#!/usr/bin/python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Copyright: Ansible Project # GNU General Public License v3.0+ (see COPYING or https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.txt) from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function __metaclass__ = type DOCUMENTATION = r''' --- module: postgresql_user short_description: Create, alter, or remove a user (role) from a PostgreSQL server instance description: - Creates, alters, or removes a user (role) from a PostgreSQL server instance ("cluster" in PostgreSQL terminology) and, optionally, grants the user access to an existing database or tables. - A user is a role with login privilege. - You can also use it to grant or revoke user's privileges in a particular database. - You cannot remove a user while it still has any privileges granted to it in any database. - Set I(fail_on_user) to C(no) to make the module ignore failures when trying to remove a user. In this case, the module reports if changes happened as usual and separately reports whether the user has been removed or not. options: name: description: - Name of the user (role) to add or remove. type: str required: true aliases: - user password: description: - Set the user's password, before 1.4 this was required. - Password can be passed unhashed or hashed (MD5-hashed). - An unhashed password is automatically hashed when saved into the database if I(encrypted) is set, otherwise it is saved in plain text format. - When passing an MD5-hashed password, you must generate it with the format C('str["md5"] + md5[ password + username ]'), resulting in a total of 35 characters. An easy way to do this is C(echo "md5$(echo -n 'verysecretpasswordJOE' | md5sum | awk '{print $1}')"). - Note that if the provided password string is already in MD5-hashed format, then it is used as-is, regardless of I(encrypted) option. type: str db: description: - Name of database to connect to and where user's permissions are granted. type: str aliases: - login_db fail_on_user: description: - If C(yes), fails when the user (role) cannot be removed. Otherwise just log and continue. default: yes type: bool aliases: - fail_on_role priv: description: - "Slash-separated PostgreSQL privileges string: C(priv1/priv2), where you can define the user's privileges for the database ( allowed options - 'CREATE', 'CONNECT', 'TEMPORARY', 'TEMP', 'ALL'. For example C(CONNECT) ) or for table ( allowed options - 'SELECT', 'INSERT', 'UPDATE', 'DELETE', 'TRUNCATE', 'REFERENCES', 'TRIGGER', 'ALL'. For example C(table:SELECT) ). Mixed example of this string: C(CONNECT/CREATE/table1:SELECT/table2:INSERT)." type: str role_attr_flags: description: - "PostgreSQL user attributes string in the format: CREATEDB,CREATEROLE,SUPERUSER." - Note that '[NO]CREATEUSER' is deprecated. - To create a simple role for using it like a group, use C(NOLOGIN) flag. type: str choices: [ '[NO]SUPERUSER', '[NO]CREATEROLE', '[NO]CREATEDB', '[NO]INHERIT', '[NO]LOGIN', '[NO]REPLICATION', '[NO]BYPASSRLS' ] session_role: description: - Switch to session role after connecting. - The specified session role must be a role that the current login_user is a member of. - Permissions checking for SQL commands is carried out as though the session role were the one that had logged in originally. type: str state: description: - The user (role) state. type: str default: present choices: [ absent, present ] encrypted: description: - Whether the password is stored hashed in the database. - You can specify an unhashed password, and PostgreSQL ensures the stored password is hashed when I(encrypted=yes) is set. If you specify a hashed password, the module uses it as-is, regardless of the setting of I(encrypted). - "Note: Postgresql 10 and newer does not support unhashed passwords." - Previous to Ansible 2.6, this was C(no) by default. default: yes type: bool expires: description: - The date at which the user's password is to expire. - If set to C('infinity'), user's password never expires. - Note that this value must be a valid SQL date and time type. type: str no_password_changes: description: - If C(yes), does not inspect the database for password changes. Useful when C(pg_authid) is not accessible (such as in AWS RDS). Otherwise, makes password changes as necessary. default: no type: bool conn_limit: description: - Specifies the user (role) connection limit. type: int ssl_mode: description: - Determines how an SSL session is negotiated with the server. - See U(https://www.postgresql.org/docs/current/static/libpq-ssl.html) for more information on the modes. - Default of C(prefer) matches libpq default. type: str default: prefer choices: [ allow, disable, prefer, require, verify-ca, verify-full ] ca_cert: description: - Specifies the name of a file containing SSL certificate authority (CA) certificate(s). - If the file exists, verifies that the server's certificate is signed by one of these authorities. type: str aliases: [ ssl_rootcert ] groups: description: - The list of groups (roles) that you want to grant to the user. type: list elements: str comment: description: - Adds a comment on the user (equivalent to the C(COMMENT ON ROLE) statement). type: str version_added: '0.2.0' trust_input: description: - If C(no), checks whether values of options I(name), I(password), I(privs), I(expires), I(role_attr_flags), I(groups), I(comment), I(session_role) are potentially dangerous. - It makes sense to use C(no) only when SQL injections through the options are possible. type: bool default: yes version_added: '0.2.0' notes: - The module creates a user (role) with login privilege by default. Use C(NOLOGIN) I(role_attr_flags) to change this behaviour. - If you specify C(PUBLIC) as the user (role), then the privilege changes apply to all users (roles). You may not specify password or role_attr_flags when the C(PUBLIC) user is specified. - SCRAM-SHA-256-hashed passwords (SASL Authentication) require PostgreSQL version 10 or newer. On the previous versions the whole hashed string is used as a password. - 'Working with SCRAM-SHA-256-hashed passwords, be sure you use the I(environment:) variable C(PGOPTIONS: "-c password_encryption=scram-sha-256") (see the provided example).' - Supports ``check_mode``. seealso: - module: community.general.postgresql_privs - module: community.general.postgresql_membership - module: community.general.postgresql_owner - name: PostgreSQL database roles description: Complete reference of the PostgreSQL database roles documentation. link: https://www.postgresql.org/docs/current/user-manag.html - name: PostgreSQL SASL Authentication description: Complete reference of the PostgreSQL SASL Authentication. link: https://www.postgresql.org/docs/current/sasl-authentication.html author: - Ansible Core Team extends_documentation_fragment: - community.general.postgres ''' EXAMPLES = r''' - name: Connect to acme database, create django user, and grant access to database and products table community.general.postgresql_user: db: acme name: django password: ceec4eif7ya priv: "CONNECT/products:ALL" expires: "Jan 31 2020" - name: Add a comment on django user community.general.postgresql_user: db: acme name: django comment: This is a test user # Connect to default database, create rails user, set its password (MD5-hashed), # and grant privilege to create other databases and demote rails from super user status if user exists - name: Create rails user, set MD5-hashed password, grant privs community.general.postgresql_user: name: rails password: md59543f1d82624df2b31672ec0f7050460 role_attr_flags: CREATEDB,NOSUPERUSER - name: Connect to acme database and remove test user privileges from there community.general.postgresql_user: db: acme name: test priv: "ALL/products:ALL" state: absent fail_on_user: no - name: Connect to test database, remove test user from cluster community.general.postgresql_user: db: test name: test priv: ALL state: absent - name: Connect to acme database and set user's password with no expire date community.general.postgresql_user: db: acme name: django password: mysupersecretword priv: "CONNECT/products:ALL" expires: infinity # Example privileges string format # INSERT,UPDATE/table:SELECT/anothertable:ALL - name: Connect to test database and remove an existing user's password community.general.postgresql_user: db: test user: test password: "" - name: Create user test and grant group user_ro and user_rw to it community.general.postgresql_user: name: test groups: - user_ro - user_rw # Create user with a cleartext password if it does not exist or update its password. # The password will be encrypted with SCRAM algorithm (available since PostgreSQL 10) - name: Create appclient user with SCRAM-hashed password community.general.postgresql_user: name: appclient password: "secret123" environment: PGOPTIONS: "-c password_encryption=scram-sha-256" ''' RETURN = r''' queries: description: List of executed queries. returned: always type: list sample: ['CREATE USER "alice"', 'GRANT CONNECT ON DATABASE "acme" TO "alice"'] ''' import itertools import re import traceback from hashlib import md5, sha256 import hmac from base64 import b64decode try: import psycopg2 from psycopg2.extras import DictCursor except ImportError: # psycopg2 is checked by connect_to_db() # from ansible.module_utils.postgres pass from ansible.module_utils.basic import AnsibleModule from ansible_collections.community.general.plugins.module_utils.database import ( pg_quote_identifier, SQLParseError, check_input, ) from ansible_collections.community.general.plugins.module_utils.postgres import ( connect_to_db, get_conn_params, PgMembership, postgres_common_argument_spec, ) from ansible.module_utils._text import to_bytes, to_native, to_text from ansible.module_utils.six import iteritems import ansible_collections.community.general.plugins.module_utils.saslprep as saslprep try: # pbkdf2_hmac is missing on python 2.6, we can safely assume, # that postresql 10 capable instance have at least python 2.7 installed from hashlib import pbkdf2_hmac pbkdf2_found = True except ImportError: pbkdf2_found = False FLAGS = ('SUPERUSER', 'CREATEROLE', 'CREATEDB', 'INHERIT', 'LOGIN', 'REPLICATION') FLAGS_BY_VERSION = {'BYPASSRLS': 90500} SCRAM_SHA256_REGEX = r'^SCRAM-SHA-256\$(\d+):([A-Za-z0-9+\/=]+)\$([A-Za-z0-9+\/=]+):([A-Za-z0-9+\/=]+)$' VALID_PRIVS = dict(table=frozenset(('SELECT', 'INSERT', 'UPDATE', 'DELETE', 'TRUNCATE', 'REFERENCES', 'TRIGGER', 'ALL')), database=frozenset( ('CREATE', 'CONNECT', 'TEMPORARY', 'TEMP', 'ALL')), ) # map to cope with idiosyncracies of SUPERUSER and LOGIN PRIV_TO_AUTHID_COLUMN = dict(SUPERUSER='rolsuper', CREATEROLE='rolcreaterole', CREATEDB='rolcreatedb', INHERIT='rolinherit', LOGIN='rolcanlogin', REPLICATION='rolreplication', BYPASSRLS='rolbypassrls') executed_queries = [] class InvalidFlagsError(Exception): pass class InvalidPrivsError(Exception): pass # =========================================== # PostgreSQL module specific support methods. # def user_exists(cursor, user): # The PUBLIC user is a special case that is always there if user == 'PUBLIC': return True query = "SELECT rolname FROM pg_roles WHERE rolname=%(user)s" cursor.execute(query, {'user': user}) return cursor.rowcount > 0 def user_add(cursor, user, password, role_attr_flags, encrypted, expires, conn_limit): """Create a new database user (role).""" # Note: role_attr_flags escaped by parse_role_attrs and encrypted is a # literal query_password_data = dict(password=password, expires=expires) query = ['CREATE USER "%(user)s"' % {"user": user}] if password is not None and password != '': query.append("WITH %(crypt)s" % {"crypt": encrypted}) query.append("PASSWORD %(password)s") if expires is not None: query.append("VALID UNTIL %(expires)s") if conn_limit is not None: query.append("CONNECTION LIMIT %(conn_limit)s" % {"conn_limit": conn_limit}) query.append(role_attr_flags) query = ' '.join(query) executed_queries.append(query) cursor.execute(query, query_password_data) return True def user_should_we_change_password(current_role_attrs, user, password, encrypted): """Check if we should change the user's password. Compare the proposed password with the existing one, comparing hashes if encrypted. If we can't access it assume yes. """ if current_role_attrs is None: # on some databases, E.g. AWS RDS instances, there is no access to # the pg_authid relation to check the pre-existing password, so we # just assume password is different return True # Do we actually need to do anything? pwchanging = False if password is not None: # Empty password means that the role shouldn't have a password, which # means we need to check if the current password is None. if password == '': if current_role_attrs['rolpassword'] is not None: pwchanging = True # SCRAM hashes are represented as a special object, containing hash data: # `SCRAM-SHA-256$:$:` # for reference, see https://www.postgresql.org/docs/current/catalog-pg-authid.html elif current_role_attrs['rolpassword'] is not None \ and pbkdf2_found \ and re.match(SCRAM_SHA256_REGEX, current_role_attrs['rolpassword']): r = re.match(SCRAM_SHA256_REGEX, current_role_attrs['rolpassword']) try: # extract SCRAM params from rolpassword it = int(r.group(1)) salt = b64decode(r.group(2)) server_key = b64decode(r.group(4)) # we'll never need `storedKey` as it is only used for server auth in SCRAM # storedKey = b64decode(r.group(3)) # from RFC5802 https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc5802#section-3 # SaltedPassword := Hi(Normalize(password), salt, i) # ServerKey := HMAC(SaltedPassword, "Server Key") normalized_password = saslprep.saslprep(to_text(password)) salted_password = pbkdf2_hmac('sha256', to_bytes(normalized_password), salt, it) server_key_verifier = hmac.new(salted_password, digestmod=sha256) server_key_verifier.update(b'Server Key') if server_key_verifier.digest() != server_key: pwchanging = True except Exception: # We assume the password is not scram encrypted # or we cannot check it properly, e.g. due to missing dependencies pwchanging = True # 32: MD5 hashes are represented as a sequence of 32 hexadecimal digits # 3: The size of the 'md5' prefix # When the provided password looks like a MD5-hash, value of # 'encrypted' is ignored. elif (password.startswith('md5') and len(password) == 32 + 3) or encrypted == 'UNENCRYPTED': if password != current_role_attrs['rolpassword']: pwchanging = True elif encrypted == 'ENCRYPTED': hashed_password = 'md5{0}'.format(md5(to_bytes(password) + to_bytes(user)).hexdigest()) if hashed_password != current_role_attrs['rolpassword']: pwchanging = True return pwchanging def user_alter(db_connection, module, user, password, role_attr_flags, encrypted, expires, no_password_changes, conn_limit): """Change user password and/or attributes. Return True if changed, False otherwise.""" changed = False cursor = db_connection.cursor(cursor_factory=DictCursor) # Note: role_attr_flags escaped by parse_role_attrs and encrypted is a # literal if user == 'PUBLIC': if password is not None: module.fail_json(msg="cannot change the password for PUBLIC user") elif role_attr_flags != '': module.fail_json(msg="cannot change the role_attr_flags for PUBLIC user") else: return False # Handle passwords. if not no_password_changes and (password is not None or role_attr_flags != '' or expires is not None or conn_limit is not None): # Select password and all flag-like columns in order to verify changes. try: select = "SELECT * FROM pg_authid where rolname=%(user)s" cursor.execute(select, {"user": user}) # Grab current role attributes. current_role_attrs = cursor.fetchone() except psycopg2.ProgrammingError: current_role_attrs = None db_connection.rollback() pwchanging = user_should_we_change_password(current_role_attrs, user, password, encrypted) if current_role_attrs is None: try: # AWS RDS instances does not allow user to access pg_authid # so try to get current_role_attrs from pg_roles tables select = "SELECT * FROM pg_roles where rolname=%(user)s" cursor.execute(select, {"user": user}) # Grab current role attributes from pg_roles current_role_attrs = cursor.fetchone() except psycopg2.ProgrammingError as e: db_connection.rollback() module.fail_json(msg="Failed to get role details for current user %s: %s" % (user, e)) role_attr_flags_changing = False if role_attr_flags: role_attr_flags_dict = {} for r in role_attr_flags.split(' '): if r.startswith('NO'): role_attr_flags_dict[r.replace('NO', '', 1)] = False else: role_attr_flags_dict[r] = True for role_attr_name, role_attr_value in role_attr_flags_dict.items(): if current_role_attrs[PRIV_TO_AUTHID_COLUMN[role_attr_name]] != role_attr_value: role_attr_flags_changing = True if expires is not None: cursor.execute("SELECT %s::timestamptz;", (expires,)) expires_with_tz = cursor.fetchone()[0] expires_changing = expires_with_tz != current_role_attrs.get('rolvaliduntil') else: expires_changing = False conn_limit_changing = (conn_limit is not None and conn_limit != current_role_attrs['rolconnlimit']) if not pwchanging and not role_attr_flags_changing and not expires_changing and not conn_limit_changing: return False alter = ['ALTER USER "%(user)s"' % {"user": user}] if pwchanging: if password != '': alter.append("WITH %(crypt)s" % {"crypt": encrypted}) alter.append("PASSWORD %(password)s") else: alter.append("WITH PASSWORD NULL") alter.append(role_attr_flags) elif role_attr_flags: alter.append('WITH %s' % role_attr_flags) if expires is not None: alter.append("VALID UNTIL %(expires)s") if conn_limit is not None: alter.append("CONNECTION LIMIT %(conn_limit)s" % {"conn_limit": conn_limit}) query_password_data = dict(password=password, expires=expires) try: cursor.execute(' '.join(alter), query_password_data) changed = True except psycopg2.InternalError as e: if e.pgcode == '25006': # Handle errors due to read-only transactions indicated by pgcode 25006 # ERROR: cannot execute ALTER ROLE in a read-only transaction changed = False module.fail_json(msg=e.pgerror, exception=traceback.format_exc()) return changed else: raise psycopg2.InternalError(e) except psycopg2.NotSupportedError as e: module.fail_json(msg=e.pgerror, exception=traceback.format_exc()) elif no_password_changes and role_attr_flags != '': # Grab role information from pg_roles instead of pg_authid select = "SELECT * FROM pg_roles where rolname=%(user)s" cursor.execute(select, {"user": user}) # Grab current role attributes. current_role_attrs = cursor.fetchone() role_attr_flags_changing = False if role_attr_flags: role_attr_flags_dict = {} for r in role_attr_flags.split(' '): if r.startswith('NO'): role_attr_flags_dict[r.replace('NO', '', 1)] = False else: role_attr_flags_dict[r] = True for role_attr_name, role_attr_value in role_attr_flags_dict.items(): if current_role_attrs[PRIV_TO_AUTHID_COLUMN[role_attr_name]] != role_attr_value: role_attr_flags_changing = True if not role_attr_flags_changing: return False alter = ['ALTER USER "%(user)s"' % {"user": user}] if role_attr_flags: alter.append('WITH %s' % role_attr_flags) try: cursor.execute(' '.join(alter)) except psycopg2.InternalError as e: if e.pgcode == '25006': # Handle errors due to read-only transactions indicated by pgcode 25006 # ERROR: cannot execute ALTER ROLE in a read-only transaction changed = False module.fail_json(msg=e.pgerror, exception=traceback.format_exc()) return changed else: raise psycopg2.InternalError(e) # Grab new role attributes. cursor.execute(select, {"user": user}) new_role_attrs = cursor.fetchone() # Detect any differences between current_ and new_role_attrs. changed = current_role_attrs != new_role_attrs return changed def user_delete(cursor, user): """Try to remove a user. Returns True if successful otherwise False""" cursor.execute("SAVEPOINT ansible_pgsql_user_delete") try: query = 'DROP USER "%s"' % user executed_queries.append(query) cursor.execute(query) except Exception: cursor.execute("ROLLBACK TO SAVEPOINT ansible_pgsql_user_delete") cursor.execute("RELEASE SAVEPOINT ansible_pgsql_user_delete") return False cursor.execute("RELEASE SAVEPOINT ansible_pgsql_user_delete") return True def has_table_privileges(cursor, user, table, privs): """ Return the difference between the privileges that a user already has and the privileges that they desire to have. :returns: tuple of: * privileges that they have and were requested * privileges they currently hold but were not requested * privileges requested that they do not hold """ cur_privs = get_table_privileges(cursor, user, table) have_currently = cur_privs.intersection(privs) other_current = cur_privs.difference(privs) desired = privs.difference(cur_privs) return (have_currently, other_current, desired) def get_table_privileges(cursor, user, table): if '.' in table: schema, table = table.split('.', 1) else: schema = 'public' query = ("SELECT privilege_type FROM information_schema.role_table_grants " "WHERE grantee=%(user)s AND table_name=%(table)s AND table_schema=%(schema)s") cursor.execute(query, {'user': user, 'table': table, 'schema': schema}) return frozenset([x[0] for x in cursor.fetchall()]) def grant_table_privileges(cursor, user, table, privs): # Note: priv escaped by parse_privs privs = ', '.join(privs) query = 'GRANT %s ON TABLE %s TO "%s"' % ( privs, pg_quote_identifier(table, 'table'), user) executed_queries.append(query) cursor.execute(query) def revoke_table_privileges(cursor, user, table, privs): # Note: priv escaped by parse_privs privs = ', '.join(privs) query = 'REVOKE %s ON TABLE %s FROM "%s"' % ( privs, pg_quote_identifier(table, 'table'), user) executed_queries.append(query) cursor.execute(query) def get_database_privileges(cursor, user, db): priv_map = { 'C': 'CREATE', 'T': 'TEMPORARY', 'c': 'CONNECT', } query = 'SELECT datacl FROM pg_database WHERE datname = %s' cursor.execute(query, (db,)) datacl = cursor.fetchone()[0] if datacl is None: return set() r = re.search(r'%s\\?"?=(C?T?c?)/[^,]+,?' % user, datacl) if r is None: return set() o = set() for v in r.group(1): o.add(priv_map[v]) return normalize_privileges(o, 'database') def has_database_privileges(cursor, user, db, privs): """ Return the difference between the privileges that a user already has and the privileges that they desire to have. :returns: tuple of: * privileges that they have and were requested * privileges they currently hold but were not requested * privileges requested that they do not hold """ cur_privs = get_database_privileges(cursor, user, db) have_currently = cur_privs.intersection(privs) other_current = cur_privs.difference(privs) desired = privs.difference(cur_privs) return (have_currently, other_current, desired) def grant_database_privileges(cursor, user, db, privs): # Note: priv escaped by parse_privs privs = ', '.join(privs) if user == "PUBLIC": query = 'GRANT %s ON DATABASE %s TO PUBLIC' % ( privs, pg_quote_identifier(db, 'database')) else: query = 'GRANT %s ON DATABASE %s TO "%s"' % ( privs, pg_quote_identifier(db, 'database'), user) executed_queries.append(query) cursor.execute(query) def revoke_database_privileges(cursor, user, db, privs): # Note: priv escaped by parse_privs privs = ', '.join(privs) if user == "PUBLIC": query = 'REVOKE %s ON DATABASE %s FROM PUBLIC' % ( privs, pg_quote_identifier(db, 'database')) else: query = 'REVOKE %s ON DATABASE %s FROM "%s"' % ( privs, pg_quote_identifier(db, 'database'), user) executed_queries.append(query) cursor.execute(query) def revoke_privileges(cursor, user, privs): if privs is None: return False revoke_funcs = dict(table=revoke_table_privileges, database=revoke_database_privileges) check_funcs = dict(table=has_table_privileges, database=has_database_privileges) changed = False for type_ in privs: for name, privileges in iteritems(privs[type_]): # Check that any of the privileges requested to be removed are # currently granted to the user differences = check_funcs[type_](cursor, user, name, privileges) if differences[0]: revoke_funcs[type_](cursor, user, name, privileges) changed = True return changed def grant_privileges(cursor, user, privs): if privs is None: return False grant_funcs = dict(table=grant_table_privileges, database=grant_database_privileges) check_funcs = dict(table=has_table_privileges, database=has_database_privileges) changed = False for type_ in privs: for name, privileges in iteritems(privs[type_]): # Check that any of the privileges requested for the user are # currently missing differences = check_funcs[type_](cursor, user, name, privileges) if differences[2]: grant_funcs[type_](cursor, user, name, privileges) changed = True return changed def parse_role_attrs(cursor, role_attr_flags): """ Parse role attributes string for user creation. Format: attributes[,attributes,...] Where: attributes := CREATEDB,CREATEROLE,NOSUPERUSER,... [ "[NO]SUPERUSER","[NO]CREATEROLE", "[NO]CREATEDB", "[NO]INHERIT", "[NO]LOGIN", "[NO]REPLICATION", "[NO]BYPASSRLS" ] Note: "[NO]BYPASSRLS" role attribute introduced in 9.5 Note: "[NO]CREATEUSER" role attribute is deprecated. """ flags = frozenset(role.upper() for role in role_attr_flags.split(',') if role) valid_flags = frozenset(itertools.chain(FLAGS, get_valid_flags_by_version(cursor))) valid_flags = frozenset(itertools.chain(valid_flags, ('NO%s' % flag for flag in valid_flags))) if not flags.issubset(valid_flags): raise InvalidFlagsError('Invalid role_attr_flags specified: %s' % ' '.join(flags.difference(valid_flags))) return ' '.join(flags) def normalize_privileges(privs, type_): new_privs = set(privs) if 'ALL' in new_privs: new_privs.update(VALID_PRIVS[type_]) new_privs.remove('ALL') if 'TEMP' in new_privs: new_privs.add('TEMPORARY') new_privs.remove('TEMP') return new_privs def parse_privs(privs, db): """ Parse privilege string to determine permissions for database db. Format: privileges[/privileges/...] Where: privileges := DATABASE_PRIVILEGES[,DATABASE_PRIVILEGES,...] | TABLE_NAME:TABLE_PRIVILEGES[,TABLE_PRIVILEGES,...] """ if privs is None: return privs o_privs = { 'database': {}, 'table': {} } for token in privs.split('/'): if ':' not in token: type_ = 'database' name = db priv_set = frozenset(x.strip().upper() for x in token.split(',') if x.strip()) else: type_ = 'table' name, privileges = token.split(':', 1) priv_set = frozenset(x.strip().upper() for x in privileges.split(',') if x.strip()) if not priv_set.issubset(VALID_PRIVS[type_]): raise InvalidPrivsError('Invalid privs specified for %s: %s' % (type_, ' '.join(priv_set.difference(VALID_PRIVS[type_])))) priv_set = normalize_privileges(priv_set, type_) o_privs[type_][name] = priv_set return o_privs def get_valid_flags_by_version(cursor): """ Some role attributes were introduced after certain versions. We want to compile a list of valid flags against the current Postgres version. """ current_version = cursor.connection.server_version return [ flag for flag, version_introduced in FLAGS_BY_VERSION.items() if current_version >= version_introduced ] def get_comment(cursor, user): """Get user's comment.""" query = ("SELECT pg_catalog.shobj_description(r.oid, 'pg_authid') " "FROM pg_catalog.pg_roles r " "WHERE r.rolname = %(user)s") cursor.execute(query, {'user': user}) return cursor.fetchone()[0] def add_comment(cursor, user, comment): """Add comment on user.""" if comment != get_comment(cursor, user): query = 'COMMENT ON ROLE "%s" IS ' % user cursor.execute(query + '%(comment)s', {'comment': comment}) executed_queries.append(cursor.mogrify(query + '%(comment)s', {'comment': comment})) return True else: return False # =========================================== # Module execution. # def main(): argument_spec = postgres_common_argument_spec() argument_spec.update( user=dict(type='str', required=True, aliases=['name']), password=dict(type='str', default=None, no_log=True), state=dict(type='str', default='present', choices=['absent', 'present']), priv=dict(type='str', default=None), db=dict(type='str', default='', aliases=['login_db']), fail_on_user=dict(type='bool', default=True, aliases=['fail_on_role']), role_attr_flags=dict(type='str', default=''), encrypted=dict(type='bool', default=True), no_password_changes=dict(type='bool', default=False, no_log=False), expires=dict(type='str', default=None), conn_limit=dict(type='int', default=None), session_role=dict(type='str'), groups=dict(type='list', elements='str'), comment=dict(type='str', default=None), trust_input=dict(type='bool', default=True), ) module = AnsibleModule( argument_spec=argument_spec, supports_check_mode=True ) user = module.params["user"] password = module.params["password"] state = module.params["state"] fail_on_user = module.params["fail_on_user"] if module.params['db'] == '' and module.params["priv"] is not None: module.fail_json(msg="privileges require a database to be specified") privs = parse_privs(module.params["priv"], module.params["db"]) no_password_changes = module.params["no_password_changes"] if module.params["encrypted"]: encrypted = "ENCRYPTED" else: encrypted = "UNENCRYPTED" expires = module.params["expires"] conn_limit = module.params["conn_limit"] role_attr_flags = module.params["role_attr_flags"] groups = module.params["groups"] if groups: groups = [e.strip() for e in groups] comment = module.params["comment"] session_role = module.params['session_role'] trust_input = module.params['trust_input'] if not trust_input: # Check input for potentially dangerous elements: check_input(module, user, password, privs, expires, role_attr_flags, groups, comment, session_role) conn_params = get_conn_params(module, module.params, warn_db_default=False) db_connection = connect_to_db(module, conn_params) cursor = db_connection.cursor(cursor_factory=DictCursor) try: role_attr_flags = parse_role_attrs(cursor, role_attr_flags) except InvalidFlagsError as e: module.fail_json(msg=to_native(e), exception=traceback.format_exc()) kw = dict(user=user) changed = False user_removed = False if state == "present": if user_exists(cursor, user): try: changed = user_alter(db_connection, module, user, password, role_attr_flags, encrypted, expires, no_password_changes, conn_limit) except SQLParseError as e: module.fail_json(msg=to_native(e), exception=traceback.format_exc()) else: try: changed = user_add(cursor, user, password, role_attr_flags, encrypted, expires, conn_limit) except psycopg2.ProgrammingError as e: module.fail_json(msg="Unable to add user with given requirement " "due to : %s" % to_native(e), exception=traceback.format_exc()) except SQLParseError as e: module.fail_json(msg=to_native(e), exception=traceback.format_exc()) try: changed = grant_privileges(cursor, user, privs) or changed except SQLParseError as e: module.fail_json(msg=to_native(e), exception=traceback.format_exc()) if groups: target_roles = [] target_roles.append(user) pg_membership = PgMembership(module, cursor, groups, target_roles) changed = pg_membership.grant() or changed executed_queries.extend(pg_membership.executed_queries) if comment is not None: try: changed = add_comment(cursor, user, comment) or changed except Exception as e: module.fail_json(msg='Unable to add comment on role: %s' % to_native(e), exception=traceback.format_exc()) else: if user_exists(cursor, user): if module.check_mode: changed = True kw['user_removed'] = True else: try: changed = revoke_privileges(cursor, user, privs) user_removed = user_delete(cursor, user) except SQLParseError as e: module.fail_json(msg=to_native(e), exception=traceback.format_exc()) changed = changed or user_removed if fail_on_user and not user_removed: msg = "Unable to remove user" module.fail_json(msg=msg) kw['user_removed'] = user_removed if changed: if module.check_mode: db_connection.rollback() else: db_connection.commit() kw['changed'] = changed kw['queries'] = executed_queries module.exit_json(**kw) if __name__ == '__main__': main()