# Copyright (c) 2019, George Rawlinson # GNU General Public License v3.0+ (see LICENSES/GPL-3.0-or-later.txt or https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.txt) # SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later from __future__ import (absolute_import, division, print_function) __metaclass__ = type from ansible.module_utils.basic import AnsibleModule from ansible_collections.community.general.plugins.modules import pacman_key import pytest import json # path used for mocking get_bin_path() MOCK_BIN_PATH = '/mocked/path' # Key ID used for tests TESTING_KEYID = '14F26682D0916CDD81E37B6D61B7B526D98F0353' TESTING_KEYFILE_PATH = '/tmp/pubkey.asc' # gpg --{show,list}-key output (key present) GPG_SHOWKEY_OUTPUT = '''tru::1:1616373715:0:3:1:5 pub:-:4096:1:61B7B526D98F0353:1437155332:::-:::scSC::::::23::0: fpr:::::::::14F26682D0916CDD81E37B6D61B7B526D98F0353: uid:-::::1437155332::E57D1F9BFF3B404F9F30333629369B08DF5E2161::Mozilla Software Releases ::::::::::0: sub:e:4096:1:1C69C4E55E9905DB:1437155572:1500227572:::::s::::::23: fpr:::::::::F2EF4E6E6AE75B95F11F1EB51C69C4E55E9905DB: sub:e:4096:1:BBBEBDBB24C6F355:1498143157:1561215157:::::s::::::23: fpr:::::::::DCEAC5D96135B91C4EA672ABBBBEBDBB24C6F355: sub:e:4096:1:F1A6668FBB7D572E:1559247338:1622319338:::::s::::::23: fpr:::::::::097B313077AE62A02F84DA4DF1A6668FBB7D572E:''' # gpg --{show,list}-key output (key absent) GPG_NOKEY_OUTPUT = '''gpg: error reading key: No public key tru::1:1616373715:0:3:1:5''' # pacman-key output (successful invocation) PACMAN_KEY_SUCCESS = '''==> Updating trust database... gpg: next trustdb check due at 2021-08-02''' # expected command for gpg --list-keys KEYID RUN_CMD_LISTKEYS = [ MOCK_BIN_PATH, '--with-colons', '--batch', '--no-tty', '--no-default-keyring', '--keyring=/etc/pacman.d/gnupg/pubring.gpg', '--list-keys', TESTING_KEYID, ] # expected command for gpg --show-keys KEYFILE RUN_CMD_SHOW_KEYFILE = [ MOCK_BIN_PATH, '--with-colons', '--with-fingerprint', '--batch', '--no-tty', '--show-keys', TESTING_KEYFILE_PATH, ] # expected command for pacman-key --lsign-key KEYID RUN_CMD_LSIGN_KEY = [ MOCK_BIN_PATH, '--gpgdir', '/etc/pacman.d/gnupg', '--lsign-key', TESTING_KEYID, ] TESTCASES = [ # # invalid user input # # state: present, id: absent [ { 'state': 'present', }, { 'id': 'param_missing_id', 'msg': 'missing required arguments: id', 'failed': True, }, ], # state: present, required parameters: missing [ { 'state': 'present', 'id': '0xDOESNTMATTER', }, { 'id': 'param_missing_method', 'msg': 'state is present but any of the following are missing: data, file, url, keyserver', 'failed': True, }, ], # state: present, id: invalid (not full-length) [ { 'id': '0xDOESNTMATTER', 'data': 'FAKEDATA', }, { 'id': 'param_id_not_full', 'msg': 'key ID is not full-length: DOESNTMATTER', 'failed': True, }, ], # state: present, id: invalid (not hexadecimal) [ { 'state': 'present', 'id': '01234567890ABCDE01234567890ABCDE1234567M', 'data': 'FAKEDATA', }, { 'id': 'param_id_not_hex', 'msg': 'key ID is not hexadecimal: 01234567890ABCDE01234567890ABCDE1234567M', 'failed': True, }, ], # state: absent, id: absent [ { 'state': 'absent', }, { 'id': 'param_absent_state_missing_id', 'msg': 'missing required arguments: id', 'failed': True, }, ], # # check mode # # state & key present [ { 'state': 'present', 'id': TESTING_KEYID, 'data': 'FAKEDATA', '_ansible_check_mode': True, }, { 'id': 'checkmode_state_and_key_present', 'run_command.calls': [ ( RUN_CMD_LISTKEYS, {'check_rc': False}, ( 0, GPG_SHOWKEY_OUTPUT, '', ), ), ], 'changed': False, }, ], # state present, key absent [ { 'state': 'present', 'id': TESTING_KEYID, 'data': 'FAKEDATA', '_ansible_check_mode': True, }, { 'id': 'checkmode_state_present_key_absent', 'run_command.calls': [ ( RUN_CMD_LISTKEYS, {'check_rc': False}, ( 2, '', GPG_NOKEY_OUTPUT, ), ), ], 'changed': True, }, ], # state & key absent [ { 'state': 'absent', 'id': TESTING_KEYID, '_ansible_check_mode': True, }, { 'id': 'checkmode_state_and_key_absent', 'run_command.calls': [ ( RUN_CMD_LISTKEYS, {'check_rc': False}, ( 2, '', GPG_NOKEY_OUTPUT, ), ), ], 'changed': False, }, ], # state absent, key present [ { 'state': 'absent', 'id': TESTING_KEYID, '_ansible_check_mode': True, }, { 'id': 'check_mode_state_absent_key_present', 'run_command.calls': [ ( RUN_CMD_LISTKEYS, {'check_rc': False}, ( 0, GPG_SHOWKEY_OUTPUT, '', ), ), ], 'changed': True, }, ], # # normal operation # # state & key present [ { 'state': 'present', 'id': TESTING_KEYID, 'data': 'FAKEDATA', }, { 'id': 'state_and_key_present', 'run_command.calls': [ ( RUN_CMD_LISTKEYS, {'check_rc': False}, ( 0, GPG_SHOWKEY_OUTPUT, '', ), ), ], 'changed': False, }, ], # state absent, key present [ { 'state': 'absent', 'id': TESTING_KEYID, }, { 'id': 'state_absent_key_present', 'run_command.calls': [ ( RUN_CMD_LISTKEYS, {'check_rc': False}, ( 0, GPG_SHOWKEY_OUTPUT, '', ), ), ( [ MOCK_BIN_PATH, '--gpgdir', '/etc/pacman.d/gnupg', '--delete', TESTING_KEYID, ], {'check_rc': True}, ( 0, PACMAN_KEY_SUCCESS, '', ), ), ], 'changed': True, }, ], # state & key absent [ { 'state': 'absent', 'id': TESTING_KEYID, }, { 'id': 'state_and_key_absent', 'run_command.calls': [ ( RUN_CMD_LISTKEYS, {'check_rc': False}, ( 2, '', GPG_NOKEY_OUTPUT, ), ), ], 'changed': False, }, ], # state: present, key: absent, method: file [ { 'state': 'present', 'id': TESTING_KEYID, 'file': TESTING_KEYFILE_PATH, }, { 'id': 'state_present_key_absent_method_file', 'run_command.calls': [ ( RUN_CMD_LISTKEYS, {'check_rc': False}, ( 2, '', GPG_NOKEY_OUTPUT, ), ), ( RUN_CMD_SHOW_KEYFILE, {'check_rc': True}, ( 0, GPG_SHOWKEY_OUTPUT, '', ), ), ( [ MOCK_BIN_PATH, '--gpgdir', '/etc/pacman.d/gnupg', '--add', '/tmp/pubkey.asc', ], {'check_rc': True}, ( 0, PACMAN_KEY_SUCCESS, '', ), ), ( RUN_CMD_LSIGN_KEY, {'check_rc': True}, ( 0, PACMAN_KEY_SUCCESS, '', ), ), ], 'changed': True, }, ], # state: present, key: absent, method: file # failure: keyid & keyfile don't match [ { 'state': 'present', 'id': TESTING_KEYID, 'file': TESTING_KEYFILE_PATH, }, { 'id': 'state_present_key_absent_verify_failed', 'msg': 'key ID does not match. expected 14F26682D0916CDD81E37B6D61B7B526D98F0353, got 14F26682D0916CDD81E37B6D61B7B526D98F0354', 'run_command.calls': [ ( RUN_CMD_LISTKEYS, {'check_rc': False}, ( 2, '', GPG_NOKEY_OUTPUT, ), ), ( RUN_CMD_SHOW_KEYFILE, {'check_rc': True}, ( 0, GPG_SHOWKEY_OUTPUT.replace('61B7B526D98F0353', '61B7B526D98F0354'), '', ), ), ], 'failed': True, }, ], # state: present, key: absent, method: keyserver [ { 'state': 'present', 'id': TESTING_KEYID, 'keyserver': 'pgp.mit.edu', }, { 'id': 'state_present_key_absent_method_keyserver', 'run_command.calls': [ ( RUN_CMD_LISTKEYS, {'check_rc': False}, ( 2, '', GPG_NOKEY_OUTPUT, ), ), ( [ MOCK_BIN_PATH, '--gpgdir', '/etc/pacman.d/gnupg', '--keyserver', 'pgp.mit.edu', '--recv-keys', TESTING_KEYID, ], {'check_rc': True}, ( 0, ''' gpg: key 0x61B7B526D98F0353: 32 signatures not checked due to missing keys gpg: key 0x61B7B526D98F0353: public key "Mozilla Software Releases " imported gpg: marginals needed: 3 completes needed: 1 trust model: pgp gpg: depth: 0 valid: 1 signed: 0 trust: 0-, 0q, 0n, 0m, 0f, 1u gpg: Total number processed: 1 gpg: imported: 1 ''', '', ), ), ( RUN_CMD_LSIGN_KEY, {'check_rc': True}, ( 0, PACMAN_KEY_SUCCESS, '', ), ), ], 'changed': True, }, ], # state: present, key: absent, method: data [ { 'state': 'present', 'id': TESTING_KEYID, 'data': 'PGP_DATA', }, { 'id': 'state_present_key_absent_method_data', 'run_command.calls': [ ( RUN_CMD_LISTKEYS, {'check_rc': False}, ( 2, '', GPG_NOKEY_OUTPUT, ), ), ( RUN_CMD_SHOW_KEYFILE, {'check_rc': True}, ( 0, GPG_SHOWKEY_OUTPUT, '', ), ), ( [ MOCK_BIN_PATH, '--gpgdir', '/etc/pacman.d/gnupg', '--add', '/tmp/pubkey.asc', ], {'check_rc': True}, ( 0, PACMAN_KEY_SUCCESS, '', ), ), ( RUN_CMD_LSIGN_KEY, {'check_rc': True}, ( 0, PACMAN_KEY_SUCCESS, '', ), ), ], 'save_key_output': TESTING_KEYFILE_PATH, 'changed': True, }, ], ] @pytest.fixture def patch_get_bin_path(mocker): get_bin_path = mocker.patch.object( AnsibleModule, 'get_bin_path', return_value=MOCK_BIN_PATH, ) @pytest.mark.parametrize( 'patch_ansible_module, expected', TESTCASES, ids=[item[1]['id'] for item in TESTCASES], indirect=['patch_ansible_module'] ) @pytest.mark.usefixtures('patch_ansible_module') def test_operation(mocker, capfd, patch_get_bin_path, expected): # patch run_command invocations with mock data if 'run_command.calls' in expected: mock_run_command = mocker.patch.object( AnsibleModule, 'run_command', side_effect=[item[2] for item in expected['run_command.calls']], ) # patch save_key invocations with mock data if 'save_key_output' in expected: mock_save_key = mocker.patch.object( pacman_key.PacmanKey, 'save_key', return_value=expected['save_key_output'], ) # invoke module with pytest.raises(SystemExit): pacman_key.main() # capture std{out,err} out, err = capfd.readouterr() results = json.loads(out) # assertion time! if 'msg' in expected: assert results['msg'] == expected['msg'] if 'changed' in expected: assert results['changed'] == expected['changed'] if 'failed' in expected: assert results['failed'] == expected['failed'] if 'run_command.calls' in expected: assert AnsibleModule.run_command.call_count == len(expected['run_command.calls']) call_args_list = [(item[0][0], item[1]) for item in AnsibleModule.run_command.call_args_list] expected_call_args_list = [(item[0], item[1]) for item in expected['run_command.calls']] assert call_args_list == expected_call_args_list