscriptions: description: List of subscriptions. returned: When view is set to subscriptions. type: list sample: ["mysubscription", "mysubscription2"] topic: description: Name of topic. Used to filter subscriptions. returned: Always type: str sample: "mytopic" topics: description: List of topics. returned: When view is set to topics. type: list sample: ["mytopic", "mytopic2"] ''' try: from ast import literal_eval HAS_PYTHON26 = True except ImportError: HAS_PYTHON26 = False try: from google.cloud import pubsub HAS_GOOGLE_CLOUD_PUBSUB = True except ImportError as e: HAS_GOOGLE_CLOUD_PUBSUB = False from ansible.module_utils.basic import AnsibleModule from ansible_collections.community.general.plugins.module_utils.gcp import check_min_pkg_version, get_google_cloud_credentials def list_func(data, member='name'): """Used for state=list.""" return [getattr(x, member) for x in data] def main(): module = AnsibleModule(argument_spec=dict( view=dict(choices=['topics', 'subscriptions'], default='topics'), topic=dict(required=False), state=dict(choices=['list'], default='list'), service_account_email=dict(), credentials_file=dict(), project_id=dict(), ),) if module._name in ('gcpubsub_facts', 'community.general.gcpubsub_facts'): module.deprecate("The 'gcpubsub_facts' module has been renamed to 'gcpubsub_info'", version='2.13') if not HAS_PYTHON26: module.fail_json( msg="GCE module requires python's 'ast' module, python v2.6+") if not HAS_GOOGLE_CLOUD_PUBSUB: module.fail_json(msg="Please install google-cloud-pubsub library.") CLIENT_MINIMUM_VERSION = '0.22.0' if not check_min_pkg_version('google-cloud-pubsub', CLIENT_MINIMUM_VERSION): module.fail_json(msg="Please install google-cloud-pubsub library version %s" % CLIENT_MINIMUM_VERSION) mod_params = {} mod_params['state'] = module.params.get('state') mod_params['topic'] = module.params.get('topic') mod_params['view'] = module.params.get('view') creds, params = get_google_cloud_credentials(module) pubsub_client = pubsub.Client(project=params['project_id'], credentials=creds, use_gax=False) pubsub_client.user_agent = 'ansible-pubsub-0.1' json_output = {} if mod_params['view'] == 'topics': json_output['topics'] = list_func(pubsub_client.list_topics()) elif mod_params['view'] == 'subscriptions': if mod_params['topic']: t = pubsub_client.topic(mod_params['topic']) json_output['subscriptions'] = list_func(t.list_subscriptions()) else: json_output['subscriptions'] = list_func(pubsub_client.list_subscriptions()) json_output['changed'] = False json_output.update(mod_params) module.exit_json(**json_output) if __name__ == '__main__': main()